197 research outputs found

    Ab initio equilibrium constants for H2O–H2O and H2O–CO2

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    Ab initio 6‐31G** electronic structure calculations have been used to determine the minimum energy geometries and vibrational frequencies of molecular clusters of water and carbon dioxide. Application of statistical thermodynamics leads to theoretical equilibrium constants for gas phase dimerization of water and the formation of an adduct of carbon dioxide with water.The low energy vibrations of the clusters lead to much larger contributions to the vibrational partitioning of the energy than do the fundamental vibrations of the monomeric species. A new ‘‘Harmonic‐Morse’’ formula is derived to estimate anharmonicity from optimized harmonic frequencies and two additional values on the potential surface for each vibration. These ab initiocalculations of equilibrium constants are very close to recent measurements and fall within the range of values obtained by other methods. This no‐parameter treatment gives excellent agreement for the equilibrium of H2O–CO2 near the supercritical fluid range of CO2 and suggests that a ‘‘Theory of Significant Clusters’’ may be extended to a model of supercritical fluids which includes the effects of anharmonicity

    THz absorption spectrum of the CO2–H2O complex: Observation and assignment of intermolecular van der Waals vibrations

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    Terahertz absorption spectra have been recorded for the weakly bound CO2-H2O complex embedded in cryogenic neon matrices at 2.8 K. The three high-frequency van der Waals vibrational transitions associated with out-of-plane wagging, in-plane rocking, and torsional motion of the isotopic H2O subunit have been assigned and provide crucial observables for benchmark theoretical descriptions of this systems' flat intermolecular potential energy surface. A (semi)-empirical value for the zero-point energy of 273 ± 15 cm(-1) from the class of intermolecular van der Waals vibrations is proposed and the combination with high-level quantum chemical calculations provides a value of 726 ± 15 cm(-1) for the dissociation energy D0

    Nano-Imprinted Thin Films of Reactive, Azlactone-Containing Polymers: Combining Methods for the Topographic Patterning of Cell Substrates with Opportunities for Facile Post-Fabrication Chemical Functionalization

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    Approaches to the fabrication of surfaces that combine methods for the topographic patterning of soft materials with opportunities for facile, post-fabrication chemical functionalization could contribute significantly to advances in biotechnology and a broad range of other areas. Here, we report methods that can be used to introduce well defined nano- and microscale topographic features to thin films of reactive polymers containing azlactone functionality using nanoimprint lithography (NIL). We demonstrate that NIL can be used to imprint topographic patterns into thin films of poly(2-vinyl-4,4- dimethylazlactone) and a copolymer of methyl methacrylate and 2-vinyl- 4,4-dimethylazlactone using silicon masters having patterns of grooves and ridges ranging in width from 400 nm to 2ÎŒm, demonstrating the potential f this method to transfer patterns to films of these reactive polymers over a range of feature sizes and densities. We demonstrate further that the azlactone functionality of these polymers survives temperatures and pressures associated with NIL, and that topographically patterned films can be readily functionalized post-fabrication by treatment of surface-accessible azlactone functionality with small molecules and polymers containing primary amines. The results of experiments in which NIH-3T3 cells were seeded onto films imprinted with lined patterns having a pitch of 4 demonstrated that cells attach and proliferate on these azlactone-containing films and that they align in the direction of the imprinted pattern. Finally, we demonstrate that the treatment of these materials with amine-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) can be used to create regions of topographically patterned films that prevent cell adhesion. The results of this study suggest approaches to the functionalization of topographically patterned surfaces with a broad range of chemical functionality (e.g., peptides, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.) of biotechnological interest. The ability to manipulate and define both the physical topography and chemical functionality of these reactive materials could provide opportunities to investigate the combined effects of substrate topography and chemical functionality on cell behavior and may also be useful in a broad range of other applications

    It’s the Combination: Scientific Data Review of the First Corn Silage to Bring Together Fiber and Starch Digestibility

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    This information was presented at the 2017 Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, organized by the Department of Animal Science In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. Softcover copies of the entire conference proceedings may be purchased at http://ansci.cals.cornell.edu/extension-outreach/adult-extension/dairy-management/order-proceedings-resources.A recent study compared a newly developed brown midrib 3 corn silage with floury endosperm to a conventional corn silage and a brown midrib 3 corn silage for high-producing Holstein cows. The combination of greater rumen fiber and starch fermentability of the new hybrid resulted in greater efficiency of solids-corrected milk production and milk nitrogen efficiency compared with the brown midrib and conventional hybrids

    Nano-Imprinted Thin Films of Reactive, Azlactone-Containing Polymers: Combining Methods for the Topographic Patterning of Cell Substrates with Opportunities for Facile Post-Fabrication Chemical Functionalization

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    Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to characterize changes in nanoscale structure that occur when ultrathin polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) are incubated in aqueous media. The PEMs investigated here were fabricated by the deposition of alternating layers of plasmid DNA and a hydrolytically degradable polyamine onto a precursor film composed of alternating layers of linear poly(ethylene imine) (LPEI) and sodium poly(styrene sulfonate) (SPS). Past studies of these materials in the context of gene delivery revealed transformations from a morphology that is smooth and uniform to one characterized by the formation of nanometer-scale particulate structures. We demonstrate that in-plane registration of LSCM and AFM images acquired from the same locations of films fabricated using fluorescently labeled polyelectrolytes allows the spatial distribution of individual polyelectrolyte species to be determined relative to the locations of topographic features that form during this transformation. Our results suggest that this physical transformation leads to a morphology consisting of a relatively less disturbed portion of film composed of polyamine and DNA juxtaposed over an array of particulate structures composed predominantly of LPEI and SPS. Characterization by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis provides additional support for this interpretation. The combination of these different microscopy techniques provides insight into the structures and dynamics of these multicomponent thin films that cannot be achieved using any one method alone, and could prove useful for the further development of these assemblies as platforms for the surface-mediated delivery of DNA

    The glacial geomorphology of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica

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    Reconstructing the response of present-day ice sheets to past global climate change is important for constraining and refining the numerical models which forecast future contributions of these ice sheets to sea-level change. Mapping landforms is an essential step in reconstructing glacial histories. Here we present a new map of glacial landforms and deposits on nunataks in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Nunataks are mountains or ridges that currently protrude through the ice sheet and may provide evidence that they have been wholly or partly covered by ice, thus indicating a formerly more extensive (thicker) ice sheet. The map was produced through a combination of mapping from Worldview satellite imagery and ground validation. The sub-metre spatial resolution of the satellite imagery enabled mapping with unprecedented detail. Ten landform categories have been mapped, and the landform distributions provide evidence constraining spatial patterns of a previously thicker ice sheet

    Continental weathering and recovery from ocean nutrient stress during the Early Triassic Biotic Crisis

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    Following the latest Permian extinction ∌252 million years ago, normal marine and terrestrial ecosystems did not recover for another 5-9 million years. The driver(s) for the Early Triassic biotic crisis, marked by high atmospheric CO2 concentration, extreme ocean warming, and marine anoxia, remains unclear. Here we constrain the timing of authigenic K-bearing mineral formation extracted from supergene weathering profiles of NW-Pangea by Argon geochronology, to demonstrate that an accelerated hydrological cycle causing intense chemical alteration of the continents occurred between ∌254 and 248 Ma, and continued throughout the Triassic period. We show that enhanced ocean nutrient supply from this intense continental weathering did not trigger increased ocean productivity during the Early Triassic biotic crisis, due to strong thermal ocean stratification off NW Pangea. Nitrogen isotope constraints suggest, instead, that full recovery from ocean nutrient stress, despite some brief amelioration ∌1.5 million years after the latest Permian extinction, did not commence until climate cooling revitalized the global upwelling systems and ocean mixing ∌10 million years after the mass extinction

    Ice surface changes during recent glacial cycles along the Jutulstraumen and Penck Trough ice streams in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica

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    Reconstructing past ice-sheet surface changes is key to testing and improving ice-sheet models. Data constraining the past behaviour of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet are sparse, limiting our understanding of its response to past, present and future climate change. Here, we report the first cosmogenic multi-nuclide (10Be, 26Al, 36Cl) data from bedrock and erratics on nunataks along the Jutulstraumen and Penck Trough ice streams in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Spanning elevations between 741 and 2394 m above sea level, the samples have apparent exposure ages between 2 ka and 5 Ma. The highest-elevation bedrock sample indicates (near-) continuous minimum exposure since the Pliocene, with a low apparent erosion rate of 0.15 ± 0.03 m Ma−1, which is similar to results from eastern Dronning Maud Land. In contrast to studies in eastern Dronning Maud Land, however, our data show clear indications of a thicker-than-present ice sheet within the last glacial cycle, with a thinning of ∌35–120 m during the Holocene (∌2–11 ka). Difficulties in separating suitable amounts of quartz from the often quartz-poor rock-types in the area, and cosmogenic nuclides inherited from exposure prior to the last deglaciation, prevented robust thinning estimates from elevational profiles. Nevertheless, the results clearly demonstrate ice-surface fluctuations of several hundred meters between the current grounding line and the edge of the polar plateau for the last glacial cycle, a constraint that should be considered in future ice-sheet model simulations

    Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway

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    Quantifying bedrock weathering rates under diverse climate conditions is essential to understanding timescales of landscape evolution. Yet, weathering rates are often difficult to constrain, and associating a weathered landform to a specific formative environment can be complicated by overprinting of successive processes and temporally varying climate. In this study, we investigate three sites between 59°N and 69°N along the Norwegian coast that display grussic saprolite, tafoni, and linear weathering grooves on diverse lithologies. These weathering phenomena have been invoked as examples of geomorphic archives predating Quaternary glaciations and consequently as indicators of minimal glacial erosion. Here we apply cosmogenic nuclide chronometry to assess the recent erosional history. Our results demonstrate that all three sites experienced sufficient erosion to remove most cosmogenic nuclides formed prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. This finding is inconsistent with preservation of surficial (<1–2 m) weathered landforms under non-erosive ice during the last glacial period, while simultaneously demonstrating that post-glacial weathering and erosion rates can be locally rapid (4–10 cm kyr−1) in cold temperate to subarctic coastal locations
