71 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum many-body description of bremsstrahlung in dense matter (Landau - Pomeranchuk - Migdal effect)

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    Some considerations about the importance of coherence effects for bremsstrahlung processes in non--equilibrium dense matter (Landau - Pomeranchuk - Migdal - effect) are presented. They are of particular relevance for the application to photon - and di-lepton production from high energy nuclear collisions, to gluon radiation in QCD transport, or parton kinetics and to neutrino and axion radiation from supernova explosion and from hot neutron stars. The soft behavior of the bremsstrahlung from a source described by classical transport models is discussed and pocket correction formulas for the in-matter radiation cross sections are suggested in terms of standard transport coefficients. The radiation rates are also discussed within a non--equilibrium quantum field theory (Schwinger - Kadanoff - Baym - Keldysh) formulation. A classification of diagrams and corresponding resummation in physically meaningful terms is proposed, which considers the finite damping width of all source particles in matter. This way each diagram in this expansion is already free from the infra--red divergences. Both, the correct quasi--particle and quasi--classical limits are recovered from this subset of graphs. Explicit results are given for dense matter in thermal equilibrium. The diagrammatic description may suggest a formulation of a transport theory that includes the propagation of off--shell particles in non--equilibrium dense matter.Comment: 50 pages, submitted to Ann. Phys. (N. Y.); diagrams coded as tex-macros; 5 figures available at: ftp://tpri6b.gsi.de/pub/knoll/ap-95-fig.uu; paper as postscript file (compressed and uuencoded) available at: ftp://tpri6b.gsi.de/pub/knoll/ap-95.p

    Finite pion width effects on the rho-meson and di-lepton spectra

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    Within a field theoretical model where all damping width effects are treated self-consistently we study the changes of the spectral properties of rho-mesons due to the finite damping width of the pions in dense hadronic matter at finite temperature. The corresponding effects in the di-lepton yields are presented. Some problems concerning the self consistent treatment of vector or gauge bosons are discussed.Comment: Invited talk given at International Workshop "Gross properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Exitations", Hirschegg, Austria, 16-22.01.2000, Latex, 7 page


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    The soft behavior of the bremsstrahlung from a source is discussed in terms of classical transport models and within a non--equilibrium quantum field theory (Schwinger - Kadanoff - Baym - Keldysh) formulation.Comment: 8 pages, latex, no figures (diagrams in latex

    Self-consistent descriptions of vector mesons in hot matter reexamined

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    Technical concepts are presented that improve the selfconsistent treatment of vector-mesons in a hot and dense medium. First applications concern an interacting gas of pions and rho mesons. As an extension of earlier studies we thereby include RPA-type vertex corrections and further use dispersion relations in order to calculate the real part of the vector-meson selfenergy. An improved projection method preserves the four transversality of the vector-meson polarisation tensor throughout the selfconsistent calculations, thereby keeping the scheme void of kinematical singularities.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figur

    Are back-to-back particle-antiparticle correlations observable in high energy nuclear collisions?

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    Analytical formulae are presented which provide quantitative estimates for the suppression of the anticipated back-to-back particle-antiparticle correlations in high energy nuclear collisions due to the finite duration of the transition dynamics. They show that it is unlikely to observ the effect

    Macroscopic nucleon-nucleon correlations caused by the bounce-off process in energetic collisions of heavy nuclei

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    Two-particle correlation data are presented for the reaction Ar (800 MeV/ nucleon) + Pb. The experimental results are analyzed in the nuclear fluid dynamical and in a linear cascade model. We demonstrate that the collective hydrodynamical correlations dominate the measured two-particle correlation function for the heavy system studied. We discuss the transition from the early stages of the reaction which are governed by few nucleon correlations, to the later stages with their macroscopic flow which can only be reached using heavy colliding systems. The sensitivity of the correlation data on the underlying compressional dissipative processes is analyzed

    Finite pion width effects on the rho--meson

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    We study the influence of the finite damping width of pions on the in-medium properties of the rho-meson in an interacting meson gas model at finite temperature. Using vector dominance also implications on the resulting dilepton spectra from the decay of the rho-meson are presented. A set of coupled Dyson equations with self energies up to the sunset diagram level is solved self consistently. Following a Phi-derivable scheme the self energies are dynamically determined by the self consistent propagators. Some problems concerning the self consistent treatment of vector or gauge bosons on the propagator level, in particular, if coupled to currents arising from particles with a sizable damping width, are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, uses feynmp.sty (included), clarified some points on gauge invariance and added some more referenc

    Renormalization in Self-Consistent Approximation schemes at Finite Temperature III: Global Symmetries

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    We investigate the symmetry properties for Baym's Φ\Phi-derivable schemes. We show that in general the solutions of the dynamical equations of motion, derived from approximations of the Φ\Phi-functional, do not fulfill the Ward-Takahashi identities of the symmetry of the underlying classical action, although the conservation laws for the expectation values of the corresponding Noether currents are fulfilled exactly for the approximation. Further we prove that one can define an effective action functional in terms of the self-consistent propagators which is invariant under the operation of the same symmetry group representation as the classical action. The requirements for this theorem to hold true are the same as for perturbative approximations: The symmetry has to be realized linearly on the fields and it must be free of anomalies, i.e., there should exist a symmetry conserving regularization scheme. In addition, if the theory is renormalizable in Dyson's narrow sense, it can be renormalized with counter terms which do not violate the symmetry.Comment: 32 papges, 3 figures, uses ReVTeX 4, V2: Added one more reference, V3: Corrected some typos, added two more sections about the large-N expansio

    Renormalization in Self-Consistent Approximations schemes at Finite Temperature I: Theory

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    Within finite temperature field theory, we show that truncated non-perturbative self-consistent Dyson resummation schemes can be renormalized with local counter-terms defined at the vacuum level. The requirements are that the underlying theory is renormalizable and that the self-consistent scheme follows Baym''s Φ\Phi-derivable concept. The scheme generates both, the renormalized self-consistent equations of motion and the closed equations for the infinite set of counter terms. At the same time the corresponding 2PI-generating functional and the thermodynamical potential can be renormalized, in consistency with the equations of motion. This guarantees the standard Φ\Phi-derivable properties like thermodynamic consistency and exact conservation laws also for the renormalized approximation schemes to hold. The proof uses the techniques of BPHZ-renormalization to cope with the explicit and the hidden overlapping vacuum divergences.Comment: 22 Pages 1 figure, uses RevTeX4. The Revision concerns the correction of some minor typos, a clarification concerning the real-time contour structure of renormalization parts and some comments concerning symmetries in the conclusions and outloo

    Continuous Decoupling of Dynamically Expanding Systems

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    The question of decoupling and freeze-out is reinvestigated and analysed in terms of transparent semi-classical decoupling formulae, which provide a smooth decoupling in time both, for single and two particle inclusive spectra. They generalise frequently employed instantaneous freeze-out procedures and provide simple relations between the damping width and the duration of the decoupling process. The implications on physical phenomena arising from the expansion and decay dynamics of the highly compressed hadronic matter generated in high energy nuclear collisions are discussed.Comment: The paper is significantly revised concentrating on the physics discussion, thereby including material that appeared during the revision stage. The formal derivations are deferred to a forthcoming paper. 20 pages, 2 Figures, Nucl. Phys. A in pres
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