126 research outputs found
Belleza traicionada: la teorĆa estĆ©tica y el desconocimiento del arte
Estudio sobre la Belleza traicionada: la teorĆa estĆ©tica y el desconocimiento del art
The Implication of Images in the Revival of Aesthetics
Contemporary aesthetic theory is embedded in a culture dominated by images, and so would seem to require a reversal of Plato's critique of image-making. In adopting this stance, aesthetic theory follows in the footsteps of Nietzsche, whose own project was conceived as a reversal of Platonism. But the critique of Plato that underpins these views is based on a tradition that has misconstrued some of Plato's fundamental ideas. For this reason, the standard critique of Platonism is ineffective as a critical response to the culture of images. Aesthetic theory needs instead to produce a critique of the contemporary image-world based on the view that it emerges from a transformation in the paradigm of production. Images are no longer merely a part of the world that is produced, but themselves have a crucial role in the process of production
Hegemonija v estetski teoriji
The notion of Ā»hegemonyĀ« appears in the work of Antonio Gramsci as a means to avoid the reductivism to which Ā»economisticĀ« versions of Marxist political thought had tended. More recent versions of Marxism - most notably as exemplified in Louis Althusser's theory of Ā»interpellationĀ« - modify the Gramscian notion of hegemony so as to theorize the means by which subjects are produced by the state's Ā»ideological apparatusesĀ« (ISA's). But any attempt to shift from the theory of the state and of subject-formation to the aesthetic field nonetheless incurs the risk that the notion of Ā»hegemonyĀ« may produce the very sort of reductivism that Gramsci hoped to avoid. Indeed, it may restrict the ability to explain the counter-hegemonic elements of the aesthetic field. How can we avoid this limitation? Kant's appeal to the power of sensuous particulars to resist subsumption under universals presents a starting point for thinking about the counter-hegemonic potential of art, though Kant's notion is viable only if elaborated in such way as (1) to account for the pleasure and pain assoPojem hegemonije se pojavlja v delu Antonia Gramscija kot sredstvo, s katerim seje mogoÄe ogniti redukcionizmu, h kateremu so se nagibale Ā»ekonomistiÄneĀ« verzije marksistiÄne politiÄne misli. Bolj sodobne razliÄice marksizma - kot na primer teorija Ā»interpelacijeĀ« Louisa Althusserja - modificirajo gramscijevski pojem hegemonije tako, da teoretizirajo sredstva, s katerimi ideoloÅ”ki aparati države (IAD) proizvajajo subjekte. A vsak poskus premakniti se od teorije države in oblikovanja subjektov na estetsko polje vseeno prinaÅ”a tveganje, da bi pojem Ā»hegemonijeĀ« proizvedel prav tisto vrsto redukcionizma, ki se mu je Gramsci poskuÅ”al ogniti. Morda bi celo omejil sposobnost razložiti protihegemone elemente estetskega polja. Kako se tej omejitvi lahko ognemo? Kantov poziv k moÄi Äutnih partikularnosti, ki se upira subsumiranju pod univerzalije, predstavlja izhodiÅ”Äno toÄko za razmiÅ”ljanje o protihegemonem potencialu umetnosti, Äeprav je Kantov pojem smiseln samo, Äe je razvit tako, da (1) razloži ugodje in neugodje, ki sta povezana z izkuÅ”njo teh partikularnosti, in (2) prepozna ugodje in neugodje kot toÄki, v katerih je subjekt odprt temu, Äesar ni mogoÄe doloÄiti vnaprej. Ko se estetski subjekt loÄi od subjekta spoznanja (znanosti) in moralnosti (delovanja), si tako zasluži možnost zasesti protihegemono pozicijo. Kar zadeva estetsko Ā»poljeĀ«, ne konstituira popolnoma oblikovanega podroÄja, ki bi bilo Äisto loÄeno od znanosti in delovanja, ampak ponuja protipodobo logike, po kateri se zdita dominantna ali Ā»hegemonaĀ«
RomantiÄna politika in revolucionarna umetnost
This paper looks at avant-garde movements in 20th century art in relation to the romantic desire for a radical transformation of society by aesthetic means. The author argues that the avant-gardes carried forward a romantic project whose roots can be traced back at least as far as Schillerās letters āOn the Aesthetic Education of Mankind,ā and that in spite of claims of radically new aesthetic departures, these movements did not fundamentally break with this dimension of romanticism. This is particularly apparent in many of the avant-garde manifestos, which appropriate a sub-genre whose origins are overtly political. In recent decades critics have been on guard against the parallel risks involved in the āaestheticization of politics.ā It has widely been observed that power often works by thralldom and that the spectacle was one of fascismās preferred means of persuasion. The rhetoric of the manifesto is spectacular in its own way, but poses a more difficult case: neither the fact of its association with emancipatory ideals nor a pedigree that derives from the writings of Marx and Engels proved sufficient to defend it against appropriation for authoritarian aims. The reason, I suggest, is that the manifesto took art outside of history; it carried a version of the romantic hope that an artist-class could transform the world where the working class had not. In conclusion, I propose that while the manifesto has long ceased to serve as a viable form for the expression of aesthetic or political views, we have yet to imagine a set of goals that could replace its romantic political hopes.Razprava povezuje avantgardna gibanja v dvajsetem stoletju z romantiÄno željo po radikalni transformaciji družbe z estetskimi sredstvi. Avtor dokazuje, da so avantgarde peljale naprej romantiÄni projekt, katerega koreninam lahko sledimo najmanj do Schillerjevih pisem O estetski vzgoji Äloveka, in da kljub zahtevam o radikalno novih estetskih usmeritvah ta gibanja niso temeljno prelomila z omenjeno razsežnostjo romantike. To je posebej oÄitno v Å”tevilnih avantgardnih manifestih, ki so si prisvojili podzvrst, katere izvori so oÄitno politiÄni. V minulih desetletjih so se kritiki varovali pred vzporednim tveganjem, povezanim z Ā»estetizacijo politikeĀ«. Pojavilo se je sploÅ”no spoznanje, da moÄ pogosto deluje prek suženjstva in da je bil spektakel eno od priljubljenih faÅ”istiÄnih sredstev prepriÄevanja. Retorika manifesta je spektakularna na sebi lasten naÄin, toda zastavlja težji primer: niti dejstvo njegove zveze z emancipatornimi ideali niti njegov izvor v Marxovih in Engelsovih spisih se nista izkazala zadostnega, da bi ga branila pred prisvojitvijo za avtoritarne cilje. Menim, da je razlog ta, da je manifest popeljal umetnost zunaj zgodovine; prinaÅ”al je razliÄico romantiÄnega upanja, da bi umetniÅ”ki razred lahko spremenil svet, kjer ga delavski razred ni. V zakljuÄku predlagam, da medtem ko je manifest že dolgo nazaj prenehal služiti kot živa forma za izražanje estetskih ali politiÄnih pogledov, si moramo vendarle zamisliti vrsto ciljev, ki bi lahko nadomestili njegove romantiÄne politiÄne upe
Heidegger, Adorno in vztrajanje romanticizma
There are reasons to believe that the history of art, from romanticism to the present day, bears out Hegel's remark that art is a Ā»thing of the past.Ā« Arguments that now Ā»anything goesĀ« (A. Danto) provide theoretical grounds that support this view. But both Heidegger and Adorno suggest how Hegel's argument can yield constructive insights into art's critical capacities, even as its distance from non-art appears to vanish. Heidegger and Adorno are heirs of Hegel's romanticism, and while located intellectually within modernism both reveal how modernism is itself a continuation of romanticism. Salient points of contact between Adorno and Heidegger and also their differences, can be grasped in terms of shared romantic roots. To think of art as having a critical or disclosive power is a transformation of romantic expressivism. The conviction that art is embodied meaning and irreducible to its material elements is a development of Hegel's notion of spirit. Assessing the extent to which postmodern theory confronts or ignores these questions can also clarify its ties to romanticism.Obstajajo razlogi za prepriÄanje, da zgodovina umetnosti od romantike do danaÅ”njih dni potrjuje Heglovo opazko, daje umetnost Ā»stvar preteklostiĀ«. Trditve, po katerih zdaj velja Ā»anything goesĀ« (A. Danto), zagotavljajo teoretske podlage, ki podpirajo ta pogled. Toda tako Hei-degger kot Adorno opozarjata, da Heglova izjava lahko dopuÅ”Äa konstruktivne vpoglede v kritiÄne zmožnosti umetnosti, Äeprav se zdi, da njena razlika od ne-umetnosti izginja. Heidegger in Adorno sta dediÄa Heglove romantike in Äetudi sta intelektualno umeÅ”Äena v znotraj modernizma, oba razkrivata kako je sam modernizem nadaljevanje romantike. Glavne stiÄne toÄke med Adornom in Heideggeijem in tudi njune razlike je mogoÄe zapopasti v izrazih skupnih romantiÄnih korenin. MiÅ”ljenje, po katerem ima umetnost kritiÄno ali izpovedno moÄ, je preobrazba romantiÄnega ekspresivizma. PrepriÄanje, daje umetnost uteleÅ”enje pomena in nezvedljiva na njene materialne elemente, predstavlja razvoj Heglovega pojma duha. DoloÄitev obsega, do katerega se postmoderna teorija sooÄa s temi vpraÅ”anji ali se zanje ne meni, lahko osvetli tudi njene vezi z romantiko
Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the breast: diagnostic agreement and impact on outcome
The classification of breast neuroendocrine neoplasms (Br-NENs) was modified many times over the years and is still a matter of discussion. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the diagnostic reproducibility and impact on patient outcomes of the most recent WHO 2019 edition of breast tumor classification, namely, for neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). This multicentric observational study included 287 breast neoplasms with NE differentiation. The cases were blindly classified by three independent groups of dedicated breast and/or endocrine pathologists following the 2019 guidelines. Diagnostic concordance and clinical impact were assessed. We observed only a moderate overall diagnostic agreement across the three centers (Cohenās kappa 0.4532) in distinguishing NET from solid papillary carcinomas (SPCs) and no special type carcinomas (NST) with NE differentiation. Br-NENs were diagnosed in 122/287 (42.5%) cases, subclassified as 11 NET G1 (3.8%), 84 NET G2 (29.3%), and 27 NEC (9.4%), the latter group consisting of 26 large-cell and 1 small-cell NECs. The remaining 165/287 (57.5%) cases were labeled as non-NEN, including SPC, mucinous, NST, and mixed NE carcinomas. While NET and non-NEN cases had a comparable outcome, the diagnosis of NECs showed negative impact on disease-free interval compared to NETs and non-NENs (p = 0.0109). In conclusion, the current diagnostic classification of Br-NENs needs further adjustments regarding morphological and immunohistochemical criteria to increase the diagnostic reproducibility among pathologists. Our data suggest that, apart from high-grade small- and large-cell NECs, Br-NENs behave like non-NEN breast carcinomas and should be managed similarly
The experience of admission to psychiatric hospital among Chinese adult patients in Hong Kong
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The paper reports on a study to evaluate the psychometric properties and cultural appropriateness of the Chinese translation of the Admission Experience Survey (AES).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The AES was translated into Chinese and back-translated. Content validity was established by focus groups and expert panel review. The Chinese version of the Admission Experience Survey (C-AES) was administered to 135 consecutively recruited adult psychiatric patients in the Castle Peak Hospital (Hong Kong SAR, China) within 48 hours of admission. Construct validity was assessed by comparing the scores from patients admitted voluntarily versus patients committed involuntarily, and those received physical or chemical restraint versus those who did not. The relationship between admission experience and psychopathology was examined by correlating C-AES scores with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Spearman's item-to-total correlations of the C-AES ranged from 0.50 to 0.74. Three factors from the C-AES were extracted using factor analysis. Item 12 was omitted because of poor internal consistency and factor loading. The factor structure of the Process Exclusion Scale (C-PES) corresponded to the English version, while some discrepancies were noted in the Perceived Coercion Scale (C-PCS) and the Negative Pressure Scale (C-NPS). All subscales had good internal consistencies. Scores were significantly higher for patients either committed involuntarily or subjected to chemical or physical restrain, independent on severity of psychotic symptoms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Chinese AES is a psychometrically sound instrument assessing the three different aspects of the experience of admission, namely "negative pressure, "process exclusion" and "perceived coercion". The potential of C-AES in exploring subjective experience of psychiatric admission and effects on treatment adherence should be further explored.</p
3D flow in the venom channel of a spitting cobra: do the ridges in the fangs act as fluid guide vanes?
The spitting cobra Naja pallida can eject its venom towards an offender from a distance of up to two meters. The aim of this study was to understand the mechanisms responsible for the relatively large distance covered by the venom jet although the venom channel is only of micro-scale. Therefore, we analysed factors that influence secondary flow and pressure drop in the venom channel, which include the physical-chemical properties of venom liquid and the morphology of the venom channel. The cobra venom showed shear-reducing properties and the venom channel had paired ridges that span from the last third of the channel to its distal end, terminating laterally and in close proximity to the discharge orifice. To analyze the functional significance of these ridges we generated a numerical and an experimental model of the venom channel. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and Particle-Image Velocimetry (PIV) revealed that the paired interior ridges shape the flow structure upstream of the sharp 90Ā° bend at the distal end. The occurrence of secondary flow structures resembling Dean-type vortical structures in the venom channel can be observed, which induce additional pressure loss. Comparing a venom channel featuring ridges with an identical channel featuring no ridges, one can observe a reduction of pressure loss of about 30%. Therefore it is concluded that the function of the ridges is similar to guide vanes used by engineers to reduce pressure loss in curved flow channels
Negative and positive childhood experiences across developmental periods in psychiatric patients with different diagnoses ā an explorative study
BACKGROUND: A high frequency of childhood abuse has often been reported in adult psychiatric patients. The present survey explores the relationship between psychiatric diagnoses and positive and negative life events during childhood and adulthood in psychiatric samples. METHODS: A total of 192 patients with diagnoses of alcohol-related disorders (n = 45), schizophrenic disorders (n = 52), affective disorders (n = 54), and personality disorders (n = 41) completed a 42-item self-rating scale (Traumatic Antecedents Questionnaire, TAQ). The TAQ assesses personal positive experiences (competence and safety) and negative experiences (neglect, separation, secrets, emotional, physical and sexual abuse, trauma witnessing, other traumas, and alcohol and drugs abuse) during four developmental periods, beginning from early childhood to adulthood. Patients were recruited from four Psychiatric hospitals in Germany, Switzerland, and Romania; 63 subjects without any history of mental illness served as controls. RESULTS: The amount of positive experiences did not differ significantly among groups, except for safety scores that were lower in patients with personality disorders as compared to the other groups. On the other side, negative experiences appeared more frequently in patients than in controls. Emotional neglect and abuse were reported in patients more frequently than physical and sexual abuse, with negative experiences encountered more often in late childhood and adolescence than in early childhood. The patients with alcohol-related and personality disorders reported more negative events than the ones with schizophrenic and affective disorders. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings add evidence to the relationship between retrospectively reported childhood experiences and psychiatric diagnoses, and emphasize the fact that a) emotional neglect and abuse are the most prominent negative experiences, b) adolescence is a more 'sensitive' period for negative experiences as compared to early childhood, and c) a high amount of reported emotional and physical abuse occurs in patients with alcohol-related and personality disorders respectively
Changes in Treatment Content of Services During Trauma-informed Integrated Services for Women with Co-occurring Disorders
The experience of trauma is highly prevalent in the lives of women with mental health and substance abuse problems. We examined how an intervention targeted to provide trauma-informed integrated services in the treatment of co-occurring disorders has changed the content of services reported by clients. We found that the intervention led to an increased provision of integrated services as well as services addressing each content area: trauma, mental health and substance abuse. There was no increase in service quantity from the intervention. Incorporation of trauma-specific element in the treatment of mental health and substance abuse may have been successfully implemented at the service level thereby better serve women with complex behavioral health histories
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