423 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility : specificity, formation mechanism, estimation of management efficiency

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    The analysis of ways and methods for increase of efficiency of role of the business in economy stabilization, environment protection, improvement of population's life quality, and therefore social responsibility of business is a topical problem which solving has both theoretical and practical value. Research objective is development of theoretical propositions and methodical and practical recommendations for estimation of efficiency of enterprise restructuring on the basis of holistic marketing and degree of its social responsibility. Research tasks: clarification of definition and specificity of “business social responsibility” concept, development of the methodical approach to estimation of its condition, modelling of integral indicator of its development, clusterization of industrial enterprises on its basis. Methodology: The method of hierarchies’ analysis is a proved tool for solving of multi-criteria problems with hierarchical structures including complex system of factors affecting selection of solution for improvement of image of domestic enterprises. Results: Theoretical analysis of evolution of researches of corporate social responsibility was carried out; the essence of social responsibility concept of the Russian enterprise, its restructuring on the basis of holistic marketing, specificity of formation proceeding from analysis of its essence in foreign and domestic economic science were specified; - internal and external factors influencing development of corporate social responsibility of the organisations were determined, algorithm of multi-criteria estimation on the basis of hierarchies' analysis method taking into account most the representative indicators characterising efficiency of efforts was developed and tested. Conclusion / importance. The authors draw the conclusion that propositions developed in the work and received results can serve as a basis for development of enterprise management strategy focused on a long-term stable development taking into account interests of various interested parties of the company.peer-reviewe


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    Physics of nanostructures is the scientific basis of modern nanotechnologies that use the special properties of small particles with a size of about 1–100 nm, making it possible to design various novel materials with unique physical properties. Today a training of future professionals to work in this technological area is very important. Moreover, this training is desirable not only at universities, but also at schools in order to introduce nanotechnologies to the young generation. The purpose of this work is an analysis of possibilities for familiarization of students and pupils in Pskov (Russia) with the elements of nanostructure physics, as well as subsequent development and testing of didactic materials on this topic. As a part of this work, a study of the current state of nanostructure physics has been conducted. As a result, the authors have developed overview lectures on modern nanotechnology and educational nanotechnological laboratory experiments for students and pupils


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    The article raised an important issue of opportunities modern young people in the framework of socio-cultural conditions of the region - the Pskov region. Presents a program of experimental research and its results. Examines the relationship between meaning-of-life and value orientations of graduates of various educational institutions: schools, colleges and the University and attitude toward the past, present and future of the Pskov region and opportunities. The comparative analysis of different groups of graduates in the studied characteristics was done.

    Evaluating the Influence of Musical and Monetary Rewards on Decision Making through Computational Modelling

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    A central question in behavioural neuroscience is how different rewards modulate learning. While the role of monetary rewards is well-studied in decision-making research, the influence of abstract rewards like music remains poorly understood. This study investigated the dissociable effects of these two reward types on decision making. Forty participants completed two decision-making tasks, each characterised by probabilistic associations between stimuli and rewards, with probabilities changing over time to reflect environmental volatility. In each task, choices were reinforced either by monetary outcomes (win/lose) or by the endings of musical melodies (consonant/dissonant). We applied the Hierarchical Gaussian Filter, a validated hierarchical Bayesian framework, to model learning under these two conditions. Bayesian statistics provided evidence for similar learning patterns across both reward types, suggesting individuals’ similar adaptability. However, within the musical task, individual preferences for consonance over dissonance explained some aspects of learning. Specifically, correlation analyses indicated that participants more tolerant of dissonance behaved more stochastically in their belief-to-response mappings and were less likely to choose the response associated with the current prediction for a consonant ending, driven by higher volatility estimates. By contrast, participants averse to dissonance showed increased tonic volatility, leading to larger updates in reward tendency beliefs

    Overcritical Water Oxidization As a Perspective Method of Biocontamination Disposal

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    Technogenic development of society is characterized these days by the increasing deficit of raw material sources and environmental deterioration. One of the effective decisions for industrially-domestic and food production waste disposal is application of overcritical water oxidization method (OCWO). With the observance of all ecological norms, this method not only decreases the volume of wastes, lowers the class of danger of the appearing ash residue, but also rationally uses secondary energy. The OCWO method gives an opportunity of converting no less than 99,99% of organic compounds of initial mixture into environmentally sound water and gas. Metals are distinguished as inorganic salts or oxides. Most steady inorganic compounds in these parameters are slightly soluble in overcritical water and are deposited or exited as gas at cooling and depressurization. This paper aims to estimate the perspectives of overcritical water oxidization method (OCWO) for industrial waste disposal

    Space maintainers - different clinical approaches

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    Използването на местопазител или възстановяване на кариозен временен зъб, който впоследствие може да действа като естествен местопазител, може потенциално да предотврати намаляването на дължината на зъбната дъга и необходимостта от сложно ортодонтно лечение на по-късен етап. Целта на този литературен обзор е да обобщи видовете местопазители, да представи предимствата им и необходимостта от тяхното приложение. Местопазителите могат да бъдат едностранни, двустранни, фиксирани и снемаеми. Вероятността на фиксираните апарати да бъдат повредени, изгубени или свалени е по-малка. 91.3% е успеваемостта на местопазители, изработени от 0,7 мм тел, свързани чрез бондинг, като останалите 8.7% неуспех се дължат основно на оклузална травма или разциментирането им. Установено е, че задържането на местопазител, изработен от фибростъкло и композит, е по-добро от това на местопазител с метален пръстен. Използваните конвенционални апарати за запазване на мястото имат редица недостатъци. Цялата процедура може да бъде завършена в едно посещение при NiTi ретайнерите-местопазители, като при тях няма нужда от допълнителни процедури като: вземане на отпечатък, поставяне на пръстени, тел и запояване. Лингвалната дъга също е ефективна като местопазител по време на про бива на страничните постоянни зъби. Фрагментът от естествения зъб при фрактура на фронтални зъби може да се ползва като местопазител, за целта е необходимо да се съхрани до срещата с денталния лекар. Прави се улей на двата съседни зъба и чрез течен композит и фибровлакно се закрепя към фрактурирания зъб като местопазител до окончателния растеж на зъбната дъга. Необходимо е познаването на всички видове местопазители, за да може при ранна загуба на временен зъб да се подбере най-подходящият за случая местопазител.The use of space maintainers or restoring a carious temporary tooth, which can be a natural space maintainer, can potentially prevent a reduction in the length of the toothed arc and the need for complicated orthodontic treatment at a later stage. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize the types of space maintainers, to present their advantages and the need for their application. Space maintainers can be unilateral, bilateral, fixed, and removable. The success rate of 0.7 mm wire space maintainers is 91.3% and is linked to bonding, the remaining 8.7% failure is because of occlusal trauma or decementation. It is found that the retention of the glass fiber-reinforced composite resin space maintainer is better than a metal ring one. The conventional appliances used to pre-serve space have a lot of disadvantages. The whole procedure can be completed in one visit with NiTi space maintainers-retainers, and there is no need for additional procedures such as: impression, ring placement, wire and soldering. The lingual arch is also effective as a space maintainer during the eruption of permanent teeth. The fracture fragment of the natural tooth of frontal teeth can be used as a space maintainer, for this purpose it is necessary to keep it until the dental visit. A canal is made on the two adjacent teeth and a flowable composite and glass fiber is attached to the fractured tooth as a space maintainer until the final dental arch growth. It is necessary to know all types of space maintainers in case of early loss of temporary teeth and choose the most suitable space maintainer for the case

    Multi-element analysis of Macedonian wines by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) and inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (IP–OES) for regional classification

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    Major, minor, and trace elements in wines from the Republic of Macedonia were determined in this study. Both inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma– optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) were used for accurate determination of the concentration of 42 elements (Ag, Al, Au, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Ge, Ho, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, P, Pb, Pr, S, Sm, Tb, Ti, Tl, Tm, U, V, Yb, Zn, Zr) in 25 Macedonian white, rose, and red wines from different wine regions. By means of factor and cluster analyses, the wines were discriminated according to wine type (white vs. red) and geographical origin. The main discriminant elements were B, Ba, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, and S