43 research outputs found

    Ilmanvaihdon palopellin läpän kehitys ja testaus

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    Koneellisen ilmanvaihdon myötä palo-osastointi ja kanavakohtaiset paloturvallisuusratkaisut nousevat tärkeään rooliin palojen leviämisen estämiseksi. Yksi jatkuvan kehittämisen kohtia ovat olleet ilmanvaihdollisen palo-osastoinnin kivijalkoina toimivat palopellit. Näiden tehtävänä on sulkea kanava tarpeen tullen ja eristää palava tila muusta rakennuksesta palon leviämisen estämiseksi. Palopellin rakenteesta tekee haasteellisen yhdistelmä korkeaa lämpötilaa sekä jatkuvaa kanavapainetta, jotka asettavat palopellin sulkuläpän materiaalille vaativat lähtökohdat. Parempien palonkesto ominaisuuksien lisäksi tavoitteena oli näiden avulla mahdollistaa ohuempi läppäratkaisu, jotta painehäviöitä saisi pienennettyä läpän ollessa auki tilassa. Työ on luonteeltaan käytännönläheinen tutkimustyö, jossa perehdyttiin ensin palopellin palotestaukseen ja vaatimuksiin, jonka jälkeen materiaalivaihtoehtoja kartoitettiin niin monta kuin mahdollista, jotta näitä voitaisiin verrata nykyisen läppämateriaaliin entistä paremman ratkaisun löytämiseksi. Materiaalikartoituksesta suurin osa tapahtui omatoimisesti etsimällä tarkoitukseen sopivia laatuja sekä toimittajia, mutta myös materiaalitoimittajien puolelta ammattitaitoisen konsultaation saaminen onnistui. Lopulta testauskelpoisiksi todettujen materiaalien löydyttyä, tila-simme aihiot FläktGroup Finland Oy:n Akaan tehtaalle, jotka sitten työstettiin testaukseen kooltaan soveltuviksi levyiksi. Kartoitettujen materiaalien osalta oleellisin koe oli Akaan tehtaan palolaboratoriossa suoritettu palokoe, mutta jokaisen vaihtoehdon osalta tärkeää oli myös varmistua riittävistä mekaanisista ominaisuuksista. Tärkeimmät testattavat ominaisuudet palopellin läpän rakenteen ja toimivuuden kannalta olivat jäykkyys eli muotonsa säilyttäminen ja ruuvin kantokyky. Palokoetta varten valettiin maakaasulla toimivan testiuunin kylkeen istutettava betoninen testiseinä kanava-aukoilla, jonka avulla saimme simuloitua äärimmäisiä olosuhteita kanavassa ja testattua vaihtoehtoisia materiaaleja vertailukelpoisilla tuloksilla. Palokokeet osoittivat useiden potentiaalisten materiaalien löytymisen nykyisen tilalle, jotka oletusarvoisesti mahdollistaisivat läpän osalta jopa entistä pidemmän ajallisen tiiveys ja eristävyys luokituksen. Oletus perustuu palotestin jälkeen käsiteltyjen levyjen tiiveyteen vaikuttavalla koossa pysymiselle sekä palokokeen perusteella nähtävistä paremmista eristyskyvyistä.Fire safety solutions for air distribution and dividing spaces into fire departments plays a big part in preventing a fire from spreading in a construction with a forced ventilation. One of the subjects for continuous improvement regarding the function of the fire departments is the fire damper. The purpose of the damper is to shut the air duct in case of need and seal it from the rest of the construction for hindering the fire from spreading. The overall construction and circumstances combined with high temperature and continuous air pressure from the duct set challenging level for the dampers blade material. In addition to improvement in fire resistance properties, the hope was to achieve a thinner blade so that the pressure drops could be minimized. The nature of the Thesis was practical research of alternative fireproof solutions in place of the existing material after getting acquainted with the fire dampers and their requirements. Most of the preliminary search was independent search work for finding proper materials for testing and their suppliers, but good consultation was also received from multiple experts from suppliers. Once the proper materials were identified, they were ordered to the FläktGroup factory in Akaa, Finland, where they were cut into workable pieces for the further tests. The most relevant test for the alternative materials was the fire test performed in the fire laboratory, but also being convinced of the proper mechanical properties of the materials so that they could be deemed suitable for the purpose. The most important properties on behalf of the construction of the blade and the mechanism is the ability to keep its shape under rising heat and resilience of the turning shafts screws in the material. For the actual fire test, a movable concrete wall was made and installed on the open side of the natural gas heated oven. The movable wall had standard duct holes inserted for simulating extreme circumstances in the air duct and thus being comparable results. The fire tests indicated that several potential materials were tested in place of the current one, that might make possible even longer sealability and insulation properties. Assumption is based on the handling of the materials after the fire test as some of the materials held their shape and relative toughness even after a long time burn and showed better resistance to heat transfer

    Dynamics of ecological interdependences between European paper & pulp and printing & publishing industries, 1950-2005

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    Earlier research on industry evolution has introduced a number of theoretical models of how industries evolve, and identified a number of factors driving this process. In general, however, much of the earlier topical research has focused on explaining the evolution of industries by the characteristics of the industry in question or the firms operating within it. One of the areas where little research exists is on the effects of other industries or organizational populations on the evolution of a particular industry. Thus, responding to calls for this type of research, this study aims at extending the knowledge of inter-industry or inter-population interactions both theoretically and empirically. The study builds primarily on organizational and community ecology, the only research paradigm that has systematically studied evolutionary interdependences between different types of organizational populations. Theoretically, the study introduces a novel theoretical framework of interdependences between organizational populations. In particular, the framework incorporates the view that a population niche is a multidimensional construct, and turns the basic level of analysis of interactions to the level of the niche dimension. A number of propositions are formulated of the effects of different types of niche dimension level interactions on vital rates of organizational populations. Empirically, the study examines ecological interdependences in a novel research context: the paper & pulp and the printing & publishing industries in four European countries - Finland, Germany, Sweden, and the UK - during 1950-2005. On the basis of historical narratives of the evolution of the eight separate industries, descriptive analyses of the resource flows between the industries, and the theoretical framework, hypotheses of the interdependences between the industries are formulated. By employing life-history data of the evolution of paper and pulp firms in the four countries, the hypotheses are then statistically tested. In general, the results show that paper & pulp and printing & publishing industries have affected positively on each other's vital rates. When it comes to the specific interactions between the industries in the four country setting, the results suggest that the interactions have been complex. For example, it is found that the interactions have not been bounded by geographic space, there have been differences in the strength of the interactions between the industries, and that the strength of the interactions has changed as a function of time

    Industry evolution: Empirical studies on industry emergence

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    Industry evolution research focuses on answering the key dilemma of the field of strategic management, that is, what makes certain firms successful and others to fail, from an evolutionary perspective. The course Industry Evolution has been in the syllabus of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University / Helsinki University of Technology since 2005. The present publication comprises a selection of graduate student course assignments from the Spring term of 2012 when the course was lectured jointly by the editors of the publication, Joonas Järvinen and Mirva Peltoniemi. The course was originally established and lectured until 2010 by Prof. Juha-Antti Lamberg (currently at University of Jyväskylä). The publication includes: (1) Evolution of the emerging US hybrid electric vehicle industry (by Teemu Heiskanen, Anni Pekkala, Taina Pere and Sebastian Sillanpää; (2) The refractive laser eye surgery equipment industry evolution in the United States (by Karla Nieminen, Macarena Pallares, Jenni Silvennoinen and Elina Virtanen); and (3) Legitimacy of the Finnish payday loan industry (by Tomi Hiirsalmi, Ilkka Lampio, Liisa Sallinen and Arttu Vesterinen). First, the study by Heiskanen et al. (2012) focuses on hybrid electric cars industry within the US with an aim to identify the stage of the HEV industry life cycle and provide insights of the firm success factors in the industry. By applying industry life-cycle (ILC) theory, their findings imply that the development of entry rates, firm density, sales volumes, prices, and innovativeness behave as the ILC theory predicts. In contrast, the results also suggest that exit rates do not behave as expected. In the light of the ILC theory, they suggest that theHEV industry is in its emergent phase. The study also identifies that early entrance and innovativeness are key factors for firm survival. Second, Nieminen et al. (2012) study the refractive laser eye surgery equipment industry in the United States. They test the propositions of firm survival central to the industry life-cycle literature, i.e. the effects of entry timing, preentry experience and innovativeness on firm survival. Moreover, they analyze the shift from product to process R&D predicted by the theory. They find that preentry experience and innovativeness improve the probability of firm survival, while early entry does not bring about such an advantage. Moreover, they find that instead of a clear shift from product to process R&D there are cyclical trends. Third, Hiirsalmi et al. (2012) present a study with a focus on legitimacy of a payday loan industry in Finland. On the basis of earlier research, they first suggest that the legitimacy of an industry consists of 1) density-based; 2) regulative legitimacy; and 3) social legitimacy. By applying this framework in the research context, they then find out that themost important legitimacy factor for the payday loan industry is regulative legitimacy, which can be comprehended as a perquisite for the other two legitimacies. Further, they suggest that with regulative legitimacy, an industry can grow and flourish, even if social legitimacy is not that high. As a conclusion, we believe that the assignments offer interesting insights for both firms operating in the studied industries but also firms in industries experiencing similar kinds of dynamics and particularly management researchers interested in evolutionary research

    Inkjet-printed flexible silver electrodes on thiol-enes

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    Flexible and conductive silver electrodes were fabricated by inkjet printing on several different compositions of thiol-ene polymers. Conductive electrodes with resistivity down to 30 ??cm and good adhesion of the electrodes were obtained by optimizing the printing parameters. The maximum printing resolution was 100 ?m lines and 80 ?m gaps between the lines. Printing on top of cross-linked off-stoichiometric thiol-ene polymer was tested for compositions ranging from 30 % thiol excess to 5 % allyl (?ene?) excess. The roughness off the thiol-ene surfaces was shown to greatly improve the quality of the printed electodes: consistently high yield of conductive electrodes was obtained on rough surfaces (roughness ?1 ?m), whereas on smooth surfaces the electrodes were often cracked. The lowest resistivity values were obtained on electrodes printed on near stoichiometric thiol-ene substrates. The conductivity of the electrodes was retained after 5 % linear strain and after repeated bending with 1 mm radius of curvature, showing the potential for flexible sensors. The electrodes were also applied to electrical impedance-based monitoring of cell growth on thiol-ene surfaces, which showcased that the electrodes survive stressed cell culture conditions for at least 36 h.Peer reviewe

    InDEx – Industrial Data Excellence

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    InDEx, the Industrial Data Excellence program, was created to investigate what industrial data can be collected, shared, and utilized for new intelligent services in high-performing, reliable and secure ways, and how to accomplish that in practice in the Finnish manufacturing industry.InDEx produced several insights into data in an industrial environment, collecting data, sharing data in the value chain and in the factory environment, and utilizing and manipulating data with artificial intelligence. Data has an important role in the future in an industrial context, but data sources and utilization mechanisms are more diverse than in cases related to consumer data. Experiences in the InDEx cases showed that there is great potential in data utili zation.Currently, successful business cases built on data sharing are either company-internal or utilize an existing value chain. The data market has not yet matured, and third-party offerings based on public and private data sources are rare. In this program, we tried out a framework that aimed to securely and in a controlled manner share data between organizations. We also worked to improve the contractual framework needed to support new business based on shared data, and we conducted a study of applicable business models. Based on this, we searched for new data-based opportunities within the project consortium. The vision of data as a tradeable good or of sharing with external partners is still to come true, but we believe that we have taken steps in the right direction.The program started in fall 2019 and ended in April 2022. The program faced restrictions caused by COVID-19, which had an effect on the intensity of the work during 2020 and 2021, and the program was extended by one year. Because of meeting restrictions, InDEx collaboration was realized through online meetings. We learned to work and collaborate using digital tools and environments. Despite the mentioned hindrances, and thanks to Business Finland’s flexibility, the extension time made it possible for most of the planned goals to be achieved.This report gives insights in the outcomes of the companies’ work within the InDEx program. DIMECC InDEx is the first finalized program by the members of the Finnish Advanced Manufacturing Network (FAMN, www.famn.fi).</p

    IoT-verkkoteknologioiden vertailu

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    Insinöörityössä tarkoituksena oli vertailla IoT-verkkoteknologioita. Esineiden internet (Internet of Things, IoT) on jatkuvasti yleistyvä käsite, joka tulee mullistamaan niin kuluttajien arkea kuin yritysten liiketoimintaakin yhdistämällä miljardeja uusia laitteita ja esineitä internetiin. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää eri IoT-verkkoteknologioiden teknisiä ominaisuuksia, niiden vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia sekä soveltuvuutta eri käyttötarkoituksiin. Työssä perehdyttiin yleisesti esineiden internetiin ja radiotekniikan perusteisiin. Tämän jälkeen perehdyttiin eri IoT-verkkoteknologioihin ja vertailtiin niitä. Vertailussa olleet teknologiat olivat LoRa, Sig- fox, NB-IoT, Weightless ja 5G. Lopuksi selvitettiin myös teknologioiden tämänhetkistä saatavuutta Suomessa. Selvityksessä huomattiin, että samankaltaisuuksista huolimatta kaikilla eri verkkoteknologioilla on omat erityispiirteensä ja sopivat käyttökohteensa. Vertailluista teknologioista LoRa ja Sigfox ovat saatavilla Suomessa, ja lähitulevaisuudessa voidaan odottaa myös ainakin NB-IoT:n ja hieman myöhemmin 5G:n yleistyvän.The objective of this thesis was to compare in detail the different IoT network technologies. The Internet of things (IoT) is growing rapidly and it will revolutionize both the consumers’ everyday life and the way businesses operate. The aim of the thesis was to study the technical features, strengths, weaknesses and possible use cases of different IoT network technologies. First, the thesis explored the concept of the Internet of things in general and presents some basics of radio technology. Following that, the different IoT network technologies were studied and a comparison between them was made. The technologies included in the comparison were LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT, Weightless and 5G. Finally, the current availability of these technologies in Finland was examined. The study came to a conclusion that despite the similarities, each different IoT network technology had its own unique set of features and proper use cases. Amongst the studied technologies, LoRa and Sigfox are currently readily available in Finland, and we expect NB-IoT, and a little later 5G, to make it to the markets

    Pienyhtiö anomalia Helsingin pörssissä 2007- 2017

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    Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan pienyhtiöt anomalian toteutumista Helsingin pörssissä yhdentoista vuoden aikana. Pienyhtiö anomalian mukaan markkina-arvoltaan pienten yritysten osakkeet tuottavat huomattavasti paremmin kuin markkina-arvoltaan suurempien yritysten osakkeet ilman lisääntyvää riskiä. Tutkimuksessa pyrin selvittämään, onko Helsingin pörssistä löydettävissä pienyhtiöt anomaliaa ja voiko pieniin yhtiöihin sijoittamalla saada suurempaa tuottoa. Anomalian tulisi hävitä osakemarkkinoilta tai heikentyämerkittävästi, kun se julkistetaan. Tämän vuoksi on mielenkiintoista nähdä, onko pienyhtiöanomalia kuitenkin löydettävissä Helsingin pörssistä. Opinnäytetyötä varten keräsin ensin teoriatietoa markkinoiden tehokkuudesta, aikaisemmistapienyhtiö anomalia tutkimuksista ja Helsingin pörssistä yleisesti. Seuraavassa vaiheessavertailin OMX Helsinki Small Cap Pi indeksin ja OMX Helsinki 25 indeksin historiallista tuottoa sekä volatiliteettia. Indeksien historialliset kurssitiedot sain suoraan Nasdaq Nordicin internet-sivuilta. Yhdentoista vuoden tutkimusajanjakso on tarpeeksi pitkä tulosten uskottavuuden kannalta. Vielä pidempi tutkimusajanjakso lisäisi tutkimuksen luotettavuutta, mutta pidempi tutkimus ylittäisi opinnäytetöissä tavoitellun laajuuden. Tutkimusajanjaksoon on sisältynyt erilaisia tilanteita osakemarkkinoilla, kuten finanssikriisi ja eurokriisi sekä näiden jälkeinen pitkä nousukausi. Erilaiset markkinatilanteet lisäävät tutkimuksen luotettavuutta. Tutkimuksen lopputulos oli odotettu, sillä tutkimuksen perusteella Helsingin pörssistä on löydettävissä pienyhtiöt anomalia. OMX Helsinki Small Cap Pi indeksi tuottaa vertailuindeksinätoiminutta OMX Helsinki 25 indeksiä enemmän. Suuremman tuoton lisäksi Small Cap Pi Indeksin historiallinen kahdentoista kuukauden volatiliteetti on jokaisena tutkittuna vuonna pienempi. Tutkimuksessa todettu ylituotto ei ole niin suuri kuin aikaisemmissa pienyhtiö anomalia tutkimuksissa todettu tuottoero. Anomalia on siis saattanut heikentyä sen julkaisun jälkeen tai pienempi ylituotto voi johtua myös suhteellisen lyhyestä tutkimusajanjaksosta.This Bachelor's thesis investigates the realization of small cap anomaly in the Helsinki Stock Exchange during eleven years. According to the small cap anomaly, the shares of small cap companies produce significantly better than the shares of larger market value companies without the increasing risk. In this research, the objective is to find out whether there exists small cap anomaly in the Helsinki Stock Exchange and if investing in small cap companies can generate a higher return. The anomaly should disappear from the stock market or be significantly reduced when it is disclosed. This is why it is interesting to see if the small cap anomaly can be discovered in the Helsinki Stock Exchange. For this Bachelor’s thesis, theoretical knowledge was collected about market efficiency, past small cap anomalies studies and general information about the Helsinki Stock Exchange. In the next step, the OMX Helsinki Small Cap Pi index and OMX Helsinki 25 index historical yield and volatility were compared. The historical course information was collected directly from the Nasdaq Nordic website. The eleven-year investigation period is long enough for the credibility of the results. An even longer investigation period would increase the reliability of the study, but a longer study would exceed the scope of the thesis. During the investigation period, there occurred different situations in the stock market such as the financial crisis, the euro crisis and the subsequent long boom. In general, different market situations increase the reliability of the survey. The result of the survey was expected, as the survey reveals that there is small cap anomaly in the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The OMX Helsinki Small Cap Pi index has yield more than the benchmark index OMX Helsinki 25 index. In addition to higher returns, the historic twelve-month volatility of the Small Cap Pi Index is smaller each survey year. The higher returns found in this study are not as high as the difference in returns observed in the earlier small cap anomaly research. The anomaly may have reduced after its publication or this lower return premium may also be due to the relatively brief study period

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