14 research outputs found

    Bead characterization for wire based laser directed energy deposition fabrication process

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    A three-dimensional, solid object of almost any shape or design can be created using metal additive manufacturing, often known as metal 3D printing. One of the most popular materials utilized in additive manufacturing is metal. The far more complicated procedure of directed energy deposition (DED) is frequently employed to upgrade or repair existing components. DED fabrication process will be able to construct a 3D metal object with consideration of the weld bead characteristics. Without knowing the weld bead characteristics, the mechanical integrity will not hold as the bead size is not suitable for the product. In the current study, we will study the effect of variation of parameters of the DED machine to be able to print in a continuous deposition and we will also investigate the weld bead characteristics printed by the variation of parameters with the use of DED machine. The variation of parameters of the machine are the laser power with the unit of Watt and the feedrate of the machine with the unit of mm per minute. Nine preliminary samples are printed to check whether the bead can be printed in a continuous line or not. The value of variation of parameters that bring about a continuous deposition will be jotted and continued to be taken to bead characterization for study. Six samples were printed, and the bead width and height are calculated based on the variation of parameters. Based on the result, we found that laser power will increase the bead width, but the bead height needs optimal laser power which is at 473 Watt and optimal feedrate which is on 60 mm per min to reach optimal bead height which is at 2.1162 mm. The effect of the machine feedrate on the other hand is inconsistent, thus more samples need to be gathered

    Otomatisasi Jaringan Menggunakan Script Python Untuk Penyediaan Konfigurasi Internet Dan Manajemen Mikrotik

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    Abstrak: Sistem penyediaan konfigurasi internet awal atau “Provisioning” untuk pelanggan baru pada PT. Link Net Tbk, masih menggunakan cara manual yaitu dengan masuk dan konfigurasi satu per satu ke perangkat jaringan. Begitu juga untuk pengelolaan perangkat-perangkat router Mikrotik eksisting yang berjumlah cukup banyak, apabila ada perubahan masih dilakukan secara manual. Setelah dilakukan penelitian dengan metode observasi, wawancara ke pihak terkait, dan studi pustaka melalui buku dan jurnal internet didapatkan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut. Otomatisasi jaringan merupakan solusinya. Otomasisasi jaringan menggunakan script Python dan library Paramiko dapat melakukan pekerjaan untuk penyediaan internet dan perubahan konfigurasi masal ke router Mikrotik eksisting. Hal ini dapat mempersingkat proses pekerjaan secara signifikan serta dapat menghindari adanya kesalahan konfigurasi oleh manusia.   Kata kunci: konfigurasi, mikrotik, otomatisasi jaringan, paramiko, python.   Abstract: Initial internet configuration system or Provisioning for new customers at PT. Link Net Tbk, still uses the manual method, namely by logging in and configuring one by one to network devices. Like wise for the management of existing Mikrotik router devices which amount to quite a lot, if there are changes, they are still done manually. After conducting research using observation methods, interviews with related parties, and literature studies through books and internet journals, one solution was found to overcome these problems. Network automation is the solution. Network automation using Python scripts and the Paramiko library can do the job of providing internet and mass configuration changes to existing Mikrotik routers. This can significantly shorten the work process and can avoid misconfiguration by humans.   Keywords: provisioning, mikrotik, network automation, paramiko, python


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    Industrial by-products, are industrial wastes or industrial by-products, which are produced during the production process of an industry but are not the desired main product. Components or materials that occur as a natural result of industrial processes and often have no commercial value or can even be considered as waste. One of the industrial wastes is tofu dregs. Tofu dregs is a by-product of the process of making tofu for other soy products. When soybeans are processed to produce tofu, the soybean seeds are soaked, ground, and extracted to obtain soy milk. This soy milk is then further processed into tofu, while the tofu dregs become waste. In Balangnipa Village, there are 4 operating tofu industries which produce tofu dregs which is only made or used as animal feed, whereas tofu dregs can be used as a product in the form of cookies. The lack of public knowledge of tofu dregs waste processing is the basis for this service. So that with this service it will help the community in the implementation of making cookies through the stages of counseling, training and mentoring to partners. The results of this program are able to increase partners' knowledge in processing tofu waste into cookies. The results of this program are able to increase partners' knowledge and productivity in processing tofu waste into cookies is packaged 250 gram pouch.   Abstrak Hasil samping industri, adalah limbah industri atau produk sampingan industri, yang dihasilkan selama proses produksi suatu industri tetapi tidak merupakan produk utama yang diinginkan. Komponen atau material yang muncul sebagai hasil alami dari proses industri dan sering kali tidak bernilai komersial atau bahkan dapat dianggap sebagai limbah. Salah satu limbah hasil industri adalah ampas tahu. Limbah ampas tahu adalah hasil samping dari proses pembuatan tahu produk kedelai lainnya. Ketika kedelai diolah untuk menghasilkan tahu, biji kedelai tersebut direndam, digiling, dan diekstraksi untuk mendapatkan susu kedelai. Susu kedelai ini kemudian diproses lebih lanjut menjadi tahu, sementara ampas tahu menjadi limbah. Di Kelurahan Balangnipa terdapat 4 industri tahu yang beroperasi yang menghasilkan limbah ampas tahu yang hanya dibuata atau dijadikan pakan ternak padahal limbah ampas tahu dapat dijadikan produk berupa kukis. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan pengolahan limbah ampas tahu menjadi hal yang mendasari pengabdian ini. Sehingga dengan aadanya pengabdian ini akan membantu masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan pembuatan kukis melalui tahap penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada mitra. Hasil dari program ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra dalam mengolah limbah ampas tahu menjadi kukis. Hasil program ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra dan produktifitasnya dalam mengolah limbah ampas tahu menjadi kukis dengan kemas pouch 250 gram

    Diferensiasi Limbah Kulit Kacang Tanah sebagai Pupuk Organik Ramah Lingkungan pada Ibu PKK Desa Bulu Ulaweng

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    Abstract: Agricultural by-products are part of the by-products of the main crops that have been harvested, so they have low quality, but still have good potential if processed. One of the agricultural by-products that can be used as organic fertilizer is peanut shell waste, where the peanut shells have been just thrown away. In fact, this peanut shell can be processed into organic fertilizer. The lack of public knowledge about processing peanut shell waste is the basis for this service activity. So that with this service program, it will help the community in the implementation of making organic fertilizers through the stages of counseling, training and mentoring partners. The results of this program are able to increase the knowledge of partners and their productivity in processing peanut shells into organic fertilizer. The resulting product is packaged in a pouch with a weight of 1 kg. This service was carried out in Bulu Ulaweng Village by involving PKK as a partner.Abstrak: Hasil samping pertanian merupakan bagian dari hasil ikutan tanaman utama yang telah dipanen, sehingga mempunyai kualitas yang rendah, namun masih memiliki potensi baik jika diolah. Salah satu hasil samping pertanian yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pupuk organik adalah limbah kulit kacang tanah, dimana kulit kacang tanah selama ini hanya dibuang begitu saja. Padahal, kulit kacang tanah ini bisa diolah menjadi pupuk organik. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan pengolahan limbah kulit kacang tanah menjadi hal yang mendasari kegiatan pengabdian ini. Sehingga dengan adanya program pengabdian ini akan membantu masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan pembuatan pupuk organik melalui tahap penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada mitra. Hasil dari program ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra dan produktifitasnya dalam mengolah kulit kacang tanah menjadi pupuk organik. Produk yang dihasilkan dikemas dalam kemasan Pouch dengan berat 1 kg. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Bulu Ulaweng dengan melibatkan Ibu PKK sebagai mitra.

    Parametric analysis of process loop and scanning line distance in laser cleaning of corrosion on boron steel

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    This project is a comprehensive exploration conducted within the Laser Micro Cleaning Lab at the Pekan Campus of University Malaysia Pahang. The objective of the project is to delve into laser material processing, particularly in the context of laser micro cleaning. The undertaking involves a meticulous research approach, drawing insights from authoritative and relevant journal articles sourced primarily from online platforms. The primary goal of this investigation is twofold: firstly, to scrutinize the effects of mark loops on corrosion depth in boron steel, and secondly, to examine how alterations in line distance influence the surface roughness during corrosion laser cleaning. The study will encompass a diverse range of laser cleaning parameters and materials, facilitating a comprehensive assessment of their impact on both laser mark loops and line distances. To delve deeper, a sophisticated 3D microscope analysis will be employed, focusing on evaluating corrosion depth and surface roughness. The anticipated outcomes of this research hold the promise of invaluable insights, offering optimized strategies for enhancing laser cleaning processes and achieving more efficient results

    An Innovative Approach for Environmental Monitoring by Solar Powered Kite

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    This study investigates the design of a solar powered kite equipped with sensors for any environmental data monitoring, such as, temperature, pressure and so on towards the elevated environment. The developed prototype transforms a traditional kite with a unique design approach that involves the upward height measurement, energy harvesting by solar cells as well as data transmission via wireless network. However, the results from initial monitoring shows only the vertical mapping of ambient temperature as the test case. The developed system can successfully sense and display the temperature data from various height within a certain range as found in the initial investigation. Therefore, upon monitoring various environmental parameters at any cases or during emergency situations using the solar-kite as the simple tool, decision can be made to take appropriate measures against any detrimental changes of the environment by other means

    Effect of laser process loops on the hole diameter and hole formation of laser micro drilling on tc4

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    Laser micro drilling stands as a precise manufacturing method that employs a focused laser beam to craft accurate, small holes within a diverse array of materials. Its applications span across vital industries like aerospace, medical, and electronics, playing a pivotal role in creating components like fuel injectors, medical implants, and microelectronics. Within this context, a notable challenge emerges in obtaining a refined surface finish during laser micro drilling. This study delves into the impact of a laser loop, a crucial parameter, on the surface quality of TC4, also known as Ti6Al4V - an aerospace staple. Employing a Conventional Fiber Laser with a peak output of 30 W, the experiment meticulously directs the laser beam onto the TC4 surface via a microscope objective lens. The drilling process unfolds in controlled conditions, mitigating external variables such as temperature and humidity. Assessment of drilled hole surfaces transpires through both light and 3D microscopes. Interestingly, holes subjected to higher laser power and increased laser loop rates demonstrate enhanced surface smoothness. In essence, this inquiry demonstrates the substantial influence of laser loop on TC4's surface finish during laser micro drilling. Elevating the laser loop factor leads to heightened surface refinement and diminished roughness in drilled holes. It was found that the diameter entry of the micro-holes was increased by 61% - 89.35% and the diameter exit of the micro-holes also increased by 55.55% - 62.79%. The outcomes of this investigation offer valuable insights for refining the laser micro drilling process to achieve premium surface quality on TC4 and comparable materials. As such, these findings extend guidance for optimal laser loop settings in the realm of laser micro drilling across various materials, benefiting future manufacturing endeavors

    Produktivitas Sekunder Organisme Bentik (Ordo Diptera) di Sungai Cigambreng, Desa Tapos, Kecamatan Tenjolaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat

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    Insekta memiliki biodiversitas dengan  penyebaran yang luas diseluruh dunia. Sampling dilakukan sekali dalam seminggu selama bulan Oktober 2019. Ditemukan total  717 spesimen Ordo Diptera yang melingkupi dua famili di Sungai Cigambreng. Tiap famili yang diperoleh melingkupi satu jenis yakni Antocha sp. (Famili Tipulidae.) dan Krenopelopia sp. (Chironomidae). Kehadiran jenis chironomid mengindikasikan adanya beban masukan berlebihan (Polutan) ke dalam perairan sungai Cigambreng. Secara umum, kelimpahan tertinggi diperoleh pada pengamatan ke empat yakni 284 ind/m2, sedangkan kelimpahan terendah diperoleh pada pengamatan ke dua yakni 60 ind/m2. Produktivitas sekunder melingkupi P/B Rasio sebesar 3.034/bulan dengan kecepatan produksi 14.2458 (g/m2/bln) dan biomassa (4.6954 g/m2).Insekta has biodiversity with a wide distribution throughout the world. Sampling was carried out once a week during October 2019. A total of 717 specimens of  Order Diptera were found which covered two families in the Cigambreng River. Each family obtained includes one type, Antocha sp. (Family Tipulidae.) and Krenopelopia sp. (Chironomidae). The presence of a chironomid has indicates an excessive input load (pollutant) into the waters of the Cigambreng River. In general, the highest abundance was obtained at the fourth observation, 284 ind/m2, while the lowest abundance was obtained at the second observation, which was 60 ind/m2. Secondary productivity covers P/B ratio of 3.034 /month with a production speed of 14.2458 (g/m2/month) and biomass (4.6954 g/m2)


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    Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) UPZ UIN Sunan Kalijaga Charity difungsikan sebagai panduan teknis pengumpulan dan pentasarupan ZIS di lingkungan UIN Sunan Kalijga di bawah Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Besar harapan dan doa kami semoga dengan diterbitkan SOP UPZ UIN Sunan Kalijaga ini sivitas akademika UIN Sunan Kalijaga, masyarakat lingkungan kampus, dan masyarakat yang membutuhkan bantuan sosial akan dapat membantu meringankan beban bagi keluarga mahasiswa yang kurang mampu ekonomi dan bagi masyarakat yang sangat membutuhkan bantuan. Teriring doa semoga UIN Sunan Kalijaga semakin makmur sejahtera lahir batin dalam lindungan dan ridla Allah SW


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    Dengan profil UPZ ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan informasi dan publikasi kepada keluarga besar sivitas akademika UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Di dalam profil secara garis besar disebutkan tentang visi, misi, transformasi historis, dasar hukum, tugas fungsi, dan program Pengurus UPZ serta tugas dan fungsi masing-masing pengurus. Besar harapan dan doa, semoga profil UPZ ini menambah kepercayaan dan semangat kerja sama sivitas akademika untuk membesarkan dan meningkatkan UPZ dengan memberikan ZIS kepada UPZ UIN Sunan Kalijag