435 research outputs found

    Optimalisation of Packing Material Supply in Company Epcos s. r. o.

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na optimalizaci řízení zásob obalového materiálu ve zvoleném podniku. V první části práce jsou zpracovány teoretické poznatky dané problematiky, v praktické části je analyzován současný stav podniku a pomocí analýzy ABC jsou navrženy možná řešení řízení zásob jednotlivých kategorií. Dalším výstupem práce je navržení efektivní organizace výdeje obalů do spotřeby.This Thesis is focused on optimalisation of packaging material supply management in the selected company. In the first part the thesis compiles theoretical information of the given problems, in the practical part is analysed the contemporary condition and by means of analysis ABC are proposed possible method of solution of inventory management for the individual categories. The next exit of the work is a proposal of an efective organization of packaging issues to consumption.

    Shell galaxies as laboratories for testing MOND

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    Tests of MOND in ellipticals are relatively rare because these galaxies often lack kinematic tracers in the regions where the MOND effects are significant. Stellar shells observed in many elliptical galaxies offer a promising way to constrain their gravitational field. Shells appear as glowing arcs around their host galaxy. They are observed up to ~100 kpc. The stars in axially symmetric shell systems move in nearly radial orbits. The radial distributions of shell locations and the spectra of stars in shells can be used to constrain the gravitational potential of their host galaxy. The symmetrical shell systems, being especially suitable for these studies, occur in approximately 3% of all early-type galaxies. Hence the shells substantially increase the number of ellipticals in which MOND can be tested up to large radii. In this paper, we review our work on shell galaxies in MOND. We summarize the paper B\'{i}lek et al. (2013), where we demonstrated the consistency of shell radii in an elliptical NGC 3923 with MOND, and the work B\'{i}lek et al. (2014), in which we predicted a giant (~200 kpc), as yet undiscovered shell of NGC 3923. We explain the shell identification method, which was used in these two papers. We further describe the expected shape of line profiles in shell spectra in MOND which is very special due to the direct relation of the gravitational field and baryonic matter distribution (B\'{i}lek et al., 2014, in preparation).Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in the special MOND issue of the Canadian Journal of Physic

    Regression and correlation analysis of energy productivity indicators compared within selected countries of the EU

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    Artykuł koncentruje się na ocenie wydajności energetycznej w porównaniu do wybra-nych krajów Unii Europejskiej w latach 1996-2016. Do porównania wykorzystano wskaźnik, który wynika z podzielenia produktu krajowego brutto (PKB) przez ogólne zużycie energii w kraju w danym roku ka-lendarzowym. Mierzy on produktywność zużycia energii i obrazuje stopień oddzielenia zużycia energii od wzrostu PKB. Celem badania jest identyfikacja zależności i trendów wskaźników wydajności energetycznej i porównanie ich w wybranych krajach. Autorzy wykorzystują metody analizy korelacji i regresji oraz trendy rozwojowe, analizę szeregów czasowych.The paper is focused on the evaluation of energy productivity compared within selected countries of the European Union in the time period 1996-2016. To compare, we used the indicator, which results from the division of the gross domestic product (GDP) by the gross inland consumption of energy for a given ca-lendar year. It measures the productivity of energy consumption and provides a picture of the degree of deco-upling of energy use from growth in GDP. The aim of the research is to identify relations and trends of the indicators of energy productivity and compare them in the selected countries. The authors use the methods of the correlation and regression analysis and development trends, time series analysis

    The new demand of the economic policy in the field of economic security

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    W artykule poruszono problemy bezpieczeństwa gospodarczego, przedstawiając jasną definicję oraz zewnętrzne czynniki omawianego podmiotu, które bazują na danym środowisku gospodarczym i mają bezpośredni wpływ na bezpieczeństwo narodowe. Głównym celem artykułu jest określenie wymogów dla nowoczesnej oraz bezpiecznej taktyki, wcześniej rozpoznawszy iż bieżące sprawy na świecie, nowe zapotrzebowania wymagają rozpatrzenia ich w celu utrzymania bezpieczeństwa w gospodarce opartego na polityce gospodarczej.The paper deals with problems of economic security. It provides a clear definition of internal and external factors of economic security which are based on the given economic environment and have a direct impact on national security. Based on a clear identification of these factors, the aim of this paper is to determine the requirements for a modern safety-oriented economic policy, since it is obvious that due to current events in the world, new demands which are necessary to be considered in order to maintain economic security are placed on the economic policy


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    A large database of more than 400 existing historical atlases released after 1950 was createdas a result of an extensive analytic research within the preparation of cartographic works on theCzech Historical Atlas. The database was published in the form of a web application that allows theuser to reveal and analyse associated information about historical atlases across interactivedashboards. To improve the information value of the database, the authors decided to arrangefurther possibilities of data excerption with the use of specialized data visualization methods thatmay reveal additional information and new phenomena which are not clearly visible from thedatabase itself. The performed analyses supplement the paper in the form of diagrams and chartsand present the data from various perspectives with the focus on similarities and differences betweenthe cartographic and the thematic content of the historical atlases in the publishing countries, thechanges in the thematic focus of the atlases or changes in the use of methods of thematiccartography in atlas works over time. The authors also deal with relations between the thematicfocus of the atlas and the applied methods of thematic cartography. All analyses are performed onthe sample of 88 atlas works

    Regression and correlation analysis of labour and resource productivity indicators compared within the V4 countries

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    The paper is focused on the evaluation of labour and resource productivity compared within the Visegrad countries in the time period 2010 – 2015. The aim of the paper is to identify certain relations and connections between the indicators of labour and material resource productivity and compare the V4 countries from the perspective of these indices. The authors use the methods of the correlation and regression analysis and development trend

    Simulations of shell galaxies with GADGET-2: Multi-generation shell systems

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    As the missing complement to existing studies of shell galaxies, we carried out a set of self-consistent N-body simulations of a minor merger forming a stellar shell system within a giant elliptical galaxy. We discuss the effect of a phenomenon possibly associated with the galaxy merger simulations --- a presence of multiple generations of shells.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of JENAM 2010, Symposium 2: "Environment and the formation of galaxies: 30 years later

    Measurement of the performance of an economy

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    Powodzenie gospodarki krajowej oraz rozwój gospodarczy kraju oceniane są głównie na podstawie wskaźników ekonomicznych. Produkt Krajowy Brutto (PKB) jest najczęściej stosowanym wskaźnikiem na poziomie krajowym i regionalnym. Informacyjna moc PKB jest ograniczona, dlatego stosuje się alternatywne sposoby mierzenia rozwoju gospodarczego i dobrobytu. Do najbardziej znanych i dostępnych alternatywnych mierników rozwoju gospodarczego zalicza się Indeks Rozwoju Ludzkiego (HDI). Celem niniejszych badań jest wyjaśnienie czynników, które należy uwzględnić przy ocenie rozwoju gospodarczego i dobrobytu, w szczególności czynników społecznych i środowiskowych. Jednym z celów jest porównanie PKB i HDI w krajach V4. Bez względu na cykle gospodarcze i zmiany w PKB, między 2007 a 2017 rokiem w krajach V4 nastąpił stopniowy, niewielki wzrost HDI.The success of a national economy and the economic development of a country are mainly assessed based on economic indicators. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the most commonly used indicator at national and regional levels. The informational power of GDP is limited, so alternative ways of measuring economic development and well-being have begun to be used, of which the Human Development Index (HDI) is the best known and the most accessible. The aim of this research is to highlight the areas that are to be considered when assessing economic development and well-being, especially social and environmental factors. One of the objectives is to compare the GDP and the HDI in the V4 countries. There was a gradual, slight increase in HDI without regard to economic cycles and changes in the GDP in the V4 countries between 2007 and 2017

    Evolution of selected karyotype characters in tetrapulmonate arachnids

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    Pavoukovci nejsou z cytogenetického hlediska příliš probádanou skupinou. Dosavadní studie naznačují vysokou diverzitu karyotypů i způsobů určení pohlaví pavoukovců. Předložená práce se zabývá evolucí pohlavních chromozomů, nukleolárních organizátorů (NOR) a telomerických repetic u tetrapulmonátních pavoukovců, a to především u vývojově původnějších skupin. Pohlavní chromozomy se nám podařilo detekovat u dvou řádů. Detekcí NORů u většího souboru druhů byla získána data podporující hypotézu, že ancestrální karyotyp pavoukovců obsahoval NOR na jednom páru autozomů. U některých skupin pedipalpidů docházelo v evoluci ke zvyšování počtu NORů. NORy se nachází u většiny tetrapulmonátních pavoukovců v terminálních nebo subterminálních oblastech. U zástupců všech tetrapulmonátních pavoukovců s výjimkou pavouků jsme potvrdili výskyt "hmyzího" telomerického motivu. S výjimkou jednoho druhu jsme neprokázali přítomnost intersticiálních telomerických repetic. Klíčová slova: pavoukovci, meióza, pohlavní chromozomy, telomery, nukleolární organizátor, heterochromatinThe class Arachnida is not thoroughly explored from the cytogenetic point of view. Previous studies suggest a high diversity of karyotypes and sex determination in arachnids. This study deals with the evolution of sex chomosomes, nucleolar organizer regions (NOR), and telomeric repeats in the tetrapulmonate clade of arachnids, particularly in groups of ancient origin. Sex chromosomes were detected in two orders. Detection of NORs in a large set of species supports the hypothesis that the ancestral karyotype of arachnids contained NOR on one pair of autosomes only. The number of NORs has increased during the evolution of some groups of Pedipalpi. The NORs are located in terminal or subterminal chromosomal regions in most tetrapulmonates. The occurrence of the "insect" telomeric motif was confirmed in majority of tetrapulmonates. Interstitital telomeric repeats were not detected with the exception of one species. Keywords: arachnids, meiosis, sex chromosomes, telomeres, nucleolar organizer, heterochromatinDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Deep imaging of the shell elliptical galaxy NGC3923 with MegaCam

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    Context. The elliptical galaxy NGC 3923 is known to be surrounded by a number of stellar shells, probable remnants of an accreted galaxy. Despite its uniqueness, the deepest images of its outskirts come from the 1980s. On the basis of the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), it has recently been predicted that a new shell lies in this region. Aims. We obtain the deepest image ever of the galaxy, map the tidal features in it, and search for the predicted shell. Methods. The image of the galaxy was taken by the MegaCam camera at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in the g' band. It reached the surface-brightness limit of 29 mag/arcsec2. In addition, we reanalyzed an archival HST image of the galaxy. Results. We detected up to 42 shells in NGC 3923. This is by far the highest number among all shell galaxies. We present the description of the shells and other tidal features in the galaxy. A probable progenitor of some of these features was discovered. The shell system likely originates from two or more progenitors. The predicted shell was not detected, but the new image revealed that the prediction was based on incorrect assumptions and poor data.Comment: 14 pages, 2 tables, 19 figures, accepted for publication in A&