119 research outputs found

    Associated factors of facial pressure ulcers in patients under non-invasive ventilation during hospital stay in an intermediate care facilities of a Portuguese hospital

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    Background & Aim: Non-invasive ventilation is a procedure that reduces respiratory stress and improves gas exchange, using a patient-ventilator interface; however, it presents consequences such as the development of facial pressure ulcers. We aim to identify the factors associated with facial pressure ulcers in Intermediate Care Facilities patients submitted to non-invasive ventilation. Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional descriptive and analytic study was performed in an intermediate care facilities, of a Portuguese hospital, from August to October of 2018, the study population consisted of patients hospitalized in this unit, who underwent to non-invasive ventilation. Data were collected through an observational form developed to obtain the information of the entire period of hospitalization of the patient. The software used to analyze the data was IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 23.0. For the descriptive analysis, absolute and relative frequencies also means and standard deviations were computed. Also, to describe the association between the variables, The point biserial correlation coefficient (rpb) were calculated. For data analysis, a significance level of .05 (α) was used. Results: 14.6% of the individuals developed PU, all in the nasal pyramid. NIV was used for 6.07±3.91 days, and PU developed between the 3rd and the 20th day. It was observed that the presence of PU had a significant positive correlation with the GCS score (rpb=0.390, p=0.012) and a significant negative correlation with the duration of NIV (rpb=-0.438, p=0.004). Dependency level, PU risk, and nutritional risk did not correlate with the development of PU. Conclusion: The pressure ulcers associated with non-invasive ventilation appear to be more frequently developed on the nasal pyramid and between the 3rd and the 20th day. Moreover, the level of consciousness and the time of administration of non-invasive ventilation are associated with the development of pressure ulcers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um gabinete, um museu, um centro de artes tradicionais no distrito de Évora : Evolução histórica, análise da colecção e proposta de divulgação da sua história e acervo através de uma exposição temporária

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    O presente trabalho debruça-se sobre a forma como o Estado Novo pôs em prática iniciativas que visavam a salvaguarda do património artesanal, património que beneficiou da acção de António Ferro - Director do Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional - organização que no âmbito das comemorações de 1940, concebeu a Exposição do Mundo Português e o Museu de Arte Popular, o qual veio a servir de modelo aos museus que nos anos seguintes surgem com uma tipologia idêntica. O papel que as Juntas Distritais tiveram na criação destes museus é aqui abordado, porque estas entidades receberam competências para promover o artesanato e contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento. Razões que levaram à criação do Gabinete de Artesanato Regional do Distrito de Évora (G.A.R.D.E.), em 1961. Este Gabinete, além de expor peças que na altura eram produzidas pelos artesãos da região, pretendeu animar a actividade artesanal com o incentivo à comercialização destas peças. Em 1980 o G.A.R.D.E. passou a designar-se Museu do Artesanato Regional do Distrito de Évora, apesar de a sua actividade se restringir à exposição dos produtos dos artesãos e de ter sido alvo de sucessivas alterações regulamentares. Após o seu encerramento, uma nova entidade foi incumbida de inventariar as colecções existentes (apresentadas neste estudo) e proceder à remodelação de um espaço que é actualmente concebido como Centro de Artes Tradicionais. Como resultado da investigação sobre o processo de criação do actual Centro de Artes Tradicionais e do estudo do seu espólio concebeu-se um projecto de exposição temporária, que divulgue os antecedentes da criação deste espaço expositivo. ***/Summary - The present work considers how the Estado Novo (the “New State” 1933-1974) put into practice initiatives that envisioned the safeguarding of artisanal heritage, a heritage that benefited from the activity of António Ferro, Director of the Secretariat for National Propaganda. This is the organization which, within the ambit of the commemorations of 1940, conceived the Exhibition of the Portuguese World and also the Popular Art Museum, which came to serve as the model for museums of the same type which sprang up in the following years. _ the role which the District Juntas had in the creation of these museums is also considered, because these entities were provided with the competency to promote handicrafts and to contribute towards their development. They are the reasons for the creation of the Gabinete de Artesanato Regional do Distrito de Évora (G.A.R.D.E. - the body for regional handicrafts in the Évora district) in 1961. This body, as well as exhibiting the pieces which were being produced at the time by the craftsmen and women of the region and of this institution, also had the aim of invigorating artisanal activity with the intention of commercializing these pieces of work. In 1980, G.A.R.D.E. went on to design the Évora District Regional Handicrafts Museum, although its activity was restricted to displaying the products which continued to be produced by the region's artisans and by this institution had been the target of successive regulatory changes. After the closure of the Évora District Regional Handicrafts Museum in 1991, a new body was given the responsibility of inventorying the existing collection (presented in this study) and of proceeding to the remodeling of a space that today is known as the Centre for Traditional Arts. As a result of research into the process leading up to the creation of the current Centre for Traditional Arts, and of the study of the objects collected for display, a project has been conceived for a temporary exhibition whose objective is to spread information about the antecedents to the creation of this exhibition space

    Os desafios e as barreiras das bibliotecas universitérias brasileiras e portuguesas no processs de inclusão e acessibilidade

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    O presente artigo é resultado parcial de uma investigação, que tem como objetivo principal conhecer as práticas inclusivas em bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras e portuguesas para utilizadores com necessidades especiais. Os resultados apresentados foram recolhidos através da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário on-line aplicado a 87 (oitenta e sete) diretores/coordenadores de bibliotecas (54 - cinquenta e quatro - brasileiras e 33 - trinta e três – portuguesas), tendo sido obtidas 50 (cinquenta) respostas válidas, correspondendo a 28 (vinte e oito) brasileiras e 22 (vinte e duas) portuguesas. Os resultados permitiram identificar problemas de acessibilidade, nomeadamente no que diz respeito a infraestrutura da biblioteca

    Sertolioma in a Canadian Husky: Relationship between Tumor, Hormones, Neurons and Skin

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    Background: Sertolioma is a slow-growing, non-invasive, firm and nodular tumor, malignant in 10% to 22% of cases and with low metastatic potential. Old age and cryptorchidism increase up to 26 times its chances of development and associates it with malignancy. Paraneoplastic syndrome, shown in 20% to 30% of the animals, is due to the aromatization of testosterone or the direct production of estrogen by tumor cells, leading to signs of feminization and bone marrow aplasia. The objective of this article is to report a case of sertolioma in a dog with dermatological characteristic symptoms, but presenting an unusual aggressive behavior, both completely reverted after castration.Case: A 9-year-old, uncastrated, aggressive and uncontrollable Canadian Husky dog was treated at the Institutional Veterinary Hospital with parapenial volume increase and generalized alopecia. A scrotal testis of reduced size and flaccid consistency and a mass in a parapenial region of 11 x 7.5 x 8 cm in diameter, with a cystic contour, adhered to the abdominal musculature and painless to palpation were detected. Cytology of the parapenial mass presented an image compatible with seminoma or sertolioma, and the preputial smear revealed a predominance of superficial cells. Ultrasound examination showed a heterogeneous inguinal mass, with expansive cystic area, compatible with mass in retained inguinal testis. Therapeutic course consisted of bilateral orchiectomy. Ectopic testis was firm to the cut, had whitish to yellowish coloration and was surrounded by a tunica containing 200 mL of serosanguinolent liquid. The histology of the mass revealed sertolioma-compatible cell characteristics, with cell proliferation circumvented by fibrous connective tissue forming poorly delimited lobes, moderate polymorphism with elongated cells, arranged in a palisade at the periphery of the lobes, vacuolated eosinophilic cytoplasm and vesiculous round nuclei. The unretained testicle revealed signs of atrophy. After surgery the patient showed a progressive improvement of the dermatological symptoms. However, what most caught the attention was the change in aggressive behavior, and fifteen days after surgery the animal was extremely docile and easily restrained during the clinical examination.Discussion: Hyperesthyrogenism due to sertolioma results from: 1) direct synthesis of estrogen by neoplastic tumor cells 2) increase in metabolism by central conversion (testicular cells) or peripheral hepatocytes, myocytes, adipocytes, hair follicles and neural tissue) androgens into estrogen through the aromatization of testosterone and 3) androgen and estrogen rate imbalance. Testosterone is considered responsible for the aggressive behavior in males, evidenced by the decrease of this behavior when the testicles are removed, and by the reinstallation of this behavior when the hormonal replacement is done. However, research on mice showed that estrogen-sensitive regulatory pathways also play a role in promoting this behavior. Although practically undetectable in male circulation, its presence stems from in vivo synthesis from the aromatization of testosterone, and it is this local estrogen, peripherally synthesized in the brain, that would be responsible for the control of dimorphic behaviors in males. The importance of the estrogen signaling pathway in aggression has also been reported in a study in knockout mice for estrogen receptors, in which males rarely exhibited aggressiveness. Such information is sufficient to support the hypothesis that the disappearance of the aggressiveness of the reported animal was obtained due to castration and correction of hyperestrogenism, showing the importance of including it as an important cause of aggressive behavior in uncastrated male dogs

    O Software geogebra como ferramenta de ensino nas disciplinas de cálculo/ Geogebra Software as a teaching tool in calculating disciplines

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    Em cursos da área da tecnologia, disciplinas como Cálculo Diferencial e Integral são cobradas desde o primeiro semestre do curso, essas disciplinas possuem altas taxas de reprovação, a esse fato são atribuídas às dificuldades no ensino e aprendizagem dos conteúdos. Para amenizar os fatores negativos na aprendizagem do cálculo, propõem-se a utilização de softwares que permitam a exploração das definições matemáticas, visando uma percepção inovadora nas práticas de ensino do Cálculo. O presente trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa acerca do uso do software GeoGebra para facilitar a visualização de superfícies geométricas e consequentemente ajudar na resolução de questões. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com alunos da turma de Cálculo Vetorial, do curso de Bacharelado em Engenharia de Automação e Controle, do IFPB (Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba) – campus Cajazeiras. Foi proposto um questionário acerca da percepção dos alunos quanto ao uso do GeoGebra na resolução de questões que envolvessem cálculo. Verificou-se uma ótima aceitabilidade do GeoGebra, bem como a facilidade que o software permite na compreensão do conteúdo. A partir do estudo observou-se que é necessário o emprego de tecnologias no ensino-aprendizagem dos alunos, visando uma facilitação no entendimento das questões de cálculo

    Promoção do sono seguro no recém-nascido pré-termo em unidades de neonatologia

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    Introdução e Objetivos: As Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais (UCIN) são fundamentais à sobrevivência do recém-nascido pré-termo, embora proporcionem um espaço diferente do útero materno. Como linha orientadora das práticas foi desenvolvido o Modelo de Cuidados Centrados no Desenvolvimento, que inclui sete medidas neuroprotetoras, entre as quais a “promoção do sono seguro”, foco do presente trabalho. Neste sentido, o objetivo desta Revisão Narrativa da Literatura foi descortinar a evidência científica de suporte às práticas de cuidados em neonatologia na promoção do sono seguro e refletir sobre estas práticas em duas unidades de neonatologia. Metodologia: Revisão narrativa da literatura com recurso à MEDLINE, CINAHL, literatura cinzenta, com os Descritores: NICU, preterm infant, neurodevelopment, sleep, neonatology, nursing. Resultados: Os achados da evidência científica (28 artigos sobre o sono) permitiram uma reflexão sobre as práticas de cuidados para a promoção do sono seguro que envolveu a discussão entre estudantes e profissionais de saúde e a elaboração e realização de sessões de educação para a saúde. A evidência mostra a importância de se desenvolverem Programas de Educação para o Sono Seguro com intervenção no Hospital e em Casa, capacitando os pais para os cuidados durante o internamento, visando a preparação para a alta. Conclusão: A reflexão sobre as práticas permitiu-nos concluir que nas duas unidades se promove o conforto do recém-nascido pré-termo e a vinculação com os pais, visando o sono seguro. Muito trabalho tem sido desenvolvido nas unidades de neonatologia neste sentido, mas ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer, o qual exige mais investigação nesta área importante para o neurodesenvolvimento.abstract:Introduction and Objectives: Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) are fundamental to the survival of the preterm infant, eventhough, they provide a different space from the maternal uterus. A guideline of care practices in this units the “Neonatal Model of Care Centered in Development” were developed and established, which includes seven neuroprotective measures, being the “safe sleep promotion” measure this article focus. Therefore, the objective of the worked Narrative Review of Literature was to uncover the scientific evidence to support the care practices in neonatal intensive care units, on promoting safe sleep, as well as, a situational reflection about pratices in two neonatal intensive care units. Metodology: Narrative review of literature with 58 |pensa refpamsgpm|Vol. 23 | N.º 2 | 2º Semestre de 2019resource to MEDLINE, CINAHL and grey literature. Descriptors: NICU, preterm infant, neurodevelopment, sleep, neonatology, nursing. Results: The findings of the scientific evidence (28 articles about sleep) allowed a reflection of the care practices for the promotion of safe sleep, which involved the discussion between students and health care professionals and the elaboration and promotion of health education meetings. The evidence showed the importance of the Educational Programs development, on Sleep Promotion, with intervention in Hospital and at Home areas, empowering the parents to provide care during the hospitalization, in order to prepare them for discharge. Conclusion: The reflection on care practices allowed us to conclude that in both units preterm infant confort and bond with their parents are granted, aiming safe sleep. A lot of work has been developed in those units to promote safe sleep, but there is still a long way to go, which demands investigation in an area as important as neurodevelopment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phylogenomic characterization and signs of microevolution in the 2022 multi-country outbreak of monkeypox virus

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    Erratum: Nat Med. 2022 Oct;28(10):2220-2221. doi: 10.1038/s41591-022-02036-2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02036-2The largest monkeypox virus (MPXV) outbreak described so far in non-endemic countries was identified in May 2022 (refs. 1-6). In this study, shotgun metagenomics allowed the rapid reconstruction and phylogenomic characterization of the first MPXV outbreak genome sequences, showing that this MPXV belongs to clade 3 and that the outbreak most likely has a single origin. Although 2022 MPXV (lineage B.1) clustered with 2018-2019 cases linked to an endemic country, it segregates in a divergent phylogenetic branch, likely reflecting continuous accelerated evolution. An in-depth mutational analysis suggests the action of host APOBEC3 in viral evolution as well as signs of potential MPXV human adaptation in ongoing microevolution. Our findings also indicate that genome sequencing may provide resolution to track the spread and transmission of this presumably slow-evolving double-stranded DNA virus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produção, azoto exportado e azoto residual no solo em alface (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivada em vasos quando sujeita à aplicação de vários fertilizantes que retardam a libertação de azoto

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    As marcas comerciais de fertilizantes ‘especiais’ têm aumentado muito na última década. Este aspecto tem vantagens, pois ficam disponíveis mais soluções fertilizantes para os diferentes condicionalismos agroecológicos. Contudo, urna excessiva proliferação de marcas dificulta o trabalho dos técnicos e agricultores, na medida em que nem sempre é fácil encontrar informação sobre estes fertilizantes para além daquela que fornece a empresa que os comercializa

    COVID-19: novas sociabilidades, configurações sociopolíticas, dilemas e respostas. Uma introdução

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    A pandemia da COVID-19 constituiu um momento de rutura nas sociedades contemporâneas, gerando um “novo normal” em que, como nos lembra Sérgio Godinho, “Ninguém sabe se sabe / Nem que acaso ou que destino nos cabe”.1 A rápida propagação de um novo vírus respiratório tornou-se o foco de atenção de governos e da comunicação social a nível global. No início de 2020, a cidade chinesa de Wuhan assumiu contornos distópicos, com mais de 11 milhões de habitantes confrontados com a suspensão das suas vidas quotidianas. Perante o desconhecimento acerca de uma doença que aparentava ter tanto taxas de letalidade como de transmissão bastante superiores aos vírus respiratórios em circulação, o confinamento assumiu-se como a resposta sociopolítica a adotar