1,273 research outputs found

    El apoyo formal a la familia como cuidadora natural

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    El artículo que se presenta es la síntesis del trabajo y de la reflexión de todos los profesionales de la Red Provincial de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de la Diputación de Huelva. Fruto del trabajo diario con las familias de nuestra provincia, de elaboraciones técnicas, como se refleja en la publicación del Programa de Convivencia y Reinserción en 1999, y del análisis, debate y propuestas de mejoras de distintas comisiones técnicas de trabajo. La atención a la dependencia actualmente, está siendo objeto de muchos debates, análisis y propuestas de servicios para atenderla, en este artículo se aborda la intervención que desde de los Servicios Sociales Comunitarios se lleva a cabo en los procesos de ayuda a la familia como cuidadora principal de estas personas dependientes, la necesidad de apoyo y de atención que también tienen los cuidadores por el estrés y la sobrecarga que esta función conlleva. Supone un reto importante del sistema de Protección Social el garantizar la atención a la Dependencia como un Derecho Social Universal.The present essay is the synthesis of the research made by the professionals who work at the County Network for Communitarian Social Services of the Huelva Council. It is the result of a daily work with the peoples who live in this county, of much technical elaboration—as proved by the publication of the 1999 Coexistence and Reintegration Program—and of the analysis, debate and proposals for improvement of the different technical commissions. Nowadays, the question of assistance in dependence is being subject to much debate and analysis. This essay studies the work of the Communitarian Social Services concerning both the support provided to the family as the main assistant of dependent people, and the need of support and attention required to diminish the emotional stress and overload of these families. Guaranteeing assistance to dependence as a Universal Social Right is an important challenge to the Social Protection Syste

    El adjetivo atribuitivo en el poema de Fernán González

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    El poema de Fernán González ofrece una relativa abundancia de adjetivos atributivos. Se ha documentado la existencia de un total de 882. Considerando que sólo nos hemos ocupado de los atributivos y siendo los predicativos incluso más abundantes que éstos en época medieval, el índice de adjetivación total en el poema no es ni mucho menos escaso.Fernan Gonzalez's poem provides a relative abundance of attributive adjectives. We have documented the existence of a total of 882. Considering that we have only dealt with the attributive and being even more abundant the predicative one in these medieval times, the overall adjectives index in the poem is not small.notPeerReviewe

    El artículo ante aditamento y suplemento en los siglos XII y XIII

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    En el trabajo se analiza la actualización marcada por el artículo, aunque también se atiende a la aparición del numeral, de un adjetivo y del morfema de plural como actualizadores. Así pues, se dan cifras relativas de actualización, ya que de haber tenido en cuenta la presencia de todos los actualizadores en los textos, éstos presentarían mayor índice de actualización.In this work the renovation marked by the article is analyzed, but also serves the appearance of number, an adjective and plural morpheme as updaters. Thus, relative figures are given upgrade because having taken into account the presence of all updaters in the texts, they presented higher refresh rate

    The Creation of the Home: A Sociological and Literary Analysis of Dominicanidad in Public Spaces of Washington Heights and within Dominican Literature

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    “The Creation of the Home” is a study that puts in conversation theories within sociology of immigration, culture, nationality, urban studies, gentrification, and literature. These realms of study allow us to capture the trajectories of meaning making by Dominican Immigrants in New York City who lived in the homeland for the majority of their childhood. It shows that even when the physical home is endangered by larger structural forces such as economic precarity, gentrification, and displacement, Dominican immigrants continue to center their identity and cultural markers through symbolic recreations of the home. Dominican literature of the Diaspora shows us that the recreation symbolic home o hogar portátil through writing is successful at describing the experiences of the immigrant as well as showcasing Dominicanidad in and outside of the island

    Specialized Educational Service: mishaps and challenges

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    inclusive education is still a controversial, non-consensual issue that generates doubts and insecurities for educators. In this sense, this article aims to reflect on the educational reality found by this public, and present the work done by the NAPNE (Center for Assistance to People with Specific Educational Needs) of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul Regarding the methodology used, this is a qualitative research, with a theoretical nature, through a literature review of the current legislation and the IFRS Institutional Pedagogical Project