37 research outputs found

    Psychophysiological indicators of the human functional state in the process of socio-psychological testing ethnic and religious attitudes

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    Background. To assess the structure of inter-ethnic attitudes and the risks of ethnoreligious tension, psychologists mostly use questionnaires, interviews, subjective scaling, content analysis, and special tests. One possible approach to increasing the validity and reliability of these explicit methods is the use of the registration of psychophysiological indicators while a recipient completes the questionnaire or test forms. Objective. The results of a pilot psychophysiological research are presented, which focus on the study of human psycho-emotional states during socio-psychological testing to identify attitudes in the field of interethnic and interfaith relations. Design. The essence of the applied experimental approach is to control the functional (psycho-emotional) state of a respondent using the registration of complex psychophysiological (physiological and behavioral) responses in the process of completing the socio-psychological questionnaire. Results. It was shown that the rhythmic brain activity (ratio of the power indexes of alpha and beta rhythms), the amplitude of the systolic wave (photoplethysmogram) (ASW PhPG) and the magnitude (length) of the ‘circumflex line of the Galvanic Skin Response’ (GSR-L) may be the complex of indicators that possess sufficiently high selective sensitivity to differentiate nonspecific reactions of the human nervous system to personally important (emotiogenic, stressful) questions in the questionnaire. Conclusion. The proposed approach may help to identify stressful (emotiogenic) issues (questions) in socio-psychological tests and questionnaires that are of the greatest interest to the subject and, as a result, most adequately reflect individual and population attitudes in the field of social relations


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    In the article due to the need for diagnostics of the production capacity of the organization. Formed methodological framework for evaluating the production potential of the organization. Research capacity will also enable the organization to timely respond to current changes. A classification of types of diagnostics of the production capacity of the organization according to the following criteria: timing, goals, content, purpose results. The article discusses the economic and organizational diagnosis of the production capacity of the organization. Economic diagnosis is based on the calculation of indicators of use of resources of the organization. Organizational diagnosis assesses the security of the organization's activities. Diagnosis productive capacity is the basis for improvement of the organization's activities. Defined diagnostics of the production capacity of the organization. Justified the selection stages of the research production potential. The first stage is the preliminary diagnosis. The second stage provides for the rapid diagnosis of production potential. At the third stage it is advisable to perform problem diagnosis. Problem diagnosis consists of economic and organizational diagnosis. Economic diagnosis assesses the state of the elements of the production potential of the organization. Organizational diagnostics analyses provide productive capacity. The fourth stage is represented by the solution of the problems of utilization of production capacity. Each stage is considered, has its content and specific diagnostic methods of production potential. This method allows determining the state of the elements, the efficiency of utilization of production capacity. The estimation of the production potential is based on the application of utility theory. This assessment provides a definition of the criteria and the scale of usefulness. This will allow you to measure the production potential numerically. In the end, it is revealed significant problems in the use of the production potential of the organization

    The effectiveness of silicon-containing preparations as fertilizers for sugar beet

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    The paper presents the results of trials of silicon-containing preparations ADK (amorphous silicon dioxide) and Risilika (pyrolysate of rice husks and straw) as fertilizers for sugar beet in field experiments. The experimental design included seven options: 1. Control; 2nd , 3rd and 4th options with the application of ADK into the soil at doses of 100, 250, 500 kg / ha; 5th ,6th and 7th options - Risilika in appropriate doses. Both preparations had a positive effect on the nutrient regime of the soil (the content of available compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and silicon), yield and quality of sugar beet roots. The yield of roots when using ADK as a fertilizer increased by 3.32-6.52 t/ha (14-27%), Risilika - by 1.92-4.75 t/ha (8-19%). The yield increases as a result of raising preparation doses. At the same time, the increase in sugar content provided an additional yield of more than 1 ton of sugar per hectare

    The role of diatomite as a detoxifying agent in soil contamination with copper

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    The article presents the results of studying the toxic levels of mobile copper in typical chernozem by doing model field experiments with artificial soil contamination with copper sulfate at a level of 2 MPC Cu, 4 MPC Cu and 10 MPC Cu. It was shown that this increased the content of mobile copper from 1.4 (2 MPC Cu) to 2.0 times (10 MPC Cu) when copper was extracted from the soil, respectively, with an acetate-ammonium buffer solution of pH 4.8 and 1n HCl solution. The latter was accompanied by the loss of almost a third of the spring wheat yield (29%) and an increase in the entry of the element into produce (grain). The application of diatomite to the soil (dose 5 t / ha) as a detoxifying agent contributed to a decrease in the level of copper in the spring wheat produce by 8 (2 MPC Cu) and 35 (10 MPC Cu)%

    TEM and electron diffraction analysis of ω-Fe to cementite transformation in quenched and tempered high carbon steels

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    Quenching and tempering are mostly employed to tune the mechanical properties of the high-carbon steels. In the present study, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) are used to examine the microstructural evolution in quenched and tempered high carbon steels. In quenched specimens, the ω-Fe(C) phase is a common substructure in twinned martensite and its diffraction spots are located at 1/3 and 2/3 (21¯1)α-Fe positions along the [011]α-Fe zone axis (ZA). When specimens are in-situ heated in TEM, few additional diffraction spots are observed at 1/6, 3/6 and 5/6 (21¯1)α-Fe positions along the [011]α-Fe ZA. Moreover, martensite decomposes into a lamellar structure and ω-Fe(C) phase transforms into θ-Fe3C cementite during tempering. The TEM and electron diffraction analysis reveals that diffraction spots of θ-Fe3C cementite phase are located at 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 and 5/6 (222¯)α-Fe and (21¯1)α-Fe along [112]α-Fe and [011]α-Fe ZAs. Furthermore, the orientation relationships between θ-Fe3C cementite and α-Fe are indexed as: [013]θ//[112]α-Fe, [001]θ//[011]α-Fe, [1¯13]θ//[111]α-Fe and [1¯02]θ//[131]α-Fe, which are related to the transformation of ω-Fe to θ-Fe3C cementite. The current study provides a baseline to understand the microstructural evolution in high carbon steels during heat treatment processes