110 research outputs found

    La laguna opaca. Gestión y gobernanza del agua en l Albufera de ValÚncia (España)

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    [ES] La Albufera de ValĂšncia es un humedal sometido, desde hace varios siglos, a una acusada influencia antrĂłpica. Hoy dĂ­a se halla en un estadio eutrĂłfico, y la falta de transparencia de sus aguas es comparable a la opacidad en determinados ĂĄmbitos de su gestiĂłn, en la que chocan los intereses contrapuestos del conservacionismo y el productivismo, en un entramado de jurisdicciones solapadas y visiones contrastadas. La gestiĂłn del agua en este sistema socio-ecolĂłgico es compleja y conflictiva, y tiene lugar en un escenario cambiante debido a las variaciones en el balance de recursos hĂ­dricos y la calidad de las aguas. Este artĂ­culo analiza este sistema socio-ecolĂłgico a partir de entrevistas con diversos usuarios y agentes, y propone un nuevo modelo de gestiĂłn basado en una gobernanza compartida, la mediaciĂłn y la transparencia informativa.[EN] The Albufera de Valencia is a complex anthropogenic waterscape, constructed by different social groups over centuries. Today water management in the protected wetland remains opaque, much like the water in the eutrophic lagoon. Four major organizations manage this natural heritage, which remains torn between nature conservation and rice growing, in a jigsaw of overlapping jurisdictions and crisscrossed visions. Water management in this socioecological-system is complex and contested, and takes place within a changing scenario due to recent variations in the water quality and quantity budgets. This paper analyses this changing socio-ecological system based on interviews with stakeholders, and advocates for a new model of management based on shared governance, mediation and transparent data.JĂ©gou, A.; Sanchis Ibor, C. (2019). The opaque lagoon. Water management and governance in l Albufera de ValĂšncia wetland (Spain). Limnetica. 38(1):503-515. https://doi.org/10.23818/limn.38.2950351538

    L'Albufera de Valencia

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    L’Albufera de Valencia offre une possibilitĂ© d’application de la mĂ©diance selon A. Berque. La lagune a connu trois mĂ©diances successives. Aujourd’hui une nouvelle mĂ©diance semble se dessiner : celle du dĂ©veloppement durable. Ă  partir de l’analyse des types de relations entre diffĂ©rents groupes d’une mĂȘme sociĂ©tĂ© Ă  leur milieu, au travers des enjeux hydriques, l’article cherche Ă  utiliser le changement environnemental comme marqueur de mĂ©diance.A lo largo de los Ășltimos siglos, la Albufera de Valencia ha experimentado importantes cambios ambientales, ligados a las transformaciones de los sistemas de aprovechamiento del humedal. El artĂ­culo describe esta secuencia evolutiva a travĂ©s del concepto de « mĂ©diance » definido por A. Berque y analiza las posiciones de distintos agentes en la Albufera actual, en cuya gestiĂłn entrechocan objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y la inercia de un modelo de crecimiento econĂłmico contrapuesto a dicho paradigma.The Albufera de Valencia (Spain) lagoon constitutes a good case study for the implementation of the concept of « mĂ©diance », as developed by the French geographer, Augustin Berque. The laguna has gone through three successive « mĂ©diances ». Nowadays, a new mĂ©diance seems to take place: it is associated to the idea of sustainable development. Based on the analysis of the relations to the place, as a milieu, of different groups within the same society, this paper seeks to show how the relation to the environment can be a good marker of the “mĂ©diance“

    Trust-Aware Peer Sampling: Performance and Privacy Tradeoffs

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    International audienceThe ability to identify people that share one's own interests is one of the most interesting promises of the Web 2.0 driving user-centric applications such as recommendation systems or collaborative marketplaces. To be truly useful, however, information about other users also needs to be associated with some notion of trust. Consider a user wishing to sell a concert ticket. Not only must she find someone who is interested in the concert, but she must also make sure she can trust this person to pay for it. This paper addresses the need for trust in user-centric applications by propos- ing two novel distributed protocols that combine interest-based connections be- tween users with explicit links obtained from social networks Ă -la Facebook. Both protocols build trusted multi-hop paths between users in an explicit so- cial network supporting the creation of semantic overlays backed up by social trust. The first protocol, TAPS2 , extends our previous work on TAPS (Trust- Aware Peer Sampling), by improving the ability to locate trusted nodes. Yet, it remains vulnerable to attackers wishing to learn about trust values between ar- bitrary pairs of users. The second protocol, PTAPS (Private TAPS ), improves TAPS2 with provable privacy guarantees by preventing users from revealing their friendship links to users that are more than two hops away in the social network. In addition to proving this privacy property, we evaluate the per- formance of our protocols through event-based simulations, showing significant improvements over the state of the art

    Human prostate supports more efficient replication of HIV-1 R5 than X4 strains ex vivo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In order to determine whether human prostate can be productively infected by HIV-1 strains with different tropism, and thus represent a potential source of HIV in semen, an organotypic culture of prostate from men undergoing prostatic adenomectomy for benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) was developed. The presence of potential HIV target cells in prostate tissues was investigated using immunohistochemistry. The infection of prostate explants following exposures with HIV-1 R5, R5X4 and X4 strains was analyzed through the measure of RT activity in culture supernatants, the quantification of HIV DNA in the explants and the detection of HIV RNA+ cells <it>in situ</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall prostate characteristics were retained for 2<sup>1/2 </sup>weeks in culture. Numerous potential HIV-1 target cells were detected in the prostate stroma. Whilst HIV-1 R5<sub>SF162 </sub>strain consistently productively infected prostatic T lymphocytes and macrophages, the prototypic X4<sub>IIIB </sub>strain and a primary R5X4 strain showed less efficient replication in this organ.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The BPH prostate is a site of HIV-1 R5 replication that could contribute virus to semen. A limited spreading of HIV-1 X4 and R5X4 in this organ could participate to the preferential sexual transmission of HIV-1 R5 strains.</p

    Catch Me If You Can Privacy-Preserving Dissemination in Micro-Blogging

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    Online micro-blogging services and social networks, as ex- emplified by Twitter and Facebook, have emerged as an im- portant means of disseminating information quickly and at large scale. A standard mechanism in micro-blogging that allows for interesting content to reach a wider audience is that of reposting (i.e., retweeting in Twitter, or sharing in Facebook) of content initially posted by another user. Moti- vated by recent events in which users were prosecuted merely for reposting anti-government information, we present Ri- poste, a randomized reposting scheme that provides pri- vacy guarantees against such charges. The idea is that if the user likes a post, Riposte will re- post it only with some (carefully chosen) probability; and if the user does not like it, Riposte may still repost it with a slightly smaller probability. These probabilities are com- puted for each user as a function of the number of connec- tions of the user in the network, and the extent to which the post has already reached those connections. The choice of these probabilities is based on results for branching pro- cesses, and ensures that interesting posts (liked by a large fraction of users) are likely to disseminate widely, whereas uninteresting posts (or spam) do not spread. Riposte is ex- ecuted locally at the user, thus the user's opinion on the post is not communicated to the micro-blogging server. We quantify Riposte's ability to protect users in terms of differential privacy and provide analytical bounds on the dissemination of posts. We also report on experimental re- sults based on topologies of real networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Renren, Google+ and LiveJournal

    FreeRec: an Anonymous and Distributed Personalization Architecture

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    We present and evaluate FreeRec, an anonymous decentral- ized peer-to-peer architecture, designed to bring personalization while protecting the privacy of its users. FreeRec's decentralized approach makes it independent of any entity wishing to collect personal data about users. At the same time, its onion-routing-like gossip-based overlay protocols effectively hide the association between users and their inter- est profiles without affecting the quality of personalization. The core of FreeRec consists of three layers of overlay protocols: the bottom layer, rps, consists of a standard random peer sampling protocol ensur- ing connectivity; the middle layer, PRPS, introduces anonymity by hid- ing users behind anonymous proxy chains, providing mutual anonymity; finally, the top clustering layer identifies for each anonymous user, a set of anonymous nearest neighbors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of FreeRec by building a decentralized and anonymous content dis- semination system. Our evaluation by simulation and through extensive PlanetLab experiments show that FreeRec effectively decouples users from their profiles without hampering the quality of personalized content delivery

    Les effets de la vente en ligne sur les inégalités territoriales d'accÚs au commerce. Vers un nivellement des disparités urbain-périurbain ?

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    L’accessibilitĂ© gĂ©ographique des populations aux biens est diffĂ©renciĂ©e selon les espaces. Les populations des centres-villes peuvent accĂ©der Ă  pieds, Ă  proximitĂ© de leur domicile Ă  des magasins offrant un large choix de biens, alors que les populations pĂ©riurbaines doivent parcourir plusieurs kilomĂštres en voiture pour accĂ©der au premier magasin de proximitĂ©. Depuis les annĂ©es 1990, le commerce Ă  destination des particuliers (business-to-consumer) connaĂźt de fortes Ă©volutions, avec le dĂ©veloppement d‘Internet et de la vente en ligne. Cette « Ă©lectronisation » offre la possibilitĂ© d’une sĂ©paration croissante des fonctions du commerce, notamment la vente en elle-mĂȘme et la logistique de distribution . Ainsi, la livraison Ă  domicile et celle dans des relais-livraison se sont affirmĂ©es comme des modes de distribution alternatifs aux magasins, bouleversant les cadres de l’analyse de l’accessibilitĂ© des populations aux commerces, notamment dans les espaces pĂ©riurbains. L’accessibilitĂ© est entendue ici comme l’ensemble des contraintes spatiales, temporelles et modales pesant sur les dĂ©placements nĂ©cessaires pour accĂ©der Ă  un bien.Les principales formes de distribution de la vente en ligne, les livraisons Ă  domicile et en relais-livraison, proposent une redĂ©finition de l’accessibilitĂ© Ă  un large Ă©ventail de biens matĂ©riels, en offrant ces biens Ă  domicile et/ou dans des commerces de proximitĂ© plutĂŽt que, pour certains biens, dans un magasin du centre-ville. Les disparitĂ©s d’accessibilitĂ©s aux commerces, parfois fortes selon le type de bien recherchĂ©, marquĂ©es par un gradient urbain-pĂ©riurbain et par une hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des territoires pĂ©riurbains, devraient s’en trouver significativement nivelĂ©es par une multiplication attendue des points de distribution, notamment dans des territoires qui n’en disposaient pas. Cependant cela nĂ©cessite, d’une part, que les habitants des territoires concernĂ©s adoptent largement le commerce Ă©lectronique et tirent parti des options de livraison. D’autre part, le dĂ©veloppement de la vente en ligne entraĂźne une transformation de l’offre commerciale existante par la concurrence qu’elle opĂšre. Certaines localisations commerciales existantes s’en trouvent fragilisĂ©es ou remises en cause, tout autant que l’accessibilitĂ© et les pratiques d’achat des populations rĂ©sidant dans ces territoires.Les trois parties du rapport fournissent des rĂ©ponses et des Ă©clairages diffĂ©renciĂ©s sur ces interrogations, plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur celle formulĂ©e en titre. La premiĂšre partie sera focalisĂ©e sur l'accĂšs aux produits alimentaires et de consommation courante via l'analyse des zones de dessertes des cybermarchĂ©s. La seconde partie s'intĂ©ressera Ă  un acteur Ă©mergent du e-commerce: les points relais. Enfin la derniĂšre partie essaiera de saisir plus finement les usages et pratiques des mĂ©nages en termes de ventes en ligne

    Characterisation and localisation of the endocannabinoid system components in the adult human testis

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    International audienceHeavy use of cannabis (marijuana) has been associated with decreased semen quality, which may reflect disruption of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the male reproductive tract by exogenous cannabinoids. Components of ECS have been previously described in human spermatozoa and in the rodent testis but there is little information on the ECS expression within the human testis. In this study we characterised the main components of the ECS by immunohistochemistry (IHC) on archived testis tissue samples from 15 patients, and by in silico analysis of existing transcriptome datasets from testicular cell populations. The presence of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) in the human testis was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization imaging analysis. Endocannabinoid-synthesising enzymes; diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL) and N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-specific phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD), were detected in germ cells and somatic cells, respectively. The cannabinoid receptors, CNR1 and CNR2 were detected at a low level in post-meiotic germ cells and Leydig- and peritubular cells. Different transcripts encoding distinct receptor isoforms (CB1, CB1A, CB1B and CB2A) were also differentially distributed, mainly in germ cells. The cannabinoid-metabolising enzymes were abundantly present; the α/ÎČ-hydrolase domain-containing protein 2 (ABHD2) in all germ cell types, except early spermatocytes, the monoacylglycerol lipase (MGLL) in Sertoli cells, and the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) in late spermatocytes and post-meiotic germ cells. Our findings are consistent with a direct involvement of the ECS in regulation of human testicular physiology, including spermatogenesis and Leydig cell function. The study provides new evidence supporting observations that recreational cannabis can have possible deleterious effects on human testicular function. Author Correction:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-58153-

    L’évaluation par indicateurs : un outil nĂ©cessaire d’amĂ©nagement urbain durable ?: RĂ©flexions Ă  partir de la dĂ©marche parisienne pour le gĂ©ographe et l'amĂ©nageur

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    International audienceLes pratiques d'Ă©valuation par indicateurs se multiplient dans les projets de durabilitĂ© urbaine, surtout en amĂ©nagement urbain durable. La Ville de Paris a notamment mis en place, depuis 2007, un tableau de bord d'indicateurs adossĂ© au rĂ©fĂ©rentiel " Un amĂ©nagement durable pour Paris " pour Ă©valuer les niveaux de performance des opĂ©rations d'amĂ©nagement au regard des objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable. Ce tableau de bord permet d'Ă©valuer la prise en compte de ces objectifs dans les opĂ©rations d'amĂ©nagement, en identifiant les niveaux de performance atteints, leurs points forts et leurs points faibles en vue de les faire progresser le cas Ă©chĂ©ant. À partir de l'expĂ©rience parisienne, l'article pose la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'un dĂ©bat sur la pertinence de l'Ă©valuation par indicateurs dans l'amĂ©nagement urbain durable. Il y rĂ©pond en posant des conditions d'une culture propre de l'Ă©valuation de la durabilitĂ© et en mettant en Ă©vidence des questionnements sur l'emboĂźtement des modes de gouvernance, la mise en Ɠuvre et le suivi des objectifs fixĂ©s et des temporalitĂ©s, ainsi que sur l'intĂ©gration des diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles territoriale
