215 research outputs found

    Producción de textos escritos. Lo epistémico y lo desarrollador

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    Writing has a heuristic function that allows the investigation of certain codes in the meaning of facts which must be explained. Problems were identified around the theoretical bases, and with respect to writing as a process-product and epistemic act in the socio-cognitive transformation of the student. A creative writing workshop has been launched through the reading of a poem, to connote the spaces of meaning and self-regulation of the communicative act. To evaluate the certainty of the study, the pedagogical experiment method was used, in its pre-experiment mode, with a pre-test and post-test design. The positive effects achieved in the students of the experimental group with respect to the levels of creativity and proficiency have demonstrated the relevance and effectiveness of the proposed activities.La escritura posee una función heurística,que permite la investigación de ciertos códigos que le permiten ofrecen significación a hechos los cuales deben explicarse. Se identificaron problemas en torno a las bases teóricas, y se podrá reflexionar respecto a la escritura como proceso-producto y como acto epistémico de trasformación socio cognitiva del educando. Se ha lanzado un taller de escritura creativa a través de la lectura de un poema, para connotar los espacios de significación y autorregulación del acto comunicativo. Para evaluar la certidumbre del estudio se empleó el método de experimento pedagógico, en su modalidad de pre-experimento, con un diseño de pre-test y pos-test. Los efectos positivos conseguidos en los educandos del grupo experimental con respecto a los niveles de creatividad y suficiencia, han demostrado la pertinencia y efectividad de las actividades propuestas

    Producción de textos escritos. Lo epistémico y lo desarrollador

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    Writing has a heuristic function that allows the investigation of certain codes in the meaning of facts which must be explained. Problems were identified around the theoretical bases, and with respect to writing as a process-product and epistemic act in the socio-cognitive transformation of the student. A creative writing workshop has been launched through the reading of a poem, to connote the spaces of meaning and self-regulation of the communicative act. To evaluate the certainty of the study, the pedagogical experiment method was used, in its pre-experiment mode, with a pre-test and post-test design. The positive effects achieved in the students of the experimental group with respect to the levels of creativity and proficiency have demonstrated the relevance and effectiveness of the proposed activities.La escritura posee una función heurística,que permite la investigación de ciertos códigos que le permiten ofrecen significación a hechos los cuales deben explicarse. Se identificaron problemas en torno a las bases teóricas, y se podrá reflexionar respecto a la escritura como proceso-producto y como acto epistémico de trasformación socio cognitiva del educando. Se ha lanzado un taller de escritura creativa a través de la lectura de un poema, para connotar los espacios de significación y autorregulación del acto comunicativo. Para evaluar la certidumbre del estudio se empleó el método de experimento pedagógico, en su modalidad de pre-experimento, con un diseño de pre-test y pos-test. Los efectos positivos conseguidos en los educandos del grupo experimental con respecto a los niveles de creatividad y suficiencia, han demostrado la pertinencia y efectividad de las actividades propuesta

    STARTUPV: Different approaches in mentoring and tutorship for entrepreneurs in the three stages of a university entrepreneurial ecosystem

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    Year after year, a crowd of students from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), a polytechnic university in Valencia (Spain) with over 30,000 students, are encouraged to start their own business projects. Since 1992, IDEAS UPV, the Entrepreneurial service at UPV, has been mentoring entrepreneurs. Up till now, IDEAS UPV has helped in the generation of close to 1000 new businesses with a survival rate of over 60% in five years. In 2012, IDEAS UPV introduced new mentoring and tutorship activities for students by the creation of a business incubator within the university campus. StartUPV is currently a 5-year startup incubation programme and an entrepreneurial ecosystem with more than 300 startups and more than 50 million euros of overall private investment StartUPV programme is divided into three different stages: (i) STAND UP, in which startups define a business model and complete a validation process; (ii) START UP, in which startups achieve a targeted market share and build their company management team; and (iii) SCALE UP, in which startups achieve maturity and scale to other international markets. As university students and their startups face different needs in every step of the programme, different approaches for mentoring and tutorship are applied in every stage. For instance, a startup in the first stage is mentored in business modelling or market segmentation, while a scale up requires a more specific mentorship in dealing with corporates and venture capital. These different approaches are analysed in this work including the main findings of the 10 years of this programme

    La incorporación de la voz del alumnado en el desarrollo de una estructura curricular modular. La experiencia del grado de educación social en la UPV-EHU

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    Con el objetivo de acercar las prácticas universitarias al discurso de democratización educativa, este artículo recoge la experiencia de la incorporación de la voz del alumnado en el desarrollo de la estructura modular del Grado de Educación Social de la UPV-EHU. Centrándonos en un análisis del efecto de la incorporación de la voz del alumnado en las estructuras organizativas, en diferentes contextos, en su propio aprendizaje y en el cambio de las prácticas docentes, hemos intentado desvelar el sentido otorgado a la participación del alumnado en la vida formativa y universitaria, detectar los claroscuros que se visualizan a su acción como sujeto y analizar el efecto producido en su aprendizaje.With the aim of bringing university practices to address educational democratization, this article describes the experiences of incorporating student voice in the development of the modular structure of Social Education degree from the UPV-EHU. Focusing on an analysis of the effect of the incorporation of student voice in organizational structures, in different contexts, in their own learning and changing teaching practices, we tried to reveal the meaning given to student participation in the life training and university detect shades that are displayed to its action as a subject and analyze the effect on their learning

    Evaluation of serial C-reactive protein measurements after surgical treatment of pleural empyema

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    OBJECTIVE: Serial C-reactive protein measurements have been used to diagnose and monitor the response to therapy in patients with pneumonia and other infectious diseases. Nonetheless, the role of C-reactive protein measurement after surgical treatment for pleural empyema is not well defined. The aim of this study is to describe the behavior of C-reactive protein levels after the surgical treatment of pleural empyema and to correlate this parameter with the patient's prognosis. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the records of patients with pleural empyema treated by either chest-tube drainage or surgery from January 2006 to December 2008. C-reactive protein levels were recorded preoperatively and 2 and 7 days postoperatively. The clinical outcome was binary: success or failure (mortality or the need for repeated pleural intervention). RESULTS: The study group comprised fifty-two patients. The median C-reactive protein values were as follows: 146 mg/L (pre-operative), 134 mg/L (post-operative day 2), and 116 mg/L (post-operative day 7). There was a trend toward a decrease in these values during the first week after surgery, but this difference was only statistically significant on day 7 after surgery. Over the first week after surgery, the C-reactive protein values decreased similarly in both groups (successful and failed treatment). No correlation between the preoperative C-reactive protein level and the clinical outcome was found. CONCLUSIONS: We observed that, in contrast to other medical conditions, C-reactive protein levels fall slowly during the first postoperative week in patients who have undergone surgical treatment for pleural empyema. No correlation between the perioperative C-reactive protein level and the clinical outcome was observed

    Evaluation of serial C-reactive protein measurements after surgical treatment of pleural empyema

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    OBJECTIVE: Serial C-reactive protein measurements have been used to diagnose and monitor the response to therapy in patients with pneumonia and other infectious diseases. Nonetheless, the role of C-reactive protein measurement after surgical treatment for pleural empyema is not well defined. The aim of this study is to describe the behavior of C-reactive protein levels after the surgical treatment of pleural empyema and to correlate this parameter with the patient's prognosis. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the records of patients with pleural empyema treated by either chest-tube drainage or surgery from January 2006 to December 2008. C-reactive protein levels were recorded preoperatively and 2 and 7 days postoperatively. The clinical outcome was binary: success or failure (mortality or the need for repeated pleural intervention). RESULTS: The study group comprised fifty-two patients. The median C-reactive protein values were as follows: 146 mg/L (pre-operative), 134 mg/L (post-operative day 2), and 116 mg/L (post-operative day 7). There was a trend toward a decrease in these values during the first week after surgery, but this difference was only statistically significant on day 7 after surgery. Over the first week after surgery, the C-reactive protein values decreased similarly in both groups (successful and failed treatment). No correlation between the preoperative C-reactive protein level and the clinical outcome was found. CONCLUSIONS: We observed that, in contrast to other medical conditions, C-reactive protein levels fall slowly during the first postoperative week in patients who have undergone surgical treatment for pleural empyema. No correlation between the perioperative C-reactive protein level and the clinical outcome was observed

    Heparanase overexpression reduces hepcidin expression, affects iron homeostasis and alters the response to inflammation

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    Hepcidin is the key regulator of systemic iron availability that acts by controlling the degradation of the iron exporter ferroportin. It is expressed mainly in the liver and regulated by iron, inflammation, erythropoiesis and hypoxia. The various agents that control its expression act mainly via the BMP6/SMAD signaling pathway. Among them are exogenous heparins, which are strong hepcidin repressors with a mechanism of action not fully understood but that may involve the competition with the structurally similar endogenous Heparan Sulfates (HS). To verify this hypothesis, we analyzed how the overexpression of heparanase, the HS degrading enzyme, modified hepcidin expression and iron homeostasis in hepatic cell lines and in transgenic mice. The results showed that transient and stable overexpression of heparanase in HepG2 cells caused a reduction of hepcidin expression and of SMAD5 phosphorylation. Interestingly, the clones showed also altered level of TfR1 and ferritin, indices of a modified iron homeostasis. The heparanase transgenic mice showed a low level of liver hepcidin, an increase of serum and liver iron with a decrease in spleen iron content. The hepcidin expression remained surprisingly low even after treatment with the inflammatory LPS. The finding that modification of HS structure mediated by heparanase overexpression affects hepcidin expression and iron homeostasis supports the hypothesis that HS participate in the mechanisms controlling hepcidin expression

    Meta-model assisted continuous vibration-based damage identification of a historical rammed earth tower in the Alhambra complex

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    This work presents the development of a model-based online damage identification system for a 13th century rammed earth (RE) tower in the Alhambra, the Muhammad Tower. The system is fed with continuous data from an ambient vibration-based monitoring system and a meteorological station. Ambient vibrations are continuously processed through Operational Modal Analysis (OMA), and environmental effects are minimised via statistical pattern recognition. The normalized modal signatures are used to update the stiffness properties of certain parts of the tower through inverse model calibration. To do so, a high-fidelity three-dimensional finite element model (FEM) of the tower is developed. Since its computational burden precludes conducting online calibration, the FEM is bypassed by a light Kriging surrogate model (SM). In this light, the developed SM-assisted system identification constitutes a long-term Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system outputting quasi-real-time series of modal properties and local stiffness parameters, so providing full damage assessment (detection, localization and quantification). The presented results refer to a time period of three months since January until March 2022. Numerical results and discussion are reported concerning the characterization and removal of environmental effects, and synthetic damage scenarios through non-linear simulations are used to validate the developed damage identification syste