55 research outputs found

    A koherencia mint a lelki és testi egészség alapvető meghatározója a mai magyar társadalomban = Sense of coherence as an important determinant of mental and physical health

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    Az ún. salutogenezis modell olyan keretet kínál, amelyben a koherencia élmény bevezetésével lehetőség nyílik az „egész”-ség dinamikus értelmezésére. Vizsgálatunkban a Richard Rahe-féle, az „élet értelme” koherencia kérdőív összefüggéseit vizsgáltuk az egészségi állapottal. A Hungarostudy 2002 felmérés a 18 évesnél idősebb magyar népességet életkor, nem és terület szerint képviseli. 12 640 személlyel vettünk fel otthoni interjút. Az így vizsgált koherencia mutatót az egészségi állapot igen fontos előrejelzőjének találtuk. Ha az adatokat életkor, nem és iskolázottság szerint korrigáltuk, az egészségi állapot önbecslése mintegy 10-szer, a munkaképesség 8-szor jobb, a depresszió valószínűsége 7-szer alacsonyabb volt. Az „élet értelme” mutató igen szoros kapcsolatban áll az önhatékonysággal, a problémaorientált megbirkózással, a társas támogatással, ezzel szemben kevésbé függ az iskolázottságtól, az életkortól és a nemtől

    Galanin-immunoreactivity identifies a distinct population of inhibitory interneurons in laminae I-III of the rat spinal cord

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    Background: Inhibitory interneurons constitute 30-40% of neurons in laminae I-III and have an important anti-nociceptive role. However, because of the difficulty in classifying them we know little about their organisation. Previous studies have identified 3 non-overlapping groups of inhibitory interneuron, which contain neuropeptide Y (NPY), neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) or parvalbumin, and have shown that these differ in postsynaptic targets. Some inhibitory interneurons contain galanin and the first aim of this study was to determine whether these form a different population from those containing NPY, nNOS or parvalbumin. We also estimated the proportion of neurons and GABAergic axons that contain galanin in laminae I-III. Results: Galanin cells were concentrated in laminae I-IIo, with few in laminae IIi-III. Galanin showed minimal co-localisation with NPY, nNOS or parvalbumin in laminae I-II, but most galanin-containing cells in lamina III were nNOS-positive. Galanin cells constituted similar to 7%, 3% and 2% of all neurons in laminae I, II and III, and we estimate that this corresponds to 26%, 10% and 5% of the GABAergic neurons in these laminae. However, galanin was only found in similar to 6% of GABAergic boutons in laminae I-IIo, and similar to 1% of those in laminae IIi-III. Conclusions: These results show that galanin, NPY, nNOS and parvalbumin can be used to define four distinct neurochemical populations of inhibitory interneurons. Together with results of a recent study, they suggest that the galanin and NPY populations account for around half of the inhibitory interneurons in lamina I and a quarter of those in lamina I

    Genome-wide association analysis reveals KCTD12 and miR-383-binding genes in the background of rumination

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    Ruminative response style is a passive and repetitive way of responding to stress, associated with several disorders. Although twin and candidate gene studies have proven the genetic underpinnings of rumination, no genome-wide association study (GWAS) has been conducted yet. We performed a GWAS on ruminative response style and its two subtypes, brooding and reflection, among 1758 European adults recruited in the general population of Budapest, Hungary, and Manchester, United Kingdom. We evaluated single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based, gene-based and gene set-based tests, together with inferences on genes regulated by our most significant SNPs. While no genome-wide significant hit emerged at the SNP level, the association of rumination survived correction for multiple testing with KCTD12 at the gene level, and with the set of genes binding miR-383 at the gene set level. SNP-level results were concordant between the Budapest and Manchester subsamples for all three rumination phenotypes. SNPlevel results and their links to brain expression levels based on external databases supported the role of KCTD12, SRGAP3, and SETD5 in rumination, CDH12 in brooding, and DPYSL5, MAPRE3, KCNK3, ATXN7L3B, and TPH2 in reflection, among others. The relatively low sample size is a limitation of our study. Results of the first GWAS on rumination identified genes previously implicated in psychiatric disorders underscoring the transdiagnostic nature of rumination, and pointed to the possible role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum in this cognitive process

    Live fast, die young? A review on the developmental trajectories of ADHD across the lifespan

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is highly heritable and the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in childhood. In recent decades, it has been appreciated that in a substantial number of cases the disorder does not remit in puberty, but persists into adulthood. Both in childhood and adulthood, ADHD is characterised by substantial comorbidity including substance use, depression, anxiety, and accidents. However, course and symptoms of the disorder and the comorbidities may fluctuate and change over time, and even age of onset in childhood has recently been questioned. Available evidence to date is poor and largely inconsistent with regard to the predictors of persistence versus remittance. Likewise, the development of comorbid disorders cannot be foreseen early on, hampering preventive measures. These facts call for a lifespan perspective on ADHD from childhood to old age. In this selective review, we summarise current knowledge of the long-term course of ADHD, with an emphasis on clinical symptom and cognitive trajectories, treatment effects over the lifespan, and the development of comorbidities. Also, we summarise current knowledge and important unresolved issues on biological factors underlying different ADHD trajectories. We conclude that a severe lack of knowledge on lifespan aspects in ADHD still exists for nearly every aspect reviewed. We encourage large-scale research efforts to overcome those knowledge gaps through appropriately granular longitudinal studies

    Synaptic Dysbindin-1 Reductions in Schizophrenia Occur in an Isoform-Specific Manner Indicating Their Subsynaptic Location

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    Background: An increasing number of studies report associations between variation in DTNBP1, a top candidate gene in schizophrenia, and both the clinical symptoms of the disorder and its cognitive deficits. DTNBP1 encodes dysbindin-1, reduced levels of which have been found in synaptic fields of schizophrenia cases. This study determined whether such synaptic reductions are isoform-specific. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using Western blotting of tissue fractions, we first determined the synaptic localization of the three major dysbindin-1 isoforms (A, B, and C). All three were concentrated in synaptosomes of multiple brain areas, including auditory association cortices in the posterior half of the superior temporal gyrus (pSTG) and the hippocampal formation (HF). Tests on the subsynaptic tissue fractions revealed that each isoform is predominantly, if not exclusively, associated with synaptic vesicles (dysbindin-1B) or with postsynaptic densities (dysbindin-1A and -1C). Using Western blotting on pSTG (n = 15) and HF (n = 15) synaptosomal fractions from schizophrenia cases and their matched controls, we discovered that synaptic dysbindin-1 is reduced in an isoform-specific manner in schizophrenia without changes in levels of synaptophysin or PSD-95. In pSTG, about 92% of the schizophrenia cases displayed synaptic dysbindin-1A reductions averaging 48% (p = 0.0007) without alterations in other dysbindin-1 isoforms. In the HF, by contrast, schizophrenia cases displayed normal levels of synaptic dysbindin-1A, but 67% showed synaptic reductions in dysbindin-1B averaging 33% (p = 0.0256), while 80% showed synaptic reductions in dysbindin-1C averaging 35% (p = 0.0171). Conclusions/Significance: Given the distinctive subsynaptic localization of dysbindin-1A, -1B, and -1C across brain regions, the observed pSTG reductions in dysbindin-1A are postsynaptic and may promote dendritic spine loss with consequent disruption of auditory information processing, while the noted HF reductions in dysbindin-1B and -1C are both presynaptic and postsynaptic and could promote deficits in spatial working memory

    Recommendations, guidelines, and best practice for the use of human induced pluripotent stem cells for neuropharmacological studies of neuropsychiatric disorders

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    The number of individuals suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders (NPDs) has increased worldwide, with 3 million disability-adjusted life-years calculated in 2019. Though research using various approaches including genetics, imaging, clinical and animal models has advanced our knowledge regarding NPDs, we still lack basic knowledge regarding the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. Moreover, there is an urgent need for highly effective therapeutics for NPDs i. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) generated from somatic cells enabled scientists to create brain cells in a patient-specific manner. However, there are challenges to the use of hiPSCs that need to be addressed. In the current paper, consideration of best practices for neuropharmacological and neuropsychiatric research using hiPSCs will be discussed. Specifically, we provide recommendations for best practice in patient recruitment, including collecting demographic, clinical, medical (before and after treatment and response), diagnostic (incl. scales) and genetic data from the donors. We highlight considerations regarding donor genetics and sex, in addition to discussing biological and technical replicates. Furthermore, we present our views on selecting control groups/lines, experimental designs, and considerations for conducting neuropharmacological studies using hiPSC-based models in the context of NPDs. In doing so, we explore key issues in the field concerning reproducibility, statistical analysis, and how to translate in vitro studies into clinically relevant observations. The aim of this article is to provide a key resource for hiPSC researchers to perform robust and reproducible neuropharmacological studies, with the ultimate aim of improving identification and clinical translation of novel therapeutic drugs for NPDs

    The EOD Sound Response in Weakly Electric Fish

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    1. A spontaneous EOD response to sound is described in two gymnotoids of the pulse Electric Organ Discharge (EOD) type, Hypopomus and Gymnotus, and in one mormyrid, Brienomyrus (Figs. 2-4). 2. In all three species, the EOD response to the sound onset was a transient EOD rate increase. In the low EOD rate Hypopomus (3-6 EODs/s at rest) the first, second, or third EOD interval following sound onset was significantly shorter than the average EOD interval before stimulation. The shortest latency found was 100 ms, the longest ca. 1.2 s. Gymnotus (around 50 EODs/s at rest) responded similarly, but the third interval after sound onset was the first to be affected even at highest intensities (shortest latencies approx. 60 ms; latencies >0.5 s at low sound intensities). In Brienomyrus (4-8 EODs/s at rest) the response occurred already at the first EOD interval after sound onset. 3. An EOD sound response was recorded in Hypoporous and in Gymnotus up to 5,000 Hz sound frequency (in one Gymnotus individual: up to 7,000 Hz). Due to technical limitations the low frequency limit of the response could not be exactly determined: the fishes responded well even below 100 Hz. Hypopomus had its maximum sensitivity around 500 Hz (Fig. 5), Gymnotus around 1,000 Hz (Fig. 6). 4. In all three species the EOD sound response was graded with sound intensity (Hypopomus: Fig. 7). 5. No EOD response to sound was found in two gymnotoids of the wave type, Eigenmannia and Apteronotus, and in the gymnotoid pulse fish Rhamphichthys. A criterion is proposed by which it should be possible to predict whether or not a weakly electric fish species will show the EOD sound response. 6. It is concluded that the EOD response to sound is similar to EOD responses to other kinds of stimulation (light, touch, vibration, food, and even electrical). The possible biological function is discussed