511 research outputs found

    A PDA-based system for online recording and analysis of concurrent events in complex behavioral processes

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    This article outlines how a Palm- or Newton-based PDA (personal digital assistant) system for online event recording was used to record and analyze concurrent events. We describe the features of this PDA-based system, called the FIT-System (flexible interface technique), and its application to the analysis of concurrent events in complex behavioral processes—in this case, anesthesia work processes. The patented FIT-System has a unique user interface design allowing the user to design an interface template with a pencil and paper or using a transparency film. The template usually consists of a drawing or sketch that includes icons or symbols that depict the observer's representation of the situation to be observed. In this study, the FIT-System allowed us to create a design for fast, intuitive online recording of concurrent events using a set of 41 observation codes. An analysis of concurrent events leads to a description of action density, and our results revealed a characteristic distribution of action density during the administration of anesthesia in the operating room. This distribution indicated the central role of the overlapping operations in the action sequences of medical professionals as they deal with the varying requirements of this complex task. We believe that the FIT-System for online recording of concurrent events in complex behavioral processes has the potential to be useful across a broad spectrum of research area

    Genetic variability of Chilean and Peruvian surfclams (Donax marincovichi and Donax obesulus)

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    Exposed intertidal sandy beaches are commonly dominated by surf clams of the genus Donax. In Peru and Chile these bivalves play an important role for artisanal fisheries. Beside that, little is known about the taxonomy, biology, and the clams susceptibility to climatically induced changes. The taxonomic status of the two Donax species Donax marincovichi and Donax obesulus, distributed along the Peruvian coastline, is controversially discussed. As morphometric comparisons reveal no significant differences we possibly deal with a single rather than with two species. Furthermore, our knowledge on larval dispersal allowing gene flow among populations is scarce. Therefore, both putative Donax species were sampled at ten beaches along the coastline from northern Chile to northern Peru. Partial cytochrome oxidase I sequences were analysed in order to estimate the genetic distances between both putative species and to estimate the intraspecific gene flow along the coastline. Region specific patterns and the dependence on recruitment of local stocks are discussed

    Disseminated coccidioidomycosis: Monitoring of serologic markers for treatment response

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    We describe a patient with a disseminated coccidioidomycosis. Biomarkers in serum during itraconazole therapy showed a rapid clearing of Coccidioides DNA as detected by PCR. Coccidioides antibody detection by lateral flow assay became negative after one year and decreased from 1:64 to 1:8 in the complement fixation test after two years. The (1 → 3)-ß-D-glucan levels normalised after two years without increase after cessation of antifungal therapy. Biomarkers in serum may guide treatment decisions in disseminated coccidioidomycosis.Peer Reviewe

    Surgical Treatment of Carcinomas of the Oral Minor Salivary Glands : Oncological Outcome in Dependence of Tumor Entity and Therapeutic Strategies

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical outcomes of three types of minor salivary gland carcinomas (adenoid-cystic carcinomas (ACC), adeno carcinomas not otherwise specified (AC-NOS), and mucoepidermoid carcinomas (MEC)) after primary surgical therapy. A retrospective cohort study was designed and patients with cancer of the minor oral salivary glands treated in our department in the years 2011 to 2022 were included. Clinicopathological data were evaluated to compare overall survival and progression-free survival between the entities. Eighty-one patients were included. The rates of cervical metastases were 38.9% for ACC, 25% for MEC, and 9.1% for AC-NOS. ACC exhibited significantly higher rates of local and systemic disease recurrence (p = 0.02), and the presence of neck node metastases was confirmed as an independent prognostic factor for progressionfree survival (p = 0.014). Treatment success in terms of oncological outcome varied significantly between the different entities and implies different treatment regimens for each tumor entity

    Application of next-generation sequencing to Enterobacter hormaechei subspecies analysis during a neonatal intensive care unit outbreak

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    Introduction: The Enterobacter cloacae complex (ECC) species are potential neonatal pathogens, and ECC strains are among the most commonly encountered Enterobacter spp. associated with nosocomial bloodstream infections. Outbreaks caused by ECC can lead to significant morbidity and mortality in susceptible neonates. At the molecular level, ECC exhibits genomic heterogeneity, with six closely related species and subspecies. Genetic variability poses a challenge in accurately identifying outbreaks by determining the clonality of ECC isolates. This difficulty is further compounded by the limitations of the commonly used molecular typing methods, such as pulsed field gel electrophoresis, which do not provide reliable accuracy in distinguishing between ECC strains and can lead to incorrect conclusions. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) offers superior resolution in determining strain relatedness. Therefore, we investigated the clinical pertinence of incorporating NGS into existing bundle measures to enhance patient management during an outbreak of ECC in a level-3 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Germany. Methods: As the standard of care, all neonates on the NICU received weekly microbiological swabs (nasopharyngeal and rectal) and analysis of endotracheal secretion, where feasible. During the 2.5-month outbreak, colonisation with ECC was detected in n = 10 neonates. The phylogenetic relationship and potential antimicrobial resistance genes as well as mobile genetic elements were identified via bacterial whole-genome sequencing (WGS) using Illumina MiSeq followed by in silico data analysis. Results: Although all ECC isolates exhibited almost identical antimicrobial susceptibility patterns, the WGS data revealed the involvement of four different ECC clones. The isolates could be characterised as Enterobacter hormaechei subspecies steigerwaltii (n = 6, clonal), subsp. hoffmannii (n = 3, two clones) and subsp. oharae (n = 1). Despite the collection of environmental samples, no source of this diffuse outbreak could be identified. A new standardised operating procedure was implemented to enhance the management of neonates colonised with MRGN. This collaborative approach involved both parents and medical professionals and successfully prevented further transmission of ECC. Conclusions: Initially, it was believed that the NICU outbreak was caused by a single ECC clone due to the similarity in antibiotic resistance. However, our findings show that antibiotic susceptibility patterns can be misleading in investigating outbreaks of multi-drug-resistant ECC. In contrast, bacterial WGS accurately identified ECC at the clonal level, which significantly helped to delineate the nature of the observed outbreak

    High-quality EuO thin films the easy way via topotactic transformation

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    Epitaxy is widely employed to create highly oriented crystalline films. A less appreciated, butnonetheless powerful means of creating such films is via topotactic transformation, in which achemical reaction transforms a single crystal of one phase into a single crystal of a differentphase, which inherits its orientation from the original crystal. Topotactic reactions may beapplied to epitactic films to substitute, add or remove ions to yield epitactic films of differentphases. Here we exploit a topotactic reduction reaction to provide a non-ultra-high vacuum(UHV) means of growing highly oriented single crystalline thin films of the easily overoxidizedhalf-metallic semiconductor europium monoxide (EuO) with a perfection rivallingthat of the best films of the same material grown by molecular-beam epitaxy or UHV pulsedlaserdeposition. As the technique only requires high-vacuum deposition equipment, it hasthe potential to drastically improve the accessibility of high-quality single crystalline films ofEuO as well as other difficult-to-synthesize compounds

    Ischaemic stroke and Clostridium septicum sepsis and meningitis in a patient with occult colon carcinoma - a case report and review of the literature

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    Background Clostridium septicum is a rare cause of meningitis and brain abscess in children and adults. Gas production by the pathogen can lead to pneumocephalus and the overall mortality rate of Clostridium septicum CNS infection is as high as 74%. The most common entry site of the pathogen is the gastrointestinal tract. Case presentation We describe a 74-year-old man who presented with a left-sided cerebral infarction in the middle cerebral artery territory. In addition the patient showed signs of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Examination of blood cultures and cerebrospinal fluid led to the diagnosis of sepsis and meningitis caused by Clostridium septicum. Despite appropriate antibiotic therapy the condition of the patient deteriorated rapidly and he died on day 2 after admission. Autopsy revealed a previously unknown adenocarcinoma of the colon ascendens as entry site of the pathogen. Conclusion Clostridium septicum should be considered as potential pathogen in patients with sepsis and meningitis. Gram stain morphology in conjunction with severe sepsis can rapidly point into the direction of this pathogen. CNS infections manifest either as meningoencephalitis/cerebritis or as brain abscess. Entry site of the pathogen is almost uniquely the gastrointestinal tract. In adults more than 50% suffer from colorectal carcinoma, therefore survivors of Clostridium septicum infections should be examined for underlying occult colorectal malignancy

    A climate network-based index to discriminate different types of El Niño and La Niña

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    Funded by German Federal Ministry for Education and Research via the BMBF Young Investigators Group CoSy-CC2. Grant Number: 01LN1306A Planetary Boundary Research Network (PB.net) Earth League's EarthDoc DFG FAPESP Acknowledgments M.W. and R.V.D. have been supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research via the BMBF Young Investigators Group CoSy-CC2 (grant 01LN1306A). J.F.D. thanks the Stordalen Foundation via the Planetary Boundary Research Network (PB.net) and the Earth League's EarthDoc program for financial support. J.K. acknowledges the IRTG 1740 funded by DFG and FAPESP. NCEP Reanalysis data are provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA, from their website http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/. Parts of the analysis have been performed using the Python package pyunicorn [Donges et al., 2015b] available at https://github.com/pik-copan/pyunicorn.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Lipid biomarkers reveal trophic relationships and energetic trade‐offs in contrasting phenotypes of the cold‐water coral Desmophyllum dianthus in Comau Fjord, Chile

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    Benthic suspension feeders like corals and sponges are important bioengineers in many marine habitats, from the shallow tropics to the depth of polar oceans. While they are generally considered opportunistic, little is known about their actual in situ diet. To tackle this limitation, fatty acid trophic markers (FATMs) have been employed to gain insights into the composition of their diet. Yet, these in situ studies have not been combined with physiological investigations to understand how physiological limitations may modulate the biochemistry of these organisms. Here, we used the cold-water coral (CWC) Desmophyllum dianthus in its natural habitat in Comau Fjord (Northern Patagonia, Chile) as our model species to assess the trophic ecology in response to contrasting physico-chemical conditions (variable vs. stable) and ecological drivers (food availability) at three shallow sites and one deep site. We took advantage of the expression of two distinct phenotypes with contrasting performance (growth, biomass, respiration) coinciding with the differences in sampling depth. We analysed the corals' fatty acid composition to evaluate the utility of FATM profiles to gain dietary insights and assess how performance trade-offs potentially modulate an organism's FATM composition. We found that 20:1(n-9) zooplankton markers dominated the deep high-performance phenotype, while 20:5(n-3) and 22:6(n-3) diatom and flagellate markers, respectively, are more prominent in shallow low-performance phenotype. Surprisingly, both energy stores and performance were higher in the deep phenotype, in spite of measured lower zooplankton availability. Essential FA concentrations were conserved across sites, likely reflecting required levels for coral functioning and survival. While the deep high-performance phenotype met with these requirements, the low-performance phenotype appeared to need more energy to maintain functionality in its highly variable environment, potentially causing intrinsic re-allocations of energy and enrichment in certain essential markers (20:5(n-3), 22:6(n-3)). Our analysis highlights the biological and ecological insights that can be gained from FATM profiles in CWCs, but also cautions the reliability of FATM as diet tracers under limiting environmental conditions that may also be applicable to other marine organisms. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog