2,753 research outputs found

    Ordem para não reanimar? Aspetos éticos de uma decisão de vida

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Ética Médica), apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra.Objetivos – Cerca de 40 anos após a primeira tomada de decisão de não reanimar (DNR) não existe um padrão quanto à sua aplicação no exercício da Medicina. Face ao elevado número de doentes em fase terminal, entre o encarniçamento terapêutico e a medicina paliativa, a DNR constitui um assunto válido e apropriado, mas que levanta muitas questões. O presente trabalho pretende, com base na literatura existente, rever os aspetos clínicos e, a partir destes, abordar os aspetos éticos, particularmente, da DNR em doentes oncológicos, promovendo oportunamente uma reflexão acerca de questões de fim de vida Métodos – Revisão da literatura, nomeadamente de artigos científicos, a partir da base de dados online PubMed. Incluem-se, também, pareceres, obras, convenções e diplomas legais como fontes bibliográficas. Resultados – Foca-se o papel do médico nas questões de fim de vida, segundo os princípios da beneficência e da não maleficência, e a autodeterminação do doente, segundo o princípio do respeito pela sua autonomia. Abordam-se ainda os limites da intervenção terapêutica e aplicação de recursos distributivos face à DRN, segundo o princípio da justiça. Por fim, destaca-se a reflexão em torno da ética das virtudes, integrando-a na aplicação dos princípios hipocráticos. Conclusões - A DNR não constitui matéria consensual, dada a delicadeza que é abordar questões acerca do fim de vida. Assim sendo, é muito importante que se aposte na formação específica nestas áreas, desde logo nas escolas médicas, e se promova a sua discussão clínica e ética, para que a abordagem da DNR possa vir a ser transversal e a sua realização criteriosa e clara.Objectives - Nearly 40 years after the first do-not-resuscitate order, there is no standard regarding its application in the practice of Medicine. Given the high number of terminally ill patients, between the medical futility and palliative care, the do-not-resuscitate order is a valid and appropriate subject, but raises many questions. Based on existing literature, this paper aims to review the clinical and ethical aspects, particularly of the do-not-resuscitate order in cancer patients, opportunely promoting reflection about end of life issues. Methods - Literature review, namely scientific articles from the online database PubMed. Other literature sources used were opinion documents, books, conventions and legislation. Results - The role of the physician in end of life issues is focused on, according to the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, and the self-determination of the patient, according to the principle of respect for their autonomy. It also reflects on the limits of therapeutic intervention and application of distributive resources due to the do-not-resuscitate orders, according to the principle of justice. Finally, the reflection stands out around the ethics of virtues, integrating it in applying the Hippocratic principles. Conclusions - The do-not-resuscitate order is not a consensual subject according to the delicacy that is to discuss about end of life questions. It is therefore very important to bet on specific training in medical schools and promote their clinical and ethical discussion, so that the do-not-resuscitate discussions may become transverse and its fulfillment careful and clear

    Induction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae UE-ME3 proliferation by isoproturon is independent of growth stage

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    The isoproturon (IPU), 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea is an active component of several pesticides applied in autumn-winter crops which persist occasionally in the soil, aquifers and biological systems, at levels higher than established by directives of European Community. This phenylurea blocks photosynthesis, inhibiting chloroplasts electron chain at level of photosystem II. Therefore, the presence of IPU in the living cells can generate ROS and consequently cause slow but continuous damage to their cellular components which are increasingly described as important factors involved in the phenomenon of biological ageing and cell death. Cells exhibit defined antioxidant defences that are depleted throughout the life cycle involving the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) and antioxidants enzyme activities glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT T) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Under normal conditions, antioxidant defence mechanisms are capable of maintaining ROS at harmless levels, but prolonged exposure can eventually result in an inability to prevent cellular damages. In general, changes in the value of the GSH/GSSG ratio, GR, CAT T and ALP activities are early indicator of sensitivity to oxidative stress. On the other hand, MDA level is also used as marker of lipid peroxidation in different biological systems. The aim of this work was to determine the response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae UE-ME3, a wine wild-type strain belonging to the Enology laboratory collection of University of Évora, Portugal as biological model to assess IPU toxicity in eukaryotes. S. cerevisiae UE-ME3 (106 cells mL-1) at mid-exponential phase were inoculated in YEPD medium with 2% (w/v) glucose and allowed grown in a water bath, with orbital stirring, at 28ºC during 3 or 72h in the absence or presence of 5 and 100 µM IPU. At the end of the experiment, samples from each treatment were taken to obtain the post-12000 g supernatant, which were used for determination of GSH, GSSG and MDA contents by fluorimetric methods, and GR, CAT T and ALP enzymatic activities by spectrophotometry. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA one-way and Duncan-test. The results showed that S. cerevisiae grown until lag phase, mitotically more actives, have showed higher values in ALP activity, non-protein thiols, glutathione disulfide and MDA than yeast cells grown until stationary phase. Conversely, an inverse relationship was observed for the enzyme activities GR and CAT T as well as GSH levels and GSH/GSSG ratio. Thus, fermentative cells exhibited lower effectiveness in stabilizing the reducing environment mediated by antioxidant enzymes, fact that may be related with an increase for occurrence of cell damages. On the other hand, the IPU exposure caused a significant increase in the enzyme activities ALP, CAT T and GR without affect cell reducing environment in both growth periods and exposition levels. These results suggest that the IPU caused an increase of cell proliferation, assisted in part, by CAT T activity and glutathione cycle which have been more effective in S. cerevisiae exposed to IPU until stationary phase/respiratory, which may have determined a significant decrease in the levels of MDA. However, an opposite effect was detected in S. cerevisiae exposed to IPU until lag phase, response that pointed toward a significant increase of oxidative damages due a slow effectiveness antioxidant response of these cells

    How does heat-shock affect the influence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in growth and antioxidant power of Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741?

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    Nanomaterials include all substances that contain nanoscale structures sized between 1 and 100 nm. At this size, the characteristics of materials change: their strength, conductivity, and reactivity, which differ substantially from macro- or micron- sized materials, shifting the rules of physics and chemistry to the sidelines. Although, the geological origin and the ubiquitous occurrence of nanoparticles in the earth crust can lead to suppose a good phylogenetic adaptation of living beings to such substances, the unique charateristics of nanoparticles (NPs) bring a new dimension to environmental effects testing. The industrial development coupled with vast new applications of nanomaterials, have contributed to raise their environmental levels, reason because, concern over the environmental pressure of the nanoparticles in certain regions of the world as well as its effects on the biosphere has grown in recent years, since its reactivity with biomolecules mainly depends on the surface area/molecular size ratio and physicochemical factors such as pH and temperature. Thus, the main objective of this study was to evaluate how heat-shock affects cell survival and antioxidant response of S. cerevisiae BY4741, a Eurocast strain, exposed to titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs). Cells in exponential phase were inoculated in liquid YEPD medium 2 % (w/v) glucose at 28 °C are exposed at 0.1 or 1.0 μg/mL NP-TiO2 prepared by sonication, during 200 min at 40 °C. Samples from each treatment were used to obtain the post-12000 g fractions, which were used for protein content, DPPH, glutathione antioxidant capacity and, ALP, catalase and LOX activities determinations. The results show that the presence of TiO2-NPs in the culture medium induced cell death, response evidenced by a decrease of proliferative capacity detected by the alkaline phosphatase (ALP, EC activity, loss of redox buffer capacity mediated by glutathione, evidenced by a decrease of GSH+GSSG contents and GSH/GSSG ratio. On the other hand, cell death also appears depend on the loss of ability to scavenge free radicals, estimated by DPPH method. We also observed an increase of lipoxygenase (LOX, EC activity, a marker of lipid peroxidation, which may be related with a loss of antioxidant power mediated by peroxisomal catalase (CAT A, EC, probably due a slowdown of β-oxidation. Finally it was observed an increase of the antioxidant cytoplasmic catalase (CAT T, EC in cells exposed to concentrations of 0.1 mg/mL, but a significantly decrease of this enzyme activity in cells exposed to 1 mg/mL TiO2-NPs. This apparently bimodal response indicates a loss of proliferative capacity by an active process when the level exposure was 0.1 mg/mL. However, for 1 mg/mL TiO2-NPs level, appears to occur a transition for necrosis

    Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide modulate the response to temperature by key enzymes involved in pyruvate availability in cytosol and mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741, CICTA 2013

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    Nanotechnology can be used to obtain materials at nanoscale (<100 nm) with new physicochemical and structural properties which depend on particle size and, probably, may trigger new biological effects. As Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an excellent model for study molecular and cell biology responses is growingly used in the toxicological evaluation of chemicals, such as heavy metals or nanoparticles of metal oxide due increasing use of these materials in consumables as cosmetics and textiles. The malate dehydrogenase (EC, MDH2) and malic enzyme (EC, ME1) of S. cerevisiae catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of L-malate to pyruvate and CO2 coupled to reduction of NAD(P)+ in NAD(P)H of cytoplasm and mitochondria. These enzymes are part of metabolic crossroads that are implicated in regeneration of pyruvate, thereby contributing to the functionality of the citric acid cycle and generation of reducing equivalents as NADPH or NADH, required for de novo fatty acid biosynthesis and antioxidant response or respiratory chain. Hence, the main purpose of this work was to evaluate how nanoparticles of titanium dioxide modulate the effects of temperature on pyruvate availability in S. cerevisiae BY4741, a EUROCAST strain. Yeast (106 cells mL-1) at mid-exponential phase were inoculated in YEPD medium with 2% (w/v) glucose and allowed grown in a water bath, with orbital stirring at 25, 28, 30 or 40ºC, during 200 min in absence or presence of 0.1 or 1.0 µg/mL TiO2-NP. Samples from each treatment, suspended in 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 were lysed by sonication and centrifuged at 12,000 g during 20 min, at 4ºC. Aliquots of supernatant and pellet were stored at -20ºC for later use. Protein contents in the cell fractions as well as enzyme activities MDH2, G6PD and ME1 were determined in the post-12,000 g supernatant or pellet by spectrophotometry. ROS and MDA contents were estimated in the post-12,000 g supernatant by fluorimetry. Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (<100 nm) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Statistical analysis (five independent experiments) included ANOVA I and Duncan test. The results showed that the enzymes MDH2, ME1 and G6PD of S. cerevisiae BY4741 exhibited an optimal of activity at 28ºC. Secondly, it was observed a significant increase in the ROS and MDA levels when temperature range from 25 to 30°C, countered by a significant drop at 40 °C. Thus, the increase of temperature in the range from 25 to 30°C may have blocked the renewal of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial pyruvate, slowing down the carbon flux via citric acid cycle and de novo fatty acids biosynthesis, assisted by G6PD. The decrease of MDH2, ME1 and G6PD activities detected at 40°C may be interpreted as cell death, confirmed by the increase in the MDA levels. The exposure to TiO2-NPs triggered an increase in the MDH2 activity in any realized assays, effect that was more pronounced at 28°C. On the other hand, the ME1 activity which decreased in yeast grown at 25°C and 28°C, exposed to TiO2-NPs, underwent an increase in yeasts grown at 30°C or 40°C. Although the ROS levels have increased with the presence of TiO2-NP in any realized assays, it was only detected an increase of cell damages in cell grown at 25, 28 and 40°C. Thus, it can be inferred that exposure of S. cerevisiae BY4741 to TiO2-NP can counteract the adaptation to temperature of their energy metabolism, reversing the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial pyruvate availability, that in the latter case only occurred at 30 and 40ºC

    Sépsis neonatal tardia por Streptococcus agalactiae

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2017A sépsis neonatal tardia é uma causa importante de morbilidade e mortalidade. O Streptococcus do Grupo B de Lancefield, ou Streptococcus agalactiae é um agente importante de infeção bacteriana no recém-nascido, permanecendo a principal causa de sépsis e meningite nos países desenvolvidos. Tem duas principais formas clínicas de apresentação: precoce e tardia. Desta última, conhecem-se diferentes modos de transmissão nomeadamente materna, nosocomial ou adquirida na comunidade, embora seja ainda pouco compreendido o mecanismo exacto de infeção. O leite materno é uma possível fonte de infeção, com vários casos clínicos descritos na literatura. Uma vez que os sinais e sintomas de sépsis neonatal são inespecíficos e as suas consequências devastadoras, é importante o diagnóstico e antibioticoterapia precoces. Os avanços no conhecimento dos fatores de risco, modo de transmissão e prevenção da sépsis tardia encontram-se estáticos desde há vários anos. O desenvolvimento de uma vacina contra o SGB é uma das medidas promissoras investigadas atualmente. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Irá ser abordada a sépsis neonatal tardia por Streptococcus agalactiae, tendo como foco a etiologia, patogenia, diagnóstico clínico e laboratorial, tratamento e prevenção. A pesquisa de artigos foi efetuada nas bases de dados UpToDate e Pubmed e foram selecionados os artigos de maior interesse para o tema.Neonatal sepsis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Lancefield group B streptococcus or streptococcus agalactiae is an important pathogen causing bacterial infection in the newborn, remaining the principal cause of sepsis and meningitis in developed countries. It has two main clinical presentation forms: early and late. From this last one, it is known different mechanisms of transmission which are maternal, nosocomial or community-acquired, although it still is poorly understood the exact mechanism of infection. The maternal milk is a possible infection origin, with several clinical cases described in the literature. Once the signs and symptoms of neonatal sepsis are nonspecific and the consequences devastating, there is a huge concern about an early diagnosis and antibiotic therapeutic institution. The progresses made in the knowledgement of the risk factors, transmission mode and prevention of late onset sepsis remain static throughout the years. The development of a vaccine against SGB its one of the most promising measures being investigated recently. A bibliographic review was made about the theme. It will be addressed the Streptococcus agalactiae late onset sepsis, focusing on etiology, pathogeny, clinical and laboratorial diagnostic, treatment and prevention measures. The article research was performed using UpToDate and Pubmed databases and were selected the ones of major interest for the theme

    gestão do risco operacional

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    Este trabalho evidencia a gestão do risco operacional e a importância da implementação de uma estrutura adequada de gestão de risco. De forma a contextualizar o tema foi abordado o conceito de risco e risco operacional e as várias categorias de risco e feito o enquadramento nos vários Acordos de Basileia. Enfocou-se em Basileia II que inovou tratando do risco operacional, até então esquecido. Neste ambito foram abordados os vários métodos de avaliação de risco: basico, standard e avançado. A temática está organizada de forma a que haja um fio condutor que culmina na gestão do risco apresentando as linhas orientadoras do BIS a esse respeito e um modelo de uma estrutura de gestão de risco. Por fim o exemplo do Banco Comercial Português que implementou a sua estrutura de gestão de risco tendo em conta as diretrizes de Basileia considerando métodos benchmark de gestão de risco.This paper focuses on the operational risk management and the importance of implementing a suitable framework for risk management. In order to put in contex the theme it was necessary to address the concept of risk and operational risk and the various risk categories and to frame the varius Basel Accords. It was given enfasis to Basel II because it innovated, introducing operational risk until then forgotten. In this scope, it was addressed several risk assessment methods: basic, standard and advanced. This work is organized so that culminates in risk management, presenting BIS guidelines and a model for operational risk management framework. Finally its given the Banco Comercial Português exemple, wich implemented its risk management framework taking into account risk management benchmark methods

    Contributo para a caraterização química e atividade antioxidante de diferentes partes de Passiflora edulis Sims edulis

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    A espécie Passiflora edulis Sims, tradicionalmente conhecida como maracujá, é uma trepadeira de grande porte, nativa da América Tropical, com elevado valor alimentar, medicinal e ornamental. Em Portugal, a variedade predominante é o maracujá-roxo (Passiflora edulis Sims edulis), podendo ser encontrado quer no Continente, em jardins como ornamento e consumo próprio, quer nas Ilhas, não só deste modo, como também em pequenos cultivos, comparativamente a outros países. Não havendo conhecimento de estudos acerca dos maracujás provenientes de Portugal, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal enriquecer o conhecimento acerca do maracujá-roxo proveniente de Portugal. Para isso foi avaliada a composição geral das sementes (humidade, proteínas, gordura, cinzas, hidratos de carbono e valor energético), e a composição e bioatividade do seu óleo (ácidos gordos, vitamina E, esteróis, compostos redutores totais, efeito bloqueador de radicais DPPH• e ABTS•+ e estabilidade oxidativa). Foi também estimada a atividade antioxidante de várias partes de maracujá-roxo (sementes, cascas, polpa, flores e frutos), utilizando três métodos distintos como a capacidade redutora total, o efeito bloqueador de radicais DPPH• e o poder redutor, com uma prévia otimização das condições de extração dos compostos antioxidantes. A polpa in natura foi ainda comparada com várias polpas comerciais a nível da composição química (humidade, sólidos solúveis totais e valor de pH) e da atividade antioxidante, utilizando os três métodos já referidos. As sementes incluídas nas conservas de polpa, foram também aproveitadas para comparar com as sementes frescas a nível dos mesmos parâmetros, exceto no teor de sólidos solúveis totais e valor de pH. As sementes de maracujá-roxo são essencialmente compostas por hidratos de carbono (entre 60,12±1,06 e 60,23±0,33%), gordura (entre 21,57±4,70 e 25,63±1,80%), e proteínas (entre 10,41±1,06 e 13,22±0,47%). O óleo de sementes de maracujá-roxo é rico em ácidos gordos polinsaturados (entre 75,74±0,07 e 82,76±0,04%) e é essencialmente constituído por ácido linoleico (C18:2) (entre 75,18±0,18 e 82,07±1,20%), ácido oleico (C18:1) (entre 7,62±1,06 e 12,94±0,18%) e ácido palmítico (C16:0) (entre 7,77±0,57 e 8,78±0,06%). Este óleo apresenta ainda uma quantidade considerável de: vitamina E (entre 104,48±7,45 e 138,57±5,74 mg/100 g de óleo), sendo na sua maioria δ-tocotrienol (entre 51,71±3,95 e 88,56±3,94 mg/100 g de óleo) e γ-tocotrienol (entre 28,90±2,09 e 33,85±1,38 mg/100 g de óleo); esteróis (entre 374,55±23,81 e 636,32±44,32 mg/100 g de óleo), sendo os principais o β-sitosterol (entre 47,50±3,26 e 55,62±2,64 mg/100 g de óleo), um esterol não identificado (entre 22,32±0,24 e 28,60±2,11 mg/100 g de óleo) e o campesterol (entre 6,56±0,26 e 10,26±0,57 mg/100 g de óleo). A capacidade redutora total do óleo é relativamente baixa (entre 23,20±1,92 e 38,74±0,85 mg CAE/kg), o efeito bloqueador dos radicais de DPPH• considerável (entre 29,94±1,08 e 44,1±0,17%), e o efeito bloqueador de radicais ABTS•+ elevada (entre 83,51±1,05 e 96,59±0,19%). A estabilidade oxidativa deste óleo é baixa (de 0,54 a 1,07 horas), possivelmente derivado à sua quantidade elevada de ácidos gordos polinsaturados. O metanol mostrou ser o melhor extrator de compostos antioxidantes das várias partes de maracujá-roxo estudadas. As cascas revelam ser a parte do fruto com maior poder redutor (EC50 0,70±0,03 mg/mL) e maior efeito bloqueador de radicais DPPH• (EC50 0,29±0,04 mg/mL), no entanto as folhas apresentam o teor de capacidade redutora total mais elevado (141,43±11,23 mg GAE/g). Em geral, as polpas comerciais mostraram ser bastante diferentes da polpa in natura. A nível da composição química, as polpas comerciais apresentaram, em geral, um teor de humidade idêntico ao da polpa in natura, no entanto teor de sólidos solúveis totais e o valor de pH foi superior. A atividade antioxidante das polpas comerciais foi mais baixa nos três métodos utilizados para esta avaliação. As sementes das polpas comerciais mostraram ser diferentes das sementes frescas a nível de humidade. A atividade antioxidante foi menor nas sementes das polpas comerciais nos três métodos avaliados, no entanto as diferenças não foram tão grandes quanto na polpa.The specie Passiflora edulis Sims, traditionally known as passion fruit, is a climbing tree of large size native from Tropical America, with high valorization as a food, medicine and ornamental. In Portugal the most predominant variety is the purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims edulis), and it can be found in the Continent, in gardens for ornamental purposes or for self consumption, and in the islands also for consumption and ornamental as well as in small size cultivation farms when compared to other countries. Since studies regarding Portuguese passion fruits are inexistent, the present work has a main goal enrich the actual knowledge about the purple passion fruit from Portugal. Therefore the general composition of the seeds (moisture, proteins, fat, ashes, carbohydrates, and energetic value), and the composition and bioactivity of their oil (fatty acids, vitamin E, sterols, total reducing compounds, scavenging effects on the radicals of DPPH• and ABTS•+, and oxidative stability) were studied. It was also estimated the antioxidant activity of several parts of the purple passion fruit (seeds, shells, pulp, flowers, and fruits), using three different methods as total reducing capacity, scavenging effect on DPPH radicals and reducing power, with a previous optimization of the extraction of the antioxidant compounds. The pulp, in natura, was compared with several commercial pulps regarding their chemical composition (moisture, total soluble solids, and pH) and antioxidant activity using the already three mentioned assays. The seeds from commercial pulp were recovered in order to compare them with fresh seeds regarding their the same parameters, except total soluble solids, and pH. The seeds from purple passion fruit are essentially composed by carbohydrates (between 60.12±1.06 and 60.23±0.33%), fat (between 21.57±4.70 and 25.63±1.80%), and proteins (between 10.41±1.06 and 13.22±0.47%). The oils of the seeds of purple passion fruit are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (between 75.74±0.07 and 82.76±0.04%), and is essentially composed by linoleic acid (C18:2) (between 75.18±0.18 and 82.07±1.20%), oleic acid (C18:1) (between 7.62±1.06 and 12.94±0.18%) and palmitic acid (C16:0) (between 7.77±0.57 and 8.78±0.06%). These oil reports a considerable amount of: vitamin E (between 104.48±7.45 and 138.57±5.74 mg/100 g of oil), being δ-tocotrienol (between 51.71±3.95 and 88.56±3.94 mg/100 g of oil) and γ-tocotrienol (between 28.90±2.09 and 33.85±1.38 mg/100 g of oil) the most abundant vitamers; sterols (between 374.55±23.81 and 636.32±44.32 mg/100 g of oil), being the most abundant the β-sitosterol (between 47.50±3.26 and 55.62±2.64 mg/100 g of oil), an unidentified sterol (between 22.32±0.24 and 28.60±2.11 mg/100 g of oil) and campesterol (between 6.56±0.26 and 10.26±0.57 mg/100 g of oil). The total reducing capacity of the oil is relatively low (between 23.20±1.92 and 38.74±0.85 mg CAE/kg), has a considerable scavenging effect on the DPPH radicals (between 29.94±1.08 and 44.1±0.17%), and high scavenging effect on ABTS free radicals (between 83.51±1.05 and 96.59±0.19%). The oxidative stability of the oil is low (from 0.54 to 1.07 h) possibly due to its high quantity in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Methanol showed to be the best solvent to extract antioxidant compounds from several parts of the purple passion fruit studied. The shells revealed to be the part of the fruit with higher reducing power (EC50 0.70±0.03 mg/mL) and higher scavenging effect on the DPPH free radicals (EC50 0.29±0.04 mg/mL), meanwhile leaves showed higher total reducing capacity (141.43±11.23 mg GAE/g). In general, the commercial pulps showed to be quite different from pulp in natura. Regarding chemical composition, commercial pulps reported, in general, moisture values similar to the pulp in natura, meanwhile total soluble solids and pH value were higher in commercial pulps. The antioxidant activity of commercial pulps was lower in the three methods tested. The seeds from commercial pulps revealed to be different from seeds from fresh fruits regarding moisture. The antioxidant activity was lower in the seeds from commercial pulps in the three evaluated assays, meanwhile the differences were not so deep as observed in the pulps

    Olive mill wastewater as a renewable resource

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    The olive mill wastewater (OMW) is a stable emulsion composed by water, olive pulp and residual oil. An approach for using this waste as a renewable resource is of greater interest. Several authors have been studding physicochemical treatment methods. However, the biological treatments allow not only the treatment, but also the effluent valorization, by producing several valuable products. This effluent is also a source of natural antioxidants and its extraction is economically attractive. The ideal OMW valorization process could be achieved by the combination of methods, for instance the use of physical-chemical methods as pretreatment can highly reduce the pollutants concentrations and allows better production efficiency by microorganisms

    Valor dos espaços verdes da cidade

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    Mestrado em Ordenamento da CidadeOs espaços verdes exercem funções essenciais à qualidade de vida urbana como sejam as ecológico-ambientais, de conforto ambiental, de recreio e lazer, estético-culturais e identitárias que acabam por referenciar/orientar o indivíduo interior e exteriormente. No entanto, quando estes espaços estão sob a pertença privada, fazem recair sobre o seu proprietário todos os encargos fiscais relativos à posse e todos os custos económicos relativos à manutenção e preservação dos mesmos, em nome de um bem comum, mas sem auferirem de qualquer compensação. Verifica-se, ainda, que os proprietários que detêm o direito à construção, por força do plano urbanístico, auferem directamente de mais-valias provenientes das externalidades positivas que estes espaços proporcionam. Esta não internalização das externalidades positivas pelo proprietário privado dos espaços verdes, gera falhas no mercado imobiliário e desigualdades no processo de planeamento. Estamos, assim, perante duas triangulações auto-correlacionáveis. homem/espaço verde/cidade versus propriedade privada/externalidades positivas/mercado imobiliário que, com vista à defesa do ordenamento da cidade e motivados por um ímpeto de justiça, fazem ressaltar a problemática para a qual se ensaia a resposta: Como compensar os proprietários privados dos espaços verdes da cidade, promovendo a efectiva internalização das externalidades positivas e, em simultâneo, um ordenamento do território mais justo e equitativo perspectivado no desejável continuum naturale e social. ABSTRACT: The green spaces have an essential role in what concerns the quality of urban life, namely an eco-environmentalist one, of environmental comfort, recreation and free time, aesthetic, cultural and of identity that end up leading/giving a reference to the individual, both innerly and externally. However, when these spaces are private estate, their owner must suffer the total impact of tax costs, concerning the ownership of the property as well as the costs involving its maintenance and preservation, all that in the name of a common good, but without any real compensation for doing so. We have also acknowledged that the estate owners who have the right to construct, due to the urbanistic plan, profit from an increase in value originating in the positive externalities that these spaces allow. This non-internalization of the positive externalities by the green estate private owner leads to flaws in the market estate and disparities in the planning permission process. We are, therefore, before two auto-correlated triangulations. man/green spaces/city versus private estate/positive externalities/market estate which, aiming at the city planning and motivated by an impetus of justice, make us highlight the question for which we have tried to accomplish an answer: How to give a compensation to the green spaces private city owners, promoting an effective internalization of its positive externalities and, at the same time, promoting a fair and equitable land territory planned in a desirable continuum naturale and social