116 research outputs found

    Can digital reinvention of ecological monitoring remove barriers to its adoption by practitioners? : A case study of deer management in Scotland

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    Open Access funded by Economic and Social Research Council This research was supported by the award made by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub (award reference EP/G066051/1). We would like to thank both the participants and the course organisers involved in the workshops for the valuable insights they offered on such a complex topic. We would also like to thank two anonymous reviewers whose insightful comments constructively shaped the subsequent article.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Carcass Provisioning to Support Scavengers: Evaluating a Controversial Nature Conservation Practice

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    A number of scavenger species have suffered population declines across Europe. In attempts to reverse their decline, some land and wildlife managers have adopted the practice of leaving or placing out carcasses of wild or domestic herbivores to provide a source of carrion. However, this can be a controversial practice, with as yet unclear outcomes for many target species and the ecosystems they are part of. Here we bring out the key aspects of this increasingly common conservation practice illustrated using three contrasting cases studies. We show that the provision of carcasses is often motivated by a desire to benefit charismatic species or to facilitate nutrient cycling throughout an ecosystem. Evidence for the effectiveness of this practice in achieving these objectives, however, is mostly lacking, with ecologists studying “easier” species groups such as beetles and therefore not providing relevant insights. Moreover, conflicts between environmental policies that carcass provisioning is aimed at and other social and economic objectives do occur but these projects are often designed without taking into account this broader context. We conclude that expecting carcasses to simply be “good for biodiversity” may be too naïve a view. A greater knowledge of the impact of carcass provisioning and placement on ecosystems and society at large is required before it can become a more effective conservation tool at a wider scale

    Spatial and temporal variations in interspecific interaction : impact of a recreational landscape

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    Anthropogenic activities, such as outdoor recreation, have the potential to change complex interactions between wildlife and livestock, with further consequences for the management of both animals, the environment, and disease transmission. We present the interaction amongst wildlife, livestock, and outdoor recreationists as a three-way interaction. Little is known about how recreational activities alter the interaction between herbivores in areas extensively used for recreational purposes. We investigate how hiking activity affects spatio-temporal co-occurrence between domestic sheep (Ovis aries) and red deer (Cervus elaphus). We used camera traps to capture the spatio-temporal distribution of red deer and sheep and used the distance from the hiking path as a proxy of hiking activity. We used generalized linear models to investigate the spatial distribution of sheep and deer. We analysed the activity patterns of sheep and deer and then calculated their coefficients of temporal overlap for each camera trap location. We compared these coefficients in relation to the distance from the hiking path. Finally, we used a generalized linear mixed-model to investigate which factors influence the spatio-temporal succession between deer and sheep. We do not find that sheep and red deer spatially avoid each other. The coefficient of temporal overlap varied with distance from the hiking trail, with stronger temporal co-occurrence at greater distances from the hiking trail. Red deer were more likely to be detected further from the path during the day, which increased the temporal overlap with sheep in these areas. This suggests that hiking pressure influences spatio-temporal interactions between sheep and deer, leading to greater temporal overlap in areas further from the hiking path due to red deer spatial avoidance of hikers. This impact of recreationists on the wildlife and livestock interaction can have consequences for the animals’ welfare, the vegetation they graze, their management, and disease transmission.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Hunting for ecological indicators: are large herbivore skeleton measures from harvest data useful proxies for monitoring?

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    Hunter-collected data and samples are used as indices of population performance, and monitoring programs often take advantage of such data as ecological indicators. Here, we establish the relationships between measures of skeleton size (lower jawbone length and hind-leg length) and autumn carcass mass of slaughtered individuals of known age and sex of the high Arctic and endemic Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus). We assess these relationships using a long-term monitoring dataset derived from hunted or culled reindeer. The two skeleton measures were generally strongly correlated within age class. Both jaw length (R2 = 0.78) and hind-leg length (R2 = 0.74) represented good proxies of carcass mass. These relationships were primarily due to an age effect (i.e. due to growth) as the skeleton measures reached an asymptotic size at 4–6 years of age. Accordingly, strong positive correlations between skeleton measures and carcass mass were mainly evident at the young age classes (range r [0.45–0.84] for calves and yearlings). For the adults, these relationships weakened due to skeletal growth ceasing in mature animals causing increased variance in mass with age—potentially due to the expected substantial impacts of annual environmental fluctuations. As proxies for carcass mass, skeleton measurements should therefore be limited to young individuals. Although body mass is the ‘gold standard’ in monitoring large herbivores, our results indicate that skeleton measures collected by hunters only provide similar valuable information for young age classes, particularly calves and yearlings. In sum, jaw length and hind-leg length function as proxies identical to body mass when documenting the impacts of changing environmental conditions on important state variables for reindeer and other herbivores inhabiting highly variable environments. Arctic · Citizen science · Hunter-collected data · Life history · Terrestrial large herbivoreHunting for ecological indicators: are large herbivore skeleton measures from harvest data useful proxies for monitoring?publishedVersio

    Determinants of heart rate in Svalbard reindeer reveal mechanisms of seasonal energy management

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    Funding. This study was supported by Norges Miljø- og Biovitenskape- lige Universitet (PhD Grant to L.M.T.) and Norges Forskningsråd (KLIMAFORSK project no. 267613). Acknowledgements. We thank two anonymous reviewers for constructive, detailed and insightful feedback that helped to strengthen our manuscript. We thank Mads Forchhammer and the logistics department at the University Centre in Svalbard for supporting the field campaigns. We also thank DVM Amanda Høyer Boesen for assistance with surgeries in 2018. Åshild Ø. Pedersen and Stein Tore Pedersen contributed to successful field campaigns. We are grateful for the technical support received from Ásgeir Bjarnason at StarOddi Ltd during logger programming and validations of recordings. Finally, we thank Lucy Hawkes, Andreas Fahlman and Katsufumi Sato for inviting us to contribute to the theme issue ‘Measuring physiology in free-living animals’.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Fat storage influences fasting endurance more than body size in an ungulate

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    The fasting endurance hypothesis (FEH) predicts strong selection for large body size in mammals living in environments where food supply is interrupted over prolonged periods of time. The Arctic is a highly seasonal and food restricted environment, but contrary to predictions from the FEH, empirical evidence shows that Arctic mammals are often smaller than their temperate conspecifics. Intraspecific studies integrating physiology and behaviour of different‐sized individuals, may shed light on this paradox. We tested the FEH in free‐living Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus). We measured daily energy expenditure (DEE), subcutaneous body temperature (Tsc) and activity levels during the late winter in 14 adult females with body masses ranging from 46.3 to 57.8 kg. Winter energy expenditure (WEE) and fasting endurance (FE) were modelled dynamically by combining these data with body composition measurements of culled individuals at the onset of winter (14 years, n = 140) and variation in activity level throughout winter (10 years, n = 70). Mean DEE was 6.3±0.7 MJ day−1. Lean mass, Tsc and activity had significantly positive effects on DEE. Across all 140 individuals, mean FE was 85±17 days (range 48–137 days). In contrast to the predictions of the FEH, the dominant factor affecting FE was initial fat mass, while body mass and FE were not correlated. Furthermore, lean mass and fat mass were not correlated. FE was on average 80% (45 days) longer in fat than lean individuals of the same size. Reducing activity levels by ~16% or Tsc by ~5% increased FE by 7%, and 4%, respectively. Our results fail to support the FEH. Rather, we demonstrate that (i) the size of fat reserves can be independent of lean mass and body size within a species, (ii) ecological and environmental variation influence FE via their effects on body composition, and (iii) physiological and behavioural adjustments can improve FE within individuals. Altogether, our results suggest that there is a selection in Svalbard reindeer to accumulate body fat, rather than to grow structurally large. he Arctic, activity, biologging, daily energy expenditure, doubly labelled water, intraspecific scaling, subcutaneous body temperature, Svalbard reindeer to accumulate body fat, rather than to grow structurally large. </ol

    Stress responses to repeated captures in a wild ungulate

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    While capture-mark-recapture studies provide essential individual-level data in ecology, repeated captures and handling may impact animal welfare and cause scientific bias. Evaluating the consequences of invasive methodologies should be an integral part of any study involving capture of live animals. We investigated short- and long-term stress responses to repeated captures within a winter on the physiology, behaviour, and reproductive success of female Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus). Short-term responses were evaluated using serum concentrations of glucocorticoids and catecholamines during handling, and post-release recovery times in heart rate and activity levels. Repeated captures were associated with an increase in measured catecholamines and glucocorticoids, except cortisone, and delayed recovery in heart rate but not activity. Four months later, in summer, individuals captured repeatedly in winter exhibited a small increase in behavioural response to human disturbance and had a lower probability of being observed with a calf, compared to animals not captured, or captured only once. Our findings imply that single annual capture events have no significant negative consequences for Svalbard reindeer, but repeated captures within a season may impact offspring survival in the same year. Such unanticipated side effects highlight the importance of addressing multiple indicators of animal responses to repeated captures

    WiseEye: next generation expandable and programmable camera trap platform for wildlife research

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    Funding: The work was supported by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1. The work of S. Newey and RJI was part funded by the Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS). Details published as an Open Source Toolkit, PLOS Journals at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0169758Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Contrasting effects of summer and winter warming onbody mass explain population dynamics in a food-limitedArctic herbivore

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    -The cumulative effects of climate warming on herbivore vital rates and population dynamics are hard to predict, given that the expected effects differ between seasons. In the Arctic, warmer summers enhance plant growth which should lead to heavier and more fertile individuals in the autumn. Conversely, warm spells in winter with rainfall (rain-on-snow) can cause ‘icing’, restricting access to forage, resulting in starvation, lower survival and fecundity. As body condition is a ‘barometer’ of energy demands relative to energy intake, we explored the causes and consequences of variation in body mass of wild female Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) from 1994 to 2015, a period of marked climate warming. Late winter (April) body mass explained 88% of the between-year variation in population growth rate, because it strongly influenced reproductive loss, and hence subsequent fecundity (92%), as well as survival (94%) and recruitment (93%). Autumn (October) body mass affected ovulation rates but did not affect fecundity. April body mass showed no long-term trend (coefficient of variation, CV = 8.8%) and was higher following warm autumn (October) weather, reflecting delays in winter onset, but most strongly, and negatively, related to ‘rain-on-snow’ events. October body mass (CV = 2.5%) increased over the study due to higher plant productivity in the increasingly warm summers. Density-dependent mass change suggested competition for resources in both winter and summer but was less pronounced in recent years, despite an increasing population size. While continued climate warming is expected to increase the carrying capacity of the high Arctic tundra, it is also likely to cause more frequent icing events. Our analyses suggest that these contrasting effects may cause larger seasonal fluctuations in body mass and vital rates. Overall our findings provide an important ‘missing’ mechanistic link in the current understanding of the population biology of a keystone species in a rapidly warming Arctic. Keywords: climate change, density dependence, extreme events, icing, nutrition, primary production, Rangifer, reindeer, Svalbard, weathe