59 research outputs found

    Long-Term Monitoring of the Flooding Regime and Hydroperiod of Doñana Marshes with Landsat Time Series (1974–2014)

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    This paper presents a semi-automatic procedure to discriminate seasonally flooded areas in the shallow temporary marshes of Doñana National Park (SW Spain) by using a radiommetrically normalized long time series of Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM+ images (1974–2014). Extensive field campaigns for ground truth data retrieval were carried out simultaneous to Landsat overpasses. Ground truth was used as training and testing areas to check the performance of the method. Simple thresholds on TM and ETM band 5 (1.55–1.75 μm) worked significantly better than other empirical modeling techniques and supervised classification methods to delineate flooded areas at Doñana marshes. A classification tree was applied to band 5 reflectance values to classify flooded versus non-flooded pixels for every scene. Inter-scene cross-validation identified the most accurate threshold on band 5 reflectance (ρ < 0.186) to classify flooded areas (Kappa = 0.65). A joint TM-MSS acquisition was used to find the MSS band 4 (0.8 a 1.1 μm) threshold. The TM flooded area was identical to the results from MSS 4 band threshold ρ < 0.10 despite spectral and spatial resolution differences. Band slicing was retrospectively applied to the complete time series of MSS and TM images. About 391 flood masks were used to reconstruct historical spatial and temporal patterns of Doñana marshes flooding, including hydroperiod. Hydroperiod historical trends were used as a baseline to understand Doñana’s flooding regime, test hydrodynamic models, and give an assessment of relevant management and restoration decisions. The historical trends in the hydroperiod of Doñana marshes show two opposite spatial patterns. While the north-western part of the marsh is increasing its hydroperiod, the southwestern part shows a steady decline. Anomalies in each flooding cycle allowed us to assess recent management decisions and monitor their hydrological effects.: This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research projects HYDRA (#CGL2006-02247/BOS) and HYDRA2 (CGL2009-09801/BOS), and by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 641762 to ECOPOTENTIAL project. The Espacio Natural de Doñana provided permits for fieldwork in protected areas with restricted access and historical data from water column readings. We are grateful to many MSc students who helped in image processing and field sampling. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    As ideas sobre a xeneración espontánea e a "xeneración espontánea de ideas"

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    Tres preguntas fundamentais no ensino das ciencias son: ¿como se aprende?, ¿como podemos favorece-lo aprendizaxe da ciencia?, ¿que ensinar?. A historia da ciencia, neste caso da bioloxla podenos ser útil nestes tres aspectos do ensinoS

    Hyperspectral Sensors as a Management Tool to Prevent the Invasion of the Exotic Cordgrass Spartina densiflora in the Doñana Wetlands

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    We test the use of hyperspectral sensors for the early detection of the invasive dense-flowered cordgrass (Spartina densiflora Brongn.) in the Guadalquivir River marshes, Southwestern Spain. We flew in tandem a CASI-1500 (368–1052 nm) and an AHS (430–13,000 nm) airborne sensors in an area with presence of S. densiflora. We simplified the processing of hyperspectral data (no atmospheric correction and no data-reduction techniques) to test if these treatments were necessary for accurate S. densiflora detection in the area. We tested several statistical signal detection algorithms implemented in ENVI software as spectral target detection techniques (matched filtering, constrained energy minimization, orthogonal subspace projection, target-constrained interference minimized filter, and adaptive coherence estimator) and compared them to the well-known spectral angle mapper, using spectra extracted from ground-truth locations in the images. The target S. densiflora was easy to detect in the marshes by all algorithms in images of both sensors. The best methods (adaptive coherence estimator and target-constrained interference minimized filter) on the best sensor (AHS) produced 100% discrimination (Kappa = 1, AUC = 1) at the study site and only some decline in performance when extrapolated to a new nearby area. AHS outperformed CASI in spite of having a coarser spatial resolution (4-m vs. 1-m) and lower spectral resolution in the visible and near-infrared range, but had a better signal to noise ratio. The larger spectral range of AHS in the short-wave and thermal infrared was of no particular advantage. Our conclusions are that it is possible to use hyperspectral sensors to map the early spread S. densiflora in the Guadalquivir River marshes. AHS is the most suitable airborne hyperspectral sensor for this task and the signal processing techniques target-constrained interference minimized filter (TCIMF) and adaptive coherence estimator (ACE) are the best performing target detection techniques that can be employed operationally with a simplified processing of hyperspectral images.This study has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research projects HYDRA (No. CGL2006-02247/BOS) and HYDRA2 (CGL2009-09801/BOS), by the National Parks Authority (Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales) of the Spanish Ministry of Environment to project OAPN 042/2007, and by funding from the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 641762 to ECOPOTENTIAL project. The Espacio Natural de Doñana provided permits for field work in protected areas with restricted access. We are grateful to the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Spain, for performing the airborne campaign and the geometric correction of the images. J.B. has to acknowledge a sabbatical stay at Pye Laboratory of the Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization (CSIRO) Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Australia, and at the Climate Change Cluster (C3) of the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, during data analysis and writing of this paper. This publication is a contribution from CEIMAR and also a contribution from CEICAMBIO. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI

    Algunhas reflexións sobre o traballo de laboratorio nas clases de ciencias

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    Nos últimos anos, tense producido un gran aumento no número de publicacións sobre o ensino da ciencia; isto levo u, nalgúns casos, a cambia-las estratexias que o profesor emprega nas clases de ciencias e a replantexarse o papel do decento e do alumno na aula. Dentro deste ámbito cómpre tamén reconsidera-los obxectivos do traballo práctico de laboratorio nas clases de ciencias, e as implicacións deste tipo de traballo nas estratex1as de ensinoaprendizaxe. Nos primeiros estudos sobre este tema, Ragtiubir (1979) fai unha crítica do traballo de laboratorio porque non da oportunidades para experimentar os procesos a través dos cales se xera a información científica: formulación de hipóteses, deseño experimental, análise e interpretación de resultados. Raghubir, considera ademáis que o traballo de laboratorio debería xerar actitudes tales como a curiosidade, responsabilidade , etc.S

    Estado emocional de niños y adolescentes afectados por el invierno

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    Columbia suffered a strong winter season during 2010 and part of 2011, as a result of the “La Niña” Phenomenon. Thus, in attempt to describe the emotional state of children and adolescents affected by the harsh winter of 2011 in the Sub Regions Mojana and San Jorge from the department of Sucre, a sample of 406 children and adolescents, aged between 10 and 14 years, were studied. The methodology used was descriptive and utilized a positivist paradigm, finding that the children and adolescents did not possess sufficient defenses in order to adapt to the environment, 88% in Mojana and 95% in San Jorge, which suggests a prompt intervention in infancy and adolescence affected by climate change.Colombia padeció una fuerte temporada invernal durante el año 2010 y parte del 2011, producto del Fenómeno de la Niña. Por tanto se pretendía describir el estado emocional de los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) afectados por la ola invernal de 2011 en las subregiones Mojana y San Jorge del departamento de Sucre, hallándose estos entre los 10 y los 14 años y utilizando una muestra de 406 NNA para el estudio. La metodología fue de paradigma positivista, de tipo descriptivo, encontrando que los NNA no poseen defensas suficientes para adaptarse al ambiente, en un 88% en Mojana y 95% en San Jorge, lo cual sugiere una pronta intervención a la infancia y adolescencia afectada por cambios climáticos

    Hyperspectral sensors as a management tool to prevent the invasion of the exotic cordgrass "Spartina densiflora" in the Doñana wetlands

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    We test the use of hyperspectral sensors for the early detection of the invasive denseflowered cordgrass (Spartina densiflora Brongn.) in the Guadalquivir River marshes, Southwestern Spain. We flew in tandem a CASI-1500 (368–1052 nm) and an AHS (430–13,000 nm) airborne sensors in an area with presence of S. densiflora. We simplified the processing of hyperspectral data (no atmospheric correction and no data-reduction techniques) to test if these treatments were necessary for accurate S. densiflora detection in the area. We tested several statistical signal detection algorithms implemented in ENVI software as spectral target detection techniques (matched filtering, constrained energy minimization, orthogonal subspace projection, target-constrained interference minimized filter, and adaptive coherence estimator) and compared them to the well-known spectral angle mapper, using spectra extracted from ground-truth locations in the images. The target S. densiflora was easy to detect in the marshes by all algorithms in images of both sensors. The best methods (adaptive coherence estimator and target-constrained interference minimized filter) on the best sensor (AHS) produced 100% discrimination (Kappa = 1, AUC = 1) at the study site and only some decline in performance when extrapolated to a new nearby area. AHS outperformed CASI in spite of having a coarser spatial resolution (4-m vs. 1-m) and lower spectral resolution in the visible and near-infrared range, but had a better signal to noise ratio. The larger spectral range of AHS in the short-wave and thermal infrared was of no particular advantage. Our conclusions are that it is possible to use hyperspectral sensors to map the early spread S. densiflora in the Guadalquivir River marshes. AHS is the most suitable airborne hyperspectral sensor for this task and the signal processing techniques target-constrained interference minimized filter (TCIMF) and adaptive coherence estimator (ACE) are the best performing target detection techniques that can be employed operationally with a simplified processing of hyperspectral images.This study has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research projects HYDRA (No. CGL2006-02247/BOS) and HYDRA2 (CGL2009-09801/BOS), by the National Parks Authority (Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales) of the Spanish Ministry of Environment to project OAPN 042/2007, and by funding from the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 641762 to ECOPOTENTIAL project. The Espacio Natural de Donana provided permits for field work in protected areas with restricted access. We are grateful to the Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Spain, for performing the airborne campaign and the geometric correction of the images. J.B. has to acknowledge a sabbatical stay at Pye Laboratory of the Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization (CSIRO) Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Australia, and at the Climate Change Cluster (C3) of the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, during data analysis and writing of this paper. This publication is a contribution from CEIMAR and also a contribution from CEICAMBIO

    Semilleros de contabilidad ambiental y responsabilidad social empresarial y ámbito disciplinar de la contaduría pública en Colombia

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    Se realizó la convocatoria en el primer semestre de 2015 a docentes y estudiantes para la conformación del Semillero “Contabilidad ambiental y responsabilidad social empresarial”, que reúne voluntades en torno al interés común de reflexionar sobre el papel de la contabilidad en la consolidación de herramientas que permitan evaluar el impacto de las acciones humanas sobre los ecosistemas, la responsabilidad social de las empresas, y el desarrollo de modelos económicos alternativos, para hacer frente a la crisis ambiental contemporánea. Durante el 2017, los dos semilleros presentaron algo más de 30 ponencias en eventos nacionales e internacionales. De los cuales, los artículos que a continuación se presentan corresponden a las ponencias que se han presentado en los eventos mencionados. Es un orgullo para el grupo QUIPUS y los integrantes de los dos semilleros compartir con la comunidad académica estos productos de investigación formativa

    Uso de Twitter y la gamificación para fomentar el análisis crítico del conocimiento científico y las vías para su comunicación en estudiantes del Grado de Medicina

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    El objetivo del proyecto de innovación docente que se presenta fue mejorar la capacidad de análisis crítico del conocimiento científico en el alumnado del Grado de Medicina a través del uso de Twitter. Los estudiantes de la asignatura de Fisiología Humana compartieron a través de Twitter noticias científicas relacionadas con la asignatura. Tras una selección previa, el profesorado publicó un periódico online y los alumnos presentaron una de las noticias publicadas. Se realizó una encuesta online de evaluación del proyecto utilizando escalas de Likert (1-10). Los estudiantes respondieron que el proyecto había aumentado su capacidad de análisis crítico de la investigación biomédica (7,65; ds=1,71) y que la metodología había aumentado su interés por la asignatura (8,05; ds=1,69). La utilización de Twitter combinada con la exposición de noticias científicas resultó útil para mejorar la capacidad de análisis crítico de la evidencia científica biomédica, competencia básica del Grado de Medicina