235 research outputs found

    The effect of social media on well-being differs from adolescent to adolescent

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    The question whether social media use benefits or undermines adolescents’ well-being is an important societal concern. Previous empirical studies have mostly established across-the-board effects among (sub)populations of adolescents. As a result, it is still an open question whether the effects are unique for each individual adolescent. We sampled adolescents’ experiences six times per day for one week to quantify differences in their susceptibility to the effects of social media on their momentary affective well-being. Rigorous analyses of 2,155 real-time assessments showed that the association between social media use and affective well-being differs strongly across adolescents: While 44% did not feel better or worse after passive social media use, 46% felt better, and 10% felt worse. Our results imply that person-specific effects can no longer be ignored in research, as well as in prevention and intervention programs

    La formation d'Herzeele: un nouveau stratotype du pleistocene moyen marin de la mer du Nord

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    The Herzeele Brickyard (Northern France) offers a permanently well exposed outcrop of continental and marine deposits which are reaching a total thickness of 6 m and are overlying the Ypresian clay of eocene age, occuring at about 8 m N.G.F.Three marine phases represented by tidal flat and brackish sediments may be readily distinguished. The tidal flat sediments have previously been recognized in the area of Izenberge (Belgium) from which locality the name "Izenberge Cardium Sands" has been derived. The marine sediments may be subdivised into units of different lithology: the lower sandy unit, the middle loamy-clayey unit and the upper sandy clayey unit which latter is characterized by the abundance of Cardium edule and Macoma balthica. The marine phases are furthermore separated by continental deposits amongst which peat layers are occurring. The cover sediments are represented by eolian sands and loams interfering with palaeosoils. The series of sediments underlying these cover deposits is named the "Herzeele Formation" which represents a lithostratigraphical unit in the southern North Sea basin. The analysis of the heavy mineral content points to a change in sediment origin occuring after the lower marine sedimentation. The middle and upper marine units contain an increasing content of green hornblende and epidote. Some volcanic minerals were observed at different levels. The clay analyses by means of X-ray diffraction indicate that the different lithostratigraphical units bear polymineralic clay assemblages within which the smectitic fraction is predominant. Greene-Kelly's (1953) Li-test yielded a further detailed analysis of the smectitic components: beidellite, montmorillonite-like. minerals as well as random mixed-layers illite-smectites. The analysis indicates a stratigraphical - mineralogical subdivision of the section which coincides with the lithostratigraphical one.The pollen analytical data show that the whole of the Herzeele Formation most probably belongs to the second half of the Holsteinian interglacial, except for the very base composed of glauconiferous sands. It may readily be seen that the forest evolved from a mesocratic phase, characterized by a Quercetum mixtum with Picea, towards a telocratic phase during which the forest became dominated by Abies. Within the peat which is resting upon the glauconiferous sands, the pollen grains of Taxus, are very abundant in the overlying clay however, this species declines gradually and disappears at the top of the upper marine unit. These evidences are corresponding with the first half of the so-called Abies- zone. Buxus and Vitis, both undergo the same evolution. The only Tertiary relict, Pterocarya, made a short appearance at the top of the upper marine unit, while Azolla filiculoides, was only discovered in the Quercetum zone. The diatom analyses indicate the conditions of brackish and marine sedimentation in a tidal environment. Although the magnetostratigraphical approach of deep-sea and lake sediments has proven to be successful, its application to continental and especially coastal sediments is hampered by the very nature of these sediments (large variation of sedimentation rate, depositional environment, lithology, a.o.) The palaeomagnetical study of the Herzeele Formation reveals a striking difference inmagnetic behaviour between the upper and lower beds separated by the lowermost peat layer. The upper beds are characterized by a strong dispersion of the magnetisation directions and a low intensity. Therefore identification of clear-cut magnetozone(s) is not possible for the moment being. As to the extension of the Herzeele Formation in Belgium, it was only found south of the river Yzer. The comparison with the area of Izenberge itself did not reveal any lithostratigraphical correlation with the Herzeele Formation. The situation of the stratum (former shoreline) at this type-locality gives prove of the importance of the palaeographical evolution since the Lower Pleistocene with the formation of the southern North Sea basin and probably the early opening of the Strait of Dover as well. Therefore this stratum is considered as a landmark and a witness of several interglacial marine transgressions which are attributed to the Holsteinian and to the upper part of the "Cromerian complex"

    Promises and Pitfalls of Social Media Data Donations

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    Studies assessing the effects of social media use are largely based on measures of time spent on social media. In recent years, scholars increasingly ask for more insights in social media activities and content people engage with. Data Download Packages (DDPs), the archives of social media platforms that each European user has the right to download, provide a new and promising method to collect timestamped and content-based information about social media use. In this paper, we first detail the experiences and insights of a data collection of 110 Instagram DDPs gathered from 102 adolescents. We successively discuss the challenges and opportunities of collecting and analyzing DDPs to help future researchers in their consideration of whether and how to use DDPs. DDPs provide tremendous opportunities to get insight in the frequency, range, and content of social media activities, from browsing to searching and posting. Yet, collecting, processing, and analyzing DDPs is also complex and laborious, and demands numerous procedural and analytical choices and decisions

    Potential implications of differential preservation of testate amoeba shells for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in peatlands

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    Testate amoebae are now commonly used in paleoenvironmental studies but little is known of their taphonomy. There is some experimental evidence for differential preservation of some testate amoeba shell types over others, but it is unclear what, if any impact this has on palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. To investigate this issue we looked at palaeoecological evidence for the preservation of different shell types. We then investigated the possible impact of selective preservation on quantitative palaeoenvironmental inference. We first used existing palaeoecological data sets to assess the vertical patterns of relative abundance in four testate amoeba shell types: (1) shells made of secreted biosilica plates (idiosomes, e.g. Euglypha), (2) idiosomes with thick organic coating (Assulina), (3) proteinaceous shells (e.g. Hyalosphenia), (4) shells built from recycled organic or mineral particles (xenosomes) (e.g. Difflugia, Centropyxis). In three diagrams a clear pattern of decay was only observed for the idiosome type. In order to assess the implications of differential preservation of testate amoeba taxa for paleoenvironmental reconstruction we then carried out simulations using three existing transfer functions and a wide range of scenarios, downweighting different test categories to represent the impact of selective test decomposition. Simulation results showed that downweighting generally reduced overall model performance. However downweighting a shell type only produced a consistent directional bias in inferred water table depth where that shell type is both dominant and shows a clear preference along the ecological gradient. Applying a scenario derived from previous experimental work did not lead to significant difference in inferred water table. Our results show that differential shell preservation has little impact on paleohydrological reconstruction from Sphagnum-dominated peatlands. By contrast, for the minerotrophic peatlands data-set loss of idiosome tests leads to consistent underestimation of water table depth. However there are few studies from fens and it is possible that idiosome tests are not always dominant, and/or that differential decomposition is less marked than in Sphagnum peatlands. Further work is clearly needed to assess the potential of testate amoebae for paleoecological studies of minerotrophic peatlands

    Clinical and Genetic Advances in Paget’s Disease of Bone: a Review

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    How many is enough? Determining optimal count totals for ecological and palaeoecological studies of testate amoebae

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    Testate amoebae are increasingly used in ecological and palaeoecological studies of wetlands. To characterise the amoeba community a certain number of individuals need to be counted under the microscope. To date, most studies have aimed for 150 individuals, but that sample size is not based on adequate evidence. When testate amoeba concentrations are low, it can be difficult or impossible to reach this total. The impacts of lower count totals have never been seriously scrutinised. We investigated the impact of count size on number of taxa identified, quantitative inferences of environmental variables and the strength of the links between amoebae and environmental data in the context of predicting depth to water table. Low counts were simulated by random selection of individuals from four existing datasets. Results show progressively diminishing returns by all criteria as count size increases from low numbers to counts of 150. A higher count is required to identify all taxa than to adequately characterise the community for transfer function inference. We suggest that in most cases, it will be a more efficient use of time to count a greater number of samples to a lower count. While a count of 50 individuals may be sufficient for some samples from some sites we recommend that counts of 100 individuals should be sufficient for most samples. Counts need only be increased to 150 or more where the aim is to identify relatively minor, but still potentially ecologically relevant community changes. This approach will help reduce lack of replication and low resolution, which are common limitations in testate amoeba-based palaeoecological and ecological studies

    Developmental Trajectories of Parental Mediation Across Early and Middle Childhood

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    Despite a large body of literature on the opportunities of parental mediation to enhance positive and offset negative media effects, a long-term view as to the development of such mediation across childhood is lacking. The current study aimed to address this gap by presenting a developmental approach to parental mediation. Using an accelerated longitudinal design with four-wave panel data of 729 children, we investigated developmental trajectories of restrictive and active mediation across early (3–6 years) and middle childhood (7–10 years) and potential individual differences in these trajectories. Results revealed that parents’ expressions of restrictive and active mediation follow a curvilinear pattern over time, whereby parents’ mediation efforts increase across early childhood, peak at around age 8, before slowly declining throughout middle childhood. In addition, the results indicated that parenting style and children’s social-emotional difficulties are important sources of individual differences in the trajectories, above and beyond demographics
