300 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Onsets and Frames Model with Additive Attention

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    Accepted in IJCNN 2021 Special Session S04. https://dr-costas.github.io/rlasmp2021-website/Accepted in IJCNN 2021 Special Session S04. https://dr-costas.github.io/rlasmp2021-website/Recent advances in automatic music transcription (AMT) have achieved highly accurate polyphonic piano transcription results by incorporating onset and offset detection. The existing literature, however, focuses mainly on the leverage of deep and complex models to achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy, without understanding model behaviour. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the Onsets-and-Frames AMT model, and pinpoint the essential components contributing to a strong AMT performance. This is achieved through exploitation of a modified additive attention mechanism. The experimental results suggest that the attention mechanism beyond a moderate temporal context does not benefit the model, and that rule-based post-processing is largely responsible for the SOTA performance. We also demonstrate that the onsets are the most significant attentive feature regardless of model complexity. The findings encourage AMT research to weigh more on both a robust onset detector and an effective post-processor

    Revisiting the onsets and frames model with additive attention

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    Recent advances in automatic music transcription (AMT) have achieved highly accurate polyphonic piano transcription results by incorporating onset and offset detection. The existing literature, however, focuses mainly on the leverage of deep and complex models to achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy, without understanding model behaviour. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the Onsets-and-Frames AMT model, and pinpoint the essential components contributing to a strong AMT performance. This is achieved through exploitation of a modified additive attention mechanism. The experimental results suggest that the attention mechanism beyond a moderate temporal context does not benefit the model, and that rule-based post-processing is largely responsible for the SOTA performance. We also demonstrate that the onsets are the most significant attentive feature regardless of model complexity. The findings encourage AMT research to weigh more on both a robust onset detector and an effective post-processor

    Quantity versus Quality: The Impact of Environmental Disclosures on the reputations of UK plcs

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    The theoretical framework of this paper integrates quality-signalling theory and the resource based view of the firm to test the differential effects of the quantity and quality of environmental disclosures on the firm’s environmental reputation. Uniquely, the study uses a quality-adjusted method of content analysis, so that sentences are not merely counted but also weighted to reflect their likely significance. Investments in research and development and diversification, as potential methods of enhancing of environmental reputation, are also considered. In doing so the paper complements and extends the work of Toms (2002). The results confirm the framework and models tested in the original paper on more recent data and also suggest that quality of environmental disclosure rather than mere quantity has a stronger effect on the creation of environmental reputation amongst executive and investor stakeholder groups. Research and development expenditure, and under certain circumstances, diversification, also add to reputation

    Als de batterij leegloopt

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    Mensen met een lage opleiding leven korter en hebben veel meer ziekten en beperkingen dan hoger opgeleiden. Dit komt onder meer door hun ongunstige leefstijl, maar ook door het werk en de vaak slechtere of zwaardere werkomstandigheden die lager opgeleiden hebben. Vaak hebben de werkenden niet in de gaten dat hun werkomstandigheden niet optimaal zijn. Maar ze ervaren wel dat hun gezondheid werkende weg minder wordt. Of ze overlijden op jongere leeftijd aan een ziekte waarvan niet is vastgesteld dat het door het werk komt. Werkenden die langdurig zijn blootgesteld aan gevaarlijke stoffen overlijden vaak aan een beroepsziekte zonder dat ze het door hebben. Er is heel weinig bekend over beroepsziekten door stoffen. Over bedrijfsongevallen is bijvoorbeeld veel meer bekend. Daar kan bij de preventie van beroepsziekten door gevaarlijke stoffen dan ook van geleerd worden. We introduceren daartoe het model van de organisatorische beroepsziekte. Dit model biedt inspiratie en handelingsopties voor de preventie van ziekten die ontstaan door de blootstelling aan gevaarlijke stoffen. Ten eerste door te investeren in informatie en kennis. Ten tweede door te investeren in de organisatie van bedrijven en de cultuur op de werkvloer. Ten derde door werknemers met een lage opleiding te helpen met een vriendelijk duwtje in de veilige richting. Want beroepsziekten pak je aan

    An HMM-Based Framework for Supporting Accurate Classification of Music Datasets

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    open3In this paper, we use Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coecients (MFCC) to build statistical models of classical music composers directly from the music datasets. Several musical pieces are divided by instruments (String, Piano, Chorus, Orchestra), and, for each instrument, statistical models of the composers are computed.We selected 19 dierent composers spanning four centuries by using a total number of 400 musical pieces. Each musical piece is classied as belonging to a composer if the corresponding HMM gives the highest likelihood for that piece. We show that the so-developed models can be used to obtain useful information on the correlation between the composers. Moreover, by using the maximum likelihood approach, we also classied the instrumentation used by the same composer. Besides as an analysis tool, the described approach has been used as a classier. This overall originates an HMM-based framework for supporting accurate classication of music datasets. On a dataset of String Quartet movements, we obtained an average composer classication accuracy of more than 96%. As regards instrumentation classication, we obtained an average classication of slightly less than 100% for Piano, Orchestra and String Quartet. In this paper, the most signicant results coming from our experimental assessment and analysis are reported and discussed in detail.openCuzzocrea, Alfredo; Mumolo, Enzo; Vercelli, GianniCuzzocrea, Alfredo; Mumolo, Enzo; Vercelli, Giann

    PEERS - an open science “Platform for the Exchange of Experimental Research Standards” in biomedicine

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    Funding The PEERS Consortium is currently funded by Cohen Veterans Bioscience Ltd and grants COH-0011 from Steven A. Cohen. Acknowledgements We would like to thank IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Natasja de Bruin, Philippe Chamiot-Clerc, Anja Gilis, Lieve Heylen, Martine Hofmann, Patricia Kabitzke, Isabel Lefevre, Janko Samardzic, Susanne Schiffmann and Guido Steiner for their valuable input and discussions during the conceptualization of PEERS and the initial phase of the project.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Studying model suspensions using high resolution synchrotron X-ray microtomography

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    The addition of minor quantities of secondary liquids to suspensions may lead to a transition from a fluid-like structure to paste-like structure for the system. Previous studies have shown how rheological properties such as viscosity and yield stress are affected, however, qualitative visual observation on the micro-scale during both short and long term storage has yet to be achieved or reported. This research focuses on the movement of a secondary immiscible liquid (water or saturated sucrose solution) when added to a model food system. The model food system used in this study is a suspension of sucrose particles in a continuous oil phase to better understand the interactions between the particles and the liquid phases present. This was accomplished using dynamic X-ray computer tomography to study the behaviour of the sample. This non-destructive approach allowed the movement of the secondary liquid as well as the solid particles from the bulk suspension to be monitored through a time lapse of scans. This was achieved by observing the changes in the grey scale range of the droplet with time, which was then correlated to the uptake and movement of sucrose into the secondary liquid using an innovative method. This movement was due to the hydrophilicity and solubility of sucrose with gravity/sedimentation playing a minimal role

    Vaccine-induced mucosal immunity to poliovirus: analysis of cohorts from an open-label, randomised controlled trial in Latin American infants.

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    BACKGROUND: Identification of mechanisms that limit poliovirus replication is crucial for informing decisions aimed at global polio eradication. Studies of mucosal immunity induced by oral poliovirus (OPV) or inactivated poliovirus (IPV) vaccines and mixed schedules thereof will determine the effectiveness of different vaccine strategies to block virus shedding. We used samples from a clinical trial of different vaccination schedules to measure intestinal immunity as judged by neutralisation of virus and virus-specific IgA in stools. METHODS: In the FIDEC trial, Latin American infants were randomly assigned to nine groups to assess the efficacy of two schedules of bivalent OPV (bOPV) and IPV and challenge with monovalent type 2 OPV, and stools samples were collected. We selected three groups of particular interest-the bOPV control group (serotypes 1 and 3 at 6, 10, and 14 weeks), the trivalent attenuated OPV (tOPV) control group (tOPV at 6, 10, and 14 weeks), and the bOPV-IPV group (bOPV at 6, 10, and 14 weeks plus IPV at 14 weeks). Neutralising activity and poliovirus type-specific IgA were measured in stool after a monovalent OPV type 2 challenge at 18 weeks of age. Mucosal immunity was measured by in-vitro neutralisation of a type 2 polio pseudovirus (PV2). Neutralisation titres and total and poliovirus-type-specific IgG and IgA concentrations in stools were assessed in samples collected before challenge and 2 weeks after challenge from all participants. FINDINGS: 210 infants from Guatemala and Dominican Republic were included in this analysis. Of 38 infants tested for mucosal antibody in the tOPV group, two were shedding virus 1 week after challenge, compared with 59 of 85 infants receiving bOPV (p<0·0001) and 53 of 87 infants receiving bOPV-IPV (p<0·0001). Mucosal type 2 neutralisation and type-specific IgA were noted primarily in response to tOPV. An inverse correlation was noted between virus shedding and both serum type 2 neutralisation at challenge (p<0·0001) and mucosal type 2 neutralisation at challenge (p<0·0001). INTERPRETATION: Mucosal type-2-specific antibodies can be measured in stool and develop in response to receipt of OPV type 2 either in the primary vaccine series or at challenge. These mucosal antibodies influence the amount of virus that is shed in an established infection. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation