530 research outputs found

    Déterminants précoces du comportement alimentaire

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    DĂšs les premiers mois, les expĂ©riences sensorielles prĂ©coces et en particulier les expĂ©riences gustatives et olfactives sont mĂ©morisĂ©es et peuvent ainsi moduler les rĂ©actions des enfants vis-Ă -vis d’aliments porteurs des saveurs et arĂŽmes auxquels ils ont Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©s. Ces expĂ©riences prĂ©coces peuvent favoriser l’introduction d’aliments nouveaux et par suite la variĂ©tĂ© du rĂ©pertoire alimentaire en rĂ©duisant la nĂ©ophobie alimentaire, c'est-Ă -dire la rĂ©ticence Ă  goĂ»ter des aliments, phĂ©nomĂšne qui est considĂ©rĂ© comme une rĂ©ponse adaptative Ă  la condition d’omnivore qui pousse Ă  consommer des aliments variĂ©s, lesquels peuvent se rĂ©vĂ©ler toxiques. Nous prĂ©senterons ici les facteurs qui, Ă  chacune de ces Ă©tapes clĂ©s de la construction du rĂ©pertoire alimentaire, peuvent influencer le comportement ultĂ©rieu

    Impact of Innovation on Consumers Liking and Willingness to Pay for Traditional Sausages

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    International audienceThe main objective of the study was to evaluate Polish consumers' liking and willingness to pay for innovations in traditional sausages "Kabanos". The study also attempted to determine whether regional differences may influence acceptance of innovations and the willingness to pay for such products. As both sensory factors and prices are important in food choice decisions, the methodological approach combined hedonic liking and experimental auctions. The study involved 221 consumers of traditional pork sausages who evaluated intrinsic and extrinsic product attributes in blind (tasting only), expectancy (product information only) and fully informed (tasting and product information) experimental conditions. The results show that acceptance of innovation in traditional sausages is determined by the type of innovation proposed. Innovation related to extrinsic attributes like packaging i.e. biodegradable packaging seem to be the most welcome regardless experimental conditions while innovations improving healthiness of traditional sausages but violating their sensory properties i.e. lower salt level tend to be disapproved. There are regional differences observed in acceptance and willingness to pay for innovative variants of Kabanos. In general, consumers in Warsaw are more inclined to pay more for innovative variants of Kabanos than consumers in Cracow. Participants from the two regions had also different hedonic reactions towards organic and spicy variant of Kabanos. Prior research concerning acceptance of innovation in traditional food products in Poland is scarce. Therefore, such information is particularly pertinent to SMEs and distributors operating in traditional food sector to support innovation and development of adequate communication strategies

    Salt content impacts food preferences and intake among children

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    This work was supported by a PhD grant from the Nutrition, Chemical Food Safety and Consumer Behavior Division of INRA (French National Institute for Agronomical Research, France) and the Regional Council of Burgundy (France) received by SB; and by a research grant (Gustolf) from Regional Council of Burgundy (France) received by SN. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Decreasing dietary sodium intake, which can be achieved by reducing salt content in food, is recommended. Salt contributes to the taste of foods and makes them more enjoyable. Whether a food is liked or disliked is an important determinant of food intake, especially among children. However, the role of salt in children's food acceptance has received little attention. The impact of salt content on children's hedonic rating and intake of two foods was investigated in children. Using a within-subject crossover design, we recruited 75 children (8–11 years) to participate in five lunches in their school cafeteria. The target foods were green beans and pasta. The added salt content was 0, 0.6 or 1.2 g/100 g. The children's intake (g) of all lunch items was measured. The children provided their hedonic rating of the food, a preference ranking and a saltiness ranking in the laboratory. Children could rank the foods according to salt content, and they preferred the two saltier options. A food-specific effect of salt content on intake was observed. Compared to the intermediate level (0.6 g salt/100 g), not adding salt decreased green bean intake (−21%; p = 0.002), and increasing the salt content increased pasta intake (+24%; p<0.0001). Structural Equation Modeling was used to model the relative weights of the determinants of intake. It showed that the primary driver of food intake was the child's hunger; the second most important factor was the child's hedonic rating of the food, regardless of its salt content, and the last factor was the child's preference for the particular salt content of the food. In conclusion, salt content has a positive and food-specific effect on intake; it impacted food preferences and intake differently in children. Taking into account children's preferences for salt instead of their intake may lead to excessive added salt

    HabEat: Understanding critical periods and critical factors of the formation and of the modification of food habits

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    Introduction: Diets of young children in many European countries are not ideal (too many lipids; not enough fruit and vegetables). Early nutrition may have an impact on health in later life (diabetes, obesity, heart problems) and the first two years of life are of crucial importance in the acquisition of food habits. The HabEat project aims at understanding better of how food habits are formed and can be changed, in infants and children (< 5 years). Methods: With 11 beneficiaries from 6 European countries, HabEat (2010-2013) is based on a multidisciplinary approach (epidemiology, nutrition, behavioural science, psychology and sensory science). On one hand, in order to identify critical periods and critical factors in the formation of food habits, the epidemiological approach is exploiting existing data from 4 cohorts (Eden, France; ALSPAC, UK; GenerationXXI, Portugal; EuroPrevall, Greece). On the other hand, the experimental approach is focusing on key learning mechanisms (in 6mo-3y children) and on new strategies for changing from poor to healthy habits (in 3-5y children). Results: All workpackages of the Habeat project are on-going. This research will increase understanding of the critical periods when food habits and eating patterns form and to support effective intervention strategies for habit-breaking and behavioural change directed towards making healthier food choices. Conclusion: By 2013, the results from HabEat should lead to recommendations in parental practices for feeding infants and children, of particular use to early childhood professionals, paediatricians and politicy makers responsible for drafting feeding guidelines and also to the baby food industry

    Preferences for fat and basic tastes in 3-, 6- and 12-month-old infants

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    Fat perception received recent interest, but fat preference in human infants is a matter of debate. The objective here was to investigate fat and taste preferences in the same infants (N= 66) at 3, 6 and 12 months. Preference for a fat solution (sunflower and rapeseed oils mixed with soy lecithin) and for taste solutions (sweet, lactose; salty, NaCl; bitter, urea; sour, citric acid; umami, sodium glutamate) was evaluated. The same method was applied at each age. Mothers and their infant participated in 2 videotaped sessions, during which the 5 taste and fat solutions were assessed in a balanced order. For each taste, 4 bottles (water, tastant, tastant and water) were presented by the experimenter.Twoglobal indices were calculated to represent acceptance of the tastant relatively to water (W), based on ingested volumes and on facial expressions. At 3 and 6 mo, the fat solution was as consumed as W; but less than W at 12 mo; at all ages it elicited ‘negative’ expressions. For taste solutions, at 3 mo the sweet solution was more and the bitter one wasless consumed thanW;the bitter and the sour solutions elicited ‘negative’ expressions. At 6 and 12 mo, the sweet and salty solutions were more consumed than W and elicited ‘positive’ expressions; the bitter and sour solutions elicited negative expressions. Infants were indifferent to the umami solution. These findings are in accordance with the literature on taste preference but the indifference or rejection of the fat solution raise questions about an ‘innate’ preference for fat. The olfactory component of fat might be involved in this rejection

    Evidence for different patterns of chemosensory alterations in the elderly population: impact of age versus dependency

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    The present experiment aimed to explore the interindividual variability in chemosensory abilities among the elderly population. The chemosensory abilities of 559 subjects, aged from 65 to 99 years, were evaluated. Various categories of the elderly, including people who were living at home either without or with assistance, and people who were living in a nursing home, were interviewed. The results revealed that 43% of the sample presented well-preserved chemosensory abilities, whereas 21% of the participants presented a moderate impairment. Of the sample, 33% presented well-preserved olfactory abilities but strong impairment in gustatory abilities and 3% were nearly anosmic but remained able to perceive the salty taste, demonstrating that gustation and olfaction were not systematically damaged simultaneously. The results showed a link between the level of dependence (free living vs. living at home with help vs. nursing home) and chemosensory abilities, independently of the age effect. These results strengthen the hypothesis that the impairment of chemosensory abilities is not only an effect of age per se; rather, it is related to events that are associated with aging. Factors that lead to increased dependence (such as poor health) also lead to an impairment in chemosensory performance

    True and False Recognition Memories of Odors Induce Distinct Neural Signatures

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    Neural bases of human olfactory memory are poorly understood. Very few studies have examined neural substrates associated with correct odor recognition, and none has tackled neural networks associated with incorrect odor recognition. We investigated the neural basis of task performance during a yes–no odor recognition memory paradigm in young and elderly subjects using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. We explored four response categories: correct (Hit) and incorrect false alarm (FA) recognition, as well as correct (CR) and incorrect (Miss) rejection, and we characterized corresponding brain responses using multivariate analysis and linear regression analysis. We hypothesized that areas of the medial temporal lobe were differentially involved depending on the accuracy of odor recognition. In young adults, we found that significant activity in the hippocampus and the parahippocampal gyrus was associated with correct (true) recognition of odors, whereas the perirhinal cortex was associated with FAs and Misses. These findings are consistent with literature regarding hypothetical functional organization for memory processing. We also found that for correct recognition and rejection responses, the involvement of the hippocampus decreased when memory performances improved. In contrast to young individuals, elderly subjects were more prone to false memories and exhibited less specific activation patterns for the four response categories. Activation in the hippocampus and the parahippocampal gyrus was positively correlated with response bias scores for true and false recognition, demonstrating that conservative subjects produced an additional search effort leading to more activation of these two medial temporal lobe regions. These findings demonstrate that correct and incorrect recognition and rejection induce distinct neural signatures

    Dietary behavior : An interdisciplinary conceptual analysis and taxonomy

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    The preparation of this paper was supported by the DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity (DEDIPAC) knowledge hub. This work was supported by the Joint Programming Initiative “Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life.” The funding agencies supporting this work are (in alphabetical order of participating Member State): France: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA); Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); Italy: Ministry of Education, University and Research/Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies; Norway: The Research Council of Norway, Division for Society and Health; and The United Kingdom: The Medical Research Council (MRC).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dietary Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Analysis and Taxonomy

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    Background: Dietary behavior encompasses many aspects, terms for which are used inconsistently across different disciplines and research traditions. This hampers communication and comparison across disciplines and impedes the development of a cumulative science. We describe the conceptual analysis of the fuzzy umbrella concept “dietary behavior” and present the development of an interdisciplinary taxonomy of dietary behavior. Methods: A four-phase multi-method approach was employed. Input was provided by 76 scholars involved in an international research project focusing on the determinants of dietary behavior. Input was collected from the scholars via an online mind mapping procedure. After structuring, condensing, and categorizing this input into a compact taxonomy, the result was presented to all scholars, discussed extensively, and adapted. A second revision round was then conducted among a core working group. Results: A total of 145 distinct entries were made in the original mind mapping procedure. The subsequent steps allowed us to reduce and condense the taxonomy into a final product consisting of 34 terms organized into three main categories: Food Choice, Eating Behavior, and Dietary Intake/Nutrition. In a live discussion session attended by 50 of the scholars involved in the development of the taxonomy, it was judged to adequately reflect their input and to be a valid and useful starting point for interdisciplinary understanding and collaboration. Conclusion: The current taxonomy can be used as a tool to facilitate understanding and cooperation between different disciplines investigating dietary behavior, which may contribute to a more successful approach to tackling the complex public health challenges faced by the field. The taxonomy need not be viewed as a final product, but can continue to grow in depth and width as additional experts provide their input
