449 research outputs found

    Intraoperative Neuropsychological assessment in brain tumors ressection located at eloquent areas - Is it ethical not considering "awake surgery"?

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     Brain tumors consist of a heterogeneous group of lesions with potential surgical morbidity when located in eloquente brain areas (motor area, language areas, visual areas, etc.) (1,6) Although intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring has the potential to decrease the risk of sequelae (hemiparesis/hemiplegia) in surgeries with the patient under general anesthesia (primary motor cortex and subcortical motor tract), this modern armamentarium cannot be used to map the speech (the patient is anesthetized). This is particularly important in a large group of patients with low-grade gliomas located in or aroud language areas

    The foramen spinosum: a landmark in middle fossa surgery

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    The foramen spinosum is an easily identifiable landmark in microsurgery of the middle cranial fossa, and knowledge of the variations in its relationship to the surrounding neurovascular structures is important when operating in this area. We studied the anatomical relationship of the foramen spinosum to the foramen ovale, the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve, the greater superficial petrosal nerve, and the petrous part of the internal carotid artery in 12 cadaver heads. We also tried to define an external landmark for early identification of the location of the foramen spinosum in ten dry skulls. We found considerable variations in the anatomy around the foramen spinosum. This knowledge may improve the identification and preservation of the neurovascular structures when using approaches to the middle cranial foss

    Verifica radioprotezionistica con tecniche Monte Carlo del bunker per radioterapia dell' ASMN-IRCCS di Reggio Emilia

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    Conoscere con dettaglio il campo di radiazione che si genera nell'utilizzo di un acceleratore lineare di elettroni durante una seduta di radioterapia è essenziale sia per i pazienti sia per gli operatori. L'utilizzo del codice Monte Carlo MCNPX 2.7.0 permette di stimare dati dosimetrici dettagliati in zone dove può essere complicato effettuare misurazioni.Lo scopo di questo lavoro è indagare il comportamento del fascio fotonico prodotto nel bunker di radioterapia dell'ASMN-IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, valutando con precisione in particolare la produzione di fotoneutroni secondari. L'obiettivo è la verifica dell'efficacia delle barriere offerte dalla struttura tenendo in considerazione anche il canale di penetrazione degli impianti di servizio che costituisce un punto di fuga per le radiazioni

    Receptor tyrosine kinases as candidate prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets in meningioma

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    Meningioma (MGM) is the most common type of intracranial tumor in adults. The validation of novel prognostic biomarkers to better inform tumor stratification and clinical prognosis is urgently needed. Many molecular and cellular alterations have been described in MGM tumors over the past few years, providing a rational basis for the identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets. The role of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) as oncogenes, including those of the ErbB family of receptors, has been well established in several cancer types. Here, we review histological, molecular, and clinical evidence suggesting that RTKs, including the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR, ErbB1), as well as other members of the ErbB family, may be useful as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in MGM

    aleriana officinalis: An alternative for the control of dental anxiety?

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    The anxiety is an important, if not the bigger, stress component of the odontologic patients. The administration of tranquillizing oral drugs has being used previously to the oral surgery. The benzodiazepinics are the most used drugs in this type of situation, however they present undesirable effects. The literature shows us that the Valeriana officinalis is efficient against anxiety, anguish, light disequilibria of the nervous system and does not have contraindications. Differently of the benzodiazepinics, is basically exempt from collateral effects when used in the recommended doses. It is interesting that odontology researchers seek for greater information on the mechanism of action of this substance through clinical assays, therefore perhaps it should be a viable alternative for the surgeon-dentists who make use of the pre-medication, considering that it has its medicinal virtues elucidated since IX century and does not cause discomfort for the patient after the intervention.

    German Cinema in Brazil in the 1920s and 1930s: Paths of a Foreign Cultural Policy

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    This article aims to analyse the path of the German foreign cultural policy in relation to cinema in Brazil –which began in the 1920s and was interrupted in the early years of the Second World War–, linking the development of political and diplomatic relations and the activities of the agents of this cultural policy, such as the Ufa (Universum Film AG) and German government agencies

    Relaçăo entre imunomarcaçăo das proteínas Ki-67 e p53 com grau de malignidade e variante histológica em neoplasias astrocitárias /

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    Orientador: Jurandir Marcondes Ribas FilhoInclui apęndiceTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Cięncias da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduaçăo em Clínica Cirúrgica. Defesa: Curitiba, 2004Inclui bibliografi

    Photobiomodulation therapy reduces postoperative pain after third molar extractions:a randomized clinical trial

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    To assess the efficacy of PBMT on reducing postoperative pain scores in patients submitted to third molar extractions. A randomized controlled trial (ReBEC:RBR-94BCKZ) was designed according to the SPIRIT and followed the CONSORT. Patients were randomly allocated according to control or PBMT groups. PBMT consisted of the application of GaAlAs laser (808nm;50mW) applied in six points (1.23 min;11 J/cm2) after extraction. Pain scores were assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) in millimeters evaluated after 6 (T6), 24 (T24), and 48 (T48) hours. The Wilcoxon Mann?Whitney test was used to check for possible associations between VAS scores and treatment groups. A total of 101 third molar extractions were performed in 44 patients. The mean age was 28 years old(SD±11.54). Comparing control and intervention, PBMT group showed a significant effect on the reduction of postoperative pain at T6(mean VAS=0.9; C.I:0.63?1.16) compared to control (mean VAS=2.5;C.I:2.1?2.88)(p<0.001). The same statistically significant effect on the reduction of postoperative pain was observed at T24 (PBMT mean VAS=0.72;C.I:0.51?0.93; control mean VAS=2.86;C.I:2.40?3.31;p<0.001) and T48 (PBMT mean VAS=0.64;C.I:0.36?0.92; control mean VAS=2.86;C.I:2.37?3.34;p<0.001). PBMT significantly reduce the postoperative pain scores when assessed 6, 24, and 48 hours after third molar extractions

    Características de produção e de matadouros-frigoríficos na detecção e quantificação de Salmonella spp. em diferentes etapas da linha de processamento de frangos de corte no sul do Brasil

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    A cadeia avícola brasileira compreende diversas etapas desde a criação até o processamento de abate das aves. Todas estas etapas são complexas e demandam ações técnicas específicas para garantir a saúde das aves e dos seus produtos cárneos. A Salmonella aparece como o patógeno de maior importância em relação à saúde pública vinculado por produtos avícolas e deve ser controlado em todas as etapas de criação das aves e seu abate. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar características específicas de criação e de matadouro-frigoríficos que atuam sobre a detecção e quantificação deste patógeno em diferentes etapas do processamento. Foram coletadas 1071 amostras, e analisadas por dois métodos diferentes para isolamento de Salmonella spp., convencional e mNMP. A prevalência obtida de Salmonella spp. sobre o total de amostras analisadas foi de 1,02% (11/1071), 0,37% (4/1071) através do mNMP e 0,74% (8/1071) pelo método convencional. Os isolados ocorreram nos seguintes pontos: swabs de cloaca; esponja das gaiolas de transporte após lavagem; frangos após a depenagem; frangos após a lavagem, antes do pré-resfriamento; frangos após a primeira lavagem; carcaça após a evisceração, antes da lavagem final; carcaça após o pré-resfriamento; carcaça com 24 horas de congelamento; carcaça com 60 dias de congelamento. Dentre os fatores estudados apenas o tempo de vazio sanitário apresentou correlação estatisticamente significativa (p=0,036), inversa e moderada entre esta variável e o número de lotes positivos para Salmonella. Também foi estudada a avaliação dos dados do Programa de Redução de Patógenos (PRP) para Salmonella spp. em carcaças de frango de corte antes e após a implantação do sistema de lavagem de carcaças em cinco matadouro-frigoríficos, sendo amostradas 2692 carcaças antes da instalação do sistema e 1940 após a instalação, totalizando 4632 amostras. Anteriormente a instalação dos lavadores obteve-se 156 resultados positivos para Salmonella spp. e após a instalação 83 resultados positivos, com diferença significativa (p<0,05 / OR 1,4) entre os resultados gerais. Em dois dos cinco matadouro-frigoríficos avaliados houve redução na positividade para Salmonella spp. nas carcaças amostradas após a instalação do lavador. Entretanto, em três estabelecimentos houve aumento, apesar de não haver diferença significativa. Quanto maior a vazão de água melhor a ação do lavador, enquanto que somente o aumento da pressão de água do sistema de lavagem não foi suficiente para agir sobre o patógeno nas carcaças amostradas. Estes resultados geram dados técnicos adicionais relacionados à ocorrência do patógeno nas etapas da cadeia de produção avícola e podem servir de suporte na tomada de decisões ou medidas para reduzir a contaminação de produtos avícolas por Salmonella.The Brazilian poultry chain comprises several stages from creation to the processing of poultry at slaughter. All these steps are complex and require specific technical actions to ensure the health of birds and their meat products. Salmonella appears as the most important pathogen in relation to public health transmitted by poultry products and has to be controlled at all stages from creation to slaughter. The objective of this study was to identify specific features of breeding and slaughterhouses that act on the detection and quantification of this pathogen at different stages of processing. 1071 samples were collected, and analyzed by two different methods for isolation of Salmonella spp., conventional and mNMP. The total prevalence of Salmonella spp. was 1.02% (11/1071), 0.37% (4/1071) by mNMP and 0.74% (8/1071) by the conventional method. Isolates were from: cloaca swabs; transport cages after washing; poultry after plucking; poultry after washing before the pre-chilling; poultry after first wash; carcass after evisceration, before the final wash; carcass after pre-chilling; frozen carcass after 24 hours; frozen carcass with 60 days freezing. Among the factors studied only the sanitary break period has showed a statistically significant correlation (p= 0.036), inverse and moderate between this variable and the number of positive flocks for Salmonella. The results of the Pathogen Reduction Program (PRP) for Salmonella spp. in broiler carcasses before and after the implementation of carcasses washing system was analyzed based on a data set in five slaughterhouses. 2692 results were provided prior to system installation and 1940 after installation were obtained, totaling 4632 samples. Prior to installation of the washers 156 carcass were positive for Salmonella spp. and after installation 83 carcass resulted positive, with a significant difference (p < 0.05 / OR 1.4) on the overall results. Two of the five evaluated slaughterhouses showed a prevalence decrease of Salmonella spp. in the sampled carcasses after installing the washer. However, three establishments showed a prevalence increase despite no significant difference. As higher is the water flow better is the action of the washing system, while only the water pressure increased was not enough to act on the pathogen in the sampled carcasses. These results provide additional data related to the occurrence of the pathogen in the stages of poultry production chain and can be supportive in decision making on measures to reduce the contamination of poultry products with Salmonella