213 research outputs found

    KOULULAISTEN ENSIAPUA – opas Kiiminkijoen koulun henkilökunnalle

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    Järvinen, Mika & Järvinen, Jenni. Koululaisten ensiapua – opas Kiiminkijoen koulun henki-lökunnalle. Syksy 2017. 32 sivua, yksi liite. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Hoitotyön koulu-tusohjelma, Hoitotyön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sairaanhoitaja (AMK). Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa kouluikäisten lasten ensiavusta opas Kiiminkijoen koulun työntekijöille. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin tuotteistamisen keinoin. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin yhteistyössä Kiiminkijoen koulun henkilökunnan kanssa. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli ke-hittää turvallisuutta Kiiminkijoen koulussa. Opas sisältää ensiapuohjeita kouluikäisten lasten hätäensiaputilanteisiin, sairaskohtauksiin ja tapaturmiin. Opas on käytettävissä ensiaputilanteiden kertaamiseen ja uuden työntekijän perehdyttämiseen. Jatkossa olisi kiinnostava tietää, miten koulut pitävät yllä henkilökunnan ensiaputaitoja. Asiasanat: koululainen, ensiapu, tapaturmat, turvallisuus, terveyden edistäminenJärvinen, Mika & Järvinen, Jenni. School children’s first aid guide for staff of Kiiminkijoki school. Autumn 2017. 32 pages, 1 appendix. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. De-gree: Registered Nurse. The purpose of this thesis was to produce a guide on school children’s first aid for the staff of Kiiminkijoki school, Finland. The thesis was drawn up in accordance with a productiza-tion process. The thesis work was done in cooperation with the staff of the Kiiminkijoki School. The aim of the thesis was to develop the safety of Kiiminkijoki school. The guide includes first-aid instructions for emergency situations, illnesses and accidents of school-age children. The guide is useful in rehearsing first aid situations and as new em-ployee training material. In the future, it would be interesting to know how schools maintain the first aid skills of the staff. Keywords: school child, first aid, accidents, safety, health promotio

    Stakeholder Perceptions on Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies in Finland - Economic, Technological, Political and Societal Uncertainties

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    Success of individual CCS projects as well as integration of CCS into larger energy systems depend on institutional and organizational support from a variety of contexts. We map stakeholder perceptions from an institutional perspective and present a framework for identifying path dependencies, challenges and opportunities in the dynamic development of the social, political and economic setting around CCS technologies. The analysis is based on data collected on two Finnish CCS demonstration projects; a cancelled retro-fit project for a coal-fired power plant and a recently developed method for mineralizing C02 into stable calcium carbonate. 0ur goal is to examine which uncertainties are considered most significant and most likely to affect the development and employment of CCS technologies.Peer reviewe

    Numerical modeling of the drying, devolatilization and char conversion processes of black liquor droplets

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    In this work a detailed physical single particle combustion model for black liquor was developed. As a difference to previous models, intra-particle mass transfer during drying and devolatilization was considered, in addition to heat transfer. Relevant chemical reactions and experimentally observed physical combustion phenomena e.g. swelling were implemented. The model was widely tested against experimental data. Char conversion mechanisms were studied in laboratory reactor and furnace conditions addressing the relevant reaction mechanisms needed for developing simplified particle combustion sub-models for use in combination with CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The model succeeded well in predicting experimentally observed combustion behavior. Release rates and yields of mass and carbon were well predicted for the cases studied. The model also succeeded well in predicting particle temperatures during combustion. Values for particle thermal conductivity, devolatilization heat, swelling and shrinkage parameters could be obtained by sensitivity analysis and experimental verification. A novel char conversion mechanism was found by the model, referred to as auto-gasification. Char conversion may take place already during devolatilization as H2O and CO2 flow out from the particle interior and pass through the hot, pyrolyzed particle surface. This auto-gasification mechanism could not be fully validated experimentally. However, an excellent correlatio n with experimental data was obtained when this mechanism was included. It was shown that char conversion mechanisms for black liquor essentially differ from those for other fuels. It was observed that at typical recovery boiler temperatures and gas compositions dominating char conversion mechanisms are H2O gasification, CO2 gasification and carbonate reduction, under non-convective conditions. When convective effects are present, the role of direct char oxidation increases. For high slip velocity conditions, the overlapping of devolatilization and char oxidation is an issue as O2 can reach the particle surface more easily. The concept of envelope flame under furnace conditions should be re-evaluated. The results from this study suggest that the development of a simplified CFD particle combustion model requires the proper understanding of physical and chemical processes taking place in the particle during combustion. In order to transfer the experimental observations to furnace conditions, the relevant mecha nisms that take place need to be understood before the important ones can be selected for CFD-based modeling.reviewe

    Sensitivity of idealised baroclinic waves to mean atmospheric temperature and meridional temperature gradient changes

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    The sensitivity of idealised baroclinic waves to different atmospheric temperature changes is studied. The temperature changes are based on those which are expected to occur in the Northern Hemisphere with climate change: (1) uniform temperature increase, (2) decrease of the lower level meridional temperature gradient, and (3) increase of the upper level temperature gradient. Three sets of experiments are performed, first without atmospheric moisture, thus seeking to identify the underlying adiabatic mechanisms which drive the response of extra-tropical storms to changes in the environmental temperature. Then, similar experiments are performed in a more realistic, moist environment, using fixed initial relative humidity distribution. Warming the atmosphere uniformly tends to decrease the kinetic energy of the cyclone, which is linked both to a weaker capability of the storm to exploit the available potential energy of the zonal mean flow, and less efficient production of eddy kinetic energy in the wave. Unsurprisingly, the decrease of the lower level temperature gradient weakens the resulting cyclone regardless of the presence of moisture. The increase of the temperature gradient in the upper troposphere has a more complicated influence on the storm dynamics: in the dry atmosphere the maximum eddy kinetic energy decreases, whereas in the moist case it increases. Our analysis suggests that the slightly unexpected decrease of eddy kinetic energy in the dry case with an increased upper tropospheric temperature gradient originates from the weakening of the meridional heat flux by the eddy. However, in the more realistic moist case, the diabatic heating enhances the interaction between upper- and low-level potential vorticity anomalies and hence helps the surface cyclone to exploit the increased upper level baroclinicity.Peer reviewe

    Desphosphorization in ironmaking and oxygen steelmaking

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    Steelmaking is an extensive industry based on modifying the physical properties of iron to fit a wide range of applications by either adding alloying elements or removal of impurities. Thus, the effects of various elemental components on final steel properties are at the heart of the steelmaking process whether in small concentrations coming from the raw materials or being in larger concentrations as alloying elements. Owing to increased demand of iron ore raw materials, the access to high-quality ores has been under stress and thus, increased usage of low-quality ores, which contains high concentrations of impurities such as phosphorus and sulphur has become more economical. Such impurities have been known to have adverse impacts on the final steel properties and need special management in conventional steel making operation. This report primarily focuses on the management strategies of phosphorus in steelmaking including the behavior of phosphorus and its removal strategies in several core components of the process: blast furnace (BF), basic oxygen furnace (BOF), electric arc furnace (EAF) and argon oxygen decarburization (AOD). The objective of the report is to review underlying research in the area giving a reference to the available literature and support propagation of future research projects addressing various aspects of dephosphorization in steelmaking

    The extratropical transition of Hurricane Ophelia (2017) as diagnosed with a generalized omega equation and vorticity equation

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    Hurricane Ophelia was a category 3 hurricane which underwent extratropical transition and made landfall in Europe as an exceptionally strong post-tropical cyclone in October 2017. In Ireland, Ophelia was the worst storm in 50 years and resulted in significant damage and even loss of life. In this study, the different physical processes affecting Ophelia’s transformation from a hurricane to a mid-latitude cyclone are studied. For this purpose, we have developed software that uses OpenIFS model output and a system consisting of a generalized omega equation and vorticity equation. By using these two equations, the atmospheric vertical motion and vorticity tendency are separated into the contributions from different physical processes: vorticity advection, thermal advection, friction, diabatic heating, and the imbalance between the temperature and vorticity tendencies. Vorticity advection, which is often considered an important forcing for the development of mid-latitude cyclones, is shown to play a small role in the re-intensification of the low-level cyclone. Instead, our results show that the adiabatic upper-level forcing was strongly amplified by moist processes, and thus, the diabatic heating was the dominant forcing in both the tropical and extratropical phases of Ophelia. Furthermore, we calculated in more detail the diabatic heating contributions from different model parameterizations. We find that the temperature tendency due to the convection scheme was the dominant forcing for the vorticity tendency during the hurricane phase, but as Ophelia transformed into a mid-latitude cyclone, the microphysics temperature tendency, presumably dominated by large-scale condensation, gradually increased becoming the dominant forcing once the transition was complete. Temperature tendencies caused by other diabatic processes, such as radiation, surface processes, vertical diffusion, and gravity wave drag, were found to be negligible in the development of the storm.Hurricane Ophelia was a category 3 hurricane which underwent extratropical transition and made landfall in Europe as an exceptionally strong post-tropical cyclone in October 2017. In Ireland, Ophelia was the worst storm in 50 years and resulted in significant damage and even loss of life. In this study, the different physical processes affecting Ophelia's transformation from a hurricane to a mid-latitude cyclone are studied. For this purpose, we have developed software that uses OpenIFS model output and a system consisting of a generalized omega equation and vorticity equation. By using these two equations, the atmospheric vertical motion and vorticity tendency are separated into the contributions from different physical processes: vorticity advection, thermal advection, friction, diabatic heating, and the imbalance between the temperature and vorticity tendencies. Vorticity advection, which is often considered an important forcing for the development of mid-latitude cyclones, is shown to play a small role in the re-intensification of the low-level cyclone. Instead, our results show that the adiabatic upper-level forcing was strongly amplified by moist processes, and thus, the diabatic heating was the dominant forcing in both the tropical and extratropical phases of Ophelia. Furthermore, we calculated in more detail the diabatic heating contributions from different model parameterizations. We find that the temperature tendency due to the convection scheme was the dominant forcing for the vorticity tendency during the hurricane phase, but as Ophelia transformed into a mid-latitude cyclone, the microphysics temperature tendency, presumably dominated by large-scale condensation, gradually increased becoming the dominant forcing once the transition was complete. Temperature tendencies caused by other diabatic processes, such as radiation, surface processes, vertical diffusion, and gravity wave drag, were found to be negligible in the development of the storm.Peer reviewe

    Changes In Higher Education Communication Practices And Tools - Through The Pandemic Towards New Communication Models

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted traditional modes of communication in higher education institutions, leading to a shift towards remote communication and digital tools. This scientific paper examines the changes in higher education communication practices and tools resulting from the pandemic. The paper analyzes the challenges and opportunities presented by this shift and the ways in which teachers have applied communication models familiar from contact teaching to distance education. A previous review of published literature on adaptations in higher education institutions identified key factors for a successful transition to novel distance education communication practices and tools. These factors included effective use of digital platforms, skillful faculty with additional training and support available, and consistent efforts to maintain engagement and community building in the online environment. To determine how teachers have been able to adapt their communication practices and tool use at both the course and curriculum levels in response to the pandemic and whether they see these changes as welcome and lasting, a questionnaire survey was conducted at Tampere University. The results of the survey demonstrated how local experiences reflected the broader changes and contribute to the ongoing discussion about teachers adopting new communication models. However, some teachers expressed a desire to return to pre-COVID-19 practices, as they perceived contact learning as more engaging and effective. Therefore, the authors propose the creation of communication models by teaching staff for their own contexts as a tool for discussing and designing teaching-related communications.Peer reviewe

    Rewards of Compassion : Dispositional Compassion Predicts Lower Job Strain and Effort-Reward Imbalance Over a 11-Year Follow-Up

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    Dispositional compassion has been shown to predict higher well-being and to be associated with lower perceived stress and higher social support. Thus, compassion may be a potential individual factor protecting from job strain. The current study examines (i) whether dispositional compassion predicts job strain and effort-reward imbalance (ERI) or does the predictive relationship run from job strain and ERI to dispositional compassion and (ii) the effect of dispositional compassion on the developmental trajectory of job strain and ERI over a 11-year follow-up. We used data from the Young Finns study (n=723) between 2001 and 2012. The direction of the predictive relationships was analyzed with cross-lagged panel models. Compassion's effect on the trajectories of job strain, ERI, and their components was examined with multilevel models. First, the cross-lagged panel models demonstrated there was no evidence for the predictive pathways between compassion and job strain or its components. However, the predictive pathways from high dispositional compassion to low ERI and high rewards had better fit to the data than the predictive pathways in the opposite direction. In addition, multilevel models showed that high compassion predicted various job characteristics from early adulthood to middle age (lower job strain and higher job control as well as lower ERI and higher reward). Compassion did not predict job demand/effort. The findings were obtained independently of age, gender, and socioeconomic factors in childhood and adulthood. These findings indicate that compassion may be beneficial in work context. Further, compassion might be useful in the management or prevention of some aspects of strain. Our study provides new insight about the role of compassion in work life.Peer reviewe