214 research outputs found

    Dynamic hysteresis from zigzag domain walls

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    We investigate dynamic hysteresis in ferromagnetic thin films with zigzag domain walls. We introduce a discrete model describing the motion of a wall in a disordered ferromagnet with in-plane magnetization, driven by an external magnetic field, considering the effects of dipolar interactions and anisotropy. We analyze the effects of external field frequency and temperature on the coercive field by Monte Carlo simulations, and find a good agreement with the experimental data reported in literature for Fe/GaAs films. This implies that dynamic hysteresis in this case can be explained by a single propagating domain wall model without invoking domain nucleation.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures; minor modifications and two figures adde

    Pemeriksaan Bakteri Coliform dalam Air Cucian Alat Makan pada Warung-Warung di Pabelan Sukoharjo

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    Latar Belakang : Warung makan merupakan tempat yang membantu masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari- hari yang memberikan pelayanan yang praktis. Semakin meningkatnya jumlah warung makan tidak dibarengi dengan informasi tentang dampak dari kurangnya kebersihan air. Keberadaan bakteri coliform pada air dapat digunakan sebagai indikator keberadaan organisme patogen. Apabila air yang mengandung coliform digunakan untuk mencuci peralatan makan maka dapat meningkatkan risiko makanan tersebut terkontaminasi Tujuan : Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya bakteri coliform dan bakteri enterik patogen pada air cucian alat makan dan melihat adanya perbedaan jumlah bakteri coliform dan bakteri enterik patogen pada air sebelum dan sesudah digunakan untuk mencuci alat makan. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode laboratoric experimental dengan metode pre and post test design only. Untuk menguji perbedaan air sebelum dan sesudah digunakan untuk mencuci digunakan uji Fisher Hasil : Dari hasil penelitian 20 sampel air sebelum dan sesudah digunakan untuk mencuci didapatkan 18 sampel mengandung total coliform >50/100 ml. Pada uji statistik didapatkan hasil p=0,474. Dan dari hasil penelitian 20 sampel air sebelum dan sesudah digunakan untuk mencuci didapatkan 3 sampel positif terdapat bakteri enterik patogen. Dan untuk hasil uji statistik didapatkan p=0,1. Nilai p tersebut >0,05 yang berarti tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara air sebelum dan sesudah digunakan untuk mencuci alat makan. Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pada air yang digunakan untuk mencuci alat makan ditemukan adanya bakteri coliform dan bakteri enterik patogen yang berarti air tersebut tidak layak digunakan untuk mencuci alat maka

    Rare case of coronary to pulmonary vein fistula with coronary steal phenomenon

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    Coronary artery fistulas are abnormal connections between coronary artery territories and cardiac chambers or major vessels, most of them are congenital. Patients with coronary artery fistula can be asymptomatic or present with different symptoms like angina. Cardiac computed tomography (CT) is one of the best modalities for diagnosis. We present an elderly patient that presented with angina symptoms, non invasive stress test was positive for ischemic heart disease, coronary angiogram could not reveal any obstructive lesions, but an abnormal branch of the left descending coronary artery (LAD), cardiac CT showed fistula that connect left anterior descending coronary artery to left superior pulmonary vein. Our case is extremely rare as most of the reported cases were fistulas between LAD and pulmonary artery, but in our case the fistula between LAD and left superior pulmonary vein. In addition, our patients\u27 symptoms resolved with anti-ischemic medical treatment without any surgical intervention

    Growth in densely populated Asia: implications for primary product exporters

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    Economic growth and integration in Asia is rapidly increasing the global economic importance of the region. To the extent that this growth continues and is strongest in natural resource-poor Asian economies, it will add to global demand for imports of primary products, to the benefit of (especially nearby) resource-abundant countries. How will global production, consumption and trade patterns change by 2030 in the course of such economic developments and structural changes? We address this question using the GTAP model and Version 8.1 of the 2007 GTAP database, together with supplementary data from a range of sources, to support projections of the global economy from 2007 to 2030 under various scenarios. Factor endowments and real gross domestic product are assumed to grow at exogenous rates, and trade-related policies are kept unchanged to generate a core baseline, which is compared with an alternative slower growth scenario. We also consider the impact of several policy changes aimed at increasing China's agricultural self-sufficiency relative to the 2030 baseline. Policy implications for countries of the Asia-Pacific region are drawn out in the final section

    Analogue neural networks on correlated random graphs

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    We consider a generalization of the Hopfield model, where the entries of patterns are Gaussian and diluted. We focus on the high-storage regime and we investigate analytically the topological properties of the emergent network, as well as the thermodynamic properties of the model. We find that, by properly tuning the dilution in the pattern entries, the network can recover different topological regimes characterized by peculiar scalings of the average coordination number with respect to the system size. The structure is also shown to exhibit a large degree of cliquishness, even when very sparse. Moreover, we obtain explicitly the replica symmetric free energy and the self-consistency equations for the overlaps (order parameters of the theory), which turn out to be classical weighted sums of 'sub-overlaps' defined on all possible sub-graphs. Finally, a study of criticality is performed through a small-overlap expansion of the self-consistencies and through a whole fluctuation theory developed for their rescaled correlations: Both approaches show that the net effect of dilution in pattern entries is to rescale the critical noise level at which ergodicity breaks down.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic Field Effects on Neutron Diffraction in the Antiferromagnetic Phase of UPt3UPt_3

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    We discuss possible magnetic structures in UPt3_3 based on our analysis of elastic neutron-scattering experiments in high magnetic fields at temperatures T<TNT<T_N. The existing experimental data can be explained by a single-{\bf q} antiferromagnetic structure with three independent domains. For modest in-plane spin-orbit interactions, the Zeeman coupling between the antiferromagnetic order parameter and the magnetic field induces a rotation of the magnetic moments, but not an adjustment of the propagation vector of the magnetic order. A triple-{\bf q} magnetic structure is also consistent with neutron experiments, but in general leads to a non-uniform magnetization in the crystal. New experiments could decide between these structures.Comment: 5 figures included in the tex

    Thyroglossal duct cyst carcinoma with concurrent thyroid carcinoma: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Thyroglossal duct carcinoma is a very rare finding and its presentation is similar to that of a benign cyst, which is a relatively common developmental abnormality that may manifest as a midline, neck mass. In general the diagnosis of thyroglossal duct carcinoma is based on the pathologic examination of the mass, but needle aspiration cytology, ultrasound and computed tomography play a role in the differential diagnosis of malignancy.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A further case of thyroglossal duct carcinoma and concurrent thyroid carcinoma with locoregional lymph node metastases affecting a 40-year-old woman followed up for 4 years is presented and discussed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Sistrunk's surgical technique must always be the initial treatment, but in case of carcinoma further surgery, that is, thyroidectomy with or without lymph node dissection, and treatment with radioactive iodine have to be considered according to the microscopic and clinical findings. Accurate pre-operative clinical and radiological evaluation should be performed in order to plan surgical strategy.</p

    Nanomagnetic intergrowths in Fe-Ni meteoritic metal: The potential for time-resolved records of planetesimal dynamo fields

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    Nanoscale intergrowths unique to the cloudy zones (CZs) of meteoritic metal display novel magnetic behaviour with the potential to reveal new insight into the early development of magnetic fields on protoplanetary bodies. The nanomagnetic state of the CZ within the Tazewell IIICD iron meteorite has been imaged using off-axis electron holography. The CZ is revealed to be a natural nanocomposite of magnetically hard islands of tetrataenite (ordered FeNi) embedded in a magnetically soft matrix of ordered Fe3Ni. In the remanent state, each tetrataenite island acts as a uniaxial single domain particle with its 001 magnetic easy axis oriented along one of three ?100? crystallographic directions of the parent taenite phase. Micromagnetic simulations demonstrate that switching occurs via the nucleation and propagation of domain walls through individual tetrataenite particles. The switching field (Hs) varies with the length scale of the matrix phase (Lm), with Hs \&gt; 1 T for Lm \~{}10 nm (approaching the intrinsic switching field for isolated single domain tetrataenite) and 0.2 \&lt; H s \&lt; 0.6 T for Lm \~{}30 nm. The reduction in Hs with increasing Lc is caused by exchange coupling between the hard tetrataenite islands and the soft magnetic matrix, which lowers the critical field for domain wall nucleation, providing an explanation for previously observed coercivity variations throughout the {CZ.} Non-random distributions of the tetrataenite easy axes are observed locally throughout the {CZ}, suggesting a magnetic field could have been present during nanostructure formation. This observation demonstrates the potential for stable chemical transformation remanent magnetisation to be encoded by the nanostructure, with variations in the proportions of the six possible magnetisation states reflecting the intensity and relative direction of the magnetic fields present during cooling. According to recent cooling models, the cooling rate of meteoritic metal originating near the surface of differentiated planetesimals was such that the magnetic signal across the {CZ} could potentially record dynamo field intensity and direction variations over time (10{\textendash}100 Ma), which would enable events such as magnetic reversals and the decay of an asteroid dynamo to be observed

    Application of a stochastic modeling to evaluate tuberculosis onset in patients treated with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors

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    In this manuscript we apply stochastic modeling to investigate the risk of reactivation of latent mycobacterial infections in patients undergoing treatment with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors. First, we review the perspective proposed by one of the authors in a previous work and which consists in predicting the occurrence of reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection or newly acquired tuberculosis during treatment; this is based on variational procedures on a simple set of parameters (e.g. rate of reactivation of a latent infection). Then, we develop a full analytical study of this approach through a Markov chain analysis and we find an exact solution for the temporal evolution of the number of cases of tuberculosis infection (re)activation. The analytical solution is compared with Monte Carlo simulations and with experimental data, showing overall excellent agreement. The generality of this theoretical framework allows to investigate also the case of non-tuberculous mycobacteria infections; in particular, we show that reactivation in that context plays a minor role. This may suggest that, while the screening for tuberculous is necessary prior to initiating biologics, when considering non-tuberculous mycobacteria only a watchful monitoring during the treatment is recommended. The framework outlined in this paper is quite general and could be extremely promising in further researches on drug-related adverse events.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure