66 research outputs found

    Trade is War by Other Means: The Impacts the Trade War between the United States and China has on Brazil

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    The main objective of this article is to carry out an analysis of the impacts of the Trade War between the United States of America and China in Brazil To this end the field of studies of International Political Economy IPE will be used to understand how Brazil is affected by this dispute between the two major global powers We hypothesize that there may be short-term advantages for Brazil as well as long-term disadvantages The article contains three sections in addition to the introduction and final considerations the first being a theoretical perspective with an IPE theory approach through the lenses of Brazilian authors the second section deals with the U S -China Trade War and in the third section we analyze the impacts of the Trade War on Brazil We conclude that Brazil may make strategic decisions to extract advantages from the disput

    Occurrence of depressive symptoms related to changes in quality of life in students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Ocorrência de sintomas depressivos relacionados à alterações da qualidade de vida em escolares durante a pandemia do COVID-19

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    Introduction: Mental health is one of the relevant parameters to assess the quality of life. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, children make up one of the most fragile groups to mental health due to social isolation. Childhood mental disorders are a public health problem because of their impact on children's lives and the community.  Objectives: To trace the occurrence of depressive symptoms in schoolchildren during the social isolation period to contain the viral spread and assess possible risk factors for these symptoms' emergence. Method: This study is a cross-sectional with 102 children aged 7 to 10 years who attended Elementary School I in a Municipal School in Belo Horizonte - MG. It was realized during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. Two questionnaires were applied, Socioeconomic Questionnaire to describe the sample profile and to evaluate possible risk factors related to depressive symptoms, and the Childhood Depression Inventory (CDI) tassesses depressive symptoms in children.  Results: 2.9% of the children presented depressive symptoms. The profile was girls with unmarried parents, absence of father and mother as joint caregivers of the child, poor coexistence between close family members, the occurrence of family unemployment, and interference in lifestyle habits during the pandemic. However, these variables did not obtain a statistically significant association with probable depression. However, symptoms such as crying frequency, boredom, loneliness, and not feeling loved were significantly associated with potential depression. Conclusion: The rate of depression among students aged 7 to 10 years in a Municipal School was 2.9% during the pandemic. There was no association between sociodemographic characteristics and the presence or absence of symptoms of depression. There was a significant association between worsening symptoms such as crying, boredom, loneliness, and not feeling loved and the presence of depressive symptoms

    Methimazole associated eosinophilic pleural effusion: a case report

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    © The Author(s). 2017 Open AccessThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: Adverse reactions associated to anti-thyroid drugs include fever, rash, arthralgia, agranulocytosis and hepatitis that are thought to be hypersensitivity reactions. Five cases of pleural effusion associated to thionamides have also been reported, two with propylthiouracil and three with carbimazole. Case presentation: We report here a case of a 75-year-old man admitted because of unilateral pleural effusion. The patient had a recent diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and 6 days after starting methimazole complained of pleuritic chest pain. He had elevated C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate and normal white blood cell count and liver enzymes. Chest radiography showed a moderate right pleural effusion and the ultrasound revealed a loculated effusion that was shown to be an eosinophilic exudate. Conclusions: The temporal relationship between methimazole intake and the development of pleural effusion combined with the extensive exclusion of alternative causes, namely infectious, neoplastic and primary auto-immune diseases, led to the diagnosis of hypersensitivity reaction to methimazole. The thionamide was stopped and corticosteroid was started with complete resolution of the pleural effusion in 3 months. Awareness of this rare adverse reaction of anti-thyroid drugs is important and methimazole can be added to the list of possible etiologies of drug-induced eosinophilic pleural effusion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Association between muscle strength and the cardiopulmonary status of individuals living with HIV/AIDS

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare aerobic function [anaerobic threshold (%VO2-AT), respiratory compensation point (%VO2-RCP) and peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak)] between physically active patients with HIV/AIDS and matched controls and to examine associations between disease status, poor muscle strength, depression (as estimated by the profile of mood states questionnaire) and the aerobic performance of patients. METHODS: Progressive treadmill test data for %VO2-AT (V-slope method), RCP and (VO2peak) were compared between 39 male patients with HIV/AIDS (age 40.6±1.4 years) and 28 male controls (age 44.4±2.1 years) drawn from the same community and matched for habitual physical activity. Within-patient data were also examined in relation to CD4+ counts (nadir and current data) and peak isokinetic knee torque. RESULTS: AT, RCP and (VO2peak) values were generally similar for patients and controls.Within the patient sample, binary classification suggested that AT, RCP and (VO2peak) values were not associated with either the nadir or current CD4+ count, but treadmill test variables were positively associated with peak isokinetic knee torque. CONCLUSION: The aerobic performance of physically active patients with HIV/AIDS is generally well conserved. Nevertheless, poor muscle strength is observed in some HIV/AIDS patients, which is associated with lower anaerobic power and (VO2peak), suggesting the possibility of enhancing the aerobic performance of patients with weak muscles through appropriate muscle-strengthening activities


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    Introdução: O Brasil é considerado o principal local de captura e comércio ilegal da vida silvestre, devido a sua biodiversidade, preferido pelas quadrilhas e organizações criminosas locais e internacionais que praticam esta atividade de forma indiscriminada, ameaçando a sobrevivência dos ecossistemas. Objetivo: O estudo buscou mostrar o tráfico de animais silvestres em Coari/AM. Método: Esse estudo se caracteriza por ser uma pesquisa exploratória baseada em artigos científicos, jornais eletrônicos e relatos de coarienses sobre a comercialização de animais silvestres no município. Resultado: Em Coari durante a época de cheia e do defeso o tráfico de animais se intensifica por conta da baixa demanda e consequente alta dos preços. Conclusão: a maioria dos casos de tráfico de animais silvestres na cidade de Coari restringe-se principalmente ao tráfico doméstico, comercialização local, não havendo relatos na mídia, muitos menos na bibliografia de envio dos animais para outros locais. Outra parte dos animais é capturada para se tornarem animais de estimação, apesar de alguns episódios de agressividade

    Evidence of clinical, criterion, and convergent validity of the brazilian version of the Picture Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test with Immediate Recall (pFCSRT-IR)

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    The picture Free and Cued Selective Reminding with Immediate Recall (pFCSRT-IR) has been widely useful for episodic memory assessment in patients with dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This study presents adaptation and evidence of criterion and concurrent validity of the pFCSRT-IR for use in Brazil. The study was conducted in two complementary steps. Step A: authorization, translation,back-translation, and selection of a set of the 16 most nameable pictures in Brazil. Step B:n= 50 elderly individuals, 61–86 years of age (M = 73.26, SD= 6.70) and 3–25 years of education (M= 10.80,SD= 5.76), were evaluated with the pFCSRT-IR. Participants were categorized into two paired groups (25 AD/25 controls) for comparison in the pFCSRT-IR. In addition, a correlational analysis was conducted among pFCSRT-IR and Re Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) scores. Performance on the pFCSRT-IR was lower for the AD group. Moreover, considering all sample scores in the pFCSRT-IR and the RAVLT showed a significantly positive correlation with moderate to strong size (ρ > .40). The analysis showed evidence of convergent validity with external variables for the pFCSRT-IR. In conclusion, the Brazilian version of pFCSRT-IR has been shown to be a valid measure of episodic memory in the continuum of memory loss in aging

    Perfil epidemiológico da vacinação infantil para COVID-19 em Maceió, Alagoas, entre 2021-2023

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    A pandemia de COVID-19 trouxe à tona a importância primordial da vacinação como medida essencial para proteger a saúde pública em escala global. Contudo, enfrentam-se desafios significativos, como a hesitação vacinal, especialmente no contexto da vacinação pediátrica. O estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a consequência da pandemia de COVID-19 nos valores de vacinação para COVID-19, por vacina monovalente, contabilizando primeira dose e dose única, voltadas à indivíduos dos 6 meses aos 11 anos. Analisou-se os valores de cobertura vacinal, em locais de ocorrência: Maceió, Alagoas, Nordeste e Brasil, da imunização contra o COVID-19, durante os últimos três anos (2021-2023). Esse é um estudo epidemiológico e todos os dados foram extraídos do DEMAS, da SEIDIGI em parceria com o DIMU, da SVSA e pelo DATASUS. De acordo com os dados divulgados pela Prefeitura do Município de Maceió, apenas 0,81% e 39,66% das crianças de 3 a 4 anos e de 5 a 11 anos, respectivamente, receberam as duas doses do imunizante. Embora já houvesse uma tendência de queda na cobertura vacinal, o presente estudo demonstra que essa redução no número de crianças vacinadas, é devido às preocupações dos pais sobre os efeitos colaterais da vacina, com receios relativos à administração simultânea de múltiplas vacinas numa criança. Portanto, é notório que a taxa de recusa vacinal infantil, em Maceió, é mais acentuada do que comparada a Alagoas, Nordeste e Brasil

    Gestão familiar de crianças com condições crónicas: Perspetivas dos cuidadores

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    Enquadramento: Diferentes estilos de gestão podem modificar o funcionamento familiar, favorecendo ou comprometendo o cuidado das condições crónicas na infância. Objetivo: Analisar, na perspetiva do cuidador principal, a gestão familiar em situações que envolvem condições crónicas na infância. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo, orientado pelo Family Management Style Framework, realizado a partir de entrevistas com 38 cuidadores de crianças com condições crónicas, atendidas numa instituição de saúde do sudeste brasileiro. Os dados foram submetidos a análise temática do tipo dedutiva. Resultados: A situação da condição crónica é definida como difícil e causadora de sofrimento, exigindo uma reorganização da rotina familiar para atender às exigências da criança. As consequências percebidas expressam perspetivas e receios sobre o futuro e reconhecimento dos resultados dos com portamentos de gestão adotados. foram identificados estilos de gestão como a família ajustada, em adaptação, em luta, em conflito e em espera. Conclusão: A capacidade do cuidador principal em gerenciar as necessidades da criança com condição crónica, de forma positiva, depende do acesso aos recursos profissionais, assistenciais e intrafamiliares

    Técnicas cirúrgicas para correção de aneurisma de Aorta : Surgical techniques for aortic aneurysm repair

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    O aneurisma de aorta abdominal é definido como uma dilatação segmentar maior que 50% do diâmetro normal, podendo variar, entre vários fatores, principalmente com a idade, sexo e hábitos de vida, necessitando de acompanhamento ambulatorial e, em casos selcionados, de intervenção cirúrgica. A grande maioria dos pacientes são assintomáticos, podendo em poucos casos apresentar sintomas inespecíficos como dor abdominal ou até mesmo massa abdominal pulsátil. Foram apresentados os fatores de risco, epidemiologia, etiologia, fisiopatologia, rastreamento, diagnóstico e possibilidades de tratamento cirúrgico e endovascular, bem como prognóstico. O Objetivo do artigo foi avaliar o melhor método intervencionista para tratamento de aneurisma de aorta abdominal de acordo com os diferentes tipos de pacientes que envolvem suas determinadas comorbidades, propiciando adequado tratamento sendo este endovascular ou cirúrgico convencional. Foram analisadas as taxas de complicações, necessidade de reintervenções, morbimortalidade e tempo de internação pós procedimento, além do prognóstico