178 research outputs found

    Late cenozoic identation/escape tectonics in the eastern Betic Cordilleras and its consequences on the Iberian foreland

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    The structuration of the southeastern quarter of the Iberian Peninsula (eastern Betics and Iberian foreland), since Messinian time, was the result of a series of complex deformational events, as related to a major NNE-SSW sinistral shear zone disrupting the southeasternmost part of the Betic cordilleras (Trans-Alborán-Palomares shear zone; TAPSZ). Deformation along this shear zone was characterized by two differentiated and sequential scenarios: 1) periods of stress-build-up associated to momentary slip-obstruction along the TAPSZ, involving NW-directed indentation of the southeastern Iberian domain, and 2) periods of stress-release resulting from the lateral escape of wedge-shaped blocks, thus allowing full-scale strike-slip displacements along the TAPSZ. These events imposed compressional stress fields on the Iberian foreland, with a series of consequences such as alkaline volcanism in Calatrava and Cofrentes, protorift zones, changes in previous structural trends, localized uplift/doming processes, and changes in the sedimentary records of sorne basins.La estructuración del cuadrante SE de la Península Ibérica (Béticas orientales y antepaís Ibérico), desde el Messiniense hasta la actualidad, ha sido el resultado de una serie compleja de eventos deformativos, relacionados con la actividad de una megazona de cizalla NNE-SSO en el SE de las Cordilleras Béticas (zona de cizalla Trans-Alborán-Palomares; TAPSZ). La deformación a lo largo de esta zona de cizalla se caracteriza por dos escenarios secuenciales diferentes: 1) períodos de concentración de esfuerzos, asociados con un frenado momentáneo del movimiento a lo largo de la TAPSZ, y con procesos de identación dirigidos hacia el NO, y 2) períodos de disipación de esfuerzos, que serían el resultado del escape lateral de bloques en forma de cuña, y del movimiento transcurrente renovado a lo largo de la TAPSZ. Estos eventos han generado campos de esfuerzos en el antepaís Ibérico, con una serie de consecuencias tales como el vulcanismo alcalino de Calatrava y Cofrentes, zonas de protorift, modificaciones de directrices estructurales previas, levantamientos/abombamientos localizados, y cambios en el régimen sedimentario de algunas cuencas

    El cáncer de mama y su relación con los factores de riesgo modificables en mujeres de Armenia- Quindío

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    El cáncer de mama es el cáncer ginecológico más frecuente en mujeres en todo el mundo, con 1,67 millones de nuevos casos reportados. Existen factores de riesgo modificables, como la nuliparidad o la primiparidad luego de los treinta años, no haber lactado, utilizar terapia de reemplazo hormonal, consumo regular de bebidas alcohólicas, obesidad, inactividad física y consumo de tabaco.Objetivo: describir los factores de riesgo modificables en mujeres de Armenia y su relación con cáncer de mama.Metodología: estudio exploratorio con mujeres de una institución prestadora de salud (IPS) privada de Armenia, con cáncer de mama y que consultaron en el segundo semestre de 2013 previo consentimiento informado; se aplicó el instrumento Step V 2.1 previamente validado. Se realizó una prueba piloto, se utilizó la base de datos SPSS 19 y se hizo un análisis univariado y bivariado

    Late cenozoic identation/escape tectonics in the eastern Betic Cordilleras and its consequences on the Iberian foreland

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    13 páginas, 5 figuras.[ES] La estructuración del cuadrante SE de la Península Ibérica (Béticas orientales y antepaís Ibérico), desde el Messiniense hasta la actualidad, ha sido el resultado de una serie compleja de eventos deformativos, relacionados con la actividad de una megazona de cizalla NNE-SSO en el SE de las Cordilleras Béticas (zona de cizalla Trans-Alborán-Palomares; TAPSZ). La deformación a lo largo de esta zona de cizalla se caracteriza por dos escenarios secuenciales diferentes: 1) períodos de concentración de esfuerzos, asociados con un frenado momentáneo del movimiento a lo largo de la TAPSZ, y con procesos de identación dirigidos hacia el NO, y 2) períodos de disipación de esfuerzos, que serían el resultado del escape lateral de bloques en forma de cuña, y del movimiento transcurrente renovado a lo largo de la TAPSZ. Estos eventos han generado campos de esfuerzos en el antepaís Ibérico, con una serie de consecuencias tales como el vulcanismo alcalino de Calatrava y Cofrentes, zonas de protorift, modificaciones de directrices estructurales previas, levantamientos/abombamientos localizados, y cambios en el régimen sedimentario de algunas cuencas.[EN] The structuration of the southeastern quarter of the Iberian Peninsula (eastern Betics and Iberian foreland), since Messinian time, was the result of a series of complex deformational events, as related to a major NNE-SSW sinistral shear zone disrupting the southeasternmost part of the Betic cordilleras (Trans-Alborán-Palomares shear zone; TAPSZ). Deformation along this shear zone was characterized by two differentiated and sequential scenarios: 1) periods of stress-build-up associated to momentary slip-obstruction along the TAPSZ, involving NW-directed indentation of the southeastern Iberian domain, and 2) periods of stress-release resulting from the lateral escape of wedge-shaped blocks, thus allowing full-scale strike-slip displacements along the TAPSZ. These events imposed compressional stress fields on the Iberian foreland, with a series of consequences such as alkaline volcanism in Calatrava and Cofrentes, protorift zones, changes in previous structural trends, localized uplift/doming processes, and changes in the sedimentary records of sorne basins.Financial support was provided by the Dirección General de la Política Científica through Project n.O PB87-0372.Peer reviewe

    Developing a Model-Driven Reengineering Approach for Migrating PL/SQL Triggers to Java: A Practical Experience

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    ©2019. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Submitted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 151, May 2019. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2019.01.068.Model-driven software engineering (MDE) techniques are not only useful in forward engineering scenarios, but can also be successfully applied to evolve existing systems. RAD (Rapid Application Development) platforms emerged in the nineties, but the success of modern software technologies motivated that a large number of enterprises tackled the migration of their RAD applications, such as Oracle Forms. Our research group has collaborated with a software company in developing a solution to migrate PL/SQL monolithic code on Forms triggers and program units to Java code separated in several tiers. Our research focused on the model-driven reengineering process applied to develop the migration tool for the conversion of PL/SQL code to Java. Legacy code is represented in form of KDM (Knowledge-Discovery Metamodel) models. In this paper, we propose a software process to implement a model-driven re-engineering. This process integrates a TDD-like approach to incrementally develop model transformations with three kinds of validations for the generated code. The implementation and validation of the re-engineering approach are explained in detail, as well as the evaluation of some issues related with the application of MDE

    Tuning of Adaptive Weight Depth Map Generation Algorithms Exploratory Data Analysis and Design of Computer Experiments (DOCE)

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    In depth map generation algorithms, parameters settings to yield an accurate disparity map estimation are usually chosen empirically or based on un planned experiments -- Algorithms' performance is measured based on the distance of the algorithm results vs. the Ground Truth by Middlebury's standards -- This work shows a systematic statistical approach including exploratory data analyses on over 14000 images and designs of experiments using 31 depth maps to measure the relative inf uence of the parameters and to fine-tune them based on the number of bad pixels -- The implemented methodology improves the performance of adaptive weight based dense depth map algorithms -- As a result, the algorithm improves from 16.78% to 14.48% bad pixels using a classical exploratory data analysis of over 14000 existing images, while using designs of computer experiments with 31 runs yielded an even better performance by lowering bad pixels from 16.78% to 13

    Vitamin D Status in Hospitalized Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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    Background: The role of vitamin D status in COVID-19 patients is a matter of debate. Objectives: To assess serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) levels in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and to analyze the possible influence of vitamin D status on disease severity. Methods: Retrospective case-control study of 216 COVID-19 patients and 197 population-based controls. Serum 25OHD levels were measured in both groups. The association of serum 25OHD levels with COVID-19 severity (admission to the intensive care unit, requirements for mechanical ventilation, or mortality) was also evaluated. Results: Of the 216 patients, 19 were on vitamin D supplements and were analyzed separately. In COVID-19 patients, mean ± standard deviation 25OHD levels were 13.8 ± 7.2 ng/mL, compared with 20.9 ± 7.4 ng/mL in controls (P < .0001). 25OHD values were lower in men than in women. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 82.2% of COVID-19 cases and 47.2% of population-based controls (P < .0001). 25OHD inversely correlates with serum ferritin (P = .013) and D-dimer levels (P = .027). Vitamin D-deficient COVID-19 patients had a greater prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, raised serum ferritin and troponin levels, as well as a longer length of hospital stay than those with serum 25OHD levels ?20 ng/mL. No causal relationship was found between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 severity as a combined endpoint or as its separate components. Conclusions: 25OHD levels are lower in hospitalized COVID-19 patients than in population-based controls and these patients had a higher prevalence of deficiency. We did not find any relationship between vitamin D concentrations or vitamin deficiency and the severity of the disease.The Camargo Cohort Study was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/00762), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, which included FEDER funds from the EU

    Familial hypercholesterolaemia: A study of 36 cases with a phenotype of homozygous familiar hypercholesterolaemia

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    La hipercolesterolemia familiar homocigótica (HFHo) se caracteriza por niveles muy elevados de cLDL y por enfermedad aterosclerótica temprana. Aunque la frecuencia es baja (1/300.000), las complicaciones son muy severas y pueden ser evitadas. Encontrar y tratar esta población de manera temprana podría reducir la mortalidad. Se describen 36 casos en Colombia, en donde se calcula que haya entre 160 y 200 casos. Resultados Un total de 36 pacientes con fenotipo sugestivo de HFHo fueron identificados y tratados en un período de observación de cuatro años. La media de edad fue 27 años (24 mujeres). 34 pacientes tuvieron un puntaje según la Red de Clínicas de Lípidos de Holanda (RCLH) mayor de 8 (diagnóstico definitivo) y los restantes 2 tenían puntaje equivalente a diagnóstico probable. Un cuarto de los casos procedían de la costa norte colombiana. En las pruebas genéticas, 14 fueron homocigóticos verdaderos para mutación del gen que codifica para el receptor de LDL (LDLR), 12 heterocigóticos compuestos, 2 heterocigóticos dobles y uno autosómico recesivo (LDLRAP1); 5 pacientes fueron heterocigóticos simples (LDLR) y 2 pacientes no autorizaron la prueba. En los homocigóticos verdaderos, la variante más frecuente encontrada fue la c.11G>A. 14 pacientes cursaron con enfermedad coronaria, 9 con estenosis carotídea, 8 con estenosis aórtica y 2 tuvieron ataques cerebrovasculares (ACV). 34 pacientes recibían estatinas (24 rosuvastatina), 30 recibían ezetimibe, 2 recibían evolocumab y 20 recibían lomitapide (dosis promedio 12,7mg). Ninguno recibió aféresis de cLDL. Los medicamentos, en general, fueron bien tolerados y la reducción promedio de cLDL con la terapia fue de 533,7mg/dl a 245,1mg/dl (54%). Conclusiones Todos los pacientes recibieron tratamiento hipolipemiante y se encontraron alteraciones genéticas diagnósticas en todos aquellos que autorizaron el examen. Los niveles elevados de cLDL conllevan tanto riesgo que el tratamiento debe establecerse aún sin conocer el diagnóstico genético.Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) is characterized for very high levels of cLDL and early cardiovascular disease. Although incidence is low (1/300 000), complications are very severe and can be avoided. Finding and treating this population promptly could reduce mortality. We describe 36 cases in Colombia, where 160 to 200 cases are expected. Results 36 patients with phenotype of HoHF were identified and treated in a follow-up of 4 years. The mean age was 27 years (24 women). 34 of them had at least 8 points in the FH Dutch Lipid Clinic Criteria (definitive diagnosis) and two had probable diagnosis. A quarter of the cases came from the Colombian North Coast. In molecular tests, 14 were true homozygous for LDLR, 12 were compound heterozygous for LDLR, 2 double heterozygous and one was autosomal recessive; 5 were heterozygous and 2 patients did not authorized genetic test. In true homozygous subjects, the most frequent variant was c.11G>A. 14 patients had coronary disease, 9 carotid stenosis, 8 aortic stenosis and 2 had stroke. 34 patients were on statins (25 rosuvastatin), 30 were receiving ezetimibe, 2 were receiving a PSCK9 inhibitor (evolocumab) and 20 were on lomitapide with mean doses of 12.7mg. None received lipoprotein apheresis. Medications were very well tolerated. Changes in cLDL after therapy was from 533.7 mg/dL to 245 mg/dL, (54%). Conclusions Treatment was started in all patients. We found genetic mutations in all patients with genetic tests. The high levels of cLDL mean such a high risk that treatment must be started promptly, even without a genetic test

    Height and timing of growth spurt during puberty in young people living with vertically acquired HIV in Europe and Thailand.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe growth during puberty in young people with vertically acquired HIV. DESIGN: Pooled data from 12 paediatric HIV cohorts in Europe and Thailand. METHODS: One thousand and ninety-four children initiating a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor or boosted protease inhibitor based regimen aged 1-10 years were included. Super Imposition by Translation And Rotation (SITAR) models described growth from age 8 years using three parameters (average height, timing and shape of the growth spurt), dependent on age and height-for-age z-score (HAZ) (WHO references) at antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. Multivariate regression explored characteristics associated with these three parameters. RESULTS: At ART initiation, median age and HAZ was 6.4 [interquartile range (IQR): 2.8, 9.0] years and -1.2 (IQR: -2.3 to -0.2), respectively. Median follow-up was 9.1 (IQR: 6.9, 11.4) years. In girls, older age and lower HAZ at ART initiation were independently associated with a growth spurt which occurred 0.41 (95% confidence interval 0.20-0.62) years later in children starting ART age 6 to 10 years compared with 1 to 2 years and 1.50 (1.21-1.78) years later in those starting with HAZ less than -3 compared with HAZ at least -1. Later growth spurts in girls resulted in continued height growth into later adolescence. In boys starting ART with HAZ less than -1, growth spurts were later in children starting ART in the oldest age group, but for HAZ at least -1, there was no association with age. Girls and boys who initiated ART with HAZ at least -1 maintained a similar height to the WHO reference mean. CONCLUSION: Stunting at ART initiation was associated with later growth spurts in girls. Children with HAZ at least -1 at ART initiation grew in height at the level expected in HIV negative children of a comparable age

    Association between anthropometric indices and cardiometabolic risk factors in pre-school children

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    ABSTRACT: The world health organization (WHO) and the Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants- study (IDEFICS), released anthropometric reference values obtained from normal body weight children. This study examined the relationship between WHO [body mass index (BMI) and triceps- and subscapular-skinfolds], and IDEFICS (waist circumference, waist to height ratio and fat mass index) anthropometric indices with cardiometabolic risk factors in pre-school children ranging from normal body weight to obesity. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 232 children (aged 4.1 ± 0.05 years) was performed. Anthropometric measurements were collected and BMI, waist circumference, waist to height ratio, triceps- and subscapular-skinfolds sum and fat mass index were calculated. Fasting glucose, fasting insulin, homeostasis model analysis insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), blood lipids and apolipoprotein (Apo) B-100 (Apo B) and Apo A-I were determined. Pearson’s correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis were run. Results: 51 % (n = 73) of the boys and 52 % (n = 47) of the girls were of normal body weight, 49 % (n = 69) of the boys and 48 % (n = 43) of the girls were overweight or obese. Anthropometric indices correlated (p 0.68 to AUC < 0.76). Conclusions: WHO and IDEFICS anthropometric indices correlated similarly with fasting insulin and HOMA-IR. The diagnostic accuracy of the anthropometric indices as a proxy to identify children with insulin resistance was similar. These data do not support the use of waist circumference, waist to height ratio, triceps- and subscapular- skinfolds sum or fat mass index, instead of the BMI as a proxy to identify pre-school children with insulin resistance, the most frequent alteration found in children ranging from normal body weight to obesity