53 research outputs found

    Magnetic and mechanical effects of Mn substitutions in AlFe2B2

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    The mechanical and magnetic properties of the newly discovered MAB-phase class of materials based upon AlFe2B2 were investigated. The samples were synthesised from stoichiometric amounts of all constituent elements. X-ray diffraction shows that the main phase is orthorhombic with an elongated b-axis, similar to AlFe2B2. The low hardness and visual inspection of the samples after deformation indicate that these compounds are deformed via a delamination process. When substituting iron in AlFe2B2 with manganese, the magnetism in the system goes from being ferro- to antiferromagnetic via a disordered ferrimagnetic phase exhibited by AlFeMnB2. Density functional theory calculations indicate a weakening of the magnetic interactions among the transitions metal ions as iron is substituted by manganese in AlFe2B2. The Mn-Mn exchange interactions in AlMn2 B2 are found to be very small

    General method for atomistic spin-lattice dynamics with first-principles accuracy

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    We present a computationally efficient and general first-principles based method for spin-lattice simulations for solids and clusters. The method is based on a coupling of atomistic spin dynamics and molecular dynamics simulations, expressed through a spin-lattice Hamiltonian, where the bilinear magnetic term is expanded up to second order in displacement. The effect of first-order spin-lattice coupling on the magnon and phonon dispersion in bcc Fe is reported as an example, and we observe good agreement with previous simulations. We also illustrate the coupled spin-lattice dynamics method on a more conceptual level, by exploring dissipation-free spin and lattice motion of small magnetic clusters (a dimer, trimer, and tetramer). The method discussed here opens the door for a quantitative description and understanding of the microscopic origin of many fundamental phenomena of contemporary interest, such as ultrafast demagnetization, magnetocalorics, and spincaloritronics

    Synthesis and characterization of single phase Mn doped ZnO

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    Different samples of Zn1-xMnxO series have been prepared by conventional solid state sintering method. It has been identified, up to what extent of doping enable us to synthesize single-phase polycrystalline Mn doped ZnO samples which is one of the prerequisite for dilute magnetic semiconductor and we have analyzed its certain other physical aspects. In synthesizing the samples proportion of Mn varies from 1 at% to 5 at%. However the milling times have been varied (6, 12, 24, 48 & 96 hours) for only 2 at% Mn doped samples while for other samples (1, 3, 4 & 5 at% Mn doped) the milling time has been kept fixed at 96 hours. Room temperature X-Ray diffraction (XRD) data reveal that all of the prepared samples up to 3 at% of Mn doping exhibit wurtzite-type structure, no segregation of Mn and/or its oxides has been found. The 4 at% Mn doped samples show a weak peak of ZnMn2O4 apart from usual other peaks of ZnO and the intensity of this impurity peak has been further increased for 5 at% of Mn doping. So beyond 3 at% doping single-phase behavior is destroyed. Band gap for all the 2 at% Mn doped samples have been estimated as between 3.21 to 3.19 eV and reason for this low band gap values has been explained through the grain boundary trapping model. The room temperature resistivity measurement shows increase of resistivity up to 48 hours of milling and with further milling it saturates. The defect state of these samples has been investigated by using positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) spectroscopy technique. Here all the relevant lifetime parameters of positron i.e. free annihilation (tau 1), at defect site (tau 2) and average (tau av) increases with milling time.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures; Submitted to Physica B after minor correctio

    Requirements of Business Judgment Rule and Their Effect on the Practical Use of the Rule

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    Pravilo poslovne presoje ima v Združenih državah Amerike že dolgo tradicijo, v evropskih državah s kontinentalnimi pravnimi sistemi pa so se ga sodišča pri presoji poslovnih odločitev članov organov vodenja in nadzora začela posluževati šele v zadnjih desetletjih. Slovenija je ena izmed vse manjše skupine držav, ki pravila poslovne presoje in njihovih kriterijev še ni prenesla iz sodne prakse v zakonodajo. Pravilo poslovne presoje omogoča sodiščem, da pri presoji, ali so člani organov vodenja in nadzora odškodninsko odgovorni za družbi škodljive odločitve, s pomočjo upoštevanja kriterijev pravila prilagodijo presojo specifičnemu položaju tožencev. Magistrska naloga z namenom iskanja bistva in praktičnega pomena kriterijev pravila poslovne presoje najprej pojasni pojem korporacijskega upravljanja in dinamiko akterjev v delovanju gospodarskih družb. Po kratki naslovitvi dolžnosti članov organov vodenja in nadzora tako v našem pravu kot v pravu tujih držav sledi pregled razvoja kriterijev pravila skozi sodno prakso v njegovem domicilu, Združenih državah Amerike. Kratko so predstavljene različne variacije pravila poslovne presoje v različnih zakonodajnih in kvazizakonodajnih aktih ter pojasnjeni razlogi za njegove pojavne oblike, ki jih v največji meri zaznamujejo različna razumevanja njegovega namena. Sledi podrobna obravnava posameznih kriterijev pravila od prve omembe do sodobne interpretacije, z ozirom na način njegove razlage v slovenski teoriji in praksi. Dilema (ne)pravilnosti slovenske percepcije pravila poslovne presoje se prevesi v zaključni sklep, ki predvsem poudarja pomen prostega polja presoje, ki ga sodiščem omogoča določena mera nedoločenosti kriterijev.Although business judgment rule has a long tradition in the United States of America, the courts in European countries with continental legal systems have only started to use it in the last decades for dealing with business decisions of management. Slovenia is one of the shrinking group of countries that has not yet transferred the rule from case law to law in books. Business judgment rule enables the courts to make use of requirements of the rule in order to properly adjust the judicial decision whether board members are liable for business decisions that resulted in losses for the company. In pursuit of finding the core purpose and practical contribution of requirements of the rule, this master\u27s thesis first explains the concept of corporate governance and dynamics among the different subjects in the company\u27s framework. After a brief mention of management\u27s duties in Slovenian law as well as the law in other countries, thesis continues with an overview of development of the rule\u27s requirements in the rule\u27s cradle, the United States of America. Following is the presentation of different varieties of business judgment rule in different legislative and quasi-legislative acts and the clarification of reasons for so many variations of the rule, which are shaped mostly by different understandings of its core purpose. Detailed explanation of each individual requirement is next, from its first mentions in case law to its modern interpretation with respect to the way each requirement is interpreted in Slovenian case law. The question of suitability of the Slovenian perception of business judgment rule is followed by final conclusion which emphasizes the importance of discretion field the rule\u27s requirements create if they are, to the certain extent, undetermined

    Koulusta töihin : Tuottavatko sairaanhoitajan opinnot sellaista asiantuntijuutta, jota työelämässä tarvitaan? Kysely Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulusta valmistuneille sairaanhoitajille.

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulusta valmistuvien sairaanhoitajien käsityksiä omasta osaamisestaan. Tutkimustehtävänä oli selvittää minkäläistä asiantuntijuutta hoitotyön opetuksen suuntaava vaihe tuottaa valmistuville opiskelijoille. Edelleen tavoitteena oli tuottaa informaatiota sairaanhoitajien koulutuksen tarpeista ja kehittämishaasteista. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää sairaanhoitajan ammattikorkeakouluopintojen suunnittelussa ja kehittämisessä Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulussa. Hoitotyön asiantuntijuuden käsitettä eriteltiin kirjallisuuden avulla. Työn edistyessä kävi ilmi hoitotyön asiantuntijuuden monimutkaisuus ja laajuus. Sairaanhoitaja saavuttaa asiantuntijuuden tason tietojen, taitojen ja kokemuksen kautta. Hoitotyön asiantuntemus alkaa muodostua jo koulutuksen aikana, mutta vain työkokemuksen kertyminen johtaa asiantuntijuuteen. Aineisto kerättiin joulukuussa 2011 (yksi opiskelijaryhmä), sekä maaliskuussa 2012 (kaksi opiskelijaryhmää) kyselylomakkeen avulla. Otos (N=56) koostui Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulun valmistuvista sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoista. Kyselylomake käsitteli tietojen, taitojen ja ominaisuuksien merkitystä sairaanhoitajien asiantuntijuuden kannalta sekä sairaanhoitajan osaamista. Kvantitatiivinen aineisto analysointiin SPSS-ohjelman avulla ja kvallitatiivinen aineisto käsiteltiiin sisällön analyysin avulla. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat arvioivat oman osaamistasonsa varsin korkeaksi. Valmistuvat sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat pitivät tarkeimpinä piirteinä sairaanhoitajille yhteistyökykyä, eettistä toimintaa, ryhmätyötaitoa sekä jatkuvaa ammattitaidon kehittämistä. Vähiten tärkeinä piirteitä sairaanhoitajille pidetiin terveyden edistämisen menetelmien osaamista, kielitaitoa sekä johtamistaitoa. Vastaajat hallitsivat parhaiten potilaan perushoidon, aseptisen toiminnan, potilaslähtoisen toiminnan hoitosuhteessa sekä turvallisen lääkehoidon toteuttamisen. Yllättävää oli se, että sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat kokivat hallitsevansa heikoiten elvytyksen. Eri suuntamisvaihtoehdon välillä oli myös selviä eroja. Psykiatriseen hoitotyöhön suuntaavien opiskelijoiden käsitys omasta osaamisestaan oli lähes kauttaaltaan parempi kuin muilla ryhmillä. Sisätauti-kirurgiseen hoitotyöhön suuntavat opiskelijat olivat vertailussa yleensä kaikista epävarmin omasta osaamisestaan.The purpose of this research was to describe the nursing graduate students’ view of their own professional knowledge. The research tried to find out what kind of professional knowledge is being provided by the orientation period. The aim was to provide information about the needs and developmental challenges of the nursing education. The results of the study can be used for the design and development of the nursing programme curriculum at Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences. The concept of nursing expertise was described using the available literature about the subject. As the work progressed it became clear the complexity and scope of the nursing expertise. The nurse reaches the highest level of competency through accumulating knowledge, skills and experience. Nursing competency begins to form already during the training period, but only the accumulation of practical experience leads to professional expertise. The data was collected in December 2011 (one group of students), and in March 2012 (two groups of students) through a survey questionnaire. The sample (N = 56) consisted of Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences nursing graduate students. The questionnaire dealt with the knowledge, skills and characteristics of nurses and their importance from the nursing competency perspective and nurses’ evaluation of their own knowledge. The quantitative data analysis was made using SPSS software and qualitative material was processed using content analysis. The results showed that student nurses rated their competence relatively high. Graduating student nurses considered the most important characteristics for nurses the ability to cooperate, ethical action, teamwork skills, and continuing development. The least important features of nurses were considered to be the knowledge of health promotion methods, language skills, and leadership skills. Respondents rated their knowledge to be best in basic patient care, aseptic work, patient-centered care and the implementation of safe drug administration. What was surprising was the fact that student nurses felt that they know worst how to perform resuscitation. There were also clear differences between the different orientation groups. Psychiatric nursing care students' view of their own competence was better than the other groups in almost all fields. Internal diseases-surgical nursing care-oriented students felt more unsure about their own knowledge than the other groups

    Do Minorities and Immigrants Behave Sexually different? : Literature review of the subject followed by article publishing

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    The purpose of this development assignment was to publish an article in the journal of Social Science and Medicine and also in a Finnish journal. The goal of this article was to bring the attention of health care professionals onto the sexual health of immigrants and minorities and onto specific aspects of the sexual behavior of immigrants. Understanding how the process of migration is changing the sexual behavior of the immigrants is crucial when dealing with customers/patients coming from other cultures. The article is narrative literature review article and it is based on the available literature. The article was written according to the instructions of the journals. With this assignment I have tried to find out how the sexuality of the (im)migrants changes in the host country. Studies show that moving from one country to another the approach to sexuality can change into a more liberal and risky orientation or it can reinforce the natal culture regarding sexuality and it can become more conservative. While both changes are recorded in literature, there is more basis for being worried about the sexual health of the (im)migrants. The cultural differences are also an obstacle towards good sexual health.Tämän kehittämistehtävän tarkoitus oli julkaista artikkeli sekä kansainvälisessä, että kotimaisessa lehdessä. Artikkelin tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietoa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille maahanmuuttajien ja vähemmistöjen seksuaaliseen käyttäytymiseen liittyvistä erityispiirteistä. Maahanmuutto itsessään vaikutaa yksilön seksuaaliseen käyttätymiseen, ja tämän vaikutusmekanismin tunteminen helpottaa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten toimintaa, kun heidän asiakkaansa ovat maahanmuuttajia. Artikkeli on narratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Artikkeli on kirjoitettu Science and Medicine –journal ja Terveydenhoitajalehden ohjeiden mukaan. Tämän kehittämistehtävän avulla olen yrittänyt selvittää, miten maahanmuuttajien seksuaalisuus muuttuu vastaanottavassa maassa. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että siirtyminen maasta toiseen voi johtaa aikaisempaa liberaalimpaan ja riskialttiimpaan käyttäytymiseen, tai se voi vahvistaa omaa kulttuurin seksuaalisuuteen liittyviä normeja siten, että seksuaalikäyttäytyminen muuttuu aikaisempaa konservatiivisemmaksi. Riippumatta siitä mihin suuntaan maahanmuuttajan seksuaalikäyttäytyminen muuttuu, joka tapauksessa on selvää, että maahanmuuttajien seksuaaliterveudestä on syytä olla enemmän huolissaan kuin valtaväestön

    Density Functional Theory Applied to Materials for Spintronics

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    The properties of dilute magnetic semiconductors have been studied by combined ab initio, Monte Carlo, and experimental techniques. This class of materials could be very important for future spintronic devices, that offer enriched functionality by making use of both the spin and the charge of the electrons. The main part of the thesis concerns the transition metal doped ZnO. The role of defects on the magnetic interactions in Mn-doped ZnO was investigated. In the presence of acceptor defects such as zinc vacancies and oxygen substitution by nitrogen, the magnetic interactions are ferromagnetic. For dilute concentrations of Mn (~ 5%) the ordering temperature of the system is low, due to the short ranged character of the exchange interactions and disorder effects. The clustering tendency of the Co atoms in a ZnO matrix was also studied. The electronic structure, and in turn the magnetic interactions among the Co atoms, is strongly dependent on the exchange-correlation functional used. It is found that Co impurities tend to form nanoclusters and that the interactions among these atoms are antiferromagnetic within the local spin density approximation + Hubbard U approach. The electronic structure, as well as the chemical and magnetic interactions in Co and (Co,Al)-doped ZnO, was investigated by joined experimental and theoretical techniques. For a good agreement between the two, approximations beyond the local density approximation must be used. It is found that the Co atoms prefer to cluster within the semiconducting matrix, a tendency which is increased with Al co-doping. We envision that it is best to describe the system as superparamagnetic due to the formation of  Co nanoclusters within which the interactions are antiferromagnetic. The magnetic anisotropy and evolution of magnetic domains in Fe81Ni19/Co(001) superlattices were investigated both experimentally, as well as using model spin dynamics. A magnetic reorientation transition was found

    Competing anisotropies in bcc Fe81Ni19/Co(001) superlattices

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