67 research outputs found

    Absorption cross sections of the ClO dimer

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    The absorption cross sections of the ClO dimer, ClOOCl, are important to the photochemistry of ozone depletion in the Antarctic. In this work, new measurements were made of the dimer cross sections at 195 K. the results yield somewhat lower values in the long wavelength region, compared to those currently recommended in the NASA data evaluation (JPL 94-26). The corresponding solar photodissociation rates in the Antarctic are reduced by about 40%

    Análisis del fenómeno de la expansividad de materiales en túneles construidos en anhidrita. Consecuencias y experiencias

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    Los graves problemas geotécnicos sucedidos en numerosos túneles europeos excavados en materiales que generan problemas de estabilidad, como consecuencia de su expansividad, los convierten en canalizadores de aguas. Estos materiales son fácilmente lavables al disolverse los sulfatos con el agua, provocando una decompresión y remoldeo del macizo, agravando y trasladando el problema más allá del inmediato entorno del túnel. En el caso particular de presencia de capas de anhidrita entre argilitas, además de la adopción de medidas de sostenimiento y revestimiento especiales, el sostenimiento primario y el revestimiento posterior deben ser excepcionalmente resistentes a las presiones que pueden llegar a transmitir el terreno a medio y largo plazo. En este artículo se describen los aspectos más relevantes de comportamiento hidromecánico de los suelos y las rocas sulfatadas y se presentan algunas experiencias, concluyendo sobre aspectos asociados al fenómeno de hinchamiento en túneles y su posible tratamiento

    Imaging Electronic Correlations in Twisted Bilayer Graphene near the Magic Angle

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    Twisted bilayer graphene with a twist angle of around 1.1{\deg} features a pair of isolated flat electronic bands and forms a strongly correlated electronic platform. Here, we use scanning tunneling microscopy to probe local properties of highly tunable twisted bilayer graphene devices and show that the flat bands strongly deform when aligned with the Fermi level. At half filling of the bands, we observe the development of gaps originating from correlated insulating states. Near charge neutrality, we find a previously unidentified correlated regime featuring a substantially enhanced flat band splitting that we describe within a microscopic model predicting a strong tendency towards nematic ordering. Our results provide insights into symmetry breaking correlation effects and highlight the importance of electronic interactions for all filling factors in twisted bilayer graphene.Comment: Main text 9 pages, 4 figures; Supplementary Information 25 page

    The “Historical Materials BAG”: A New Facilitated Access to Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Analyses for Cultural Heritage Materials at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

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    The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) has recently commissioned the new Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS). The gain in brightness as well as the continuous development of beamline instruments boosts the beamline performances, in particular in terms of accelerated data acquisition. This has motivated the development of new access modes as an alternative to standard proposals for access to beamtime, in particular via the “block allocation group” (BAG) mode. Here, we present the recently implemented “historical materials BAG”: a community proposal giving to 10 European institutes the opportunity for guaranteed beamtime at two X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) beamlines—ID13, for 2D high lateral resolution XRPD mapping, and ID22 for high angular resolution XRPD bulk analyses—with a particular focus on applications to cultural heritage. The capabilities offered by these instruments, the specific hardware and software developments to facilitate and speed-up data acquisition and data processing are detailed, and the first results from this new access are illustrated with recent applications to pigments, paintings, ceramics and wood

    International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the thirteenth generation

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    In December 2019, the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) Division V Working Group (V-MOD) adopted the thirteenth generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF). This IGRF updates the previous generation with a definitive main field model for epoch 2015.0, a main field model for epoch 2020.0, and a predictive linear secular variation for 2020.0 to 2025.0. This letter provides the equations defining the IGRF, the spherical harmonic coefficients for this thirteenth generation model, maps of magnetic declination, inclination and total field intensity for the epoch 2020.0, and maps of their predicted rate of change for the 2020.0 to 2025.0 time period

    Absorption cross sections of the ClO dimer

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    Detection of Ehrlichia phagocytophila DNA in Ixodes ricinus ticks from areas in Switzerland where tick-borne fever is endemic

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    A total of 1,523 adult Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected from regions where bovine ehrlichiosis is endemic and were examined for Ehrlichia phagocytophila via PCR. Of the ticks from cattle with ehrlichiosis, the ticks from healthy cattle, and the free-living ticks, 26.5% (18 of 68), 4.4% (35 of 802), and 0.8% (5 of 653), respectively, were positive