33 research outputs found

    Compulsive buying

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    Ovaj rad bavi se istraživanjem sve prisutnijeg neracionalnog ponašanja u kupovini koji se u marketingu naziva kompulzivna kupovina. Mnogo je čimbenika koji utječu na pojavu i razvoj ovakvog ponašanja kod potrošača. Dio odgovornosti leži u nasljeđu raznih predispozicija za abnormalno ponašanje i funkcioniranje čovjeka koje se prenose s genracije na generaciju. Međutim, sve dubljim izučavanjem i proučavanjem današnjih metoda i strategija u marketingu, može se konstatirati da veliku odgovornost u razvoju kompulzivne kupovine i ostalih blažih oblika neracionalnog ponašanja u kupovini kao što je impulzivna kupovina ima današnji potrošački način života koji se sve agresivnije nameće čovjeku od strane velikih korporacija. Cijeli društveni sustav koji se danas bazira na kapitalizmu i materijalizmu pogoduje tome da se čovjeka svede na intenzivnog potrošača sve većeg broja proizvoda i usluga. Marketinške metode sve su agresivnije i sve više narušavaju ljudska prava i načela etičkog poslovanja. Zato je vrlo bitno da potrošači budu upućeni i svjesni marketinških trikova kako bi se sami mogli zaštiti.This graduate paper explores the increasingly common behaviour in shopping which in marketing is called compulsive shopping. There are many factors that affect the appearance and development of such behaviour some consumers have. A part of responsibility lies in various inherited predispositions for abnormal behaviour and functioning of men and women which are transferred from generation to generation. However, with every thorough examination of today's methods and marketing strategies, it can be concluded that great responsibility in the development of compulsive shopping and other milder forms of irrational behaviour like impulsive shopping lies in the consumptive way of life which is aggressively forced on men and women by major corporations. The whole social system which is based on capitalism and materialism favours the transformation of people to intensive consumers of many goods and services. Marketing methods are more and more aggressive and they violate human rights and business principles. For that reason, it's very important that consumers are well informed and aware of marketing tricks so they can protect themselves

    Compulsive buying

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    Ovaj rad bavi se istraživanjem sve prisutnijeg neracionalnog ponašanja u kupovini koji se u marketingu naziva kompulzivna kupovina. Mnogo je čimbenika koji utječu na pojavu i razvoj ovakvog ponašanja kod potrošača. Dio odgovornosti leži u nasljeđu raznih predispozicija za abnormalno ponašanje i funkcioniranje čovjeka koje se prenose s genracije na generaciju. Međutim, sve dubljim izučavanjem i proučavanjem današnjih metoda i strategija u marketingu, može se konstatirati da veliku odgovornost u razvoju kompulzivne kupovine i ostalih blažih oblika neracionalnog ponašanja u kupovini kao što je impulzivna kupovina ima današnji potrošački način života koji se sve agresivnije nameće čovjeku od strane velikih korporacija. Cijeli društveni sustav koji se danas bazira na kapitalizmu i materijalizmu pogoduje tome da se čovjeka svede na intenzivnog potrošača sve većeg broja proizvoda i usluga. Marketinške metode sve su agresivnije i sve više narušavaju ljudska prava i načela etičkog poslovanja. Zato je vrlo bitno da potrošači budu upućeni i svjesni marketinških trikova kako bi se sami mogli zaštiti.This graduate paper explores the increasingly common behaviour in shopping which in marketing is called compulsive shopping. There are many factors that affect the appearance and development of such behaviour some consumers have. A part of responsibility lies in various inherited predispositions for abnormal behaviour and functioning of men and women which are transferred from generation to generation. However, with every thorough examination of today's methods and marketing strategies, it can be concluded that great responsibility in the development of compulsive shopping and other milder forms of irrational behaviour like impulsive shopping lies in the consumptive way of life which is aggressively forced on men and women by major corporations. The whole social system which is based on capitalism and materialism favours the transformation of people to intensive consumers of many goods and services. Marketing methods are more and more aggressive and they violate human rights and business principles. For that reason, it's very important that consumers are well informed and aware of marketing tricks so they can protect themselves

    Competent (And/Or Responsible) Parenting as a Prerequisite for a Complete Child Development

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    The issue of parental pedagogical competence is becoming morepronounced particularly if it is understood in the context of raising childrenfor a competent and responsible behaviour. Parenting involves undertakingvarious activities aimed at taking care of the child, encouraging his/herdevelopment, and simultaneously developing interpersonal relations. In theirparenting, parents seek to fulfil various personal and social expectations, sothe key issue is how parents perceive their own pedagogical competence. Inorder to study how parents (self-)assess their pedagogical competence, aresearch was conducted on a sample of 90 parents of children of early andpre-school age. Factor analysis identified four factors: lack of knowledge andof confidence in child-rearing, blaming somebody else, and uncertainty inthe ability to influence the child, which explain the pedagogicalincompetence, and confidence factor in child-rearing which indicatesparental pedagogical competence. The T-test was performed and at thesignificance level of p <0.05 no significant difference was found in selfassessedparental competence with respect to the gender and age of the child.It is reasonable to argue that parents need occasional or more permanentsupport and help in the acquisition of knowledge of parenting, which can andshould be primarily provided by the educators in institutions

    Biblioteka u funkciji transfera znanja

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    Analizirajući razvoj Sveučilišta (kao sistema) i pojedinih fakulteta (kao dijelova tog sistema) te institucije su uvijek bile predstavnici "univerzalizma" u stvaranju i prenošenju znanja, a knjižnice su nerazdvojni dio tog sistema. Danas se Sveučilištu, uz već tradicionalnu ulogu omogućuje i promocija njegovih endogenih vrijednosti. Fakulteti, kao centri stvaranja teorijskih i metodoloških kriterija vrednovanja i primjene informacijsko-komunikacijskih sistema mogu sada više biti nositelji razvoja znanstvenih i kreativnih sposobnosti pojedinaca i tima. Tako da i same knjižnice u takvom okruženju dobivaju posebno mjesto i kontinuitet djelovanja u budućnosti

    Allelopathic potential of segetal and ruderal invasive alien plants

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    At the global level, the invasion of alien organisms is considered the second largest threat to biodiversity. The assumption is that the high allelopathic potential is one of the features that helps invasive plant species to spread to new areas. Allelopathic potential of 8 invasive plant species (donor species) and their impact on test-species was determined in the study. Donor species were velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.), ragweed (Ambrosia elatior L.), jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.), common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle), indigo bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.), Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) and giant goldenrod (Solidago gigantea Aiton). Three cultivated plant species from 3 different plant families were used as test-species. Test-species were: oat (Avena sativa L.), oilseed rape (Brassica napus subsp. oleifera) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Water extracts made of whole plants of donor species were applied to the seeds of the test-species. High allelopathic potential was proven for all species included in experiment. Allelopathic effects were exclusively negative. Impact on germination for all species was much lower in relation to the impact on the radicle and shoot length of the test-species. Perennial donor species had a stronger allelopathic potential than annual donor species. Tree of heaven was the species with the strongest allelopathic potential. Its extracts inhibited germination, radicle and shoot length of oilseed rape by 19%, 94.88% and 98.91% respectively

    Kontaminiranost kukuruza u Hrvatskoj plijesnima i nekim mikotoksinima

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    Maize grain samples (n = 15) collected during the autumn of 2002 were analyzed for the presence of moulds and mycotoxins fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2), zearalenone (ZEA), and ochratoxin A (OTA). Mycological analysis showed that all samples were contaminated with Fusarium spp. and Penicillium spp., while Aspergillus spp. were found in 5 samples. F. proliferatum and F. verticilloides, the producers of fumonisins, were found in 14 and 8 samples, respectively, while F. graminearum, the producer of ZEA, was present in all samples. The most frequent mycotoxins were FB1 (15/15) and ZEA (12/15), followed by OTA (7/15), while FB2 was found in only two samples. Seven samples were contaminated with two mycotoxins, seven with three, and one sample with only one mycotoxin. The concentrations (mean ± SD) of FB1, ZEA, and OTA in positive samples were 459.5 ± 314.6, 1.70 ± 0.80, and 1.40 ± 0.55 microgram kg-1, respectively, and the concentrations of FB2 in two samples were 68.4 and 3084.0 microgram kg-1. In general, such low mycotoxin concentrations are not a significant source of exposure to humans, but they may contribute to exposure from other commodities. A few samples with extreme values indicate that strict control is needed.U uzorcima kukuruza (n = 15) sakupljenima u jesen 2002. godine determinirane su plijesni i određena koncentracija mikotoksina fumonizina B1(FB1), fumonizina B2(FB2), zearalenona (ZEA) i okratoksina A (OTA). Mikološkom je analizom utvrđeno da su svi uzorci kontaminirani s Fusarium i Penicillium spp., a Aspergillus spp. nađeni su u 5 uzoraka. F. proliferatum i F. moniliforme, koji proizvode fumonizine, pronađeni su u 14, odnosno u 8 uzoraka, dok je F. graminearum, koji proizvodi ZEA, nađen u svim uzorcima. U svim je ispitivanim uzorcima nađen FB1(15/15), ZEA je nađen u 12/15, OTA u 7/15 uzoraka, dok je FB2 nađen samo u dva uzorka. U po 7 uzoraka nađeno je 2 odnosno 3 mikotoksina, dok je samo jedan uzorak sadržavao jedan mikotoksin. Koncentracija (srednja vrijednost ± SD) FB1 bila je 459,5 ±314,6 ug kg–1, ZEA 1,70 ±0,80 ug kg–1, OTA 1,40 ±0,55 ug kg–1, dok su koncentracije FB2u dva pozitivna uzorka bile 68,4, odnosno 3084,0 ug kg–1. Tako niske koncentracije mikotoksina nisu značajan izvor izloženosti ljudi. Međutim, nekoliko uzoraka koji sadrže vrlo visoke koncentracije mikotoksina ukazuju na potrebu kontrole mikotoksina u žitaricama

    Sirtuins in tumorigenesis

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    Sirtuins (SIRT) are group of enzymes that require nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to catalyze their reactions. These chemical compounds have mono (ADP-ribosyl) transferase or deacetylases activities, and they can be found in nearly all species. The mammalian sirtuin family is described by seven proteins, namely. Every group of sirtuins can be found in the different regions of the cells; SIRT1 is predominantly nuclear, SIRT2 is located mainly in the cytoplasm (but it can shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm), SIRT3, SIRT4, and SIRT5 are mitochondrial proteins, (SIRT3 can move from the nucleus to mitochondria during cellular stress), SIRT6 and SIRT7 are nuclear sirtuins. Sirtuins have a lot of functions in different physiological processes such as gene repression, metabolic control, apoptosis and cell survival, DNA repair, development, inflammation, neuroprotection, and healthy aging. Because of so many roles in physiological processes there is a huge interest not just in their functions but also in the different compounds which can modify their functions. In this article we will focus on the role of sirtuins in tumorigenesis

    Mineral contents in pork and edible offal from indigenous pigs

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    Meat is one of the most nutritious foods that humans can consume, and is defined as the flesh (skeletal muscles) of animals used as food. In addition to protein and fat, meat is a significant source of several micronutrients (minerals and vitamins). Edible offal is also a form of meat which is used as food, but which is not skeletal muscles, and in general possesses higher contents of some micronutrients, especially minerals and vitamins, than muscular tissue. Minerals are the inorganic elements other than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which remain behind in the ash when food is incinerated. They are usually divided into two groups – macrominerals (main elements) and microminerals (trace elements) or into three groups – main elements (macrominerals), trace elements (microminerals) and ultra-trace elements. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the existing literature on the content of nine most abundant minerals (potassium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese) in the major raw pork meat cuts (tenderloin, ham, loin and shoulder) and edible offal (tongue, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, brain and spinal cord) from indigenous pigs. The mineral levels in raw pork meat and pig edible offal are variable, ranging from 175.7 to 463.8 mg/100g for potassium; 159 to 502.0 mg/100g for phosphorous; 38.11 to 158.4 mg/100g for sodium; 8.3 to 28.5 mg/100g for magnesium; 4.61 to 26.02 mg/100g for calcium; 0.67 to 6.47 mg/100g for zinc; 0.55 to 45.59 mg/100g for iron; 0.10 to 0.825 mg/100g for copper; and from 0.0038 to 0.338 mg/100g for manganese. Keywords: minerals, pork, edible offal, indigenous pig


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    The exposure of general population in Croatia to ochratoxin A (OTA) was checked in several studies by measuring its concentration either in food samples or in human blood. The concentration of OTA in food and the frequency of OTA-positive samples show high variability from year to year according to the meteorological conditions. Regional variability in OTA contamination of cereals, wine and beans is also significant. However, while higher OTA concentrations and higher number of OTA-positive samples of cereals and beans are found in the northern part of Croatia, wine from the southern part of Croatia contains higher OTA concentrations. These differences are due to the distribution of different moulds, producers of OTA that specifically contaminate various commodities. However, a large-scale study performed on plasma from five Croatian cities collected four times a year showed a higher mean OTA concentration during the summer. The most exposed are citizens of Osijek, because there was no OTA-free sample collected in this town, and the frequency of samples containing the highest OTA concentration was significantly higher than in other cities.Izloženost hrvatskog stanovništva mikotoksinu okratoksinu A (OTA) ispitivana je u nekoliko navrata mjerenjem njegove koncentracije u uzorcima hrane ili u ljudskoj krvi. Koncentracija mikotoksinu OTA u hrani i učestalost pozitivnih uzoraka različita je u uzorcima saku-pljenim u različitim godinama, što ovisi o meteorološkim uvjetima. U žitaricama, vinu i grahu nađene su značajno različite koncentracije OTA s obzirom na mjesto uzorkovanja. Raspodjela uzoraka koji sadrže veću koncentraciju OTA različita je u različitim prehrambenim namirnicama. Značajno veća koncentracija OTA nađena je u uzorcima žitarica i graha sakupljenih u sjevernim dijelovima Hrvatske, dok je vino iz istog područja sadržavalo manju koncentra-ciju OTA negoli vino iz južnih krajeva. Te se razlike mogu objasniti time što u različitim namirnicama različite gljivice proizvode OTA. U opsežnom istraživanju izloženosti OTA hrvatskog stanovništva, sakupljeni su uzorci krvi u pet hrvatskih gradova (Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Varaždin i Zagreb) četiri puta tijekom godine. Najviša je srednja koncentracija u svim uzorcima nađena u uzorcima saku-pljenim u ljeti, a stanovnici Osijeka najviše su izloženi ovom mikotoksinu. Svi uzorci sakupljeni u Osijeku sadržavali su OTA, a učestalost uzoraka koji su sadržavali veće koncentracije OTA bila je značajno viša negoli u drugim gradovima

    BIM implementation in building maintenance management

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) podrazumijeva izradu višedimenzionalnog informacijskog modela građevine, koji se temelji na osnovnom 3D modelu i omogućava dijeljenje informacija među sudionicima u projektu tijekom cijelog životnog vijeka građevine. Za učinkovitije upravljanje održavanjem građevina predlaže se integracija održavanja građevina i BIM-a. U radu se analiziraju prednosti i ograničenja implementacije BIM-a u održavanju građevina te se daje prijedlog integracije BIM-a i automatizacije za unaprjeđenje dosadašnjih tradicionalnih metoda. Na kraju je definirana sveobuhvatna strategija implementacije BIM-a u fazi održavanja građevina.Building Information Modelling (BIM) implies a multi dimensional information model of building, based on fundamental 3D model, which enables information sharing among project participants during the whole life cycle of a building. Integration of building maintenance and BIM is proposed for the purpose of a more efficient management of building maintenance activities. This paper analyses the benefits of BIM implementation in building maintenance, as well as its limitations. The integration of BIM and automation is proposed to enhance traditional building maintenance methods. Finally, a comprehensive BIM implementation strategy for the building maintenance phase is defined