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    Parámetros genéticos de los caracteres morfológicos lineales de la raza caprina murciano-granadina y sus relaciones con otros caracteres funcionales

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    Linear appraisal systems (LAS) are effective strategies for systematically collecting zoometric information from animal populations. Traditionally applied LAS in goats was developed considering the variability and scales found in highly selected breeds. Implementing LAS may reduce time, personnel, and resource needs when performing zoometric large-scale collection. Moreover, selection for zoometrics defines individuals’ productive longevity, endurance, enhanced productive abilities, and consequently, long-term profitability. As a result, traditional LAS may no longer cover the different contexts of goat breeds widespread throughout the world, and departures from normality may be indicative of the different stages of selection at which a certain population can be found. In the first study, an evaluation of the distribution and symmetry properties of twenty-eight zoometric traits was developed. After symmetry analysis was performed, the scale readjustment proposal suggested specific strategies should be implemented such as scale reduction of lower or upper levels, determination of a setup moment to evaluate and collect information from young (up to 2 years) and adult bucks (over 2 years), the addition of upper categories in males due to upper values in the scale being incorrectly clustered together. Thus, the particular analysis of each variable permits determining specific strategies for each trait and serve as a model for other breeds, either selected or in terms of selection. The aim of the second study was to propose a method to optimize and validate LAS in opposition to traditional measuring protocols routinely implemented in Murciano-Granadina goats. The data sample consisted of 41323 LAS and traditional measuring records, belonging to 22727 herdbook registered primipara does, 17111 multipara does, and 1485 bucks. Each record comprised information on 17 linear traits for primipara and multipara does, and 10 traits for bucks. All zoometric parameters were scored on a 9-points scale. Cronbach’s alpha values suggested a high internal consistency of the optimized variable panel. Model fit, variability explanation power, and predictive power (MSE, AIC/AICc, and BIC, respectively) suggested a model comprising zoometric LAS scores performed better than traditional zoometry. Optimization procedures result in reduced models able to capture variability for dairy-related zoometric traits without noticeable detrimental effects on model validity properties. The third study aimed to perform a particular analysis of each variable that permits determining specific strategies for each trait and serves as a model for other breeds. Among the strategies proposed are the reduction/readjustment of the levels in the scale as it happens for limb-related traits, the extension of the scale as it occurs in the stature of males, or the subdivision of the scale used in males into two categories, bucks younger than two years and bucks of two years old and older. Murciano- Granadina goat breed has drifted towards better dairy-linked conformation traits but without losing the grounds of the zoometric basis which confers it with enhanced adaptability to the environment. Hence, such strategies can help to achieve a better understanding of the momentum of selection for dairy-linked zoometric traits in Murciano-Granadina population and their future evolution to enhance the profitability and efficiency of breeding plans. The objective of the fourth study was to evaluate the progress of heritabilities of the traits comprising the linear appraisal system in the Murciano-Granadina breed during the complete decade from December 2011 to December 2021. The estimated values for heritability were obtained from multivariate analyzes using the BLUP methodology and MTDFREML software. For 2021 heritabilities, a simple animal model was applied to records collected from 22727 primiparous goats and 17111 multiparous goats belonging to 85 herds. The model included the linear and quadratic and linear components of the covariates age and days in milk, respectively. The fixed effects considered in the model were herd, reproductive status, calving month, and herd/year interaction. The animal was considered as a random effect. The variables studied included five characteristics related to structure and capacity, two traits related to dairy structure, six related to the mammary system, and three related to legs and feet. The heritabilities for structure and capacity characters progressed from 0.22 to 0.28 including non-convergent variables in June 2012 to values between 0.10 and 0.41 with all variables converging in June 2021. Heritabilities for dairy structure progressed from 0.18 with nonconvergent variables in 2011 to 0.17 to 0.25 in 2021. Heritabilities for mammary system traits progressed from 0.12 to 0, 27 with non-convergent variables in 2012 to between 0.10 and 0.41 in 2021. For legs and feet, heritabilities progressed from 0.16 to 0.17 with non-convergent variables to 0.09 a 0.22. Genetic progress is not only evident in heritability values, but there has been a notable reduction in the standard error of heritabilities from 0.1000 (0.080-0.120) to 0.000 (0.000-0.001) from 2011 to 2021. These results provide evidence of the enhancement in the effectiveness and precision of the linear qualification system applied during the past decade and its successful integration into the breeding program of the Murciano- Granadina breed. The fifth study estimates genetic and phenotypic parameters for zoometric/LAS traits in Murciano-Granadina goats, estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations among all traits, and to determine whether major area selection would be appropriate or if adaptability strategies may need to be followed. Heritability estimates for the zoometric/LAS traits were low to high, ranging from 0.09 to 0.43 and the accuracy of estimation has improved after decades rendering standard errors negligible. Scale inversion of specific traits may need to be performed before major areas selection strategies are implemented. Genetic and phenotypic correlations suggest that negative selection against thicker bones and higher rear insertion heights, indirectly results in the optimization of selection practices in the rest of the traits, especially of those in the structure and capacity and mammary system major areas. The integration and implementation of the strategies proposed within Murciano-Granadina breeding program maximize selection opportunities and the sustainable international competitiveness of the Murciano- Granadina goat in the dairy goat breed panorama. The objective of the sixth study was to develop a discriminant canonical analysis (DCA) tool that permits outlining the role of the individual haplotypes of each component of the casein complex (αS1, β, αS2, and κ-casein) on zoometrics/linear appraisal breeding values. The relationship of the predicted breeding value for 17 zoometric/Linear appraisal traits and αS1, β, αS2, and κ-casein genes haplotypic sequences was assessed. Results suggest that, although a lack of significant differences (P>0.05) was reported across the predictive breeding values of zoometric/linear appraisal traits for αS1, αS2 and κ casein, significant differences were found for β Casein (P0,05) en los valores de cría predichos de los rasgos de zoometría/calificación lineal para la αS1, αS2 y κ-caseína, se encontraron diferencias significativas para la β-caseína (P<0,05), respectivamente. La presencia de secuencias haplotípicas de β-caseína GAGACCCC, GGAACCCC, GGAACCTC, GGAATCTC, GGGACCCC, GGGATCTC y GGGGCCCC, vinculadas a combinaciones diferenciales de mayores cantidades de leche de mayor calidad en términos de su composición, también puede estar relacionada con una mayor valoración zoométrica/lineal de la predicción de los valores de cría. La selección debe realizarse con cuidado, dado que la consideración de animales aparentemente deseables que presentan la secuencia haplotípica GGGATCCC en el gen de la β- caseína, debido a sus valores genéticos predichos positivos para ciertos rasgos de zoometría/calificación lineal, como la altura de la inserción trasera, la calidad ósea , la inserción anterior, la profundidad de ubre, la vista lateral de patas traseras y la vista trasera de patas traseras pueden conducir a una selección indirecta frente al resto de rasgos de zoometría/calificación lineal y a su vez conducir a una selección ineficiente hacia un tipo morfotipo lechero óptimo en cabras Murciano-Granadina. Por el contrario, la consideración de animales que presentan la secuencia haplotípica GGAACCCC implica también considerar animales que aumentan el potencial genético para todos los rasgos de zoometría/calificación lineal, haciéndolos así recomendables como reproductores. La información derivada de los presentes análisis mejorará la selección de individuos reproductores que busquen un tipo lechero bastante deseable, a través de la determinación de las secuencias haplotípicas que presentan en el locus β-caseína. Todos estos estudios persiguen la obtención de un conocimiento más profundo de los caracteres morfológicos lineales de la raza caprina Murciano-Granadina y sus relaciones con otras características funcionales. Esto sienta las bases para estrategias de normalización y mejora de la capacidad productiva y el morfotipo lechero de la cabra Murciano-Granadina y ayudará a alcanzar su consolidación competitiva en el panorama caprino lechero internacional

    The group of strong Galois objects associated to a cocommutative Hopf quasigroup

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    Let H be a cocommutative faithfully flat Hopf quasigroup in a strict symmetric monoidal category with equalizers. In this paper we introduce the notion of (strong) Galois H-object and we prove that the set of isomorphism classes of (strong) Galois H-objects is a (group) monoid which coincides, in the Hopf algebra setting, with the Galois group of H-Galois objects introduced by Chase and Sweedler

    Sporadic oral angiomyolipoma : Case report

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    Angiomyolipoma (AML) is a rare, benign tumour composed of a variable proportion of lipocytes, smooth muscle and thick-walled blood vessels. AML is part of a family of tumours arising from perivascular epithelioid cells (PEComas), and many cases are associated with tuberous sclerosis, with the kidney being the most frequent site involved. We report a case of sporadic AML in the hard palate of a 52-year-old male, an extremely unusual location for this tumour. Differentiation from other benign and malignant oral mesenchymal lesions depends on recognition of the three histologic components, and immunohistochemical techniques may be helpful. AML occurring in the head and neck do not express HMB-45, an antibody that identifies immature melanosomes, conversely to the usual immunopositivity shown in AMLs from kidney and liver, suggesting that there are differences among them. A wide surgical excision is considered curative, as this tumour usually behaves in a benign fashion