54 research outputs found


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    This study seeks to investigate in further detail the Implementation of Banyumas Regency Regulation No. 6 of 2019 on the Detailed Spatial Planning of the Purwokerto Urban Area. This study was cunducted in Banyumas Regency utilizing qualitative method with a case study approach. This study found that in the idealized policy aspect, spatial planning policies is used to regulate space utilization, spatial and environmental planning, and that includes fundamental materials for example program provisions related to buildings and the environment as a guide for the design of buildings in a region. Next in the aspect of target group, the implementation of spatial planning policies tries to engage all stakeholders through deliberative forums and public hearings. Moreover, in the implementing organization aspect, it demonstrates that the parties involved in the implementation of urban spatial planning policies are the local government of Banyumas Regency, Banyumas Regional People's Representative Council, the community, the private sector, the head of sub-district, the head of village. Lastly, in the environmental factor aspect, it was identified that the Purwekerto regency’s urban spatial planning policies was successfully implemented in terms of the social environment and the bureaucracy environment.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara lebih mendalam mengenai Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Banyumas tentang Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Kawasan Perkotaan Purwokerto Nomor 6 Tahun 2019. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan bentuk pendekatan studi kasus yang dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Banyumas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek Idealized policy digunakan untuk mengendalikan pemanfaatan ruang, penataan ruang dan lingkungan serta mencakup materi pokok seperti ketentuan program terkait dengan bangunan dan lingkungan sebagai panduan dalam rancang bangunan suatu lingkungan/kawasan. Kemudian pada aspek target groups menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan tata ruang perkotaan berupaya melakukan pendekatan oleh semua pihak melalui forum musyawarah dan publik hearing. Sementara aspek Implementing organization menunjukkan bahwa pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam implementasi kebijakan tata ruang wilayah perkotaan terdiri dari unsur pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Banyumas, DPRD Kabupaten Banyumas, masyarakat, pihak swasta, Camat, Lurah, dan pada aspek Environmental factors berhasil mengidentifikasikan keberhasilan dari implementasi kebijakan tata ruang wilayah perkotaan dari sisi lingkungan sosial masyarakat dan lingkungan birokrasi sebagai pelaksana kebijakan tata ruang wilayah perkotaan Purwokerto

    The Reform of Service Bureaucracy in the County Building Permit in Banyumas

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    Article licensing service bureaucracy reform is more focusing on three aspect, they are; restructuring the bureaucracy, standard operational procedure rearrangement and the rearrangement of resource agencies. The process of implementation of the restructuring of the bureaucratic Ministry licensing is done through the strengthening of the Organization, with the revamp of the bureaucracy of the Echelon like: Echelon III becomes II, that is equivalent to Echelon team conducting multiple instances servicing building permit, to facilitate coordination and the process of determination of the worth or whether the proposed creation of an IMB permitted by the citizens, and to get the authority publishing letters IMB from Regent to the head of BPMPP in order to shorten the time of clearance process IMB hierarchy; Preparation of the SOP are simpler, clearer and transparent; Apparatus Setup through recruitment and placement apparatus based on competencies, making the details of the task is clear and unequivocal, as well as the development of the ability of the apparatus through the various types of training. Bureaucratic reform is done through the three aspects, are able to improve the quality of service of IMB, one of them was able to shorten the time of completion of the IMB, which had 60-74 completing time work days to 14 working days

    Penerapan Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio (Moora) Dalam Penentuan Asisten Laboratorium

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    Penerimaan asisten laboratorim merupakan tahap proses perekrutan yang dilakukan oleh penanggung jawab lab, terdapat beberapa kriteria yang dijadikan patokan penilaian dari kualifikasi masing-masing calon asisten yang melamar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan Meotde Multi-Objective Optimization on The Basis Of Ratio (MOORA) dalam penentuan aisten laboratorium. Terdapat 3 kriteria yaitu Nilai Ujian, Indeks Prestasi dan Semester. Alternatif dengan rangking nomor 1 merupakan alternatif dengan nilai tertinggi pada perhitungan Metode Moor

    Impact of Digitalization for MSME Actors in the Era of Adapting New Habits

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    Impact is a secondary effect brought on by the adoption of a plan or strategy. The Indonesian economy has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. Moreover, MSMEs are among the most severely impacted economic sectors. One of the regencies with a sizable number of MSMEs is Purbalingga. People are being pushed to adjust to rather rapid digital advancements as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. Therefore, the study aims to examine and describe in detail how digitalization has affected MSME actors in the age of forming new habits, particularly in the Purbalingga Regency. This study used a qualitative research design with procedures for collecting data from in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. Purposive sampling was used to choose research participants, and interactive analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings of this study suggest that MSMEs in Purbalingga Regency have been more negatively impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic than other groups. For instance, there has been a sharp decline in MSME incomes and a rise in layoffs as a result of MSMEs’ inability to pay for their personnel. The Purbalingga Regency government has implemented e-commerce, specifically through ”Tuka Tuku Purbalingga,” as one of its strategies for saving MSMEs. However, the MSME actors in Purbalingga Regency have faced new challenges as a result of digitalization. This is because some MSME actors in Purbalingga Regency continued to face technical gaps and restricted internet access. Keywords: impact, digitalization, MSME

    Policy Standardization Implementation Guarantying at the Private University in Semarang City

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    The purpose of this research is designed to describe and analyze the implementation of the quality assurance policy at a private college in the city of Semarang and the identification of those aspects that support and hinder the implementation of a quality assurance policy at a private University in the city of Semarang. As for specific targets to be achieved in the research is to formulate quality assurance policy implementation model for effective education (proposed model) and corresponding needs in supporting improved quality of education at Private Colleges in the city of Semarang. The study was designed with a qualitative research approach and use descriptive analysis. The analysis of the data collected is done after through interviews and observations directly in the field. Because it uses a qualitative approach then the data analysis processes in inductive data collection method in dept Interview, observation, documentation, and test the validity of library studies with data using two methods, namely the technique of triangulation and peer debriefing. The activity of this data analysis consists of, i.e., data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. To test the design quality assurance policy implementation model at a private college in the city of Semarang using consultation with experts guarantee quality (peer debriefing) for evaluation and improvement be alternative models. The next stage of the evaluation with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by presenting a quality assurance team of experts from several universities to discuss alternative models these models are proposed so that/later can be implemented at private colleges. The location of the research done at Private Colleges include: Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang (UDINUS), Republic Indonesia Semarang Teachers Union University (UPGRIS), a high school computer (STEKOM), Indonesia Cruise Academy (AKPELNI), the maritime high school (STIMART) and site Quality Assurance Agency on research at the private University


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    Basic track problems in most of the villages in Wonosobo Regency Government are the recruitment and selection practices of other villages have not been able to encourage the inception of the village with the required standards of competence. This research aims to analyze the system of recruitment and selection of other villages, supporters and restricting factors, as well as establishing a proper and contextual model in Wonosobo Regency over the approach to the management of human resources. With descriptive method, this study found that the standard of competence has not been a consideration for the Government since the beginning of the planning process, to recruitment and selection. Almost the entire selection process, starting from the determination of the criteria of candidates, selection of administration until the written exams tend not based on competence. In addition, the necessary of the village according to the preference of the villagers also has yet to be fulfilled, thus still encountered complaints from the public. The study also identifies some of the factors supporting the recruitment and selection competency-based, among others, regulation and community support. Later, inhibitor factor, among others, the quality of human resources and organizational needs analysis Committee. Based on these conditions, the model recommendations in this study encourages the process of recruitment and selection apply competency — based in practice, in order to be able to support organizational performance towards the village government is better. Start the process of sourcing, attracting, through screening, based on the needs the competence and analyzed scientifically. Community preference is also a consideration in that process in order to involve the public opinion and build public confidence to the results of the selection. These two factors also continue to support are encouraged to be optimal. Meanwhile, an inhibitor of factor continues to be minimized through a variety of innovations

    Collaborative Governance in Creating a Child-Friendly City in Banda Aceh City

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    Child-Friendly City is an effort to make cities safe, decent, and friendly for children. Child-Friendly Cities is a child-based development system integrated with government resources, the community, the media, community organizations, and the business world to guarantee children's rights. The City Government of Banda Aceh 2022 has again won an award as a Child-Friendly City in the Nindya category, and this category has increased at a level compared to last year. This achievement must be connected to the role and involvement of the government, the private sector, and the community. Therefore, this study aims to determine how far the Collaborative Governance process is in Creating a Child-Friendly City in Banda Aceh City. The research method used is a qualitative method with a type of research with a literature study approach obtained from books, journals, regulations, written sources, both printed and electronic, and others relevant to this research. After the data is collected, it will be analyzed following a research discussion raised using an interactive analysis model. The research findings are that the City of Banda Aceh can become a fully Child-Friendly City if it involves various parties or partners in making it happen. This is seen from three dimensions, namely (1) Principled Engagement; (2) Shared Motivation; (3) Capacity for Join Action, where collaboration between parties goes well

    Pemetaan Lahan Kritis Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis di Kecamatan Sumalata Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Kecamatan Sumalata merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan industri pertanian dan ekonomi yang mempunyai topografi daratan dan perbukitan yang relatif dekat dengan pengolahan ruang yang meluas keperbukitan. Hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan berubahnya ahli fungsi lahan dan sangat berpengaruh timbulnya lahan kritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan lahan kritis menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Kecamatan Sumalata. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis tumpang susun data spasial pengkelasan, skoring dan logical  expression, metode ini juga diperkuat verifikasi ke Citra CSRT Google Earth, serta survei lapangan dengan ground control point (GCP). Dari keseluruhan hasil analisis telah diperoleh informasi bahwa ada 5 kelas lahan kritis di Kecamatan Sumalata yaitu, Tidak Kritis memiliki luas 1,476.75 Ha atau mencapai 4.95%, Potensial Kritis memiliki 625.70 Ha atau mencapai 2.10%, Agak Kritis memiliki luas 27,495.04 Ha atau mencapai 92.21%, Kritis memiliki luas 44.02 Ha atau hanya mencapai 0.15% dan Sangat Kritis dengan total luas 12.44 Ha dengan presentase 0.14%


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    Abstrak Program  Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (P3MD) adalah upaya mengembangkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, keterampilan, perilaku, kemampuan, kesadaran, serta memanfaatkan sumber daya melalui penetapan kebijakan, program, kegiatan, dan pendampingan yang sesuai dengan esensi masalah dan prioritas kebutuhan masyarakat Desa. Di Kabupaten Banyumas Provinsi Jawa Tengah, program tersebut dimulai sejak tahun 2015. Program yang berlangsung lama tersebut rupanya belum dapat mewujudkan masyarakat yang berdaya. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan masih tingginya angka kemisikinan dan masih lemahnya keterlibatan masyarakat dalam proses pembangunan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan gagalnya Program Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (P3MD)  dalam memberdayakan masyarakat di Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Banyumas dengan lokus Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas yang terdiri dari 20 desa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Program Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (P3MD) di Kabupaten Banyumas belum berhasil dalam memberdayakan masyarakat agar bisa berpartisipasi aktif dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan pembangunan karena pendampingan yang ada baru dapat mewujudkan partisipasi yang ada masih sebatas mobilisasi, belum merupakan partisipasi yang sesungguhnya. P3MD gagal dalam memberdayakan masyarakat karena belum dapat meningkatkan kapasitas lembaga kemasyarakatan sebagai organisasi lokal di Kabupaten Banyumas dengan baik. Kapasitas organisasi lokal masih lemah karena belum pendampingan yang kurang intensif sehingga para pengurus organisasi lokal belum memiliki bekal yang cukup tentang ilmu-ilmu pemberdayaan.   Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Pembangunan Desa, Organisasi Lokal Abstract The Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) is an effort to develop community independence and welfare by increasing knowledge, attitudes, skills, behavior, abilities, awareness, and utilizing resources through establishing policies, programs, activities, and assistance that are in accordance with the essence of the problem and prioritize the needs of the Village community. In Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, the program was started in 2015. It seems that this long-running program has not been able to create an empowered society. This is indicated by the still high poverty rate and the weak community involvement in the development process. The purpose of this study is: to describe and explain the failure of the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) in empowering communities in Banyumas Regency. This study used qualitative methods with research locations in Banyumas Regency with the locus of Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency consisting of 20 villages. The conclusion of this research is that the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) in Banyumas Regency has not been successful in empowering the community to actively participate in development planning, implementation and monitoring because the existing assistance can only realize that existing participation is still limited to mobilization, not yet participation. The real. P3MD failed to empower the community because it had not been able to properly increase the capacity of social institutions as local organizations in Banyumas Regency. The capacity of local organizations is still weak because there is no less intensive assistance so that the administrators of local organizations do not have sufficient knowledge about empowerment.     Keywords: Community Empowerment, Village Development, Local Organizations

    Kapasitas Bisnis Pemerintah Desa dalam Perspektif Business-Government Relationship Pasca Implementasi Otonomi Desa (Kasus di Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    The Indonesian Governments policies after the implementation of village autonomy are directed to villages business development. Village governments duties and functions are not only related to administrative matters anymore, but also in operation of villages business. This shows that there is a developing business commitment in Indonesia. The research result shows that the Business-Government Relationship in Indonesia has changed from one way to mutual interaction, as shown with the development of Public Sector Entrepreneurship and business commitment in village government environment. Both factors evidently improve the capacity of business, which begins to be developed by the Indonesian Government at all levels. The development of Public Sector Entrepreneurship is shown with the business creativity, business cooperation, and professionalism of village government in governments business management. Meanwhile, local governments business commitment is shown with support of policies, funding and human resources in governments business management. Governments business capacity is shown with efficiency, effectiveness and economy (value for money) achieved by governments business unit. In Indonesia, particularly in Banyumas Regency, village autonomy has given opportunity for the development of Business-Government Relationship at local level
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