4,119 research outputs found

    El poblamiento prerromano de Alameda : el cerro de "El Castillejo"

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    A lo largo de estas páginas se hace un recorrido por los orígenes del municipio malagueño de Alameda, prestando especial atención al recinto fortificado conocido como “El Castillejo”.The article is on the origin the town Alameda (Málaga). Special attention is dedicated to the fortification called “El Castillejo

    Ritos y sociedad a través del conjunto iconográfico funerario de "Las Cuevas" (Osuna, Sevilla)

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    This work its a review to the sculptures appeared with anteriority to the arrival of A. Engel and P. Paris to Osuna, rendering special attention to the excavations of the XVIII century in the necropolis of the Caves. It is not only tried to extend the knowledge that has of this necropolis, but also to justify that many of the know funeral reliefs were not reused in the construction of the republican wall.En este trabajo se hace un repaso a los hallazgos escultóricos aparecidos con anterioridad a la llegada de A. Engel y P. Paris a Osuna, prestando especial atención a las excavaciones del siglo XVIII en la necrópolis de Las Cuevas. Se pretende no sólo ampliar el conocimiento que se tiene de este necrópolis, sino también justificar que muchos de los relieves funerarios conociedos no fueron reutilizados en la construcción de muralla republicana

    Síntesis histórica de la antigua "Virso" : Osuna en las fuentes clásicas

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    La antigua ciudad de Vrso (Osuna, Sevilla) es mencionada por los autores clásicos debido al importante papel que desempeñó en la historia del sur de la Península IbéricaThe classical authors cite the old city of Vrso (Osuna, Sevilla) by their importance in the history of the Iberian Peninsul


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    Sashi DESHPANDE, The instrusion and other storie

    Reflexión sobre la existencia de un antiguo santuario en "Vrso" (Osuna, Sevilla)

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    El foco de estudio de este trabajo es el análisis de cuatro relieves votivos en piedra, que apuntan a la posible existencia de un centro de culto o santuario, posiblemente situado en el acceso a la antigua ciudad de Vrso (Osuna, Sevilla)The study of this work is the analysis of four reliefs in stone that aim to the possible existence of a centre of cult or sanctuary, possibly situated in the access to the ancient city of Vrso (Osuna, Seville

    Legislative Coalition Size and Antigovernment Protests in Latin America

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    This work examines whether the size, as well as the composition, of legislative coalitions is an additional factor that affects the incidence of protests against national governments in Latin America. Based on aggregate data for 18 democracies from 1980 to 2014, the analysis reveals that the relationship between the size of legislative coalitions in the lower house of national assemblies and the odds of antigovernment protests is U-shaped. Specifically, the odds of antigovernment protests occurring decrease until the president has a coalition comprising 50–55 percent of the national assembly; once this threshold is passed, the odds of protests taking place increase as the coalition grows. This result holds after controlling for the party composition of the governing coalition and other factors previously linked to the occurrence of antigovernment protests. The evidence thus indicates that both minority and supermajority scenarios can be socially destabilizing for Latin American democracies.Este trabajo analiza si el tamaño y la composición de las coaliciones legislativas son factores adicionales en la incidencia de protestas en contra de los gobiernos nacionales de América Latina. Con base en datos agregados de 18 democracias de la región para el período 1980-2014, este estudio demuestra que la relación entre el tamaño de la coalición gubernamental en (la cámara baja de) la legislatura nacional y la probabilidad de protestas antigubernamentales tiene una forma de U. Específicamente, la probabilidad de protestas antigubernamentales disminuye hasta que el presidente cuenta con una coalición del tamaño de 50-55 por ciento de la asamblea nacional; después de este punto, la probabilidad de protestas aumenta a medida que crece el tamaño de la coalición. Este resultado es válido aún después de controlar por la composición partidista de la coalición, así como otros factores que estudios anteriores han vinculado con la incidencia de protestas antigubernamentales. La evidencia indica que tanto las minorías como las supermajorías legislativas pueden ser socialmente desestabilizadoras para las democracias latinoamericanas

    Effect of Situational and Individual Factors on Training Load and Game Performance in Liga Femenina 2 Basketball Female Players

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    There is research that has shown how individual characteristics and performance indicators influence the load in basketball; however, studies on the influence of situational variables on performance are lacking. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of certain situational and individual variables on the training load (weekly load, game load and pre-game recovery) and the individual performance (statistical game evaluation) of female basketball players of Liga Femenina 2 during competition. The 28 games played by the 13 players of a group B team of the Liga Femenina 2 of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) during the 2020/2021 season were analyzed. Data on rate of perceived exertion (RPE), perceived performance and recovery were collected through the Quanter mobile application as well as performance statistics from the FEB website. Five mixed linear analyses for repeated measures were performed to evaluate the effect of each situational and individual variable on each dependent variable (weekly load, game load, game RPE, pre-game recovery, and game statistical assessment). The results show how the weekly load increases after playing against a low-level opponent (p < 0.001). In games, the players who play the most minutes and accumulate the most load are also the most valued (p < 0.001). The pre-game recovery worsens as the season progresses (p < 0.001). After playing against a high-level opponent, the pre-game recovery values for the next game are lower (p = 0.031). The results obtained indicate that the situational and individual variables should be taken into account to monitor the workload. These results help coaches and physical trainers to better plan training weeks, taking into account the situational variables studied.Regional Government of Extremadura (Department of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda) GR21149Spanish National Agency of Investigation PID2019-106614GBI0

    El legado arqueológico perdido de la antigua "Urso": noticias historiográficas del siglo XVIII a los albores del XX

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    Este trabajo hace un recorrido por las noticias historiográficas del siglo XVIII a inicios del siglo XX, sobre el patrimonio arqueológico de la primitiva Urso, en su mayoría perdido en la actualidad.This paper explores the historical news since the XVIIIth to XXth century, referring to archaeological items from Urso (Osuna, Sevilla) unknown at presen