577 research outputs found

    La tarea del educador: la sindéresis

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    Esta investigación pretende aportar novedades sobre la filosofía de la educación a partir de la antropología trascendental desarrollada por Polo. Se usa un camino descendente: desde el carácter personal del hombre hasta las manifestaciones esenciales. Se parte del carácter filial y se advierte la crisis de autoridad provocada en la educación por su rechazo. Se delinea un orden educativo de acuerdo con el carácter sistémico y perfectivo de la esencia humana desde la radicaüdad de la persona. Finalmente se presenta la explicación poliana de la sindéresis como modelo para el educador. De este modo se puede superar el estancamiento que la libertad entendida como independencia supone para la educación

    A village dog is not a stray : human-dog interactions in coastal Mexico

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    Dogs (Canis familiaris) are considered one of the most numerous carnivores worldwide. Although in the Global North dogs are popular companions, that live inside homes, about 80% of the dogs in the world are village dogs. Village dogs are typically free-roaming, scavenge refuse around human dwellings and are associated with one or various households. At present, village dogs in the Global South are a concern for (inter)national organizations and individuals, such as tourists. Concerns arise about: overpopulation, transmission of zoonoses, welfare of village dogs, and issues relating to dog–wildlife interactions, such as predation on wildlife. Dog culling has proved ineffective in managing dog populations, in controlling zoonoses, and preventing wildlife predation, but remains the dominant strategy to manage village dogs in Mexico. The objective of this thesis was to improve the understanding of human–dog interactions in coastal areas of Mexico in order to identify strategies - embedded in the social and cultural context - to manage village dogs. The Pacific Coast of Mexico was used as a case study area because of its high dog density and its importance for tourism and sea-turtle nesting. Village dogs interact with tourists and are known to scavenge sea-turtle nests. Conclusions presented are based on fieldwork conducted in three village in Oaxaca and two in Michoacán. This fieldwork comprised, among others, interviews with villagers, dog behavioral tests, and radio-tracking of village dogs. Village dogs that live nearby nature protected areas are part of three main systems: the household, the village, and the nature protected area. Humans keep dogs mainly for guarding, as work companions and as children’s playmates. At household level, dogs interact with familiar (i.e. caregivers) and unfamiliar humans (e.g. visitors). At village level, dogs interact with familiar humans from other households, or with unfamiliar humans, such as tourists. At all system levels, village dogs have experiences with humans that may range from positive to negative, and this may be reflected in their behavioral responses towards humans. Dogs reported to engage in human-dog play (mainly with children) were more likely to respond with tail wagging to a caregiver’s call and to approach an unfamiliar human. Dogs can enter a nature protected area (i.e. sea-turtle nesting beach) by themselves or with other dogs or humans. Food is a central element in the above-described holistic system. Village dogs scavenge for food in proximity to humans, beg for food, or prey on sea-turtle eggs. Bodycondition of village dogs was in general close to optimal, and dogs maintained body condition also in the low season for sea-turtle nesting and tourism. Nest scavenger dogs, however, had a lower metabolic energy intake of tortillas, and a larger mean distance from home compared to non-nest scavengers. This suggests that nest scavenging is hunger-driven, and therefore, solutions need to focus on caregivers’ feeding practices. The keeping of dogs in the above-described system, is subject to clashing perceptions and discourses of external (e.g. tourists, authorities) and internal (villagers) stakeholders. External stakeholders refer to village dogs as stray or abandoned, and any dog that is not totally dependent on humans (e.g. village dog) is considered out of place. Total dependence of dogs on humans is a logical ethical argument deriving from the idea that humans took dogs out of the wild (in line with the ‘Pinocchio theory’). Villagers’ narratives, in contrast, perceive dogs as autonomous and able to take care of themselves (in line with the Village Dog theory of dog self-domestication). Dog welfare problems (i.e. dogs being too thin or sick) in coastal Oaxaca were perceived more by international than by Mexican tourists. Dogpredation of sea-turtle nests was an important concern for tourists, but not for internal stakeholders. In conclusion, the findings of this thesis show that village dogs in coastal Mexico are not ‘stray’, but interact with familiar humans from one or various households. Interactions of dogs with humans surpass a purely ecological relationship, as village dogs also fill a social niche and have important functions. Current policies and attempts to manage village dog populations in Mexico are derived from discourses and experiences largely disconnected from the village context. In order to find possible strategies to manage village dog populations, it is necessary to acknowledge the complexity of human–dog interactions, and include the views of both external and internal stakeholders.</p

    De colada (La gramática en lejía)

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    2 ej. de la misma obraPape

    Modelación multidimensional: un mecanismo de mejora para la gestión de proyectos de construcción

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    Multidimensional modeling is the digital, visual, automated representation of the different parts of a project, using commercially available software or a single computational tool. A dimension is any variable that a professional needs to know and analyze in order to manage a construction project, which can be used during the entire life cycle of the project, from design to operation. The modeled dimensions were surface area, space, time, building sequence and execution strategy, cubage and quantity, cost, safety, and history of activities. Performance indicators were used to evaluate the use of the proposed modeling method as a tool to improve project management. The method of trial and error using three cases (construction projects in Chile) was used to validate and to evaluate that method. The use of multidimensional modeling made the processes of planning, control, and coordination of the studied project cases easier and more transparent. It resulted in higher availability, consistency, accessibility, reliability of information, reduction of uncertainty for professionals and workers in general in terms of project scope and performance, faster and better decision-making, and better understanding and communication among project participants.La Modelación Multidimensional es la representación digital, visual y automatizada de las diversas dimensiones de un proyecto, utilizando software comercialmente disponibles o una herramienta computacional única. Una “dimensión” es cualquier variable que el profesional necesita conocer y analizar para gestionar un proyecto de construcción, y puede ser utilizada durante todo el ciclo de vida del proyecto, desde el diseño hasta la operación. Las dimensiones modeladas fueron superficie, espacio, tiempo, secuencia constructiva y estrategia de ejecución, cubicación y cantidad, costo, seguridad, e historial de desempeño de actividades. Se utilizaron indicadores de desempeño para evaluar el uso de la modelación propuesta como un mecanismo de mejora en la gestión de proyectos. La validación y evaluación de la modelación multidimensional se llevó a cabo con el método prueba-error utilizando tres casos de estudio (proyectos de edificación chilenos). El uso de la modelación multidimensional simplificó e hizo más transparente los procesos de planificación, control y coordinación de los proyectos en estudio durante su ejecución. Esto se reflejó en el incremento de la disponibilidad, consistencia, facilidad de acceso y confiabilidad de la información del proyecto, en la reducción de la incertidumbre que tuvieron los profesionales y trabajadores en general respecto al alcance y desempeño del proyecto, en el aumento de la velocidad y calidad del proceso de toma de decisiones, y en la mejora del entendimiento y la comunicación entre los participantes del proyecto.La Modelación Multidimensional es la representación digital, visual y automatizada de las diversas dimensiones de un proyecto, utilizando software comercialmente disponibles o una herramienta computacional única. Una “dimensión” es cualquier variable que el profesional necesita conocer y analizar para gestionar un proyecto de construcción, y puede ser utilizada durante todo el ciclo de vida del proyecto, desde el diseño hasta la operación. Las dimensiones modeladas fueron superficie, espacio, tiempo, secuencia constructiva y estrategia de ejecución, cubicación y cantidad, costo, seguridad, e historial de desempeño de actividades. Se utilizaron indicadores de desempeño para evaluar el uso de la modelación propuesta como un mecanismo de mejora en la gestión de proyectos. La validación y evaluación de la modelación multidimensional se llevó a cabo con el método prueba-error utilizando tres casos de estudio (proyectos de edificación chilenos). El uso de la modelación multidimensional simplificó e hizo más transparente los procesos de planificación, control y coordinación de los proyectos en estudio durante su ejecución. Esto se reflejó en el incremento de la disponibilidad, consistencia, facilidad de acceso y confiabilidad de la información del proyecto, en la reducción de la incertidumbre que tuvieron los profesionales y trabajadores en general respecto al alcance y desempeño del proyecto, en el aumento de la velocidad y calidad del proceso de toma de decisiones, y en la mejora del entendimiento y la comunicación entre los participantes del proyecto

    Enhancement of an automatic algorithm for deconvolution and quantification of three-dimensional microscopy images

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    En trabajos previos hemos diseñado y desarrollado un software para la optimización del procesamiento de imágenes multidimensionales, el cual consiste de un algoritmo automático de desconvolución de restauración (desconvolución con restricción de positividad) y tres indicadores de restauración de la imágenes (Ancho Total a la Mitad del Máximo, Relación Contraste-Ruido y Relación Señal-Ruido) usados para evaluar cuantitativamente la calidad de restauración. Dado que el diseño del algoritmo se implementó en módulos desacoplados, hemos podido incorporar dos nuevos parámetros para evaluar la restauración de imágenes (indicadores tridimensionales basados en la función de Tenegrad) sin realizar cambios significativos en el código. La versión mejorada del algoritmo se utilizó para procesar imágenes tridimensionales utilizando diversas Funciones de Esparcimiento Puntual experimentales; las imágenes se obtuvieron mediante microscopia de campo amplio de fluorescencia del patrón de expresión de E-caderina en la piel de embriones de Rhinella arenarum y de microesferas fluorescentes. Se compararon los indicadores de restauración y el rendimiento de las versiones previa y mejorada del algoritmo. Los resultados indican que los indicadores basados en la función de Tenegrad coinciden con los evaluados previamente y que los nuevos módulos no incrementan significativamente el tiempo de procesamiento.In previous works we designed and developed a software tool for the optimization of multidimensional-image processing, which consisted of an automatic restoration deconvolution method (positive constrained deconvolution) and three image-restoration indicators (Full-Width at Half-Maximum, Contrast-to-Noise Ratio and Signal-to-Noise Ratio) used to assess the quality of restoration qualitatively. Since the algorithm’s design was implemented in uncoupled modules, we were able to introduce two new image-restoration parameters (two three-dimensional Tenegrad-based indicators) without mayor modifications to the script. The enhanced version of the algorithm was used to process raw three-dimensional images using several experimental Point Spread Functions; raw images were obtained by fluorescence wide-field microscopy of epidermal E-cadherin expression in Rhinella arenarum embryos and fluorescent microspheres. The image-restoration indicators and the performance of the previous and enhanced versions of the algorithm were compared. Results show that Tenengrad-based indicators concur with the previously used ones and that the new modules do not increase processing time significantly.Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The Fougueux (1785-1805): prototype of an 18th–19th century French construction method

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    The 74-gun French ship Fougueux (1785-1805) belonged to the Spanish-French fleet that faced the British in the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805. This warship was lost off the coast of Sancti Petri after the battle. About two centuries later, an array of iron cannons and wooden remains were studied at this site by the Underwater Archaeology Centre of Andalusia. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the ship’s construction method, whose particularities place it within the tradition of French naval construction between the late 18th century and early 19th century.Le navire français de 74 canons Le Fougueux (1785-1805) appartenait à la flotte franco-espagnole qui affronta les Britanniques lors de la bataille de Trafalgar le 21 octobre 1805. Ce navire de guerre fut perdu au large de Sancti Petri après la bataille. Environ deux siècles plus tard, un ensemble de canons de fer et de vestiges en bois ont été étudiés sur ce site par le Centre d’archéologie sousmarine d’Andalousie. Cet article présente les résultats de l’analyse des méthodes de construction du navire, que ses particularités placent dans la tradition de la construction navale française entre la fin du xviiie et le début du xixe siècle.Fil: Rodríguez Mariscal, Nuria E.. Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Andalucía; EspañaFil: Ciarlo, Nicolás Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Alzaga García, Milagros. Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Andalucía; EspañaFil: Rieth, Eric. Servicio de Patrimonio Histórico-artístico y Museo; EspañaFil: Izaguirre Lacoste, Manuel. Universite de Paris. Museum National D´historie Naturelle. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Franci

    Effective dynamics using conditional expectations

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    The question of coarse-graining is ubiquitous in molecular dynamics. In this article, we are interested in deriving effective properties for the dynamics of a coarse-grained variable ξ(x)\xi(x), where xx describes the configuration of the system in a high-dimensional space Rn\R^n, and ξ\xi is a smooth function with value in R\R (typically a reaction coordinate). It is well known that, given a Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution on xRnx \in \R^n, the equilibrium properties on ξ(x)\xi(x) are completely determined by the free energy. On the other hand, the question of the effective dynamics on ξ(x)\xi(x) is much more difficult to address. Starting from an overdamped Langevin equation on xRnx \in \R^n, we propose an effective dynamics for ξ(x)R\xi(x) \in \R using conditional expectations. Using entropy methods, we give sufficient conditions for the time marginals of the effective dynamics to be close to the original ones. We check numerically on some toy examples that these sufficient conditions yield an effective dynamics which accurately reproduces the residence times in the potential energy wells. We also discuss the accuracy of the effective dynamics in a pathwise sense, and the relevance of the free energy to build a coarse-grained dynamics