697 research outputs found

    Validity of guided inquiry-based chemical equilibrium e-module integrated with the Al-Quran for Madrasyah Aliyah

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    This study aims to determine the validity of the guided inquiry-based chemical equilibrium e-module integrated with Al-Quran for class XI Madrasyah Aliyah. The type of research is developmental research (Educational Design Research) using the Plomp development model, which consists of a preliminary research stage, a prototype stage, and a field test. The research instrument used was a validation questionnaire comprised of a content validation questionnaire and a media validation questionnaire. The content validation questionnaire assessment was carried out by material expert validators consisting of Padang State University Chemistry Lecturers and MAN 2 Padang Teachers. The media validation questionnaire assessment was carried out by media expert validators consisting of Padang State University Chemistry and Informatics Engineering Lecturers. Based on the results of processing the media and content validation questionnaire data using the Aiken V formula, the average value of content validation is 0.88 in the valid category, and the media validation average value is 0.91 in the valid category

    The effectiveness of the guided inquiry activity with the acid-base titration module on the high school student learning outcomes

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    The study aims to reveal the effectiveness of guided inquiry activity-based acid-base titration modules on student learning outcomes in class XI MIPA SMA Negeri 2 Batang Anai, Padang, Indonesia. The population is the research sample selected using the purposive sampling technique, where 37 students as research subjects. The research instrument used was a learning outcome test in the form of multiple-choice questions, consisting of a pretest and a posttest. The average value of the increase in student learning outcomes in the subject class is 63.13. Subject class data were normally distributed and homogeneous. The results of the t-test are count (4.18) > table (1.9). The value of N-gain in the subject class is 0.72. The results showed that using the guided inquiry-based acid-base titration module effectively improved student learning outcomes


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    With the advancement of Web 2.0, the user could do more than just retrieve information from a static website. Better user-interface, software and storage facilities all in one place which is called the web browser. One of the main features of this Web 2.0 includes the social media. The hype of social media such as Twitter and Facebook have made people express their opinions and feelings more easily publicly. Everyone interprets the information they got differently. They have their own understanding and interpretation on how the information is. With the technology that is rapidly growing, we can use the information that the user is displaying on social media and make this as opportunity thus identifying the problems as soon as it occurs. Sentiment analysis is about finding subjective information and grouped it into polarity classification (positive, negative or neutral). One of the objectives of this project is, to automatically categorize data into either positive sentiment, negative sentiment or neutral sentiment based on the subjective data that is obtained from the social media. This system can be useful for companies who are interested to get the fastest way to obtain juicy and latest information from the social network. Another target user could be the institutions that are reputation conscious. Case-Base Reasoning (CBR) will be used in this project. CBR is done by looking at past situations to solve the possible same current issue. Large amount of data is hard to comprehend thus, machine learning techniques could be used to automate the tasks and also provide the predictions over that matter


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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan kenyataan yang ditemukan bahwa pada saat ini era globalisasi yang membawa dampak perdagangan bebas yang terjadi di asia memberikan efek daya saing yang tinggi dan kompetitif dalam segala hal. Untuk menghadapi pesain-pesaing yang berasal bukan hanya dari dalam negri di perlukan suatu strategi untuk mengahdapinya yaitu dengan meningkatkan pola pikir kreatif terhadap segala hal.Pada kenyataannya keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa belum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dilihat dari rendahnya nilai aspek keterampilan siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh metode pembelajaran penemuan (Discovery Learning) dan metode Ceramah Tanya jawab terhadap keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa ditinjau dari gaya kognitif dalam mata pelajaran Prakarya dan kewirausahaan kelas XI SMKN 2Kota Garut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan pengambilan sampel cluster random sampling yaitu kelas XI-MM 1 dan XI-MM3, dengan jumlah siswa kelas eksperimen discovery 28 siswa dan kelas kontrol metode ceramah tanya jawab 28 siswa. Gaya kognitif setiap kelas dibagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu gaya kognitif independen field (FI) dan gaya kognitif dependent field (FD) masing-masing berjumlah 14 siswa. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui tes tulis yaitu tes kemampuan awal, pre test, dan pos test. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji Paired sample T-Test dan uji Anova Between Subject Design Faktorial 2x2. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada perbedaan keterampilan berpikir kreatif sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran eksperimen dengan metode discovery dan kelas control dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. berpengaruhnya metode pembelajaran terhadap keterampilan berpikir kreatif pada pembelajaran. ---------- The problem in this research is based on the fact that it was found that the current era of globalization which brings the impact of free trade that occurred in Asean give effect to high competitiveness and competitive in every respect. To deal with competitor-competitor that comes not only from within the country in need of a strategy to deal with that is by increasing the creative mindset towards anything. in fact creative thinking skills students have not been as expected seen from the low value of the aspects of the student's skills. This study was conducted to see the effect of the discovery learning method (Discovery Learning) and methods Lectures FAQ for creative thinking skills of students in terms of cognitive styles in subjects craft and entrepreneurial class XI SMKN 2 in Garut City. . This study used a quasi-experimental method with cluster random sampling sampling MM class XI-1 and XI-MM3, the number of students in grade 28 students experimental discovery and control classroom lecture method of question and answer 28 students. Cognitive style of each class is divided into two categories, namely independent cognitive style field (FI) and field dependent cognitive style (FD) each totaled 14 students. The research data were collected through a written test which tests the ability of early, pre test and post test. Hypothesis testing using Paired sample T-test and ANOVA test Between Subject 2x2 factorial design. The results showed no differences in creative thinking skills before and after the experiment with methods of discovery learning and classroom control with a lecture and question and answer. influential method of learning to creative thinking skills in learning

    Antibacterial Effectiveness of BS Endophyte Mushroom Extract on Media Growing Red Rice

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    BS endophytic Fungi is a Fungi isolated from the flower of the bitter plant (A. Paniculata) which is known to produce various secondary metabolites which are reported to have antibacterial bioactivity. This study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of extract from endophytic Fungi BS isolated from bitter flower (A. Paniculata) on brown rice growing media against Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. The method used is endophytic Fungi BS grown on media extracted by maceration method with solvent. The antibacterial activity test of the extract was carried out by disc diffusion method. The results obtained showed that the extract of the endophytic Fungi BS grown on brown rice media gave activity to inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria at concentrations of 10%, 30%, and 50%. In conclusion, the extract of BS endophytic Fungi isolated from A. paniculata flowers has potential as an antibacteria


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    Selai buah kolang kaling (Arenga Pinnata fruits jam) berperilaku sebagai fluida pseudoplastik yang memiliki tegangan permukaan bersifat koloid. Viskositas selai ini meningkat dengan diberikan perlakuan penambahan konsentrasi gula dan tingkat keasaman. Penerimaan keseluruhan panelis tertinggi untuk selai yang dibuat dengan gula 40%, jeruk nipis 0,2% dan garam 0,2% dari berat bubur kolang kaling yang dilumatkan. Uji kesukaan ragam selai buah kolang kaling dilakukan kepada 20 panelis tidak terlatih. Studi tingkat preferensi panelis untuk karakteristik sensorik dianalisis dengan model Rasch menggunakan aplikasi facets. Selai yang paling disukai dari karakteristik sensori aroma, warna, rasa, dan tingkat kemanisan adalah selai Nagaling (Naga kolang kaling). Sedangkan dari segi tekstur selai yang paling disukai adalah selai Nasling (Nenas Kolang Kaling). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa exact agreement diperoleh sebesar 58,5%, nilai ini mendekati hasil analisis expected agreements yang diperoleh hasil sebesar 59,3%. Artinya analisis menunjukkan kesesuaian (fit) antara model dengan estimasinya. Kata kunci: preferensi panelis, selai, kolang kaling, karakteristik sensori, koloid ABSTRACT Arenga Pinnata Fruits jam behaved as pseudoplastic fluid exhibiting yield stress. Viscosity of this jam increased with sugar concentration and acidity. The overall acceptability was rated highest for the jam prepared with 40% sugar, 0,2 % lime drops and 0,2 % salts. The preference test for the diversification of Arenga Pinnata fruits jam was conducted on 20 untrained panelists. Panelists’ preferences level study for sensory characteristics was analyzed by Rasch model using the facets application.  The most preferred jam from the sensory characteristics of smell, color, taste, level of sweetness is Nagaling jam. In other hands the terms of texture the most preferred jam is Nasling jam.  The results show that exact agreements obtained are 58.5%, this value is close to the analysis of the expected agreements which obtained the results of 59,3%. It is means the analysis shows fit with estimated model. Keywords: panelists preference, jam, arenga pinnata fruits, sensory characrteristic, koloi

    Potential Hydrophobic Pocket of Squalene Synthase: An In Silico Analysis

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    Cardiovascular disease cases increase due to consumption cholesterol dietary habit. It is well-known that squalence synthase (SQS) is the first committed enzyme for cholesterol synthesis. Therefore, SQS become target of anti-cholesterol. This paper aims to determine the potential binding pocket of SQS (PDB ID: 1EZF). Dogsitescorer, siteFinder, and DEPTH were used for binding pocket prediction and MOE 2009.10 was performed for molecular docking. We found that there are five out of 37 pockets which have druggability score above 0.8. Pocket_5 is the highest drugability and favorable for hydrophobic interaction, yet lower number of hydrogen bond with the ligand. However, Pocket_2, and Pocket_3 are suitable for hydrogen bond formation of ligand-protein. Molecular docking study showed that TAK-475, D99, and Cynarin inhibitors were embedded on the P_2 and P_3 of SQS, showing that P2_and P3 are promising binding pocket for ligand interactions. These results show a promising alternative to design anti-cholesterol using these potential pocket in silico
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