102 research outputs found

    Movement Notation Revisited: Syntax of the Common Morphokinetic Alphabet (CMA) System

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    Advances in the study of non-verbal behavior and communication have generated a need for movement transcription systems capable of incorporating continuous developments in visual and computer technology. Our research team has been working on the construction of a common morphokinetic alphabet (CMA) for the systematic observation of daily life activities. The project, which was launched several years ago, was designed to create a system for describing and analyzing body motion expression, physical activity, and physical appearance. In this paper, we describe an idiosyncratic application of Noam Chomsky's phrase marker grammar to the morphokinetic phrase, the objective being to establish the grammatical rules and basic order of the symbol string according to a relational tree formed by the breakdown of the syntactic components identified as structuring the visual description of movement. Criteria for using the CMA as a coding system and a free transcription system are proposed

    The Analysis of Interpersonal Communication in Sport From Mixed Methods Strategy : The Integration of Qualitative-Quantitative Elements Using Systematic Observation

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    The objective to which this manuscript is oriented to is focused on the analysis of interpersonal communication in sport. The multimodal essence of human nature adopts special characteristics in individual and team sports, given the roles that athletes adopt in different circumstances, depending on the contingencies that characterize each competition or each training session. The mixed methods framework allows us to advance in the ways of integration between qualitative and quantitative elements, taking advantage of the proven possibilities of systematic observation, which we can consider mixed method in itself, and which provides rigor and flexibility in the study of the communicative flow in sport. In any sport, the procedure followed by systematic observation may require direct observation, which is characterized by its high perceptiveness, or indirect observation, when it comes to verbal behavior or documentary material. In all cases, the procedure is structured in three macro-stages: QUAL-QUAN-QUAL. In this work we start from a conceptual positioning about interpersonal communication, to later show the sequential gear in sports about obtaining qualitative data, its transformation into other types of data that are still qualitative but have been structured, analyze them quantitatively, and return to a qualitative stage where the interpretation of the results is possible. This process of quantitizing constitutes the cornerstone that gives shape and structure to any research on interpersonal communication in sport that combines the fine nuances of qualitative data (a motor action, a gesture, an exclamation,…) with the power of robust quantitative data analysis suitable for the treatment of organized qualitative data, which will provide qualitative feed-back

    Lideratge prosocial i acció col·lectiva: anàlisi sumari de l'experiència spring

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    Les revisions més recents sobre lideratge no convencional posen de relleu la importància de la prosocialitat, com a tret que contribueix a innovar la concepció del paper i la relació que promou el líder i com a estructura que fonamenta l’orientació i la profunditat que pren la dinàmica de l’acció dels grups, en termes d’empoderament i influència. L’anàlisi que presentem sobre la modelització del lideratge prosocial a través de la proposta teòrica i formativa del Laboratori de Investigació Prosocial Aplicada –LIPA-NET– s’ha dut a terme en el context del Projecte Alfa III SPRING. Els resultats són encoratjadors, en posar de manifest que la funció prosocialitzadora genera apertura a la realitat de l’altre i lideratge compartit. Cal seguir treballant en aquesta direcció


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    El objetivo de este artículo es compartir algunas consideraciones de fondo y procedimiento sobre la comunicación académica modelada por la interacción participativa en el marco de la formación co-constructiva del profesorado. A partir de un estudio de caso múltiple en aula universitaria se analiza el formato expositivo-magistral con actores motivados a sostener su posición dialógica de rol en la interacción comunicativa y facilitar los actos de ayuda recíproca, recursos discursivos e interactivos que cumplen una función estratégica porque son necesarios para la construcción intelectual y autónoma del aprendizaje. La investigación empírica se diseña como un estudio de observación sistemática con un propósito evaluativo y que implementa la integración de los análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos desde un enfoque mixed methods. La discusión de los resultados pone en valor la flexibilidad y la adecuación del método utilizado tanto en el plano de la descripción matizada del proceso de regulación de la interacción participativa intentada por los actores como en el plano de la evaluación formativa de los puntos fuertes y débiles observados.The objective of this article is to share some background and procedural considerations on academic communication modeled by participatory interaction in the co-constructive training framework for teachers. From a case study in a university classroom, the expository-lectures format is analyzed with actors motivated to sustain their dialogical position of role in communicative interaction and facilitate acts of reciprocal help as well as discursive and interactive resources that fulfill a strategic function because they are necessary for the intellectual and autonomous construction of learning. Empirical research is designed as a systematic observation study with an evaluative purpose and that implements the integration of qualitative and quantitative analysis from a «mixed methods» approach. The discussion of the results highlights the flexibility and suitability of the method used both in terms of the nuanced description of the participatory interaction process attempted by the actors and in terms of the formative assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the expository-lectures observed.Цель данной статьи - поделиться некоторыми исходными данными и процедурными соображениями об академической коммуникации, моделируемой партисипативным взаимодействием в рамках ко-конструктивного обучения преподавателей. На примере университетской аудитории анализируется формат докладов-лекций с действующими лицами, мотивированными на поддержание своей диалогической роли в коммуникативном взаимодействии и содействие актам взаимной помощи, а также дискурсивные и интерактивные ресурсы, выполняющие стратегическую функцию, поскольку они необходимы для интеллектуального и автономного построения обучения. Эмпирическое исследование построено как систематическое наблюдательное исследование с оценочной целью, в котором реализована интеграция качественного и количественного анализа на основе подхода «смешанных методов». Обсуждение результатов подчеркивает гибкость и пригодность используемого метода как в плане детального описания процесса партисипативного взаимодействия, который пытались осуществить участники, так и в плане формативной оценки сильных и слабых сторон наблюдаемых докладов-лекций.本文的目的是在对教师的共建培训框架内分享以参与式互动为模型的学术交流的一些背景及其过程。我们从大学课堂的多个案例研究中分析了说明性-权威模式,其中参与者被鼓励坚持其在交流互动中的对话角色地位,并推动互惠帮助的行为和具有战略功能的话语和互动资源,因为它们是知识与自主学习建构所必需的。该实证研究被设计为具有评估目的的系统观察研究,从混合方法角度整合了定性和定量分析。对结果的讨论中从两方面强调了该方法的灵活性和充分性,一方面为对参与者尝试的参与式互动过程的细致描述方面,另一方面是在对所观察到的说明性讲座的优缺点的形成性评估方面

    Movement Notation Revisited: Syntax of the Common Morphokinetic Alphabet (CMA) System

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    Advances in the study of non-verbal behavior and communication have generated a need for movement transcription systems capable of incorporating continuous developments in visual and computer technology. Our research team has been working on the construction of a common morphokinetic alphabet (CMA) for the systematic observation of daily life activities. The project, which was launched several years ago, was designed to create a system for describing and analyzing body motion expression, physical activity, and physical appearance. In this paper, we describe an idiosyncratic application of Noam Chomsky’s phrase marker grammar to the morphokinetic phrase, the objective being to establish the grammatical rules and basic order of the symbol string according to a relational tree formed by the breakdown of the syntactic components identified as structuring the visual description of movement. Criteria for using the CMA as a coding system and a free transcription system are proposed

    A systematic review on lecturing in contemporary university teaching

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    Articles published in scientific journals, concerning the present and future of the lecture format in university education in the twenty-first century are framed within organizational settings that drive teaching methodologies in line with educational policies. The following two research questions have arisen from articles in which debate the continuity of this teaching modality and propose improvements of a different nature: (1) Is there an interest in renovating the lecture format among the international research community whose remit is university teaching methods? and (2) What improvements to the lecture format do the reviewed articles suggest, within the framework of the communicative matrix of interactive learning? We have carried out a systematic review guided by the PRISMA approach, emphasizing the interest in methodological conceptual commitment, paying attention to documents published in journals with an impact factor. The search strategy was applied homogeneously in three databases: ERIC, PsycInfo, and Web of Science, following the systematic process of inclusion/exclusion. Forty-five articles were selected with a range of 0-78 quotations, from different fields of knowledge and five continents; 12 articles are from journals with a JCR impact factor. The journal articles cover communicative (21), cognitive (13) and active-practical perspectives (11); the predominant governing aim of the analyzed improvements is connected with the attendees' academic performance results (24); the reviewed studies belong mainly to the quantitative paradigm (42). The considerations derived from the results (45) cover formative, technical and/or critical aspects. Whilst positively valuing all these efforts promoted by the European Higher Education Area, we have also verified the lack of contributions in line with our concerns that embrace the need to develop an in-depth conceptualization, supported by a methodology that is sensitive to the complexity of the oral communication format between an expert actor and non-specialized actors who wish to connect and collaborate with the expert in the production of knowledge

    Hacia un alfabeto compartido en la codificación del movimiento corporal en estudios observacionales

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    La notación del movimiento corporal es un tema central en los estudios observacionales. En este trabajo se plantea un punto de partida metodológico y práctico, para investigar la adopción y creación de sistemas de notación del movimiento corporal en sus diferentes ámbitos de investigaciónThe notation of the corporal movement is a central subject in the observational studies. In this work, we consider a departure point, both methodological and practical, to investigate the adoption and creation of notation systems of the corporal movement in its different scopes of researc

    Outdoor Education and the LAI project: A conceptual framework for an educational experience

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    For several years, pedagogical research is reflecting on innovative epistemological and methodological questions, and experimented with new forms and opportunities to enhance the quality of educational experiences with special attention to the role played by the environment. The current contribution seeks to provide a conceptual framework so as to justify the pedagogical premises supporting the holistic LAI (Laboratorio Ambientale Interattivo) project – IEL (Interactive Environmental Laboratory). Developed out of a web of initiatives contingent upon the educational needs of learners, LAI/IEL promotes observable learning activities that can be designed in combination with the training of kinesthetic and relaxation (body awareness) skills in a vertical arboreal space built in the playground of schools with or without a natural environment. The article focuses on two significant conceptual dimensions: Embodied Cognition and Outdoor Education. An articulated and contextualized description of the LAI is approached as a holistic educational commitment within the programmatic framework of a sustainable didactics

    Anaerobic Energy Expenditure and Mechanical Efficiency during Exhaustive Leg Press Exercise

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    Information about anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency that occurs over time during short-lasting maximal exercise is scarce and controversial. Bilateral leg press is an interesting muscle contraction model to estimate anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency during maximal exercise because it largely differs from the models used until now. This study examined the changes in muscle metabolite concentration and power output production during the first and the second half of a set of 10 repetitions to failure (10RM) of bilateral leg press exercise. On two separate days, muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis prior and immediately after a set of 5 or a set of 10 repetitions. During the second set of 5 repetitions, mean power production decreased by 19% and the average ATP utilisation accounted for by phosphagen decreased from 54% to 19%, whereas ATP utilisation from anaerobic glycolysis increased from 46 to 81%. Changes in contraction time and power output were correlated to the changes in muscle Phosphocreatine (PCr; r = −0.76; P<0.01) and lactate (r = −0.91; P<0.01), respectively, and were accompanied by parallel decreases (P<0.01-0.05) in muscle energy charge (0.6%), muscle ATP/ADP (8%) and ATP/AMP (19%) ratios, as well as by increases in ADP content (7%). The estimated average rate of ATP utilisation from anaerobic sources during the final 5 repetitions fell to 83% whereas total anaerobic ATP production increased by 9% due to a 30% longer average duration of exercise (18.4±4.0 vs 14.2±2.1 s). These data indicate that during a set of 10RM of bilateral leg press exercise there is a decrease in power output which is associated with a decrease in the contribution of PCr and/or an increase in muscle lactate. The higher energy cost per repetition during the second 5 repetitions is suggestive of decreased mechanical efficiency