64 research outputs found

    Variations in the course and diameter of the suprascapular nerve: Anatomical study

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    Suprascapular neuropathy is an important factor contributing to shoulder pain. Given the prevalence of nerve injury and nerve block in the suprascapular notch region, as well as the frequency of arthroscopic procedures on the suprascapular notch, which are recommended in shoulder pain management, its morphology is relevant from a clinical perspective. (2) Methods_ Suprascapular nerve course was studied in twelve shoulders by dissection. Its diameter was measuredat omohyoid level, proximal to the suprascapular notch and distal to the espinoglenoid notch. A multivarichart was used in order to descriptively visualize the results. The variations found were analyzed with a mixed linear model. (3) Results_ In two of the six subjects, the suprascapular nerve was divided into two motor branches proximal to the superior transverse scapular ligament. An increasein diameter around the suprascapular notch was detected, with an estimated difference between diameter means of 2.008 mm at the suprascapular notch level and 2.047 mm at the spinoglenoid notch level. (4) Conclusions_ A difference in the estimated diameter detected and the fact that the motor branches, which innervate supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle, were divided proximal to the suprascapular notch may be relevant in the diagnosis and treatment of suprascapular neuropathyand arthroscopic procedure

    Characterization of digital annular pulleys and their entheses: an ultrasonographic study with anatomical and histological correlations

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    Objectives: Digital annular pulleys (DAP) are important anatomical structures for finger function. The anatomy, histology, and imaging assessment of DAP, particularly at the level of their entheses is still not clearly defined. The advent of high-frequency ultrasound (US) transducers opened new perspectives in evaluating sub-millimeter scale structures, such as pulleys, paving the way for their global assessment. The study aimed at characterizing DAP from an anatomical, histological, and US perspective, focusing on the detection and complete description of pulley entheses. Methods: US assessment and gross anatomy dissection were conducted on 20 cadaveric hands to study DAP thickness and structure including enthesis identification. The results of the US and anatomical measurements were correlated. DAP entheses identified by US were characterized via histological analysis. DAP in 20 healthy controls (HC) were detected and measured by US. The A1, A2, and A4 DAP entheses were assessed using a new dynamic maneuver to better evaluate those structures. Results: 1200 DAP (400 cadaveric, 800 HC) were analyzed. The cadaveric study demonstrated strong correlation between anatomical and US measurement of DAP (r = 0.96). At histological level, DAP entheses at the volar plate, sesamoid bones, or phalangeal ridges contained fibrous and fibrocartilaginous tissue. The US assessment of A1, A2, and A4 DAP in HC allowed the identification of 718/720 (99.73%) entheses. Conclusion: US is an effective tool to detect and study DAP. DAP entheses reveal both fibrous and fibrocartilaginous characteristics. A newly described maneuver to optimize DAP enthesis visualization enhances their detection by US

    High-resolution ultrasound of spigelian and groin hernias: a closer look at fascial architecture and aponeurotic passageways

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    From the clinical point of view, a proper diagnosis of spigelian, inguinal and femoral hernias may be relevant for orienting the patient's management, as these conditions carry a different risk of complications and require specific approaches and treatments. Imaging may play a significant role in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected abdominal hernias, as the identification and categorization of these conditions is often unfeasible on clinical ground. Ultrasound imaging is particularly suited for this purpose, owing to its dynamic capabilities, high accuracy, low cost and wide availability. The main limitation of this technique consists of its intrinsic operator dependency, which tends to be higher in difficult-to-scan areas such as the groin because of its intrinsic anatomic complexity. An in-depth knowledge of the anatomy of the lower abdominal wall is, therefore, an essential prerequisite to perform a targeted ultrasound examination and discriminate among different types of regional hernias. The aim of this review is to provide a detailed analysis of the fascial architecture and aponeurotic passageways of the abdominal wall through which spigelian, inguinal and femoral hernias extrude, by means of schematic drawings, ultrasound images and video clips. A reasoned landmark-based ultrasound scanning technique is described to allow a prompt and reliable identification of these pathologic conditions

    Toward evidence‐based severity assessment in rat models with repeated seizures: II. Chemical post–status epilepticus model

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    Objective Considering the complexity of neuronal circuits and their epilepsy‐associated alterations, epilepsy models cannot be completely replaced by in vitro experimental approaches. Decisions about ethical approval of in vivo studies require a thorough weighing of the animal's burden and the benefit regarding the expected gain in knowledge. Methods Based on combined behavioral, biochemical, and physiological analyses, we assessed the impact on animal well‐being and condition in different phases of the pilocarpine post–status epilepticus (SE) model in rats. Results As a consequence of SE, increased levels of impairment were evident in the early postinsult phase and late chronic phase, whereas only mild impairment was observed in the interim phase. Parameters that stood out as sensitive indicators of animal distress include burrowing, which proved to be affected throughout all experimental phases, saccharin preference, fecal corticosterone metabolites, heart rate, and heart rate variability. Significance The cumulative burden with temporary but not long‐lasting phases of more pronounced impairment suggests a classification of severe as a basis for laboratory‐specific prospective and retrospective evaluation. Among the parameters analyzed, burrowing behavior and saccharin preference stand out as candidate parameters that seem to be well suited to obtain information about animal distress in epileptogenesis models

    Differences and similarities between the EULAR/ASAS-EULAR and national recommendations for treatment of patients with psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis across Europe

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    This is the first report comparing EULAR and national treatment recommendations for PsA patients across Europe, and the first this decade to compare ASAS-EULAR and national treatment recommendations in axSpA patients. An electronic survey was completed from October 2021-April 2022 by rheumatologists in 15 European countries. One and four countries followed all EULAR and ASAS-EULAR recommendations, respectively. Five countries had no national treatment recommendations for PsA and/or axSpA, but followed other regulations. In several countries, national treatment recommendations predated the most recent EULAR/ASAS-EULAR recommendations. Entry criteria for starting biologic/targeted synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs varied considerably. In several countries, for PsA patients with significant skin involvement, interleukin-17 inhibitors were not given preference. The positioning of Janus Kinase inhibitors differed and Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors were not in use/reimbursed in most countries. This study may motivate European countries to update their national treatment recommendations, to align them better with the latest international recommendations

    An Extensive Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QC/QA) Program Significantly Improves Inter-Laboratory Concordance Rates of Flow-Cytometric Minimal Residual Disease Assessment in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: An I-BFM-FLOW-Network Report

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    Monitoring of minimal residual disease (MRD) by flow cytometry (FCM) is a powerful prognostic tool for predicting outcomes in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). To apply FCM-MRD in large, collaborative trials, dedicated laboratory staff must be educated to concordantly high levels of expertise and their performance quality should be continuously monitored. We sought to install a unique and comprehensive training and quality control (QC) program involving a large number of reference laboratories within the international Berlin-Frankfurt-MĂŒnster (I-BFM) consortium, in order to complement the standardization of the methodology with an educational component and persistent quality control measures. Our QC and quality assurance (QA) program is based on four major cornerstones: (i) a twinning maturation program, (ii) obligatory participation in external QA programs (spiked sample send around, United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS)), (iii) regular participation in list-mode-data (LMD) file ring trials (FCM data file send arounds), and (iv) surveys of independent data derived from trial results. We demonstrate that the training of laboratories using experienced twinning partners, along with continuous educational feedback significantly improves the performance of laboratories in detecting and quantifying MRD in pediatric ALL patients. Overall, our extensive education and quality control program improved inter-laboratory concordance rates of FCM-MRD assessments and ultimately led to a very high conformity of risk estimates in independent patient cohorts
