208 research outputs found

    Parity nonconserving observables in thermal neutron capture on a proton

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    We calculate parity nonconserving observables in the processes where a neutron is captured on a proton at the threshold energy radiating a photon. Various potential models such as Paris, Bonn and Argonne v18v18 are used for the strong interactions, and the meson-exchange description is employed for the weak interactions between hadrons. The photon polarization PγP_\gamma in the unpolarized neutron capture process and photon asymmetry AγA_\gamma in the polarized neutron capture process are obtained in terms of the weak meson-nucleon coupling constants. AγA_\gamma turns out to be basically insensitive to the employed strong interaction models and thus can be uniquely determined in terms of the weak coupling constants, but PγP_\gamma depends significantly on the strong interaction models.Comment: 13 pages, 11 eps figure

    Diffractive Dissociation in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA

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    The diffraction dissociation of virtual photons is considered in the framework of conventional Regge theory. It is shown that the recent HERA data on large rapidity gap events can be successfully described in terms of the Pomeron structure function. Using Regge factorization, the latter can be related to the deuteron structure function. The parameters which relate these two structure functions are determined from soft hadronic diffraction data. The size of the shadowing corrections at low x and large Q**2 is also obtained.Comment: 17 pages, TEX, preprint LPTHE Orsay 94-4

    An Effective Field Theory Calculation of the Parity Violating Asymmetry in n+p -> d+gamma

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    Weak interactions are expected to induce a parity violating pion-nucleon coupling, h_{\pi NN}^{(1)}. This coupling should be measurable in a proposed experiment to study the parity violating asymmetry A_\gamma in the process \vec n + p \to d+\gamma. We compute the leading dependence of A_\gamma on the coupling h_{\pi NN}^{(1)} using recently developed effective field theory techniques and find an asymmetry of A_\gamma = +0.17 h_{\pi NN}^{(1)} at leading order. This asymmetry has the opposite sign to that given by Desplanques, Donoghue and Holstein.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures from 3 eps files, late

    Fabrication of GaNxAs1-x Quantum Structures by Focused Ion Beam Patterning

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    A novel approach to the fabrication of GaNxAs1-x quantum dots and wires via ion beam patterning is presented. Photomodulated reflectance spectra confirm that N can be released from the As sublattice of an MBE-grown GaNxAs1-x film by amorphization through ion implantation followed by regrowth upon rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Amorphization may be achieved with a focused ion beam (FIB), which is used to implant Ga ions in patterned lines such that annealing produces GaAs regions within a GaNxAs1-x film. The profiles of these amorphized lines are dependent upon the dose implanted, and the film reaches a damage threshold during RTA due to excess Ga. By altering the FIB implantation pattern, quantum dots or wires may be fabricated.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27, Flagstaff, AZ, July 26-30, 2004

    Elastic Nd scattering at intermediate energies as a tool for probing the short-range deuteron structure

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    A calculation of the deuteron polarization observables AydA^d_y, AyyA_{yy}, AxxA_{xx}, AxzA_{xz} and the differential cross-section for elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering at incident deuteron energies 270 and 880 MeV in lab is presented. A comparison of the calculations with two different deuteron wave-functions derived from the Bonn-CD NNNN-potential model and the dressed bag quark model is carried out. A model-independent approach, based on an optical potential framework, is used in which a nucleon-nucleon TT-matrix is assumed to be local and taken on the energy shell, but still depends on the internal nucleon momentum in a deuteron.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    The Onset of Color Transparency in (e,ep)(e,e'p) Reactions on Nuclei

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    Quantum filtering of the ejectile wave packet from hard epep scattering on bound nucleons puts stringent constraints on the onset of color transparency in (e,ep)(e,e'p) reactions in nuclei at moderate energies. Based on multiple-scattering theory, we derive a novel formula for nuclear transparency and discuss its energy dependence in terms of a color transparency sum rule.Comment: 14 pages (LATEX), 3 figures (not included, available from the authors), KFA-IKP(TH)-1992-1

    Strangeness-Conserving Hadronic Parity Violation at Low Energies

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    The parity-violating nucleon-nucleon interaction is the key to understanding the strangeness-conserving hadronic weak interaction at low energies. In this brief talk, I review the past accomplishments in and current status of this subject, and outline a new joint effort between experiment and theory that tries to address the potential problems in the past by focusing on parity violation in few-nucleon systems and using the language of effective field theory.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the Second Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Nashville, TN, USA, Oct. 22-24, 200

    Evidence for Color Fluctuations in Hadrons from Coherent Nuclear Diffraction}

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    A QCD-based treatment of projectile size fluctuations is used to compute inelastic diffractive cross sections σdiff\sigma_{diff} for coherent hadron-nuclear processes. We find that fluctuations near the average size give the major contribution to the cross section with few% \le few \% contribution from small size configurations. The computed values of σdiff\sigma_{diff} are consistent with the limited available data. The importance of coherent diffraction studies for a wide range of projectiles for high energy Fermilab fixed target experiments is emphasized. The implications of these significant color fluctuations for relativistic heavy ion collisions are discussed.Comment: Report number DOE/ER 40427-13-N93 11 pages, 3 figures available from author Mille

    Reggeon and pion contributions in semi-exclusive diffractive processes at HERA

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    A detailed analysis of semi-exclusive diffractive processes in e-p DIS at HERA, with the diffractive final states in the forward direction is presented. The contributions of the subleading f_2, \omega, a_2, \rho reggeons and the pion exchanges to the diffractive structure function with the forward proton or neutron are estimated. It is found that the (a_2,\rho) reggeons are entirely responsible for the forward neutron production at x_P < 10^{-3}. The \pi N production in the forward region is estimated using the Deck mechanism. The significance of this reaction for the processes measured at HERA, especially with the leading neutron, is discussed.Comment: Strongly revised version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D. Latex, 14 pages with 5 eps figures include