132 research outputs found

    A Review and Characterization of Progressive Visual Analytics

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    Progressive Visual Analytics (PVA) has gained increasing attention over the past years. It brings the user into the loop during otherwise long-running and non-transparent computations by producing intermediate partial results. These partial results can be shown to the user for early and continuous interaction with the emerging end result even while it is still being computed. Yet as clear-cut as this fundamental idea seems, the existing body of literature puts forth various interpretations and instantiations that have created a research domain of competing terms, various definitions, as well as long lists of practical requirements and design guidelines spread across different scientific communities. This makes it more and more difficult to get a succinct understanding of PVA’s principal concepts, let alone an overview of this increasingly diverging field. The review and discussion of PVA presented in this paper address these issues and provide (1) a literature collection on this topic, (2) a conceptual characterization of PVA, as well as (3) a consolidated set of practical recommendations for implementing and using PVA-based visual analytics solutions

    Postponement and the wealth of nations

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    In this paper, Fair Value Chain Creation (FVC2;), as an approach that applies and extends principles of Fair Trade to exports from developed countries to the less developed countries, is being introduced. It awards a Fair Value label to goods which undergo further value adding in the host market. FVC2; attempts to utilize a label pointing at made for rather than made in by emblematizing the degree of Fair Value involved. Building on logistics and manufacturing postponement allows FVC2; to balance value chains in such a way that both stakes (North - South; developed countries - developing countries; country of origin - host market) are going to profit. Developing countries can increase their share in value chains originating from Northern countries. In turn, this enables those developed countries and corresponding manufacturers to level their resources. While postponing none-core activities to the developing countries and the respective host markets, manufacturers can focus even more on core processes. In fact, FVC2; mostly employs humans instead of machines. It makes labor a promoted option. Based on free-market mechanisms, like opportunity costs and the production possibilities frontier, the authors prove FVC2; being an attempt in the market and on the structure of global value chains. Fair Value Chain Creation is driven by enhanced global logistics performance. Thus, and in contrast to Fair Trade, FVC2; requires no price premium being paid by the consumer and therefore no stringent inspection of its application. Nonetheless, every labeling initiative requires an authority to prevent malpractice. The authors show, before such an initiative can be put into practice, that it is particularly evident to define the developing gap enabling to specify the potential and spectrum of FVC2;. This gap arises from globalization and enhanced logistics performance (foremost postponement). --Fair Trade,Fair Value Chain,Fair Value Creation,Postponement,Wealth of Nations

    Arylsubstituierte FĂŒnfringheteroaromaten als Halbleiter- und Emittermaterialien zur Anwendung in Organischen Elektrolumineszenzdioden

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    Zur Herstellung Organischer Leuchtdioden (OLED) auf der Basis kleiner MolekĂŒle werden geeignete Verbindungen als Ladungstransport- und Emittermaterialien benötigt. Die Arbeit beschreibt die Darstellung heteroaromatischer Triarylamine durch Ringschlussreaktion. Ausgehend von N,N-diarylsubstituierten Thioharnstoffen und -ThiocarbonsĂ€ureamiden sowie von geeigneten 2-Halogencarbonylverbindungen wurden arylsubstituierte 2-Aminothiazole und 2-Aminothiophene dargestellt. Durch den Einsatz von bifunktionellen Edukten erhĂ€lt man so auch 5,5ÂŽ-verknĂŒpfte, 4,4ÂŽ-verknĂŒpfte und aminoverknĂŒpfte Hetarensysteme. Die EinfĂŒhrung geeigneter Elektronenakzeptorgruppen in die 5-Stellung des Hetarens gestattet die Darstellung lĂ€ngerwellig absorbierender Farbstoffe, die Fluoreszenz im Festkörper zeigen können. Dabei wurden sowohl 2-Aminothiazole und 2-Aminothiophene durch Substitution am Heterocyclus in Farbstoffe ĂŒberfĂŒhrt, als auch die Farbstoffe durch die Kondensation von 2,N,N-Triaryl-3-morpholino-thioacrylsĂ€ureamiden beziehungsweise von 2-Aza-N,N-diaryl-3-morpholino-thioacrylsĂ€ureamiden mit 2-Halogen-carbonylverbindungen und 2-Halogenheterocarbonylverbindungen dargestellt. Die symmetrievermindernden Eigenschaften der dargestellten Hetarene gegenĂŒber der Phenylgruppe erhöhen die fĂŒr die StabilitĂ€t der OLED-Elemente wichtige Glasbildungstendenz und vermindern weiterhin die Fluoreszenzlöschung im Festkörper der dargestellten Farbstoffe. Der beschriebene Verzicht auf metallkatalysierte BindungsknĂŒpfungsreaktionen ermöglicht eine einfachere Produktreinigung und trĂ€gt durch den Wegfall eventueller Fluoreszenzlöschungsprozesse an Schwermetallatomen zu einer höheren Effizienz der Elektrolumineszenzbauelemente bei

    Arylsubstituierte FĂŒnfringheteroaromaten als Halbleiter- und Emittermaterialien zur Anwendung in Organischen Elektrolumineszenzdioden

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    Zur Herstellung Organischer Leuchtdioden (OLED) auf der Basis kleiner MolekĂŒle werden geeignete Verbindungen als Ladungstransport- und Emittermaterialien benötigt. Die Arbeit beschreibt die Darstellung heteroaromatischer Triarylamine durch Ringschlussreaktion. Ausgehend von N,N-diarylsubstituierten Thioharnstoffen und -ThiocarbonsĂ€ureamiden sowie von geeigneten 2-Halogencarbonylverbindungen wurden arylsubstituierte 2-Aminothiazole und 2-Aminothiophene dargestellt. Durch den Einsatz von bifunktionellen Edukten erhĂ€lt man so auch 5,5ÂŽ-verknĂŒpfte, 4,4ÂŽ-verknĂŒpfte und aminoverknĂŒpfte Hetarensysteme. Die EinfĂŒhrung geeigneter Elektronenakzeptorgruppen in die 5-Stellung des Hetarens gestattet die Darstellung lĂ€ngerwellig absorbierender Farbstoffe, die Fluoreszenz im Festkörper zeigen können. Dabei wurden sowohl 2-Aminothiazole und 2-Aminothiophene durch Substitution am Heterocyclus in Farbstoffe ĂŒberfĂŒhrt, als auch die Farbstoffe durch die Kondensation von 2,N,N-Triaryl-3-morpholino-thioacrylsĂ€ureamiden beziehungsweise von 2-Aza-N,N-diaryl-3-morpholino-thioacrylsĂ€ureamiden mit 2-Halogen-carbonylverbindungen und 2-Halogenheterocarbonylverbindungen dargestellt. Die symmetrievermindernden Eigenschaften der dargestellten Hetarene gegenĂŒber der Phenylgruppe erhöhen die fĂŒr die StabilitĂ€t der OLED-Elemente wichtige Glasbildungstendenz und vermindern weiterhin die Fluoreszenzlöschung im Festkörper der dargestellten Farbstoffe. Der beschriebene Verzicht auf metallkatalysierte BindungsknĂŒpfungsreaktionen ermöglicht eine einfachere Produktreinigung und trĂ€gt durch den Wegfall eventueller Fluoreszenzlöschungsprozesse an Schwermetallatomen zu einer höheren Effizienz der Elektrolumineszenzbauelemente bei

    Sexual Dysfunction before and after Cardiac Rehabilitation

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    Background. The aim of this study was to assess sexual function before and after cardiac rehabilitation in relation to medical variables. Methods. Analysis of patients participating in a 12-week exercise-based outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program (OCR) between April 1999 and December 2007. Exercise capacity (ExC) and quality of life including sexual function were assessed before and after OCR. Results. Complete data were available in 896 male patients. No sexual activity at all was indicated by 23.1% at baseline and 21.8% after OCR, no problems with sexual activity by 40.8% at baseline and 38.6% after OCR. Patients showed an increase in specific problems (erectile dysfunction and lack of orgasm) from 18% to 23% (P < .0001) during OCR. We found the following independent positive and negative predictors of sexual problems after OCR: hyperlipidemia, age, CABG, baseline ExC and improvement of ExC, subjective physical and mental capacity, and sense of affiliation. Conclusions. Sexual dysfunction is present in over half of the patients undergoing OCR with no overall improvement during OCR. Age, CABG, low exercise capacity are independent predictors of sexual dysfunction after OCR

    "Es ist mit Verzögerungen zu rechnen!“ Organisationale Auseinandersetzungen bei der Entwicklung einer Regelung zur Anrechnung von E-Learning-Veranstaltungen auf das Lehrdeputat

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    Die Frage, wie E-Learning-Formate auf die ErfĂŒllung der Lehrpflicht anzurechnen sind, wird seit beinahe 15 Jahren in der Fachcommunity und in den einschlĂ€gigen Gremien diskutiert. Dabei lag ein VerstĂ€ndnis von E-Learning zugrunde, das im Wesentlichen eine medial unterstĂŒtzte Form des Selbststudiums darstellt und stark auf "multimedialen“ Inhalten aufbaut. Mitte der 2000er Jahre wurden in vielen Landeslehrverpflichtungsverordnungen "Blended Learning“ als mögliche Lehrformen aufgenommen. In der Regel wird dabei die Möglichkeit der Minderung von Lehrverpflichtungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Aufwand zur Erstellung von E-Learning-Inhalten festgeschrieben und wenig zur Implementation von E-Learning gesagt. Die Frage, wie Hochschulen sich verĂ€ndern sollen, um solche Entwicklungen der Lehre wirkungsvoll zu fördern, ist daher nach wie vor aktuell. Dies gilt insbesondere in der gegenwĂ€rtigen digitalen Transformation, welche die VerĂ€nderungsfĂ€higkeit von Bildungsinstitutionen und Lehre herausfordert. Das langsame Tempo der VerĂ€nderungsprozesse wird im Digitalisierungsdiskurs insbesondere als Anpassungsproblem der Hochschulen an die zeitgemĂ€ĂŸe Anforderung der "Organisationswerdung“ – als Kernaufgabe fĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung der digitalen Transformation – interpretiert. Wir möchten mit dem vorliegenden Beitrag die Diskussion und die Umsetzung der Anrechnung von E-Learning-Veranstaltungen auf die Lehrverpflichtung an der UniversitĂ€t Potsdam am konkreten Fall nachzeichnen und reflektieren. Dabei geht es uns einerseits um die Darstellung des Prozesses und der Teilergebnisse der Neuregelung als intendierte Momente eines intensiven und langwierigen Aushandlungsprozesses und andererseits um ein theoretisch geleitetes Schlaglicht auf den Aushandlungsprozess als solchen und in seiner Bedeutung fĂŒr die universitĂ€re Lehrentwicklung als ein spezifisches Geschehen von "Organisationswerdung“ insgesamt. (DIPF/Orig.

    An Enhanced Visualization Process Model for Incremental Visualization

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    Abstract-With today&apos;s technical possibilities, a stable visualization scenario can no longer be assumed as a matter of course, as underlying data and targeted display setup are much more in flux than in traditional scenarios. Incremental visualization approaches are a means to address this challenge, as they permit the user to interact with, steer, and change the visualization at intermediate time points and not just after it has been completed. In this paper, we put forward a model for incremental visualizations that is based on the established Data State Reference Model, but extends it in ways to also represent partitioned data and visualization operators to facilitate intermediate visualization updates. In combination, partitioned data and operators can be used independently and in combination to strike tailored compromises between output quality, shown data quantity, and responsiveness-i.e., frame rates. We showcase the new expressive power of this model by discussing the opportunities and challenges of incremental visualization in general and its usage in a real world scenario in particular

    Role of thioredoxin reductase 1 and thioredoxin interacting protein in prognosis of breast cancer

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    Introduction: The purpose of this work was to study the prognostic influence in breast cancer of thioredoxin reductase 1 (TXNRD1) and thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP), key players in oxidative stress control that are currently evaluated as possible therapeutic targets. Methods: Analysis of the association of TXNRD1 and TXNIP RNA expression with the metastasis-free interval (MFI) was performed in 788 patients with node-negative breast cancer, consisting of three individual cohorts (Mainz, Rotterdam and Transbig). Correlation with metagenes and conventional clinical parameters (age, pT stage, grading, hormone and ERBB2 status) was explored. MCF-7 cells with a doxycycline-inducible expression of an oncogenic ERBB2 were used to investigate the influence of ERBB2 on TXNRD1 and TXNIP transcription. Results: TXNRD1 was associated with worse MFI in the combined cohort (hazard ratio = 1.955; P < 0.001) as well as in all three individual cohorts. In contrast, TXNIP was associated with better prognosis (hazard ratio = 0.642; P < 0.001) and similar results were obtained in all three subcohorts. Interestingly, patients with ERBB2-status-positive tumors expressed higher levels of TXNRD1. Induction of ERBB2 in MCF-7 cells caused not only an immediate increase in TXNRD1 but also a strong decrease in TXNIP. A subsequent upregulation of TXNIP as cells undergo senescence was accompanied by a strong increase in levels of reactive oxygen species. Conclusions: TXNRD1 and TXNIP are associated with prognosis in breast cancer, and ERBB2 seems to be one of the factors shifting balances of both factors of the redox control system in a prognostic unfavorable manner

    Radiochemical determination of 129I and 36Cl inMEGAPIE, a proton irradiated lead-bismuth eutectic spallation target

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    The concentrations of the long-lived nuclear reaction products 129I and 36Cl have been measured in samples from the MEGAPIE liquid metal spallation target. Samples from the bulk target material (lead-bismuth eutectic, LBE), from the interface of the metal free surface with the cover gas, from LBE/steel interfaces and from noble metal absorber foils installed in the cover gas system were analysed using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at the Laboratory of Ion beam Physics at ETH ZĂŒrich. The major part of 129I and 36Cl was found accumulated on the interfaces, particularly at the interface of LBE and the steel walls of the target container, while bulk LBE samples contain only a minor fraction of these nuclides. Both nuclides were also detected on the absorber foils to a certain extent (â‰Ș 1% of the total amount). The latter number is negligible concerning the radio-hazard of the irradiated target material; however it indicates a certain affinity of the absorber foils for halogens, thus proving the principle of using noble metal foils for catching these volatile radionuclides. The total amounts of 129I and 36Cl in the target were estimated from the analytical data by averaging within the different groups of samples and summing up these averages over the total target. This estimation could account for about half of the amount of 129I and 36Cl predicted to be produced using nuclear physics modelling codes for both nuclides. The significance of the results and the associated uncertainties are discussed
