2,164 research outputs found

    On a class of infinite words with affine factor complexity

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    In this article, we consider the factor complexity of a fixed point of a primitive substitution canonically defined by a beta-numeration system. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition on the Renyi expansion of 1 for having an affine factor complexity map C(n), that is, such that C(n)=an+b for any integer n.Comment: 14 page

    De la burbuja teórica a la literatura real: La literatura en peligro, de Tzvetan Todorov

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    El objetivo de este libro es prevenirnos contra un enfoque excesivamente formalista de la literatura, que es, según el autor, uno de los factores fundamentales de debilitación de la literatura en el mundo contemporáneo. Habiendo sido Todorov uno de los principales representan tes y difusores del estructuralismo en Europa, es normal que abra este libro explicando el porqué de su apuesta inicial y los términos de su evolución posterior

    Externalizing psychopatholog yand the error-related negativity

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    Prior research has demonstrated that antisocial behavior, substance-use disorders, and personality dimensions of aggression and impulsivity are indicators of a highly heritable underlying dimension of risk, labeled externalizing. Other work has shown that individual trait constructs within this psychopathology spectrum are associated with reduced self-monitoring, as reflected by amplitude of the error-related negativity (ERN) brain response. In this study of undergraduate subjects, reduced ERN amplitude was associated with higher scores on a self-report measure of the broad externalizing construct that links these various indicators. In addition, the ERN was associated with a response-locked increase in anterior theta (4–7 Hz) oscillation; like the ERN, this theta response to errors was reduced among high-externalizing individuals. These findings suggest that neurobiologically based deficits in endogenous action monitoring may underlie generalized risk for an array of impulse-control problems

    A discussion about the role of the shortwave schemes on real WRF-ARW simulations. Two case studies: cloudless and cloudy sky

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    A wide range of approaches for radiative transfer computations leads to several parameterizations. Differences in these approximations bring about distinct results for the radiative fluxes,even under the same atmospheric conditions. Since the transfer of solar and terrestrial radiationrepresents the primordial physical process that shapes the atmospheric circulation, these deviations must have an impact on the numerical weather prediction (NWP) model performance. In this paper, an analysis of the role of shortwave schemes on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) model is presented. The study compares the effect of four parameterizations(Dudhia, New Goddard, CAM and RRTMG) in two cases: i) cloudless and ii) cloudy sky situations for a domain defined over Catalonia (northeast of the Iberian Peninsula). We analyze thedirect and the indirect feedback between the dynamical aspects and the physical parameterizations driven by changes in the radiative transfer equation computation. The cumulative effect ofthese variations are studied through three simulation windows: current day (0-23 h), day-ahead(24-47 h) and two days ahead (48-71 h). These analyses are focused on several NWP model fields. From the most directly related toshortwave schemes such as global horizontal irradiance or the heating rate profile, to apparently secondary outcomes such as wind speed or cloud composition among others. The differences observed between model runs using different solar parameterizations increase with the simulation horizon, being more important in the cloudy scenario than in the cloudless sky

    p75 neurotrophin receptor is a clock gene that regulates oscillatory components of circadian and metabolic networks.

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    The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily with a widespread pattern of expression in tissues such as the brain, liver, lung, and muscle. The mechanisms that regulate p75(NTR) transcription in the nervous system and its expression in other tissues remain largely unknown. Here we show that p75(NTR) is an oscillating gene regulated by the helix-loop-helix transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1. The p75(NTR) promoter contains evolutionarily conserved noncanonical E-box enhancers. Deletion mutagenesis of the p75(NTR)-luciferase reporter identified the -1039 conserved E-box necessary for the regulation of p75(NTR) by CLOCK and BMAL1. Accordingly, gel-shift assays confirmed the binding of CLOCK and BMAL1 to the p75(NTR-)1039 E-box. Studies in mice revealed that p75(NTR) transcription oscillates during dark and light cycles not only in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), but also in peripheral tissues including the liver. Oscillation of p75(NTR) is disrupted in Clock-deficient and mutant mice, is E-box dependent, and is in phase with clock genes, such as Per1 and Per2. Intriguingly, p75(NTR) is required for circadian clock oscillation, since loss of p75(NTR) alters the circadian oscillation of clock genes in the SCN, liver, and fibroblasts. Consistent with this, Per2::Luc/p75(NTR-/-) liver explants showed reduced circadian oscillation amplitude compared with those of Per2::Luc/p75(NTR+/+). Moreover, deletion of p75(NTR) also alters the circadian oscillation of glucose and lipid homeostasis genes. Overall, our findings reveal that the transcriptional activation of p75(NTR) is under circadian regulation in the nervous system and peripheral tissues, and plays an important role in the maintenance of clock and metabolic gene oscillation

    L’obra arquitectònica de Guillem Reynés Font a Inca

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    La present comunicació se centra en l’estudi de l’activitat arquitectònica duita a terme per l’arquitecte Guillem Reynés i Font a la ciutat d’Inca. Com a conseqüència del gran nombre i diversitat d’obres projectades pel dit arquitecte, aquestes s’han agrupat en tipologies arquitectòniques: civil, religiosa, militar i industrial. En l’esmentat context, situarem aquestes construccions en la seva trajectòria com a arquitecte, i en el modernisme balear.The present study focuses on the architectural activity carried out by the architect Guillem Reynés Font in Inca. As a result of the large number and the diversity of works designed by the architect, these have been grouped in architectural styles: civil, religious, military and industrial. In this context, we will place these buildings in his career as an architect, and in the balearic modenism style

    La col·lecció d’exvots de l’església de Santa Maria la Major

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    [cat]Un exvot és un objecte ofert a una divinitat en compliment d’una petició o d’un benefici. A Mallorca fou tradicional l’oferiment de petites estatuetes, joies, o altres objectes d’ús privat per agrair el guariment de la malalties o l’alliberament d’una desgràcia. També era costum oferir el pes en cera, realitzar figuretes de retall o de planxa de plata, o bé en forma humana o bé representant els membres afavorits o agraciats. Amb aquesta comunicació volem donar a conèixer i posar en valor la col·lecció d’exvots que es conserva a l’església de Santa Maria la Major.[eng]An votive offering is an object given to a god in fulfillment of a request or a benefit. In Mallorca was traditional the offering of small statues, jewels or other objects for private use to thank for the cure of diseases and the protection of a misfortune. It was also common to offer figures of wax or silver, in human form or favored or graceful parts. With this communication we want to make known and value the collection of votive offerings of the church of Santa Maria la Major

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Pinang (Areca Catechu L.) terhadap Waktu Perdarahan Pasca Ekstraksi Gigi pada Tikus Jantan Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus L.)

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    PENGARUH PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK BIJI PINANG (ARECA CATECHU L.) TERHADAP WAKTU PERDARAHAN PASCA EKSTRAKSI GIGI PADA TIKUS JANTAN WISTAR (RATTUS NORVEGICUS L.) ABSTRAK Biji pinang (Areca catechu L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman obat yang dikenal masyarakat dapat menghentikan perdarahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak biji pinang terhadap waktu perdarahan pasca ekstraksi gigi pada tikus jantan galur Wistar. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan merupakan eksperimental. Ekstrak biji pinang didapatkan dengan cara maserasi dan penguapan menggunakan Rotary vacuum evaporator. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 24 ekor tikus jantan galur Wistar yang dibagi dalam 3 kelompok. Sampel penelitian kelompok perlakuan terdiri dari 8 ekor tikus jantan galur Wistar. Delapan sampel kelompok perlakuan diberi ekstrak biji pinang dosis 13,834 mg/200 g BB. Perhitungan dosis menggunakan tabel faktor konversi. Proses ekstraksi gigi tikus dilakukan setelah 4 jam pemberian ekstrak. Pemeriksaan waktu perdarahan dimulai saat gigi telah terlepas dari soket dengan melihat darah yang keluar sampai mulai terbentuknya bekuan darah pada soket. Perhitungan waktu perdarahan menggunakan stopwatch. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata waktu perdarahan kelompok perlakuan yaitu 0.6125 (menit.detik). Rerata waktu perdarahan kelompok perlakuan tidak jauh berbeda dengan rerata waktu perdarahan kelompok kontrol positif yang diberi transamin yaitu 0.3475 (menit.detik) dan lebih singkat dari kelompok kontrol negatif etanol 96% dengan rerata waktu perdarahan 1.79 (menit.detik). Penelitian yang telah dilakukan menyimpulkan terdapat pengaruh pemberian ekstrak biji pinang (Areca catechu L.) dosis 13,834 mg/200 g BB terhadap waktu perdarahan pasca ekstraksi gigi pada tikus jantan galur Wistar. Kata kunci: Biji pinang, waktu perdarahan, ekstraksi gigi THE EFFECT OF BETEL NUT (Areca catechu L.) EXTRACT ON BLEEDING TIME AFTER EXTRACTION IN WISTAR MALE RATS (Rattus norvegicus L.) ABSTRACT The betel nut (Areca catechu L.) is a medicinal plant known by society to halt bleeding. This study was aimed to know the effect of betel nut extract administration on bleeding time after teeth extraction in Wistar male rats. This study was an experimental study. Betel nut extracts were obtained by maceration and evaporation using Rotary vacuum evaporator. The number of samples were 24 Wistar male rats divided into three groups. The treatment group consisted of 8 Wistar male rats. Eight samples of treatment group were fed with betel nut extract at dosage of 13,834 mg/200 g body weight. Dosages were calculated using conversion factor table. The rats teeth were extracted 4 hours after betel nut extract administration. Evaluation of bleeding time was started from the loss of extracted teeth from socket by observing the shed blood to the formation of blood clots in the socket. The bleeding time was calculated using stopwatch. Study results indicated that average bleeding time in treatment group namely 0.6125 (minute.second). The average bleeding time in treatment group did not differ significantly from average bleeding time in positive control group fed with transamine namely 0.3475 (minute.second), and shorter from negative control group fed with 96% ethanol with average bleeding time of 1.79 (minute.second). This study concluded that there was an effect of betel nut extract (Areca catechu L.) administration at dosage of 13,834 mg/200 g body weight on bleeding time after teeth extraction in Wistar male rats
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