539 research outputs found

    Elucidating the role of DEPTOR in Alzheimer's disease

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.The mammalian or mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a Ser/Thr protein kinase that, in response to nutrient stimulation, regulates cellular growth, proliferation, survival, protein synthesis and gene transcription. It has also been implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) with neuronal cells and hippocampal slices of AD transgenic mice experiencing dysregulated mTOR and synaptic plasticity in response to treatment with the toxic amyloid β (Aβ1-42) peptide, which has been implicated in AD. DEP domain-containing mTOR-interacting protein (DEPTOR) is a protein which can bind to mTOR and cause its inhibition, and functions as a regulatory protein of mTOR to control its activity. The inhibition of mTOR has been shown to have a neuroprotective effect; in an animal model, it was shown to protect against Aβ-induced neurotoxicity. In the present study, to investigate to role of DEPTOR in a model of AD, we neuronally differentiated the SH-SY5Y cell line and examined the effects of treatment with an Aβ42 peptide, thus mimicking plaque formation. This resulted in a significant increase in mTOR and a significant decrease in DEPTOR expression compared to the unstimulated controls. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate for the first time a reduction in the protein level of DEPTOR in the precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus and occipital lobe of a brain with AD compared to a normal control, as well as a significant reduction in DEPTOR expression in samples from late-onset AD (LOAD) compared to early-onset familial AD (EOFAD). The reduction in DEPTOR expression in cases of AD compared to healthy controls can lead to an augmentation of mTOR signalling, leading to Aβ accumulation, which in turn leads to a further reduction in DEPTOR expression. This results in the accumulation of amyloid plaque, shifting the balance from neuroprotection to neurodegeneration

    The non-vanishing effect of detuning errors in dynamical decoupling based quantum sensing experiments

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    Characteristic dips appear in the coherence traces of a probe qubit when dynamical decoupling (DD) is applied in synchrony with the precession of target nuclear spins, forming the basis for nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The frequency of the microwave control pulses is chosen to match the qubit transition but this can be detuned from resonance by experimental errors, hyperfine coupling intrinsic to the qubit, or inhomogeneous broadening. The detuning acts as an additional static field which is generally assumed to be completely removed in Hahn echo and DD experiments. Here we demonstrate that this is not the case in the presence of finite pulse-durations, where a detuning can drastically alter the coherence response of the probe qubit, with important implications for sensing applications. Using the electronic spin associated with a nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond as a test qubit system, we analytically and experimentally study the qubit coherence response under CPMG and XY8 dynamical decoupling control schemes in the presence of finite pulse-durations and static detunings. Most striking is the splitting of the NMR resonance under CPMG, whereas under XY8 the amplitude of the NMR signal is modulated. Our work shows that the detuning error must not be neglected when extracting data from quantum sensor coherence traces

    Development Status of a CVD System to Deposit Tungsten onto UO2 Powder via the WCI6 Process

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    Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) is under development for deep space exploration. NTP's high specific impulse (> 850 second) enables a large range of destinations, shorter trip durations, and improved reliability. W-60vol%UO2 CERMET fuel development efforts emphasize fabrication, performance testing and process optimization to meet service life requirements. Fuel elements must be able to survive operation in excess of 2850 K, exposure to flowing hydrogen (H2), vibration, acoustic, and radiation conditions. CTE mismatch between W and UO2 result in high thermal stresses and lead to mechanical failure as a result UO2 reduction by hot hydrogen (H2) [1]. Improved powder metallurgy fabrication process control and mitigated fuel loss can be attained by coating UO2 starting powders within a layer of high density tungsten [2]. This paper discusses the advances of a fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system that utilizes the H2-WCl6 reduction process

    Spin properties of dense near-surface ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond

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    We present a study of the spin properties of dense layers of near-surface nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in diamond created by nitrogen ion implantation. The optically detected magnetic resonance contrast and linewidth, spin coherence time, and spin relaxation time, are measured as a function of implantation energy, dose, annealing temperature and surface treatment. To track the presence of damage and surface-related spin defects, we perform in situ electron spin resonance spectroscopy through both double electron-electron resonance and cross-relaxation spectroscopy on the NV centres. We find that, for the energy (4304-30~keV) and dose (5×101110135\times10^{11}-10^{13}~ions/cm2^2) ranges considered, the NV spin properties are mainly governed by the dose via residual implantation-induced paramagnetic defects, but that the resulting magnetic sensitivity is essentially independent of both dose and energy. We then show that the magnetic sensitivity is significantly improved by high-temperature annealing at 1100\geq1100^\circC. Moreover, the spin properties are not significantly affected by oxygen annealing, apart from the spin relaxation time, which is dramatically decreased. Finally, the average NV depth is determined by nuclear magnetic resonance measurements, giving 10\approx10-17~nm at 4-6 keV implantation energy. This study sheds light on the optimal conditions to create dense layers of near-surface NV centres for high-sensitivity sensing and imaging applications.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Relationships between central corneal thickness and optic disc topography in eyes with glaucoma, suspicion of glaucoma, or ocular hypertension

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    Pinakin Gunvant1, Lucia Porsia2, Russell J Watkins3, Henrietta Bayliss-Brown2, David C Broadway21Department of Research, Southern College of Optometry, Memphis, TN, USA; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust, Norwich, UK; 3Department of Pathology, Algernon Firth Buildings, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UKPurpose: To identify relationships between central corneal thickness (CCT) and optic disc topography, as determined by scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO), for patients seen in a specialist glaucoma service.Methods: 272 eyes of 144 patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG; n = 71), normal tension glaucoma (NTG; n = 50), ocular hypertension (OH; n = 48) and those considered to be suspicious for glaucoma (GS; n = 103) underwent ultrasonic pachymetry and optic disc topography by SLO. Correlations between CCT and SLO parameter values were identified. A Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons was performed and a p value of 0.0042 was considered significant.Results: Mean CCT values were 533 μm (POAG), 530 μm (NTG), 550 μm (GS), and 565 μm (OH). As a group the GS and OH eyes had signifi cantly thicker CCT values than eyes with POAG. In addition, the NTG eyes had signifi cantly thinner CCT values than GS and OH eyes. Overall multiple SLO parameters correlated with CCT even after accounting for co-variance with age, refraction and inclusion of both eyes. Sub-group analysis indicated that ‘optic disc rim area’ positively correlated with CCT (r = 0.378) and ‘cup to disc area ratio’ negatively correlated with CCT (r = −0.370) in the POAG group. In the GS group the parameter ‘area below reference’ (a measure of cup volume) and ‘mean cup depth’ had negative correlations with CCT (r = −0.297 and −0.323) indicating that eyes with thinner than average corneal thickness measurements had larger and deeper cups.Conclusion: Thinner corneas appear to be associated with larger and deeper optic disc cups in the eyes of patients seen in a specialist glaucoma service.Keywords: central corneal thickness, optic disc topography, optic disc compliance, glaucom

    Spatial mapping of band bending in semiconductor devices using in-situ quantum sensors

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    Band bending is a central concept in solid-state physics that arises from local variations in charge distribution especially near semiconductor interfaces and surfaces. Its precision measurement is vital in a variety of contexts from the optimisation of field effect transistors to the engineering of qubit devices with enhanced stability and coherence. Existing methods are surface sensitive and are unable to probe band bending at depth from surface or bulk charges related to crystal defects. Here we propose an in-situ method for probing band bending in a semiconductor device by imaging an array of atomic-sized quantum sensing defects to report on the local electric field. We implement the concept using the nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond, and map the electric field at different depths under various surface terminations. We then fabricate a two-terminal device based on the conductive two-dimensional hole gas formed at a hydrogen-terminated diamond surface, and observe an unexpected spatial modulation of the electric field attributed to a complex interplay between charge injection and photo-ionisation effects. Our method opens the way to three-dimensional mapping of band bending in diamond and other semiconductors hosting suitable quantum sensors, combined with simultaneous imaging of charge transport in complex operating devices.Comment: This is a pre-print of an article published in Nature Electronics. The final authenticated version is available online at https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41928-018-0130-

    Compact Fuel Element Environment Test

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    Deep space missions with large payloads require high specific impulse (I(sub sp)) and relatively high thrust to achieve mission goals in reasonable time frames. Conventional, storable propellants produce average I(sub sp). Nuclear thermal rockets (NTRs) capable of high I(sub sp) thrust have been proposed. NTR employs heat produced by fission reaction to heat and therefore accelerate hydrogen, which is then forced through a rocket nozzle providing thrust. Fuel element temperatures are very high (up to 3,000 K) and hydrogen is highly reactive with most materials at high temperatures. Data covering the effects of high-temperature hydrogen exposure on fuel elements are limited. The primary concern is the mechanical failure of fuel elements that employ high melting point metals, ceramics, or a combination (cermet) as a structural matrix into which the nuclear fuel is distributed. It is not necessary to include fissile material in test samples intended to explore high-temperature hydrogen exposure of the structural support matrices. A small-scale test bed designed to heat fuel element samples via noncontact radio frequency heating and expose samples to hydrogen for typical mission durations has been developed to assist in optimal material and manufacturing process selection without employing fissile material. This Technical Memorandum details the test bed design and results of testing conducted to date

    Microstructured polymer optical fibre sensors for opto-acoustic endoscopy

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    Opto-acoustic imaging is a growing field of research in recent years, providing functional imaging of physiological biomarkers, such as the oxygenation of haemoglobin. Piezo electric transducers are the industry standard detector for ultrasonics, but their limited bandwidth, susceptibility to electromagnetic interference and their inversely proportional sensitivity to size all affect the detector performance. Sensors based on polymer optical fibres (POF) are immune to electromagnetic interference, have lower acoustic impedance and a reduced Young's Modulus compared to silica fibres. Furthermore, POF enables the possibility of a wideband sensor and a size appropriate to endoscopy. Micro-structured POF (mPOF) used in an interferometric detector has been shown to be an order of magnitude more sensitive than silica fibre at 1 MHz and 3 times more sensitive at 10 MHz. We present the first opto-acoustic measurements obtained using a 4.7mm PMMA mPOF Bragg grating with a fibre diameter of 130 μm and present the lateral directivity pattern of a PMMA mPOF FBG ultrasound sensor over a frequency range of 1-50 MHz. We discuss the impact of the pattern with respect to the targeted application and draw conclusions on how to mitigate the problems encountered