63 research outputs found

    Peran Institusi Keagamaan di Maluku dalam Upaya Pemberantasan Korupsi

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    It is an anomaly in the life of the Moluccas’ society that the majority of people who committed the criminal act of corruption are considered as religious people. Besides, they are categorized as diligent, obedient and even fanatic adherent of their religions. The act of corruption is an act not only against the law but also against moral and spiritual values. This article explores the role of religious institutions in spreading moral and spiritual values to prevent Molucca’s people from committing corruption.This article used a qualitative method of both: fieldwork and textual study. For fieldwork, in-depth interview and observation are used to gather data from the prisoners, officers, and workers at the prison (Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIa) in Ambon. All the data are presented using descriptive analysis. The research shows that the role, function, and accountability of religious institutions in the Moluccas are very weak in preventing and eradicating the criminal act of corruption among the prisoners and the police officers, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and journalists who played along the criminal act of corruption. Those acts have violated their commitment to stand for justice for all people

    Penerapan Akuntansi Atas Pendapatan Berdasarkan PSAK No 23 Dan Ppn Pada PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk Witel Surabaya-madura

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan akuntansi atas pendapatan berdasarkan PSAK No 23 dan PPN pada PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk witel Suramadu. berdasarkan hasil berupa wawancara, dokumentasi, serta analisis yag dilakukan maka pada PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia dapat diketahui bahwa dalam hal penerapan akuntansi pendapatan meliputi pengakuan dan pengukuran sudah sesuai dengan PSAK No 23.. Dan dalam hal penerapan PPN meliputi pemungutan, pelaporan, dan penyetoran SPT Masa PPN telah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 42 Tahun 2009

    Orbital Mixer: Using Atomic Orbital Features for Basis Dependent Prediction of Molecular Wavefunctions

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    Leveraging ab initio data at scale has enabled the development of machine learning models capable of extremely accurate and fast molecular property prediction. A central paradigm of many previous works focuses on generating predictions for only a fixed set of properties. Recent lines of research instead aim to explicitly learn the electronic structure via molecular wavefunctions from which other quantum chemical properties can directly be derived. While previous methods generate predictions as a function of only the atomic configuration, in this work we present an alternate approach that directly purposes basis dependent information to predict molecular electronic structure. The backbone of our model, Orbital Mixer, uses MLP Mixer layers within a simple, intuitive, and scalable architecture and achieves competitive Hamiltonian and molecular orbital energy and coefficient prediction accuracies compared to the state-of-the-art

    The Retention of College Students Membership Based on Reliability and Tangibles of Service Quality on Fitness Center in Manado

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    The reasons why fitness is important for college students are to keep in shape and exercising, but for college students it can be an especially important part of their college years and their overall health, this research is to explore the effect of two important variables that according to author gives significant effect on retention of college students membership in fitness center Manado, the two variables are: reliability and tangibles. This research is tried to prove that the two variables are the most suitable variables to explain the retention on fitness center. Research method that had been used for this research is associated with multiple linear regression analysis technique. The population is college students in Manado, observed based on gender, age, marital status and income rate with sample as many as 100 respondents. The result of this research shows positive impact for these two variables which are reliability and tangibles generally give the significant influence for the customer retention for college students in Manado. This shows that the quality of service in the fitness center greatly affect a students decision to visit a fitness center. Company must improve their service quality to improve students intention to come in the fitness center. Keywords: customer retention, reliability, tangible

    A 2-terminal perovskite/silicon multijunction solar cell enabled by a silicon tunnel junction

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    With the advent of efficient high-bandgap metal-halide perovskite photovoltaics, an opportunity exists to make perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells. We fabricate a monolithic tandem by developing a silicon-based interband tunnel junction that facilitates majority-carrier charge recombination between the perovskite and silicon sub-cells. We demonstrate a 1 cm[superscript 2] 2-terminal monolithic perovskite/silicon multijunction solar cell with a V [subscript OC] as high as 1.65 V. We achieve a stable 13.7% power conversion efficiency with the perovskite as the current-limiting sub-cell, and identify key challenges for this device architecture to reach efficiencies over 25%.Bay Area Photovoltaic Consortium (Contract DE-EE0004946)United States. Dept. of Energy (Contract DE-EE0006707

    Atomistic Description of Ionic Diffusion in PEO-LiTFSI: Effect of Temperature, Molecular Weight, and Ionic Concentration

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    Understanding the ionic diffusion mechanism in polymer electrolytes is critical to the development of advanced lithium-ion batteries. We report here molecular dynamics-based characterization of structures and diffusion in poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) with lithium and bis(trifluoromethysulfonyl)imide (TFSI) ions imbedded into the PEO structure. We consider a range of temperatures (360–480 K), molecular weights (43, 22, 10, and 2 chains with 23, 45, 100, and 450 EO monomers, respectively), and ion concentrations (r = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, and 0.08 Li:EO) for which there is experimental data. The found dependence of the diffusion coefficients on these variables is in good agreement with experimental measurements. We then analyze how the diffusion performance depends on details of the atomistic diffusion mechanism, the motion of the Li and TFSI along the polymer chains and hopping between them, the role of polymer motion, the temperature dependence of the intrachain and interchain diffusion contributions to the total ionic diffusion coefficients, and how these depend on ionic concentration and molecular weight. The most diffusive Li atoms exhibit frequent interchain hopping, whereas the least diffusive Li atoms oscillate or “shift” between two or more polymer chains. These shifts may affect the segmental motion of the PEO–LiTFSI polymer that is expected to be important for fast lithium-ion diffusion. The excellent agreement between experiment and theory validates the approach and methodology used in this study, setting the stage for applying this methodology to predicting how to modify the polymer structure to increase ionic conductivity for a new generation of electrochemical materials


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    Pemerintah menerbitkan Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia (Inpres) Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Optimalisasi Penyelenggaraan Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas. Inpres yang dapat diakses pada laman JDIH Sekretariat Kabinet ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan memberdayakan serta memperkuat institusi keluarga melalui optimalisasi penyelenggaraan kampung keluarga berkualitas di setiap desa/kelurahan. Perkembangan kampung KB di propinsi Maluku cukup baik karena telah terbentuk kampung KB hampir di seluruh kabupaten/kota. Hal ini menjadi penting karena untuk meningkatkan keakuratan data kependudukan maka melalui kampung KB maka ketersediaan data penduduk akan semakin baik. Jumlah kampung KB di Propinsi Maluku sebanyak 400 dengan klasifikasi dasar sebanyak 83,29%, berkembang sebanyak 12,66%, mandiri sebanyak 0,75% dan berkelanjutan sebanyak 3,29%. Terlihat bahwa klasifikasi kampung KB pada kabupaten/kota penyebarannya belum seimbang. Perlu pendampingan kader kampung KB  supaya terus mengarah ke fase berikutnya. Program Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting (Dashat) diharapkan mampu mengubah pola perilaku masyarakat, dalam penyiapan gizi seimbang yang dimulai keluarga. Dashat sebagai program pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam upaya pemenuhan gizi seimbang

    Chalcogen-hyperdoped germanium for short-wavelength infrared photodetection

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    Obtaining short-wavelength-infrared (SWIR; 1.4 ÎŒm–3.0 ÎŒm) room-temperature photodetection in a low-cost, group IV semiconductor is desirable for numerous applications. We demonstrate a non-equilibrium method for hyperdoping germanium with selenium or tellurium for dopant-mediated SWIR photodetection. By ion-implanting Se or Te into Ge wafers and restoring crystallinity with pulsed laser melting induced rapid solidification, we obtain single crystalline materials with peak Se and Te concentrations of 1020 cm−3 (104 times the solubility limits). These hyperdoped materials exhibit sub-bandgap absorption of light up to wavelengths of at least 3.0 ÎŒm, with their sub-bandgap optical absorption coefficients comparable to those of commercial SWIR photodetection materials. Although previous studies of Ge-based photodetectors have reported a sub-bandgap optoelectronic response only at low temperature, we report room-temperature sub-bandgap SWIR photodetection at wavelengths as long as 3.0 ÎŒm from rudimentary hyperdoped Ge:Se and Ge:Te photodetectors
