24 research outputs found

    Anosmic migrating songbirds demonstrate a compensatory response following long-distance translocation: a radio-tracking study

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    Several studies have shown that experienced night-migratory songbirds can determine their position, but it has remained a mystery which cues and sensory mechanisms they use, in particular, those used to determine longitude (east–west position). One potential solution would be to use a magnetic map or signpost mechanism like the one documented in sea turtles. Night-migratory songbirds have a magnetic compass in their eyes and a second magnetic sense with unknown biological function involving the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve (V1). Could V1 be involved in determining east–west position? We displaced 57 Eurasian reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) with or without sectioned V1. Sham operated birds corrected their orientation towards the breeding area after displacement like the untreated controls did. In contrast, V1-sectioned birds did not correct for the displacement. They oriented in the same direction after the displacement as they had done at the capture site. Thus, an intact ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve is necessary for detecting the 1,000 km eastward displacement in this night-migratory songbird. Our results suggest that V1 carries map-related information used in a large-scale map or signpost sense that the reed warblers needed to determine their approximate geographical position and/or an east–west coordinate

    Improvement of Human Capital Development: A Factor in Increasing the Mobilisation Potential of Ukraine

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    Based on historical, legal, and sociological research conducted within a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine titled "Improvement of human capital development: a factor in increasing the mobilisation potential of Ukraine", theoretical and methodological principles for improving the mobilisation potential of Ukraine through human capital formation mechanisms are substantiated in this paper. An overview of the main approaches to the recruitment of armies in the context of historical evolution is conducted, and a list of actual and potential threats to a reduction of Ukraine's mobilisation potential is updated. Factors of motivation and demotivation influencing the participation or otherwise of Ukrainian youth in military mobilisation are defined. Optimal legal models for military mobilisation in a democratic constitutional state are also proposed. A general strategy whereby the policy of formation of patriotism through education and media for the actualisation of the mobilisation potential of Ukraine may be realised is also outlined. The article aims to develop conceptual bases for improving the mobilisation potential of Ukraine based on optimising the mechanisms of human capital formation. It also aims to enhance the mobilisation potential of Ukraine as a system-forming factor in ensuring the state's defence capabilities

    Extreme kinematic misalignment in IllustrisTNG galaxies: the origin, structure and internal dynamics of galaxies with a large-scale counterrotation

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    Modern galaxy formation theory suggests that the misalignment between stellar and gaseous components usually results from an external gas accretion and/or interaction with other galaxies. The extreme case of the kinematic misalignment is demonstrated by so-called galaxies with counterrotation that possess two distinct components rotating in opposite directions with respect to each other. We provide an in-deep analysis of galaxies with counterrotation from IllustrisTNG100 cosmological simulations. We have found 2525 galaxies with substantial stellar counterrotation in the stellar mass range of 2×1093×10102\times10^{9}-3\times10^{10}~\Msun. In our sample the stellar counterrotation is a result of an external gas infall happened 28\approx 2-8~Gyr ago. The infall leads to the initial removal of pre-existing gas, which is captured and mixed together with the infalling component. The gas mixture ends up in the counterrotating gaseous disc. We show that 90%\approx 90\% of the stellar counterrotation formed in-situ, in the counterrotating gas. During the early phases of the infall, gas can be found in inclined extended and rather thin disc-like structures, and in some galaxies they are similar to (nearly-)~polar disc or ring-like structures. We discuss a possible link between the gas infall, AGN activity and the formation of misaligned components. In particular, we suggest that the AGN activity does not cause the counterrotation, although it is efficiently triggered by the retrograde gas infall, and it correlates well with the misaligned component appearance. We also find evidence of the stellar disc heating visible as an increase of the vertical-to-radial velocity dispersion ratio above unity in both co- and counterrotating components, which implies the importance of the kinematical misalignment in shaping the velocity ellipsoids in disc galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Essay as a priority genre of academic writing

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    Стаття присвячена осмисленню есе як жанру, що має виняткове значення для курсу “Академічне письмо”. Зазначено, що витоки явища простежуються у творчості античних авторів (Платон, Ісократ, Марк Аврелій), відомих філософів минулого (Дж. Аддісон, Вольтер, Д. Дідро, Г.-Е. Лессінг, Дж. Локк, О. Голдсміт, Г. Сковорода та ін.). Пізніше жанр отримав своє логічне продовження у доробку зарубіжних (Г. Велс, Дж. Голсуорсі, Т.-С. Еліот, А. Камю, Г. та Т. Манн, Ж. П. Сартр, Б. Шоу та ін.) та українських авторів, які представляють різні літературні періоди і течії (Ю. Андрухович, В. Винничеко, О. Гончар, І. Драч, М. Дочинець, Є. Маланюк, Ю. Липа, У. Самчук, Т. Шевченко, Ю. Шерех та ін.). Визначено, що у науковому дискурсі під есе традиційно розуміють прозовий твір із довільною композицією, якому властива белетризація зафіксованих індивідуальних вражень, асоціацій чи інформації, отриманої з різних галузей знань, несистематичне поєднання філософських, літературно-критичних, науково- популярних, іноді специфічно наукових елементів. У розвідці акцентується прагнення сучасних дослідників розмежувати значення термінів “есе” та “академічне есе”, що пояснюється практичними потребами, позаяк поняття функціонують у різних площинах (художня література та дидактика). Стаття зосереджує увагу на інтеграції літературознавчого поняття у сферу методики. З’ясовано, що в сучасних наукових студіях посилюється увага до есе як пріоритетного виду роботи на заняттях з курсу “Академічне письмо”. Це пояснюється орієнтацією за закордонні моделі організації навчального процесу. Зазначено, що в Сумському державному університеті під час занять із курсу “Основи академічного письма” вивчення особливостей жанру есе пріоритетне. Після засвоєння теоретичних знань студенти репрезентують творчу роботу, завдяки чому активізується письмова та усна наукова комунікація, а, отже, реалізується мета навчальної дисципліни.The article is devoted to the understanding of the essay as a genre, which is of exceptional importance for the "Academic Writing" course. It is noted that the origins of the essay genre can be traced in the works of ancient authors (Plato, Isocrates, Marcus Aurelius), famous philosophers of the past (J. Addison, Voltaire, D. Diderot, H.-E. Lessing, J. Locke, O. Goldsmith, G. Frying pan, etc.). Later, the genre received its logical continuation in the work of foreign artists (H. Wells, J. Galsworthy, T.-S. Eliot, A. Camus, G. and T. Mann, J. P. Sartre, B. Shaw, etc.) and Ukrainian authors representing various literary periods and currents (Yu. Andruhovych, V. Vynnycheko, O. Honchar, I. Drach, M. Dochynets, E. Malanyuk, Yu. Lypa, U. Samchuk, T. Shevchenko, Yu. Shereh, etc.). It was determined that in the scientific discourse, an essay is traditionally understood as a prose work with an arbitrary composition, which is characterized by the fictionalization of recorded individual impressions, associations or information obtained from various fields of knowledge, an unsystematic combination of philosophical, literary-critical, popular science, and sometimes specifically scientific elements. The research emphasizes the desire of modern researchers to distinguish the meaning of the terms “essay” and “academic essay”, which is explained by practical needs, since the concepts function in different planes (fiction and teaching methods). The article focuses attention on the integration of the literary concept into the field of methodology. It has been found that in modern scientific studios, attention to the essay as a priority type of work in classes on the “Academic Writing” is increasing. This is explained by the orientation towards foreign models of the organization of the educational process. It is noted that at Sumy State University, during classes on the “Fundamentals of Academic Writing” course, studying the features of the essay genre is a priority. After acquiring theoretical knowledge, students represent creative work, thanks to which written and oral scientific communication is activated, and, therefore, the goal of the educational discipline is realized


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    Іn this monograph, the authors summarized and supplemented the results of many scientific studies and developments. Considerable attention is paid to the study of accounting and taxation in the context of current trends in society and the economy; application of new methods of information processing and analysis, its understanding and interpretation; opportunities for convergence of national accounting and control models in the context of globalization of economic processes

    Interlaboratory study on Sb2S3 interplay between structure, dielectric function, and morphous-to-crystalline phase change for photonics

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    Antimony sulfide, Sb2S3, is interesting as the phase-change material for applications requiring high transmission from the visible to telecom wavelengths, with its band gap tunable from 2.2 to 1.6 eV, depending on the amorphous and crystalline phase. Here we present results from an interlaboratory study on the interplay between the structural change and resulting optical contrast during the amorphous-to-crystalline transformation triggered both thermally and optically. By statistical analysis of Raman and ellipsometric spectroscopic data, we have identified two regimes of crystallization, namely 250_C % T < 300_C, resulting in Type-I spherulitic crystallization yielding an optical contrast Dn _ 0.4, and 300 % T < 350 _ C, yielding Type-II crystallization bended spherulitic structure with different dielectric function and optical contrast Dn _ 0.2 below 1.5 eV. Based on our findings, applications of on-chip reconfigurable nanophotonic phase modulators and of a reconfigurable high-refractive-index core/phase-change shell nanoantenna are designed and proposed.The authors acknowledge the support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (No 899598 - PHEMTRONICS)

    CoronaSurveys: Using Surveys with Indirect Reporting to Estimate the Incidence and Evolution of Epidemics

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    The world is suffering from a pandemic called COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. National governments have problems evaluating the reach of the epidemic, due to having limited resources and tests at their disposal. This problem is especially acute in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Hence, any simple, cheap and flexible means of evaluating the incidence and evolution of the epidemic in a given country with a reasonable level of accuracy is useful. In this paper, we propose a technique based on (anonymous) surveys in which participants report on the health status of their contacts. This indirect reporting technique, known in the literature as network scale-up method, preserves the privacy of the participants and their contacts, and collects information from a larger fraction of the population (as compared to individual surveys). This technique has been deployed in the CoronaSurveys project, which has been collecting reports for the COVID-19 pandemic for more than two months. Results obtained by CoronaSurveys show the power and flexibility of the approach, suggesting that it could be an inexpensive and powerful tool for LMICs.Comment: Presented at The KDD Workshop on Humanitarian Mapping, San Diego, California USA, August 24, 202

    The viral protein corona directs viral pathogenesis and amyloid aggregation

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    Artificial nanoparticles accumulate a protein corona layer in biological fluids, which significantly influences their bioactivity. As nanosized obligate intracellular parasites, viruses share many biophysical properties with artificial nanoparticles in extracellular environments and here we show that respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) accumulate a rich and distinctive protein corona in different biological fluids. Moreover, we show that corona pre-coating differentially affects viral infectivity and immune cell activation. In addition, we demonstrate that viruses bind amyloidogenic peptides in their corona and catalyze amyloid formation via surface-assisted heterogeneous nucleation. Importantly, we show that HSV-1 catalyzes the aggregation of the amyloid beta-peptide (A beta(42)), a major constituent of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease, in vitro and in animal models. Our results highlight the viral protein corona as an acquired structural layer that is critical for viral-host interactions and illustrate a mechanistic convergence between viral and amyloid pathologies.Peer reviewe


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    FIELD: physics; measurements. SUBSTANCE: invention pertains to thermo-electronic dosimetry of electron beams, and can be used for controlling a radiation environment in places for testing and operating pulsed electron beams and in electron beam technology. In the working substance for thermo-exoelectronic dosimetry of an electron radiation, the oxide base used is an orthosilicate of gadolinium with additives of ceric oxide, with the following ratios of components, mol.%: Gd₂SiO₅ 97.0-99.9; Ce₂O₃ 0.1-3.0. The technical outcome is the lowering of the temperature of the base working TEE peak to 48°C with fluence of electrons of 10¹⁰-10¹³ cm⁻² and to 75-79°C with fluence of electrons of 10¹³-10¹⁵ cm⁻², and increased speed of recording dosimetry information when reading from the working substance for thermo-exoelectronic dosimetry and increased speed of bringing the working substance into a state where it is ready for use. EFFECT: increased speed of recording dosimetry information. 2 dwg.Изобретение относится к области термоэкзоэлектронной дозиметрии электронных пучков; может быть использовано для контроля радиационной обстановки в местах испытания и функционирования импульсных электронных пушек и электронно-лучевой техники. Сущность: рабочее вещество для термоэкзоэлектронной дозиметрии электронного излучения, в котором в качестве оксидной основы использован ортосиликат гадолиния с добавкой оксида церия, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мол.%: Gd₂SiO₅ 97,0-99,9; Се₂О₃ 0,1-3,0. Технический результат: понижение температуры основного рабочего пика ТЭЭ до 48°С при флюенсах электронов 10¹⁰-1013 см² и до 75-79°С при флюенсах электронов 1013-10¹⁵ см⁻², повышение скорости снятия дозиметрической информации при ее считывании с рабочего вещества для термоэкзоэлектронной дозиметрии и повышение скорости приведения рабочего вещества в состояние рабочей готовности. 2 ил., 1 табл