302 research outputs found

    RF test benches for electron cloud studies

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    In the framework of the CERN program on the electron cloud effects in existing and future accelerators, a coaxial multipacting test stand was built. It consists of a 100 mm diameter vacuum chamber forming the outer conductor and 6 wires cage-aerial-type as the inner conductor. In order to simulate the bunched beam, this test stand is submitted to short RF pulses. The available field strength in a travelling wave mode allows to trigger electron multipacting in as received or baked stainless steel surfaces, but not in chambers treated to reduce the secondary emission yield. Thus a number of upgrades in the bench set-up have been pursued, mainly in two directions. The first one is a general improvement on mismatches and losses. Second, instead of dumping the pulsed power into a load, it is re-circulated in a multiple frequency ring resonator. For this purpose, we designed a directional coupler with several kV DC isolation, very low transmission losses and a four octave bandwidth. In this paper, we give an overview of the present status of the set-up highlighting the latest improvements

    Improvement of floor tile feet

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    Innovation, design, implementation of new technologies and awareness for the environment and society, is the basis of this project, which aims to provide an alternative to an existing product, giving it added value, generating energy cleanly and storing for reuse. The development of this project has been continuously linked to the need of using piezoelectric transducers to produce energy harvesting from the footsteps. This project started from an existing support, so we had to make a preliminary study of the needs required. And a comprehensive study of new technologies already existing, materials to use, as well as design and production according to the needs of the company. During development of the project, have been designed four types of supports with subsequent analysis to see which one best to satisfy our purpose. In this way solutions have been addressed to achieve the best outcome, whether by design, by the choice of elements and their colocation or the set of all.Ingeniería Técnica IndustrialIndustria Ingeniaritza Tekniko

    Parekatutako hiru etxebizitzen obra jarraipena/Tafalla (Nafarroa)

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    Gradu amaierako proiektua, Tafallan (Nafarroa) eraikitzen hasiko diren atxikitutako hiru etxebizitzen obra jarraipenean datza Gradu amaierako lan honen helburu nagusia da, obra bukatzerakoan egiten den obra amaierako proiektuaren kasuan bezala, arkitekto teknikoak kontrolatu behar dituen lau bloke nagusien hausnarketa egitea: Obra jarraipena, Kalitate kontrola, Osasun eta Segurtasun azterketa eta Kontrol ekonomikoa

    Measurements and calibration of the stripline BPM for the ELI-NP facility with the stretched wire method

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    A methodology has been developed to perform electrical characterization of the stripline BPMs for the future Gamma Beam System of ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. Several prototype units are extensively benchmarked and the results are presented in this paper. The BPM sensitivity function is determined using a uniquely designed motorized test bench with a stretched wire to measure the BPM response map. Here, the BPM feedthroughs are connected to Libera Brilliance electronics and the wire is fed by continuous wave signal, while the two software-controlled motors provide horizontal and vertical motion of the BPM around the wire. The electrical offset is obtained using S-parameter measurements with a Network Analyzer (via the “Lambertson” method) and is referenced to the mechanical offse

    Analysis and design of a vertical axis wind turbine

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    The main objective of this project is to design a new vertical axis wind turbine, specifically one Giromill wind turbine. The project development requires performing a previous study of the vertical axis wind turbines currently development. This study has to be performed before starting to design the wind turbine. Other very important aim is the development of a new vertical axis wind turbine. The after analyses that will result in the final design of the wind turbine will be made from this first design. The project requires performing the analysis of efforts and the analysis of performance. These analyses will be made with the help of the softwares Gambit and Fluent. The final design of the vertical axis wind turbine will be made from the results obtained in these analyses. Finally the main objective of this project is the design of the vertical axis wind turbine based on the results obtained in the analysis of efforts and performance performed on the first design of the wind turbine. This final design will be carried out with SolidWorks.Ingeniería Técnica IndustrialIndustria Ingeniaritza Tekniko

    Primeros auxilios en la escuela: diseño del proyecto de enseñanza: ¿cómo podemos ayudar ante un accidente?

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    En el presente trabajo se presenta una propuesta de enseñanza dirigida a alumnos de tercer ciclo de la etapa de Educación Primaria. Con esta propuesta se persigue el desarrollar un conocimiento básico sobre primeros auxilios, un contenido científico,que normalmente se trabaja de forma muy superficial en las aulas. Además, se pretende con su aplicación que los estudiantes sean capaces de conocer y prevenir las situaciones de riesgo más comunes. Para diseñar esta propuesta se ha elegido metodología investigativa marcada por el aprendizaje cooperativo y participativo de losalumnos. Esta metodología de trabajo se basa en la búsqueda y el análisis de información científica por parte de los alumnos que se lleva a la práctica con las actividades consiguiendo el desarrollo del espíritu crítico de los alumnos. El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo comenzando con una revisión bibliográfica sobre la enseñanza de las ciencias y la revisión de la normativa vigente de enseñanza en relación a los primeros auxilios.This work presents a proposal of education directed to thirdcycle primary students.This proposal has the aim of developbasic items about first aid, a scientist content which isusually workedina superficial way.In addition,is intended that students are ableto know and prevent frequently risksituations. This didactic proposal has been planned with an investigative methodology based on a cooperative and participatory learning. This methodology isbased on thesearch and analysisscience informationby the students. The students practice it across the activities developing their critical thinking. This work started with a bibliographicreviewabout science teaching andthe revision of thecurrent teaching regulationsrelated to first aid.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari