168 research outputs found

    De Walras à Vanek. Coopération et politique

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    27 pagesAlors que l'idée coopérative était très présente dans les débats politiques jusqu'au début du 20ème siècle, son étude a rapidement été écartée de la science économique, malgré l'intérêt que les pionniers lui ont consacré. Ce n'est qu'au terme d'un processus de dépolitisation (ou de séparation des dimensions économiques et politiques) que l'analyse des coopératives, tour à tour focalisée sur les coopératives de consommateurs, puis d'entreprises puis de travailleurs, est redevenue une thématique présente dans la science économique. La conscience de la dimension politique de l'idée coopérative continue de se renouveler, mais en marge de la science économique

    Quels repères pour la mise en oeuvre d'un schéma de pilotage fondé sur une logique « stratégicoopérationnelle » dans une entreprise de services de réseau ?

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    Cette communication s'intéresse au contrôle de gestion et au pilotage des entreprises de services de réseau. Son objectif est double. Il s'agit en premier lieu d'identifier les problèmes que pose ce type d'entreprises au modèle traditionnel de contrôle de gestion et à la logique de pilotage financière qui lui est associée. Nous cherchons ensuite à tirer un certain nombre de repères d'une étude de cas « exemplaire » de la mise en oeuvre d'une logique de pilotage stratégico-opérationnelle au sein d'une entreprise de transport organisée en réseau. Mots clés : pilotage, entreprise de services de réseau, transversalité, interdépendance.pilotage; entreprise de services de réseau; transversalité; interdépendance

    N2-H2 capacitively coupled radio-frequency discharges at low pressure. Part I. Experimental results: Effect of the H2 amount on electrons, positive ions and ammonia formation

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    The mixing of N2 with H2 leads to very different plasmas from pure N2 and H2 plasma discharges. Numerous issues are therefore raised involving the processes leading to ammonia (NH3) formation. The aim of this work is to better characterize capacitively-coupled radiofrequency plasma discharges in N2 with few percents of H2 (up to 5%), at low pressure (0.3-1 mbar) and low coupled power (3-13 W). Both experimental measurements and numerical simulations are performed. For clarity, we separated the results in two complementary parts. The actual one (first part), presents the details on the experimental measurements, while the second focuses on the simulation, a hybrid model combining a 2D fluid module and a 0D kinetic module. Electron density is measured by a resonant cavity method. It varies from 0.4 to 5 109 cm-3, corresponding to ionization degrees from 2 10-8 to 4 10-7. Ammonia density is quantified by combining IR absorption and mass spectrometry. It increases linearly with the amount of H2 (up to 3 1013 cm-3 at 5% H2). On the contrary, it is constant with pressure, which suggests the dominance of surface processes on the formation of ammonia. Positive ions are measured by mass spectrometry. Nitrogen-bearing ions are hydrogenated by the injection of H2, N2H+ being the major ion as soon as the amount of H2 is >1%. The increase of pressure leads to an increase of secondary ions formed by ion/radical-neutral collisions (ex: N2H+, NH4 +, H3 +), while an increase of the coupled power favours ions formed by direct ionization (ex: N2 +, NH3 +, H2 +).N. Carrasco acknowledges the financial support of the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant PRIMCHEM, Grant agreement no. 636829). A. Chatain acknowledges ENS Paris-Saclay Doctoral Program. A. Chatain is grateful to Gilles Cartry and Thomas Gautier for fruitful discussions on the MS calibration. L.L. Alves acknowledges the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the project UID/FIS/50010/2019. L. Marques and M. J. Redondo acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/2019

    Targeting of T/Tn Antigens with a Plant Lectin to Kill Human Leukemia Cells by Photochemotherapy

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    Photochemotherapy is used both for solid tumors and in extracorporeal treatment of various hematologic disorders. Nevertheless, its development in oncology remains limited, because of the low selectivity of photosensitizers (PS) towards human tumor cells. To enhance PS efficiency, we recently covalently linked a porphyrin (TrMPyP) to a plant lectin (Morniga G), known to recognize with high affinity tumor-associated T and Tn antigens. The conjugation allowed a quick uptake of PS by Tn-positive Jurkat leukemia cells and efficient PS-induced phototoxicity. The present study was performed: (i) to evaluate the targeting potential of the conjugate towards tumor and normal cells and its phototoxicity on various leukemia cells, (ii) to investigate the mechanism of conjugate-mediated cell death. The conjugate: (i) strongly increased (×1000) the PS phototoxicity towards leukemic Jurkat T cells through an O-glycan-dependent process; (ii) specifically purged tumor cells from a 1∶1 mixture of Jurkat leukemia (Tn-positive) and healthy (Tn-negative) lymphocytes, preserving the activation potential of healthy lymphocytes; (iii) was effective against various leukemic cell lines with distinct phenotypes, as well as fresh human primary acute and chronic lymphoid leukemia cells; (iv) induced mostly a caspase-independent cell death, which might be an advantage as tumor cells often resist caspase-dependent cell death. Altogether, the present observations suggest that conjugation with plant lectins can allow targeting of photosensitizers towards aberrant glycosylation of tumor cells, e.g. to purge leukemia cells from blood and to preserve the normal leukocytes in extracorporeal photochemotherapy

    Real-Space Mesh Techniques in Density Functional Theory

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    This review discusses progress in efficient solvers which have as their foundation a representation in real space, either through finite-difference or finite-element formulations. The relationship of real-space approaches to linear-scaling electrostatics and electronic structure methods is first discussed. Then the basic aspects of real-space representations are presented. Multigrid techniques for solving the discretized problems are covered; these numerical schemes allow for highly efficient solution of the grid-based equations. Applications to problems in electrostatics are discussed, in particular numerical solutions of Poisson and Poisson-Boltzmann equations. Next, methods for solving self-consistent eigenvalue problems in real space are presented; these techniques have been extensively applied to solutions of the Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham equations of electronic structure, and to eigenvalue problems arising in semiconductor and polymer physics. Finally, real-space methods have found recent application in computations of optical response and excited states in time-dependent density functional theory, and these computational developments are summarized. Multiscale solvers are competitive with the most efficient available plane-wave techniques in terms of the number of self-consistency steps required to reach the ground state, and they require less work in each self-consistency update on a uniform grid. Besides excellent efficiencies, the decided advantages of the real-space multiscale approach are 1) the near-locality of each function update, 2) the ability to handle global eigenfunction constraints and potential updates on coarse levels, and 3) the ability to incorporate adaptive local mesh refinements without loss of optimal multigrid efficiencies.Comment: 70 pages, 11 figures. To be published in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Danielle Galliano, Les groupes industriels de l'agro-alimentaire français. Une approche statistique de la dynamique des organisations. Paris, Economica, 1995

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    Alcouffe Alain, Kounga Makele J. Danielle Galliano, Les groupes industriels de l'agro-alimentaire français. Une approche statistique de la dynamique des organisations. Paris, Economica, 1995. In: Cahiers d'Economie et sociologie rurales, N°42-43, 1er et 2e trimestres 1997. économie du développement. Education ; pauvreté ; commerce international. pp. 207-211

    Quels repères pour la mise en oeuvre d'un schéma de pilotage fondé sur une logique « stratégicoopérationnelle » dans une entreprise de services de réseau ?

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    International audienceCette communication s'intéresse au contrôle de gestion et au pilotage des entreprises de services de réseau. Son objectif est double. Il s'agit en premier lieu d'identifier les problèmes que pose ce type d'entreprises au modèle traditionnel de contrôle de gestion et à la logique de pilotage financière qui lui est associée. Nous cherchons ensuite à tirer un certain nombre de repères d'une étude de cas « exemplaire » de la mise en oeuvre d'une logique de pilotage stratégico-opérationnelle au sein d'une entreprise de transport organisée en réseau. Mots clés : pilotage, entreprise de services de réseau, transversalité, interdépendance