958 research outputs found

    Variability and polarization in the inner jet of 3C395

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    We present new results on the parsec-scale jet of the quasar 3C395, derived from VLBI polarization sensitive observations made in 1995.91 and 1998.50 at 8.4, 15.4 and 22.2 GHz. The observations show a complex one-sided jet extending up to 20 mas, with a projected magnetic field essentially aligned with the radio jet. The emission is strongly dominated, in total intensity and polarization, by the core and the inner jet region (of ~3 mas length). We have studied the details of this dominant region finding clear structural variations during this ~2.5 years period, in contrast with the apparent quietness of the jet structure inferred from lower resolution VLBI observations. We observe the ejection of a new component from the core and variations in the degree of polarization of the inner jet components. We estimate a high Faraday Rotation Measure close to the core, with a strong decrease along the inner jet.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, A&A in pres

    Effect of energy deposition modelling in coupled steady state Monte Carlo neutronics/thermal hydraulics calculations

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    In coupled calculations with Monte Carlo neutronics and thermal hydraulics the Monte Carlo code is used to produce a power distribution which in practice means tallying the energy deposition. Usually the energy deposition is estimated by making a simple approximation that energy is deposited only in fission reactions. The goal of this work is to study how the accuracy of energy deposition modelling affects the results of steady state coupled calculations. For this task an internal coupling between Monte Carlo transport code Serpent 2 and subchannel code SUBCHANFLOW is used along with a recently implemented energy deposition treatment of Serpent 2. The new treatment offers four energy deposition modes each of which offers a different combination of accuracy and required computational time. As a test case, a 3D PWR fuel assembly is modelled with different energy deposition modes. The resulting effective multiplication factors are within 30 pcm. Differences of up to 100K are observed in the fuel temperatures

    Factors associated with severity of atopic dermatitis – a Finnish cross-sectional study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.Background: Severity-associated factors in atopic dermatitis (AD) have focussed on early onset, concomitant atopic diseases, markers of Th2-shifted inflammation and filaggrin mutations. Objectives: To investigate factors associated with severe AD in Finnish patients. Methods: We conducted a single-centre, cross-sectional observational study with 502 AD patients aged 4.79 to 79.90 years (mean 32.08 years). Disease severity was assessed with the Rajka–Langeland severity score and EASI and associated clinical signs were evaluated. Data regarding onset, relatives, atopic and other comorbidities was gathered retrospectively. We investigated total serum IgE-levels, a panel of filaggrin null mutations and functional variants of genes associated with skin barrier defects. Results: Factors more frequent in severe AD included early onset (P = 0.004, 95%CI 0.000–0.024), male sex (P = 0.002, 95%CI 0.000–0.11), history of smoking (P = 0.012, 95%CI 0.000–0.024), concomitant asthma (P = 0.001, 95%CI 0.000–0.011), palmar hyperlinearity (P = 0.013, 95%CI 0.014–0.059), hand dermatitis (P = 0.020, 95%CI 0.000–0.029) and history of contact allergy (P = 0.042, 95%CI 0.037–0.096). Body mass indices (P < 0.000, 95%CI 0.000–0.011) and total serum IgE-levels (P < 0.000, 95%CI 0.000–0.011) were higher in severe AD. No differences were observed for allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, food allergy, peanut allergy, prick positivity, keratosis pilaris, history of herpes simplex infections, filaggrin null mutations and other gene variants. Conclusions: Severity determinants in Finnish patients seem to be early-onset, male sex, smoking, overweight, concomitant asthma, palmar hyperlinearity, hand dermatitis and high IgE-levels. A sub-typing of patients in relation to confirmed severity determinants may be useful for course prediction, prognosis and targeted AD management.Peer reviewe

    Privacy and Identity Management. Data for Better Living: AI and Privacy

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    Yhteistyö esi- ja alkuopetuksen nivelvaiheessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä kandidaatin tutkielma toteutetaan kvalitatiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka on piirteeltään yleiskatsauksen omainen. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena pohjana toimii Bronfenbrennerin ekologinen teoria ja bioekologinen malli, jotka antavat tutkimuksellemme teoreettisen pohjan kouluun siirtymisestä ekologisena jatkumona. Bronfenbrennerin teoria antaa myös teoreettisia käsitteitä nivelvaiheen teoreettisessa jäsentämisessä ja sen tarkastelussa. Tutkimuksemme teoreettisia lähtökohtia täydennämme Hujalan kontekstuaalisen kasvun mallilla, joka antaa tutkimuksellemme laajemman käsityksen lapsen toimijuudesta nivelvaiheessa. Tutkimuksellamme pyrimme selvittämään, millaista yhteistyö on esi- ja alkuopetuksen nivelvaiheessa sekä ketkä ovat keskeisiä toimijoita esi- ja alkuopetuksen nivelvaiheen yhteistyössä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelemme nivelvaiheen yhteistyön eri muotoja kodin, koulun, esiopetuksen sekä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksemme keskeisimpänä tavoitteena on tuoda esiin yhteistyön merkitys esi- ja alkuopetuksen nivelvaiheessa. Tutkimuksessamme kuvaamme lapsen siirtymää esikoululaisesta koululaiseksi eri esiopetuskontekstien kautta yhteistyön näkökulmasta. Kuvaamme yhteistyötä esi-, alkuopetuksessa ja nivelvaiheessa sekä yhteistyön muutosta siirryttäessä esiopetuksesta alkuopetukseen. Käsittelemme tutkimuksessamme myös osallisuuden käsitettä yhteistyön näkökulmasta esi- ja alkuopetuksen nivelvaiheessa

    The Twin--Jet System in NGC 1052: VLBI-Scrutiny of the Obscuring Torus

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    NGC 1052 offers the possibility to study the obscuring torus around a supermassive black hole, predicted by the standard model of active galactic nuclei, over a wide range of wavelengths from the radio to the X-ray regime. We present a detailed VLBI study of the parsec-scale structure of the ``twin-jet'' system in NGC 1052 in both total and polarized intensity and at multiple frequencies. We report the detection of linearly polarized emission from the base of the eastern jet at 5 GHz. While the radio spectrum in this region might be still consistent with synchrotron self absorption, the highly inverted spectrum of the western jet base represents a clear sign of pronounced free-free absorption in a circumnuclear torus. We observe an abrupt change of the brightness temperature gradient at a distance of 0.2\sim 0.2 pc to 0.3 pc from the central engine. This might provide an observational signature of the edge of the central torus, where the transition from an external pressure-dominated jet regime to a more or less freely expanding jet takes place. We determine the absorbing column density towards the western jet core to be 2.2×1022\sim 2.2 \times 10^{22} cm2^{-2} in good agreement with the values derived from various X-ray observations. This suggests that the nuclear X-ray emission and the jet emission imaged by VLBI originate on the same scales.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, needs aa.cls, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, note that the resolution of figure 2 has been decreased in comparison to the journal versio