556 research outputs found

    Uranus, Cronus and Zeus: Greek mythology and its differents conceptions about time

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    Reality of Time is an abstract and intuitive concept. Temporality can be experienced and understood, but cannot be felt. Even the experience of Time becomes ambiguous if we think in natural time (as eternal and unchanging) and human time (as changeable and finite) as two distinct instances of a common reality. Depending on this perception, Time is simultaneously, as defined by Mircea Eliade, “sacred” and “profane”: eternal and recoverable, historical and irreducible. In this article, we intend to examine briefly the figures of Uranus, Cronus and Zeus as symbolic representatives of these two different conceptions of Time in the ancient Hellenic imagination

    Uranos, Cronos e Zeus : a mitologia grega e suas distintas percepções do tempo

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    A realidade do tempo é uma noção asbtrata e intuitiva. A temporalidade pode ser experienciada e compreendida, mas não sentida. Emesmo a experiência do tempo se torna ambígua, se pensarmos no tempo natural (eterno e imutável) e no tempo humano (mutável e finito) como duas instâncias distintas de uma realidade comum. Consoante tal percepção, o tempo é simultaneamente, como define Mircea Eliade, "sagrado" e "profano": eterno e recuperável, histórico e irredutível. É neste sentido que pretendemos analisar brevemente as figuras de Úranos, Cronos e Zeus como representantes simbólicos dessas duas diferentes concepções do tempo no antigo imaginário helênico.Reality of Time is an abstract and intuitive concept. Temporality can be experienced and understood, but cannot be felt. Even the experience of Time becomes ambiguous if we think in natural time (as eternal and unchanging) and human time (as changeable and finite) as two distinct instances of a common reality. Depending on this perception, Time is simultaneously, as defined by Mircea Eliade, "sacred" and "profane": eternal and recoverable, historical and irreducible. In this article, we intend to examine briefly the figures of Uranus, Cronus and Zeus as symbolic representatives of these two different conceptions of Time in the ancient Hellenic imagination

    Quasiperiodicity hinders ergodic Floquet eigenstates

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    Quasiperiodic systems in one dimension can host non-ergodic states, e.g. localized in position or momentum. Periodic quenches within localized phases yield Floquet eigenstates of the same nature, i.e. spatially localized or ballistic. However, periodic quenches across these two non-ergodic phases were thought to produce ergodic diffusive-like states even for non-interacting particles. We show that this expectation is not met at the thermodynamic limit where the system always attains a non-ergodic state. We find that ergodicity may be recovered by scaling the Floquet quenching period with system size and determine the corresponding scaling function. Our results suggest that while the fraction of spatially localized or ballistic states depends on the model's details, all Floquet eigenstates belong to one of these non-ergodic categories. Our findings demonstrate that quasiperiodicity hinders ergodicity and thermalization, even in driven systems where these phenomena are commonly expected


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    Since the Brazilian public policy started to encourage solidarity economy in 2003, the number of projects and enterprises in this sector has steadily increased. Embeddedness has contributed to the understanding of organizational phenomena of solidarity economy and cooperatives. The aim of this study was to understand the influence of trust, from the perspective of Mark Granovetter’s social networks, on the constitution of a cooperative of urban recyclable waste pickers in southern Brazil between 1996 until early 2012, considered the foundation period. We used the qualitative method with a historical approach to social relationships and content analysis. Possible influences of trust were analysed based on the economic, social and political history of the cooperative. Among the main results, we highlight the existence of social relations before the constitution, defined by trust due to family identity and reputation built over time

    A Logistic Model Tree Solution

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    Beretta, S., Castelli, M., Gonçalves, I., Kel, I., Giansanti, V., & Merelli, I. (2018). Improving eQTL Analysis Using a Machine Learning Approach for Data Integration: A Logistic Model Tree Solution. Journal of Computational Biology, 25(10), 1091-1105. DOI: 10.1089/cmb.2017.0167Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysis is an emerging method for establishing the impact of genetic variations (such as single nucleotide polymorphisms) on the expression levels of genes. Although different methods for evaluating the impact of these variations are proposed in the literature, the results obtained are mostly in disagreement, entailing a considerable number of false-positive predictions. For this reason, we propose an approach based on Logistic Model Trees that integrates the predictions of different eQTL mapping tools to produce more reliable results. More precisely, we employ a machine learning-based method using logistic functions to perform a linear regression able to classify the predictions of three eQTL analysis tools (namely, R/qtl, MatrixEQTL, and mRMR). Given the lack of a reference dataset and that computational predictions are not so easy to test experimentally, the performance of our approach is assessed using data from the DREAM5 challenge. The results show the quality of the aggregated prediction is better than that obtained by each single tool in terms of both precision and recall. We also performed a test on real data, employing genotypes and microRNA expression profiles from Caenorhabditis elegans, which proved that we were able to correctly classify all the experimentally validated eQTLs. These good results come both from the integration of the different predictions, and from the ability of this machine learning algorithm to find the best cutoff thresholds for each tool. This combination makes our integration approach suitable for improving eQTL predictions for testing in a laboratory, reducing the number of false-positive results.authorsversionpublishe


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    Por séculos, a integração de territórios sob o domínio de sobas avassalados e autônomos na esfera de influência da zona atlântica de Angola foi um processo contraditório e violento. Com o comércio oceânico dependendo da atuação de agentes portugueses e africanos circulando em territórios que iam além do controle direto da administração colonial portuguesa, as configurações políticas locais frequentemente interferiam nas agendas imperiais de manter o fluxo comercial na região. Esse estudo analisa a missão punitiva convocada pelo governo de Angola em 1846 contra os sobas da região do Dombe Grande, nas cercanias de Benguela, dando especial destaque ao episódio no qual parte das forças dessa expedição atacou a caravana de um súdito português residente no reino do Bié, evidenciando a complexidade de projetos e experiências que caracterizavam o arranjo colonial em Angola de meados do século XIX

    Riscos comerciais: seguro de crédito à exportação: a Companhia Brasileira de Seguros de Crédito à Exportação - Brascex.

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    Para competir nos mercados internacionais é necessário fornecer condições de financiamento competitivas, além de garantias de prazo e qualidade. Concorrendo com financiamentos atrativos, o exportador automaticamente aumenta os riscos, principalmente em um cenário caracterizado por condições de instabilidade e incertezas nos campos político e comercial, que provavelmente se estenderão por alguns anos, o que torna indispensável a existência de um sistema desenvolvido de seguros de crédito à exportação.Política ExternaPolíticas EconômicasISSN eletrônico: 2357-8017ISSN impresso: 0034-924

    Análise de deformações em vigas com comportamento geometricamente não-linear

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    Is show in this work four approximated methods solutions to obtain the vertical and angular displacements of a cantilever beam with geometrically nonlinear behavior. To compare the solutions will be used a beam under a concentrated load in its free end. The problem is represented by the second order nonlinear differential equation whose exact solution is not available in the literature. The first method is the linearization of the equation that consists of despising the term of the differential equation that contains the square of the slope, facilitating the use of analytic solution for obtaining of the elastic line. The second is the fourth order Runge- Kutta method in the solution of the differential equation in its completes form. The third method is the pseudolinear equivalent system whose solution results in the same deflection curve of the initial nonlinear problem. In this last method, the nonlinear differential problem is transformed into a system that can be solved using the linear analysis. The fourth is finite elements method applied in the linear and nonlinear analysis of beams. Such methods will have its compared results so much for small as for great displacements and angular deformations. The conclusion are that for the conventional structures, such as structures that use materials as steel and aluminum, the linear method is acceptable. While for materials that allow large deformations in the elastic regime, as some polymeric ones, another method among them studied should be used.Apresentam-se neste trabalho quatro métodos aproximados para obtenção dos deslocamentos verticais e angulares de vigas com comportamento geometricamente não linear. Como base de comparação, será utilizada uma viga engastada em balanço, com um carregamento concentrado em sua extremidade livre. A forma da linha elástica que determina os deslocamentos é obtida de uma equação diferencial não-linear de segunda ordem, cuja solução exata não é atualmente conhecida. O primeiro, é o método de solução linear que consiste em desprezar o termo da equação diferencial que contém o quadrado da declividade, possibilitando a utilização de solução analítica para obtenção da linha elástica. O segundo, é o método numérico de Runge-Kutta 4ª ordem na solução da equação diferencial em sua forma completa. O terceiro método é o sistema pseudolinear equivalente, cuja solução possui uma curva de deflexão igual ao problema não-linear inicial. Neste método o sistema pode ser resolvido aplicando-se a análise linear. O quarto é o método dos elementos finitos aplicado na análise linear e não-linear de vigas. Tais métodos terão seus resultados comparados tanto para pequenos como para grandes deslocamentos e deformações angulares. Conclui-se que, para as estruturas convencionais, como por exemplo, na utilização em estruturas que utilizam materiais como aço e alumínio, o método linear é adequado. No entanto, para materiais que possibilitam grandes deformações no regime elástico, como alguns polímeros, um outro método dentre os estudados deve ser utilizado