3,909 research outputs found

    Understanding Early Withdrawals From Retirement Accounts

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    Examines early withdrawals from IRAs and 401(k)s by demographics, education, income, and reason, including job loss, poor health, and college costs. Suggests policies to expand plan participation, preserve retirement savings, and increase other savings

    The scattering of charged particles from helium and alkali atoms

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    The second order potentials method of Bransden and Coleman (1972) has been applied to electron impact excitation of lithium, sodium and helium atoms and to proton impact excitation of helium atoms. The calculations for the e-alkalis are presented in the impact parameter approximation in the energy range 10 - 200 ev., and in the partial wave approximation in the energy range 10-50 ev. On comparing between the two results, it is concluded that the impact parameter approximation is reliable for energies larger than 50 ev. The results for the electron and proton scattering from the helium atoms are presented in the energy range 100 - 1000 ev (kev for proton scattering)

    Sur les limites d'application du modèle de Stephens

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    Les conséquences de l'hypothèse de la conservation de j dans le modèle de Stephens sont analysées. Les conditions de l'applicabilité de cette hypothèse dans le cas des sous-couches isolées (l'extension est faite à N = 4 et N = 3) sont discutées et des explications en sont données. Dans les autres cas, un traitement exact des états propres du mouvement intrinsèque permet néanmoins l'extension du modèle de Stephens sans élargissement de la base de diagonalisation

    Spectral studies of some hydroxy-derivatives of anthraquinones

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    The u.v., visible, and i.r. spectra of several hydroxy-anthraquinones are discussed and the bands are assigned. These bands are compared with those of anthracene and anthraquinone. The band at 207 nm. is assigned to a n-sigma* transition; the bands at 252, 272, and 326 nm. are assigned by measuring spectra in solvents of various polarities. The stability constant for the 12-dihydroxyanthraquinone-ethanol complex is obtained

    Entomopathogenic fungi, Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana reduce the survival of Xenopsylla brasiliensis larvae (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae).

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    Entomopathogenic fungi, particularly those belonging to the genera Metarhizium and Beauveria have shown great promise as arthropod vector control tools. These agents, however, have not been evaluated against flea vectors of plague. A 3-h exposure to the fungi coated paper at a concentration of 2 × 108 conidia m-2 infected >90% of flea larvae cadavers in the treatment groups. The infection reduced the survival of larvae that had been exposed to fungus relative to controls. The daily risk of dying was four- and over three-fold greater in larvae exposed to M. anisopliae (HR = 4, p<0.001) and B. bassiana (HR = 3.5, p<0.001) respectively. Both fungi can successfully infect and kill larvae of X. brasiliensis with a pooled median survival time (MST±SE) of 2±0.31 days post-exposure. These findings justify further research to investigate the bio-control potential of entomopathogenic fungi against fleas.\ud \u

    Boundary effects on the locomotion of active Janus particles

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    Self-propelled or “active” micrometer scale particles are capable of supplying local mechanical work, necessary for microscale cargo delivery and useful in other applications within bioimaging and sensing. Research in the last decade has focused on developing, measuring, and manipulating the locomotion mechanisms of active particles in simple environments. However, many applications will be in complex environments with nearby boundaries or variations in physiochemical cues. This poster reports the directed motion of platinum coated polystyrene particles at infinite dilution in the presence of H2O2, which acts as a fuel to drive motion. A transport mechanism called “diffusiophoresis” drives motion of the particle as a consequence of the local gradient in chemical species following the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water on the platinum cap. The apparent swimming speed of the particle increased from 0 m/s to approximately 2 m/s with fuel concentrations between 0% and 10% near a boundary. Complementary simulation work showed clustering as a consequence of the balance between swimming speed and random Brownian diffusion. Finally, the poster will summarize efforts to tune swimming speed by adjusting the physiochemical environment of the particle via the addition of salt and non-adsorbing nanoparticles. Results from this work demonstrate how the local environment will alter the dynamic behavior of active Janus particles.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/u_poster_2018/1069/thumbnail.jp

    How copper contamination pulses shape the regimeshifts of phytoplankton−zooplankton dynamics?

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    In this study, we consider the effects of impulsive copper contaminationof the phytoplankton−zooplankton dynamics. We use the model on interactionsbetween algae and Daphnia with deterministic and stochastic impulsecopper contamination. In low environmental copper concentration(Cucst 28μgL−1) minimal of copper concentrations. In intermediateconcentrations, deterministic and stochastic pulses may transformpopulation dynamics in complex oscillations. Bifurcation diagram was computedto illustrate the different type observed dynamics in an environmentwith pulses of contamination. Depending on minimum copper concentrationin the environment, this bifurcation diagram highlighted, the resilience orthe regime shifts of the system in occurrence of pulse contamination. Ourstudy may contribute to the prevalence of underestimation of extinction riskor population regime shifts from random fluctuations of pollution in rea