283 research outputs found

    Kecel-Szilos kutyanevei

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    Rejtett választóvonalak nyomában. Egy magyarországi egyetemi konfliktus

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    Az egyik magyarországi egyetem természettudományi karán 1978-ban nagyon éles reakciókat váltottak ki azok a követelések, amelyeket az egyik szak néhány diákja fogalmazott meg az Ifjúsági Parlament névvel illetett konzultáció során. A résztvevők képzési tervük átfogó reformjára tettek javaslatot

    Surgical Alternatives in the Therapy of Hypopharyngeal Tumours of Various Locations - 30 Years (1986-2018) of Experience at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery, University of Szeged, Hungary

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    Background and Aim: The authors present advances in the surgical management of hypopharyngeal tumours in Hungary, specifically at the department of otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged. Resective and function-preserving surgical interventions performed via open operation are described separately. Indications for external exploration and the endoscopic-microscopic approach are also detailed, and the surgical repertoire used in the management of hypopharyngeal tumours at the department is presented. Results: At the department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery, University of Szeged we have experienced a continuous increase in the number of hypopharyngeal tumours since the 1980s. It is not only the increased incidence that we have noted but the tumours are also getting more advanced. When focusing on the surgical management of hypopharyngeal tumours, we aim to achieve radical removal as well as retain certain functions, such as the ability of speech, which is an important aspect of the quality of life. Conclusion: Resection of hypopharyngeal tumors with laser increases the risk of recurrence, therefore it is only considered safe in some selected cases. Laryngoscopic assess and the straight line of CO2 laser determines the direction of laser line, which makes it difficult for surgeon to evaluate the involvement of deeper tissues. However, if the indications are closely observed, laser surgery is a potential alternative to surgical intervention in the treatment of small hypopharyngeal tumors

    130 éve született a magyar fonomimika megteremtője

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