380 research outputs found

    Die apologetiese taak van die kristelike wysbegeerte*

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    Die Wysbegeerte stel sig tot taak om ’n beredeneerde verklaring te gee van alle bestaande as geheel geneem, van die heelal as heelal. Om sy doel te bereik moet die wysbegeerte uitgaan van die resultate van die wetenskap. Nie dat die wysbegeerte niks anders sou wees as ’n samevatting van die resultate van die besondere wetenskappe nie. Nee, hoewel op wetenskap gegrond, trag die wysbegeerte om bo die wetenskap uit te strewe en deur tedring tot die prima principia. Die wysbegeerte wil die laaste gronde van alle dinge ondersoek om daarop ’n wereldbeskouing te bou

    Die Goddelike wetsorde en die beoefening van die wetenskap.

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    Op 30 Januarie 1952 tydens die sitting van die Sinode van die Geref. Kerk het prof. dr. J. D. du Toit in die stadsaal van Potchefstroom ’n rede uitgespreek oor „Transformasie soos deur Vuur” . In hierdie pragrede by geleentheid van die plaaslike viering van die Van Riebeeck-fees het prof. Du Toit daarop gewys dat die allesoorheersende feit in verband met die landing van Van Riebeeck was dat hy die „Christelike Religie” of die „Gereformeerde Christelike Leer” (soos Van Riebeeck self dit in sy bekende gebed bestempel het) hier na Suid-Afrika oorgeplant het

    Die huidige wêreldsituasie en die roeping van die Calvinisme ten opsigte daarvan

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    As wyle professor J. Huizinga in 1935 in sy „In de Schaduwen vanMorgen” ’n diagnose bied van die geestelike lyde van die teenswoordigetyd, dan begin hy met die uitroep: „Wij leven in een bezeten wereld!

    Die Nuwe-Testamentiese Skrifopenbaring oor goddelike uitverkiesing

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    Enkele beperkinge ten opsigte van hierdie artikel moet gestel word:Die skrywer is ’n Nuwe-Testamentikus en nie ’n dogmatikus nie en daarom word hier nie gepoog om ’n gesistematiseerde leer aangaande goddelike uitverkiesing aan te bied nie

    When are anti-fat attitudes understood as prejudice versus truth? An experimental study of social influence effects

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    Background/Objectives If people who hold anti-fat attitudes believe these attitudes to be true, then anti-prejudice appeals are likely to be unsuccessful, if only because the targets will not see their attitudes as in need of change. The current study examined processes that may lead people to see their anti-fat attitudes as 'truth' or as 'prejudice'. Subjects/Methods Participants (N = 482) read anti-fat statements and were then presented with an interpretation of these statements as 'truth' or 'prejudice'. The source of this interpretation was either an (i) in-group or out-group member and (ii) expert or non-expert. Participants' judgements of the statements were expected to vary such that in-group others and experts would exert more influence than would out-group others and non-experts. Results Participants aligned their own interpretations of an anti-fat statement with those of an expert, but not with those of a non-expert, F(1,466) = 8.97, p <0.05, eta(2)(p) = 0.02. The group membership variable had no effect on judgements of 'truth' or 'prejudice' of the anti-fat statement. Conclusion The expressions that people believe constitute anti-fat prejudice versus truth about people described as overweight are influenced by exposure to expert opinion (in this case, by medical doctors). Implications for the success of weight-based anti-prejudice appeals and for healthcare provision are discussed

    Two randomized crossover multicenter studies investigating gastrointestinal symptoms after bread consumption in individuals with noncoeliac wheat sensitivity: do wheat species and fermentation type matter?

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    Background: Many individuals reduce their bread intake due to the belief that wheat is the cause of their gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Different grains and processing methods may impact tolerability. Objective: We investigated the effects of six different types of bread on GI symptoms in individuals with self-reported non-coeliac wheat sensitivity (NCWS). Methods: Two parallel randomised double-blind crossover multicentre studies were conducted. NCWS individuals, in whom coeliac disease and wheat allergy were ruled out, received five slices of (study A, n=20) yeast fermented (YF) or (study B, n=20) sourdough fermented (SF) bread made of bread wheat, spelt or emmer on three separate intervention days. Each test day was preceded by a run-in period of 3 days and separated by a wash-out period of at least 7 days. GI symptoms were evaluated by change in symptom score (test day minus average of the 3-day run-in period) on a 0-100mm visual analogue scale (delta VAS). Responders were defined as an increase in delta VAS of at least 15mm for overall GI symptoms, abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, bloating and/or flatulence. Results: The overall change in GI symptoms did not differ between breads of different grains (YF p=0.267; SF p=0.144). The number of responders was also comparable for both YF (6 to wheat, 5 to spelt, and 7 to emmer, p=0.761) and SF breads (9 to wheat, 7 to spelt, and 8 to emmer, p=0.761). Conclusion: The majority of NCWS individuals experienced GI symptoms for at least one of the breads, but on a group level, no differences were found between different grain types for either YF or SF breads. Clinical Trial Registry: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT0408447

    Clientelism as civil society? Unpacking the relationship between clientelism and democracy at the local level in South Africa

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    This article, building on analyses from the global south, attempts to reframe democratic expectations by considering where previously maligned practices such as clientelism may hold moments of democracy. It does so by comparing the theory of civil society with that of clientelism, and its African counterpart neo-patrimonialism. It argues that clientelism as civil society may fulfil democratic tasks such as holding the (local) state accountable, strengthening civil and political liberties and providing channels of access for previously marginalised groups. Clientelism is not necessarily a reflection of imposed power relations but, at times, can demonstrate a conscious political strategy, to generate development, on the part of its protagonists.IS

    Single‐Column Model Simulations of Subtropical Marine Boundary‐Layer Cloud Transitions Under Weakening Inversions

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    Results are presented of the GASS/EUCLIPSE single‐column model intercomparison study on the subtropical marine low‐level cloud transition. A central goal is to establish the performance of state‐of‐the‐art boundary‐layer schemes for weather and climate models for this cloud regime, using large‐eddy simulations of the same scenes as a reference. A novelty is that the comparison covers four different cases instead of one, in order to broaden the covered parameter space. Three cases are situated in the North‐Eastern Pacific, while one reflects conditions in the North‐Eastern Atlantic. A set of variables is considered that reflects key aspects of the transition process, making use of simple metrics to establish the model performance. Using this method, some longstanding problems in low‐level cloud representation are identified. Considerable spread exists among models concerning the cloud amount, its vertical structure, and the associated impact on radiative transfer. The sign and amplitude of these biases differ somewhat per case, depending on how far the transition has progressed. After cloud breakup the ensemble median exhibits the well‐known “too few too bright” problem. The boundary‐layer deepening rate and its state of decoupling are both underestimated, while the representation of the thin capping cloud layer appears complicated by a lack of vertical resolution. Encouragingly, some models are successful in representing the full set of variables, in particular, the vertical structure and diurnal cycle of the cloud layer in transition. An intriguing result is that the median of the model ensemble performs best, inspiring a new approach in subgrid parameterization

    The breakthrough listen search for intelligent life: a wideband data recorder system for the Robert C. Byrd green bank telescope

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    The Breakthrough Listen Initiative is undertaking a comprehensive search for radio and optical signatures from extraterrestrial civilizations. An integral component of the project is the design and implementation of wide-bandwidth data recorder and signal processing systems. The capabilities of these systems, particularly at radio frequencies, directly determine survey speed; further, given a fixed observing time and spectral coverage, they determine sensitivity as well. Here, we detail the Breakthrough Listen wide-bandwidth data recording system deployed at the 100-m aperture Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. The system digitizes up to 6 GHz of bandwidth at 8 bits for both polarizations, storing the resultant 24 GB/s of data to disk. This system is among the highest data rate baseband recording systems in use in radio astronomy. A future system expansion will double recording capacity, to achieve a total Nyquist bandwidth of 12 GHz in two polarizations. In this paper, we present details of the system architecture, along with salient configuration and disk-write optimizations used to achieve high-throughput data capture on commodity compute servers and consumer-class hard disk drives