793 research outputs found

    Fibroma desmoplásico del hueso: aportación de un nuevo caso

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    Se presenta un caso de Fibroma Desmoplásico localizado en cuello femoral en un paciente adulto joven de 34 años, al cual se le practicó una resección amplia de la lesión y una reconstrucción por medio de un compuesto de aloinjerto intercalar proximal y prótesis total de cadera (aloprótesis). Un año después de la intervención no hay recidiva local de la lesión y se objetiva una buena incorporación del aloinjerto al huésped; con buena función de la cadera. Se revisa la literatura y se discuten algunas consideraciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas de la lesión.A case of Desmoplastic Fibroma of the Bone, located in the femoral neck, in a 34 year old male patient is reported. The tumor was treated by wide resection, the reconstruction beem performed with an allograft-prostheses composite. One year after surgery, there was no local recurrence and a good is incorporation of the allograft to the host was observed. The patient showed a good hip function. The literature is reviewed and diagnostic and therapeutic considerations are discussed

    Trasplante de homoinjertos valvulares cardiacos y vasculares

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    The advances in the manipulation of human tissues, the development of cryobiology, paediatric cardiac surgery, the impossibility of obtaining an ideal prosthetic cardiac valve and the surgical treatment of cardiovascular infections have revived interest in the use of homografts. The donors of these homografts can be: a) Live donors: aortic and pulmonary valve of the recipient of a heart transplant; b) Multiorgan donors with a diagnosis of death according to neurological criteria, whose heart is rejected for heart transplant; c) Cadaver donors with asystolia of less than 8 hours. Homograft cardiac valves are the substitute of choice in aortic valve endocarditis, patients with counter-indications for anticoagulation, reconstruction of the outflow tract of the right ventricle, aortic valve replacement in children and young adults through the Ross operation, and an optional indication is the aortic valve and/or rising aorta replacement in patients over 60 years of age. Although there are not sufficiently broad series of homogratfs with arterial substitutes, with respect to the number of patients and time of evolution, the results suggest that this can benefit patients with vascular infection, immunodepressed patients or complex patients whose technique during the operation might require a homograft

    Optimization of Planck/LFI on--board data handling

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    To asses stability against 1/f noise, the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) onboard the Planck mission will acquire data at a rate much higher than the data rate allowed by its telemetry bandwith of 35.5 kbps. The data are processed by an onboard pipeline, followed onground by a reversing step. This paper illustrates the LFI scientific onboard processing to fit the allowed datarate. This is a lossy process tuned by using a set of 5 parameters Naver, r1, r2, q, O for each of the 44 LFI detectors. The paper quantifies the level of distortion introduced by the onboard processing, EpsilonQ, as a function of these parameters. It describes the method of optimizing the onboard processing chain. The tuning procedure is based on a optimization algorithm applied to unprocessed and uncompressed raw data provided either by simulations, prelaunch tests or data taken from LFI operating in diagnostic mode. All the needed optimization steps are performed by an automated tool, OCA2, which ends with optimized parameters and produces a set of statistical indicators, among them the compression rate Cr and EpsilonQ. For Planck/LFI the requirements are Cr = 2.4 and EpsilonQ <= 10% of the rms of the instrumental white noise. To speedup the process an analytical model is developed that is able to extract most of the relevant information on EpsilonQ and Cr as a function of the signal statistics and the processing parameters. This model will be of interest for the instrument data analysis. The method was applied during ground tests when the instrument was operating in conditions representative of flight. Optimized parameters were obtained and the performance has been verified, the required data rate of 35.5 Kbps has been achieved while keeping EpsilonQ at a level of 3.8% of white noise rms well within the requirements.Comment: 51 pages, 13 fig.s, 3 tables, pdflatex, needs JINST.csl, graphicx, txfonts, rotating; Issue 1.0 10 nov 2009; Sub. to JINST 23Jun09, Accepted 10Nov09, Pub.: 29Dec09; This is a preprint, not the final versio

    Boulder exhumation and segregation by impacts on rubble-pile asteroids

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    Small asteroids are often considered to be rubble-pile objects, and such asteroids may be the most likely type of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) to pose a threat to Earth. However, impact cratering on such bodies is complex and not yet understood. We perform three low-velocity (≈ 400 m/s) impact experiments in granular targets with and without projectile-size boulders. We conducted SPH simulations that closely reproduced the impact experiments. Our results suggest that cratering on heterogeneous targets displaces and ejects boulders, rather than fragmenting them, unless directly hit. We also see indications that as long as the energy required to disrupt the boulder is small compared to the kinetic energy of the impact, the disruption of boulders directly hit by the projectile may have minimal effect on the crater size. The presence of boulders within the target causes ejecta curtains with higher ejection angles compared to homogeneous targets. At the same time, there is a segregation of the fine ejecta from the boulders, resulting in boulders landing at larger distances than the surrounding fine grained material. However, boulders located in the target near the maximum extent of the expanding excavation cavity are merely exhumed and distributed radially around the crater rim, forming ring patterns similar to the ones observed on asteroids Itokawa, Ryugu and Bennu. Altogether, on rubble-pile asteroids this process will redistribute boulders and finer-grained material heterogeneously, both areally around the crater and vertically in the regolith. In the context of a kinetic impactor on a rubble-pile asteroid and the DART mission, our results indicate that the presence of boulders will reduce the momentum transfer compared to a homogeneous, fine-grained target

    p73 deficiency results in impaired self renewal and premature neuronal differentiation of mouse neural progenitors independently of p53

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    10 p.-5 fig.The question of how neural progenitor cells maintain its self-renewal throughout life is a fundamental problem in cell biology with implications in cancer, aging and neurodegenerative diseases. In this work, we have analyzed the p73 function in embryonic neural progenitor cell biology using the neurosphere (NS)-assay and showed that p73-loss has a significant role in the maintenance of neurosphere-forming cells in the embryonic brain. A comparative study of NS from Trp73-/-, p53KO, p53KO;Trp73-/-and their wild-type counterparts demonstrated that p73 deficiency results in two independent, but related, phenotypes: a smaller NS size (related to the proliferation and survival of the neural-progenitors) and a decreased capacity to form NS (self-renewal). The former seems to be the result of p53 compensatory activity, whereas the latter is p53 independent. We also demonstrate that p73 deficiency increases the population of neuronal progenitors ready to differentiate into neurons at the expense of depleting the pool of undifferentiated neurosphere-forming cells. Analysis of the neurogenic niches demonstrated that p73-loss depletes the number of neural-progenitor cells, rendering deficient niches in the adult mice. Altogether, our study identifies TP73 as a positive regulator of self-renewal with a role in the maintenance of the neurogenic capacity. Thus, proposing p73 as an important player in the development of neurodegenerative diseases and a potential therapeutic target.This work was supported by Grants SAF2009- 07897 from Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (to MCM), Grant from Cajas de Ahorro de Castilla y León (to MCM), and Grants LE030A07 (to MMM) and LE015A10-2 (to MCM) from the Junta de Castilla y León.Peer reviewe

    Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Crohn's Rectovaginal Fistula

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    Therapeutic options for recto-vaginal fistula in the setting of Crohn's disease are limited and many data are available in the literature. The manuscript describes the history of a patient who has been the pioneer of our Clinical Trials in treating this disease in fistulizing Crohn's disease environment. We believe it is the first time that a patient with this disease has been treated by adipose-derived stem cells in allogeneic form. The conclusion of our study with Mary is that the use of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue is secure, either in autologous or allogeneic form. Furthermore, we have proved that if we use multi-dose and multiple applications on a patient, it does not produce any adverse effect, which confirms us the safety of using these cells in patients at least in the fistulizing Crohn's disease environment