19 research outputs found


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    На багатьох гірничодобувних підприємствах тих, що забезпечують мінера-льною сировиною чорну і кольорову металургію України та країн СНД, виник-ла проблема з розвіданими запасами. Резерв запасів багатьох видів корисних копалини на експлуатованих родовищах недостатній для забезпечення повної проектної потужності. Стан сировинних баз багатьох найважливіших гірничо-добувних регіонів і підприємств, що діють, різко погіршав у зв'язку з висна-женням запасів, зниженням їх якісних і економічних характеристик ускладнен-ням умов відробітку в результаті тривалої і інтенсивної експлуатації раніше освоєних родовищ. Основною причиною ситуації, що створилася, можна назва-ти зниження фінансування геологорозвідувальних робіт для освоєння нових ро-довищ необхідної мінеральної сировини

    Transport variability of the ACC and teleconnection with the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) south of Africa.

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    To study the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) volume transport several cruises have taken place. The results of these cruises show snapshots without information about the time variability. To investigate the time variability of the ACC the Alfred Wegener Institute operates an array of Pressure Inverted Echo Sounders (PIES) along a satellite altimeter ground track south of Africa. PIES monitor ocean bottom pressure and acoustic travel time across the water column. A Gravest Empirical Mode (GEM, Meinen and Watts 1998) was applied to determine the geostrophic transport between the PIES. These time series were used to compute a transfer function between satellite Sderived transport and geostrophic transport. Satellite altimetry offers the possibility to calculate ACC transport between 1992 and 2010. A mean transport of 115 Sv and a variability of 7 Sv were derived for the Topex/Poseidon, Jason 1 and Jason 2 time period. A wavelet analysis shows that the ACC transport highly correlates with the winter and spring SAM index, whereas a direct correlation on a monthly scale could not be shown

    Towards systematic analyses of ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies : Main concepts, methods and the road ahead

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    Ecosystem services (ES), the benefits that humans obtain from nature, are of great importance for human well-being. The challenge of meeting the growing human demands for natural resources while sustaining essential ecosystem functions and resilience requires an in-depth understanding of the complex relationships between ES. These conflicting ('trade-offs') or synergistic ('synergies') relationships mean that changes in one ES can cause changes in other ES. By synthesizing the growing body of literature on ES relationships, we identified the following four main study objectives: (i) the identification and characterization of co-occurrences of ES, (ii) the identification of drivers that shape ES relationships, (iii) the exploration of biophysical constraints of landscapes and limitations to their multifunctionality, and (iv) the support of environmental planning, management and policy decisions. For each of these objectives we here describe the key concepts, including viewpoints of different disciplines, and highlight the major challenges that need to be addressed. We identified three cross-cutting themes being relevant to all four main types of studies. To help guiding researchers towards more systematic analyses of ES trade-offs and synergies, we conclude with an outlook on suggested future research priorities.</p

    The Hydrosphere section of the Helmholtz Alliance on Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics: Enhancing the understanding of hydrological processes by remote sensing

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    The Earth system comprises a multitude of processes that are intimately meshed through complex interactions. In times of accelerated global change, the understanding and quantification of these processes is of primary importance. Spaceborne remote sensing sensors are predestined to produce information products at the global scale. The Helmholtz Alliance will therefore complement the high degree of innovation in radar remote sensing technology and will establish a unique chain from satellite technology, mission operation to information extraction and integration into local, regional and global measurements and models. The overall goal of hydrosphere-related activities is to enhance the understanding of hydrological processes by satellite data

    Chemical and Biological Gradients along the Damma Glacier Soil Chronosequence, Switzerland

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    Soils are the product of a complex suite of chemical, biological, and physical processes. In spite of the importance of soils for society and for sustaining life on earth, our knowledge of soil formation rates and of the influence of biological activity on mineral weathering and geochemical cycles is still limited. In this paper we provide a description of the Damma Glacier Critical Zone Observatory and present a first synthesis of our multi disciplinary studies of the 150-yr soil chronosequence. The aim of our research was to improve our understanding of ecosystem development on a barren substrate and the early evolution of soils and to evaluate the influence of biological activity on weathering rates. Soil pH, cation exchange capacity, biomass, bacterial and fungal populations, and soil organic matt er show clear gradients related to soil age, in spite of the extreme heterogeneity of the ecosystem. The bulk mineralogy and inorganic geochemistry of the soils, in contrast, are independent of soil age and only in older soils (>100 yr) is incipient weathering observed, mainly as a decreasing content in albite and biotite by coincidental formation of secondary chlorites in the clay fraction. Further, we document the rapid evolution of microbial and plant communities along the chronosequence